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Prescription pill Advertisements on tv


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:devil I will never understand these commercials that advertise medicines that will cure the problem that you have or at least releive some of the problems. What I have noticed about some of these ads is they make it look like you are having a great time enjoying life and having a ball. I personally know several close friends and relatives that are not celebrating their recovery they are still worried that the health problem thay had might come back to haunt them in the long run. If I myself had a serious health condition and had to use prescription pills to get rid of the problem; your not going to see me jumping up and down yelling hip hip hurray!! What worries me is the side affects that these drugs cause witch some of them are very serious even life threatning. Its like whats worse the problem your trying to cure;or the side affects of the drugs?!! Here is an example Vioxx> they sure did'nt do enough research!! Another example: is those Enzyte commercials for guys who can't get a woody: Yeah their funny; especially when they say that Bob is happy dude because he can raise the flag more often. " This Is Bob; Bob got a hard on after taking Enzyte and now Bob is a happy guy" So they give this dude a big huge happy happy smile for these drug commercials to make everyone think that when you take this drug you will get a woody almost right away! I understand that there are people who have this problem and need to take drugs to help them out but sooner or later without enough research; there will be a side affect that can be life threatning. Beware of commercials that advertise RX drugs that will help you get better because the side affects have not been fully understood. Bob may not be happy later on in life.

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Doctors can be just as bad.. I can't tell you howmany times I've had a drug pushed on me by a doctor, tried it, and had a horrible experience, or stopped the drug on my own due to side effects... Ugh....

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Doctors can be just as bad.. I can't tell you howmany times I've had a drug pushed on me by a doctor, tried it, and had a horrible experience, or stopped the drug on my own due to side effects... Ugh....


:devil My point exact; I don't trust doctors either Nienna.

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Yeah their funny; especially when they say that Bob is  happy dude because he can raise the flag more often.


Damn u say some funny ass shit some time bro. Raise the flag LOL. Too bad they dont have vicodin commercials they could I'd personally do em show DC earlier in the night b4 he takes one then later in the night. So some RX drugs aren't all that bad just they do glamorize em especially the anti-depressants which personally never did shit for me I just try to have a good time in life thats my anti-depressant. Alcohol too is a good anti-depressant even tho it falls in the depressants category.

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Damn u say some funny ass shit some time bro.  Raise the flag LOL.  Too bad they dont have vicodin commercials they could I'd personally do em show DC earlier in the night b4 he takes one then later in the night.  So some RX drugs aren't all that bad just they do glamorize em especially the anti-depressants which personally never did shit for me I just try to have a good time in life thats my anti-depressant.  Alcohol too is a good anti-depressant even tho it falls in the depressants category.


Hehe, im a happy drunk myself, unlike others I never get violent or extremely angry, its totally opposite for me. Once again thanx for the vic man, that defintely got me having a good time. Say would ya have more this week? :wink

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Damn u say some funny ass shit some time bro.  Raise the flag LOL.  Too bad they dont have vicodin commercials they could I'd personally do em show DC earlier in the night b4 he takes one then later in the night.  So some RX drugs aren't all that bad just they do glamorize em especially the anti-depressants which personally never did shit for me I just try to have a good time in life thats my anti-depressant.  Alcohol too is a good anti-depressant even tho it falls in the depressants category.


:devil got any Desoxins

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I'm living proof that it goes both ways.

I am on Zyrtec, and a commercial featuring me would show an extremely happy, functional human being now that I'm on the drug. Before Zyrtec, I was limited, and miserable.

But a commercial showing me on Prilosec would show a woman acid-reflux free - but suffering near debilitating, mind-fucking depression and other more rarely cited side-effects.

Thank goodness my husband thought to check the side-effects of the meds I was on and get me off of the Prilosec - but only after a couple of actual hair-pulling-out-falling-to-the-floor-screaming episodes that were anything but pretty.

Coincidentally, I was just reading an older copy of Consumer Reports yesterday. An article about deceptive advertisements used by drug companies. Typically the "deception" was nothing more than having a "too busy" commercial while the side effects were being stated. When called on it, the companies typically pulled the commercials and came out with better ones.

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My absolute favorite is the commercial for the drug that fixes your depression yet lists diarhea, nausea and vomiting, frequent nose bleeds and loss of hair or a decrease in libido as possible side effects.

What in fuck is more saddening and hopeless then shitting yourself or throwing it up if it doesn't get that far, having blood surging from your face while your hair lays in piles on the floor around you and then you can't even get an orgasm to put yourself at ease for a moment??!

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My Doctor prescribed me Allesse-28 which says right on the warnings, DO NOT TAKE with Benzodopomines....Xanax...Wellbutrin...etc....she prescibed me both Xanax and Wellbutrin.....No wonder my liver hurt, and my eyes yellowed, and I went insane in the brain for a few days!

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I found out after the fact that alot of the drugs I've been on fairly recently have depression as a side effect, but my doctor never told me. It cost me a few friends, at least 1 relationship, and nearly my life before I figured it out... I'm very wairy these days..

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Benzodiazopines are very addictive and dangerous ativan xanax clonopin valium are of the most prescribed wellbutrin isn't a benzo tho so its safe. Both wifeypoo and gf take benzos for 17 yrs its ruined their lives.

My Doctor prescribed me Allesse-28 which says right on the warnings, DO NOT TAKE with Benzodopomines....Xanax...Wellbutrin...etc....she prescibed me both Xanax and Wellbutrin.....No wonder my liver hurt, and my eyes yellowed, and I went insane in the brain for a few days!

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Here is an example Vioxx> they sure did'nt do enough research!! 


It's tricky to define 'enough' research. Do not forgot all the people that Vioxx helped and were not at risk.

Just so you know... Bob doesn;t have a problem getting a woody. Enzyte isn't a drug to help you get a woody. Pay a little bit closer attention to what is said is those commercials. Enzyte makes your penis BIGGER.


Not only that, but Enzyte is NOT a prescription drug. It's an 'herbal supplement'.

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My absolute favorite is the commercial for the drug that fixes your depression yet lists diarhea, nausea and vomiting, frequent nose bleeds and loss of hair or a decrease in libido as possible side effects.

What in fuck is more saddening and hopeless then shitting yourself or throwing it up if it doesn't get that far, having blood surging from your face while your hair lays in piles on the floor around you and then you can't even get an orgasm to put yourself at ease for a moment??!


Lol I wondered the same thing too. Whut is actually worst, Having depression or shitting ya self to oblivion and losing hair at the same time. Sorry to say but I think i'll stick with depression than be like (Yippie im so happy, wheeee!!!! *while sitting on the toilet making nasty spurts sounds and hair falling to the ground*)


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I had serious reactions to prescrips that were supposed to be saving my life. In the long run they made me sicker. Bentyl almost gave me a heart attack. It was prescribed for gut spasms that were making me too ill to eat or sleep. I actually had pain down my left arm and left side of my chest before quitting. I use pot for the spasms now.

:devil I will never understand these commercials that advertise medicines that will cure the problem that you have or at least releive some of the problems. What I have noticed about some of these ads is they make it look like you are having a great time enjoying life and having a ball.  I personally know several close friends and relatives that are not celebrating their recovery they are still worried that the health problem thay had might come back to haunt them in the  long run. If I myself had a serious  health condition and had to use prescription pills to get rid of the problem; your not going to see me jumping up and down yelling hip hip hurray!!  What worries me is the side affects that these drugs cause witch some of them are very serious even life threatning. Its like whats worse the problem your trying to cure;or the side affects of the drugs?!!  Here is an example Vioxx> they sure did'nt do enough research!!  Another example: is those Enzyte commercials for guys who can't get a woody: Yeah their funny; especially when they say that Bob is  happy dude because he can raise the flag more often. " This Is Bob; Bob got a hard on after taking Enzyte and now Bob is a happy guy" So they give this dude a big huge happy happy smile for these drug commercials to make everyone think that when you take this drug you will get a woody almost right away! I understand that there are people who have this problem and need to take drugs to help them out but sooner or later without enough research; there will be a side affect that can be life threatning. Beware of commercials that advertise RX drugs that will help you get better because the side affects have not been fully understood. Bob may not be happy later on in life.

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only way i'll ever go back to a doctor is if i'm bleeding profusely, or have broken a bone or twelve, etc... depression, colds, flu, infections, etc... i'll take care of myself, thank you very much... i greatly dislike/distrust western medicine/doctors, and have yet to try any other forms/styles... :erm

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I don't like drug commercials because I think it tends to make us all a bunch of hypochondriacs. They list all these symptoms which will make people start thinking "hey!! thats me me I must have whatever!" When It may just be something passing.

I also think that alot of Drs are just drug pushers. I would rather try other means of help: like alternative meds, aroma therapy, message therapy, chiropractic therapy. If those don't work then go for the chemicals.

While I'm on the Soap Box...I don't like how Drs perscribe expensive name brand meds. and just so you know. they can write the script for "as is" i think is the phrase and the pharmacist will tell you there is no generic available. Also, drs get a kick back from drug reps for perscribing name brand drugs. They don't get $$ but they get gifts and what not.

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Unfortunately I had a rough week and took the other 99. Maybe next month.

Hehe, im a happy drunk myself, unlike others I never get violent or extremely angry, its totally opposite for me. Once again thanx for the vic man, that defintely got me having a good time. Say would ya have more this week? :wink

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While I'm on the Soap Box...I don't like how Drs perscribe expensive name brand meds.  and just so you know. they can write the script for "as is" i think is the phrase and the pharmacist will tell you there is no generic available.  Also, drs get a kick back from drug reps for perscribing name brand drugs.  They don't get $$ but they get gifts and what not.


Yep. My doctor used to do this so much I didn't even know that half of my drugs were available in generic! and I had no insurance so was spending around $1000 a month for everything they said I needed!

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Damn u say some funny ass shit some time bro.  Raise the flag LOL.  Too bad they dont have vicodin commercials they could I'd personally do em show DC earlier in the night b4 he takes one then later in the night.  So some RX drugs aren't all that bad just they do glamorize em especially the anti-depressants which personally never did shit for me I just try to have a good time in life thats my anti-depressant.  Alcohol too is a good anti-depressant even tho it falls in the depressants category.


I think we are the Vicodin whores! :laughing

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