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father executes son for molesting daughter

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Do you have kids?

Are you actually insane? (not depressed, not disturbed.)

...if not, then keep your uninformed opinion to yourself, 'cause, you don't know. (period)

Further it is an outright insult to anyone whom HAS had a bout with the insanity for you to assume, or presume what is & isn't "what a crazy would do".

PLENTY of peoples brought a weapon...crazy lasts a bit longer than a car ride.

(edited for civility)

Umm I was talking about the legal definition of insanity Rev. Because the man brought a gun, that shows premeditation which would I believe exclude him from pleading insanity. This case has absolutely nothing to do with mental illness in my opinion.

And frankly I still think you were being quite rude.

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Umm I was talking about the legal definition of insanity Rev. Because the man brought a gun, that shows premeditation which would I believe exclude him from pleading insanity. This case has absolutely nothing to do with mental illness in my opinion.

And frankly I still think you were being quite rude.

The fact that he admits to knowing that he did something wrong is the only thing a court of law needs to be able to throw the insanity bullshit out the window. And that's law.

If you try to hide a body, turn yourself in, admit to any wrongdoing, feel remorse at all for your actions then you CANNOT plead insanity, legally, by law.

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Umm I was talking about the legal definition of insanity Rev. Because the man brought a gun, that shows premeditation which would I believe exclude him from pleading insanity. This case has absolutely nothing to do with mental illness in my opinion.

You obviously never witnessed someone in the fits of depraved actions, that they THINK are the correct course of action, where, the rest of us would call said action imploreable if in possession of a right mind...there is a point where the mind breaks, & if you want to think that for a second, being able to slay one's own child, for whatever reason, is on THIS SIDE of that break; you may think that, you may hold it as your opinion, but, please, refrain from sharing, because, you know not what you speak of.

And frankly I still think you were being quite rude.

...& frankly, this time, in this case...I don't give a damn if you think so.

...'cause, there are PLENTY of peoples that were CLEARLY insane (permanently) that thought out a WHOLE LOT of shit...wanna' list? Hitler, Napoleon, Caligula, Qin Shi Huang....the list goes ON, & ON, & ON.....

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...'cause, there are PLENTY of peoples that were CLEARLY insane (permanently) that thought out a WHOLE LOT of shit...wanna' list? Hitler, Napoleon, Caligula, Qin Shi Huang....the list goes ON, & ON, & ON.....

And you are right. That is why the legal definition of insanity and requirements wherewith for qualifying for the insanity defense are whack. Because the government isn't interested in protecting people with chronic issues. Tits was pointing to the legal definition, not what persons with mental illnesses can or can not do.

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Which one of you thinks that you would not be temporarily wacko if you found out your child, your little baby girl.. Was getting violated?!?!?!!!!!

I know I would not be able to hold back if my little daughter were molested... even if it was by my own son... I would loose it.. I'm sure.

How can you keep your wits about yourself at that point??? Can you imagine your little daughter being fucked & not flipping??

I would venture to say that anyone who was in this guys situation would be temporarily insane... & Temporary is not necessarily just for a short moment.. It could be many hours, or days.

Anyone here who has been suicidal should understand temporary insanity :dry:

Besides the fact that I don't blame the dude.. I would have shot the little fuck too :verymad:

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OMG and Rev. I understand your point, but for others it may be harder to grasp if you haven't been put in situations that would allow you to think about it. I was scared shitless something would happen to the nephew. (Story I can't post) I came up with crazy plans in my head for how to deal with the fucker (no evidence of misconduct or a direct person that is aimed at- before I joined DGN and only 1 person on here has met my family), but to the best of my knowledge he has been safe. He's exhibiting some signs that I worry about recently.

Man, you don't wanna know what it feels like to think someone would do that to your child, but to knowwould have ended my future.

*I put lots of disclosures in statement.

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Do you have kids?

Are you actually insane? (not depressed, not disturbed.)

...if not, then keep your uninformed opinion to yourself, 'cause, you don't know. (per

See, I took this part as Rev. stating that he understood from an insane point of view, because he himself feels insane (at times). It's hard for someone else to understand said insanity. (I took it that way instead of being offended, because I am insane- in my own way) That's why I'm not offended and because I'd have gone bonkers for days over that. Perhaps it would have sent me to a looney bin for the rest of my life, mostly because I would have killed someone to save my nephew.

Edited by AstralCrux
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Personally, I think insanity, at least the formal definition of it, is the wrong term for what happened here. I do, however, understand the father claiming that he wasn't in his right mind.

Not only was he processing the fact that his daughter, who is still a child, was raped, but he was processing the fact that his son was a rapist. That has to make one feel like a complete failure as a parent. I've seen the way people here condemn child molesters and alleged child molesters...Imagine that the child molester was not only someone close to you, but someone for whom you were partially responsible for. Imagine that you brought a child into the world who turned out to be a rapist/child molester. I, for one, can understand how that notion could make someone flip out.

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See, I took this part as Rev. stating that he understood from an insane point of view, because he himself feels insane (at times). It's hard for someone else to understand said insanity. (I took it that way instead of being offended, because I am insane- in my own way) That's why I'm not offended and because I'd have gone bonkers for days over that. Perhaps it would have sent me to a looney bin for the rest of my life, mostly because I would have killed someone to save my nephew.

I don't 'feel' insane....though in the past, I have suffered from the condition...yeah, I tried to peel my face off with my finger nails...tried to kill myself with a brick wall, a brick, drugs...

..yeah, I know THAT PLACE...

Personally, I think insanity, at least the formal definition of it, is the wrong term for what happened here. I do, however, understand the father claiming that he wasn't in his right mind.

Not only was he processing the fact that his daughter, who is still a child, was raped, but he was processing the fact that his son was a rapist. That has to make one feel like a complete failure as a parent. I've seen the way people here condemn child molesters and alleged child molesters...Imagine that the child molester was not only someone close to you, but someone for whom you were partially responsible for. Imagine that you brought a child into the world who turned out to be a rapist/child molester. I, for one, can understand how that notion could make someone flip out.


...all I was trying to say, is that if someone could go through ALL THAT, & even resemble sane...they are not sane to begin with...seriously. (no joke)

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...all I was trying to say, is that if someone could go through ALL THAT, & even resemble sane...they are not sane to begin with...seriously. (no joke)

I thoroughly agree there. If I were in that father's situation, I do not know how I would handle the emotional devastation; unfortunately for him, the law as it written, does jack-shit to protect him on an insanity defense. IMO, the insanity defense requirements are not written to protect those who have acted violently in response to extreme emotional distress, nor to assist those with genuine chronic conditions, but instead to punish those who have been caught red-handed and may want to resort, falsely, to such defense. The effectiveness record of the defense is abysmal, largely, I think, because the public demand for retribution of crimes committed is far greater than the desire for rehabilitation, even in the case of people who genuinely need psychiatric help. I think the insanity defense is a trap and that is why the requirements are so whack. If the defense did what it is purported to do, the father would have a chance in hell here; he doesn't.

I don't agree with what the father did, though I understand it all too well.

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Pinkney's confrontation with his son came a day after the 3-year-old underwent an examination at Children's Hospital of Michigan. Results of the exam haven't been released, but the teen's mother said they indicated her son "had molested" the girl. The Associated Press is not naming the girl or detailing her relationship to the teen to avoid identifying a victim of sexual assault.

Lazette Cherry testified Tuesday that her son talked to her about his contact with the girl after her exam. Cherry said her son called his father about 3 a.m.

"Daddy, can you please forgive me in your heart, forgive what I did?" she quoted Jamar Pinkney Jr. as asking his father.

The mother said the elder Pinkney agreed to come to the house later to talk further. Cherry's sister, Yolanda Cherry, testified that Jamar Pinkney Sr. arrived about 10 a.m.

Yolanda Cherry said she and her sister talked about getting help for the teen, while Pinkney Sr. said he spoke with the 3-year-old's mother and she wanted to press charges.

So was the child molestation alleged? If so, it could be possible that the boy just admitted to it to get his father to stop beating him. And even if it was true, it doesn't give the father the right to take the law into his own hands.

The son confirmed the molestation verbally previous to his father's arrival to the house. (see above bold sections) At 3 am the son had a conversation with the father and Pinkney Sr. didn't arrive at the house until 10 am. That's 7 hours later.


"I humped (the girl)," the teen replied. "I need counseling."

That's the statement that would have brought me over the edge. But, God knows what other foul things he said to his father about the circumstances. I'd hate to think he gave details about the molestation. *shudder*

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