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Should we ban fast food near schools?

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Yes. First they ban smoking in most public places. For our health of course. Now they ban flavored cigarettes. For our health of course. They're discussing banning fast food restaurants near schools. For our health of course. It is a slippery slope. Soon, they will be telling us what we can and cannot eat. Actually, it's already started ...

Really? Because trans fat is banned from restaurants. I agreed with the legislation which stated that restaurants must disclose the ingredients and let the patrons decide. But apparently that wasn't good enough. They had to go and ban trans fat outright. For our health of course.

i mostly agree, but name one good thing about trans-fat. i mean, what/who is it harming to ban it? it's a man-made chemically-altered fat, and from what i've heard/read, it has very little to recommend it.

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Stories like this really piss me off.

Kids wouldn't flock to the fast food joints if they're parents raised them properly; to make responsible choices for themselves.

What's next ? Are we going to be told what we can and can't eat ?

Regulating stuff like where restauraunts can be located, is just wrong.

It doesn't matter, persay, what kind of food you eat, if you don't lead a physically active life; i.e: sittin on the couch doing nothing, then you will get fat due to inactivity.

Restaurant owners should not be held responsible for the poor food choices and or behavior of their patrons. Adults should be able to decide for themselves what to eat, and parents should influence their kids' choices where they can.

No, it does NOT matter what you eat...I know fat vegetarians!

...on another note...I find it funny when peoples with no kids blame kids up-bringing...

..sometimes, kids ARE JUST DOUCHEBAGS...at certain ages, they just are...they will to rebel...it is the 'way' of us humans...even back to Greek Myth...Zeus killed his father.

..not startin' a fight with the un-childered, just statin' the facts...well, the view my eye sends...

i mostly agree, but name one good thing about trans-fat. i mean, what/who is it harming to ban it? it's a man-made chemically-altered fat, and from what i've heard/read, it has very little to recommend it.

...um, it tastes good...

.....how about they ban, beer...what good is beer? other than to fuck you up?

The CHOICE to eat poison is a CHOICE...you take away choices...it's just another way of telling you what to do...

The Word Of Sin, Is Restriction.

A.E.Crowley (Liber Al Vel Legis)

Edited by Rev.Reverence
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.....how about they ban, beer...what good is beer? other than to fuck you up?

The CHOICE to eat poison is a CHOICE...you take away choices...it's just another way of telling you what to do...

but beer *does have redeeming qualities... carbs, protein, and in moderation, some health benefits - "No matter what type of ale you prefer, studies show that drinking beer in moderation (up to 2 drinks a day for us guys) can and will reduce your chances of strokes, as well as heart and vascular disease."

i've yet to find anything like that about man-made trans-fat. (apparently, there are some naturally-occuring trans-fats, but i've not found much about them, other than they are found mostly in animal fats.


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but beer *does have redeeming qualities... carbs, protein, and in moderation, some health benefits - "No matter what type of ale you prefer, studies show that drinking beer in moderation (up to 2 drinks a day for us guys) can and will reduce your chances of strokes, as well as heart and vascular disease."

i've yet to find anything like that about man-made trans-fat. (apparently, there are some naturally-occuring trans-fats, but i've not found much about them, other than they are found mostly in animal fats.


...excellent evidence, but, I prefer wine...& you are ignoring my point.

When you say, "NO." to one thing, you are essentially telling someone "Yes." to another thing...

...this, is wrong...this is what is wrong with the world...that, & peoples worrying about what other peoples are doin' & not havin' their own shit in line...

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...excellent evidence, but, I prefer wine...& you are ignoring my point.

When you say, "NO." to one thing, you are essentially telling someone "Yes." to another thing...

...this, is wrong...this is what is wrong with the world...that, & peoples worrying about what other peoples are doin' & not havin' their own shit in line...

no, i completely get your point, and i agree, for the most part. i'm kind of playing devil's advocate here, but there are certain things that simply shouldn't be allowed for teh general welfare - for example, lots of people want pot legalized, but that's a slippery slope as well, for, if it's legalized, why not make *all* drugs legal? well, in my opinion, some of them like heroine and crystal meth have no redeeming qualitites to them. (i'm sure some would disagree, and some would list other drugs.) point is, we currently don't allow free choice in certain areas, for the general welfare, so why should this be any different? ebcause it doesn't kill you as quickly? because fast food doesn't make you high? what kind of a reason is that? do you see my point? i hope so! :)

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no, i completely get your point, and i agree, for the most part. i'm kind of playing devil's advocate here, but there are certain things that simply shouldn't be allowed for teh general welfare - for example, lots of people want pot legalized, but that's a slippery slope as well, for, if it's legalized, why not make *all* drugs legal? well, in my opinion, some of them like heroine and crystal meth have no redeeming qualitites to them. (i'm sure some would disagree, and some would list other drugs.) point is, we currently don't allow free choice in certain areas, for the general welfare, so why should this be any different? ebcause it doesn't kill you as quickly? because fast food doesn't make you high? what kind of a reason is that? do you see my point? i hope so! :)

...um...how about the only difference between heroin & trans fat that I see is that heroin can & does kill you even the first time you use it in some cases...I see your point, but there are countries where heroin is legal, & they don't seem to have the problem that we do...

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...um...how about the only difference between heroin & trans fat that I see is that heroin can & does kill you even the first time you use it in some cases...I see your point, but there are countries where heroin is legal, & they don't seem to have the problem that we do...

Making things that people really, really want illegal generally causes way more problems than the thing itself would cause with all things being equal... heroin and prostitution are the classic examples.

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Well, I brought the topic of a child's upbringing, because the parents are the child's 1st teachers, and often have the largest influence on the creation of the child's mindset.

If they're taught from an early age to make better choices, then there's a good chance they will opt towards less unhealthy foods.

If they bring their lunch from home, and the parents make something that the child likes to eat, then they won't go down the street for it.

I realize that a lot of parents can't keep their eyes on their kids every second of every day.

However, if they instill the right mentality in them, then the kid will be more likely to make better choices.

There are some parents in this country that don't pay any attention to what their kids eat, and then blame the restaurant when their kids get fat.

If they ban locating restaurants in certain places, that affects not only the kids whom they're trying to "protect", but it takes away the choice from the adult, of eating at a restaurant that may be in a convenient location for the adult.

I also recognize that I myself don't have kids, so if any views I express, come/came off as condescending in any way, I'm sorry.

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The talking heads have reported on last nights news that studies are showing that considering what's in the food at schools (and I quote) "....that eating fast food would be healthier for children than eating food served in school cafeteria's." *!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?*

I think the media does more flip flopping than any politician I can think of.

Does anyone remember how life was when people could just eat food and live without the constant "health warnings" thrown in our faces????

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If they ban locating restaurants in certain places, that affects not only the kids whom they're trying to "protect", but it takes away the choice from the adult, of eating at a restaurant that may be in a convenient location for the adult.

It seems it is far more important to law makers to take away citizen's rights based on short term "studies" than to allow people to choose for themselves.

And American's are letting these law makers (along with the lobbiests) to continue chopping away at our freedoms.

1984 my friends.................welcome to it.

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It seems it is far more important to law makers to take away citizen's rights based on short term "studies" than to allow people to choose for themselves.

And American's are letting these law makers (along with the lobbiests) to continue chopping away at our freedoms.

1984 my friends.................welcome to it.

:dry: Shit, & I was hopin' fer a Brave New World.

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Well, I brought the topic of a child's upbringing, because the parents are the child's 1st teachers, and often have the largest influence on the creation of the child's mindset.

If they're taught from an early age to make better choices, then there's a good chance they will opt towards less unhealthy foods.

If they bring their lunch from home, and the parents make something that the child likes to eat, then they won't go down the street for it.

I realize that a lot of parents can't keep their eyes on their kids every second of every day.

However, if they instill the right mentality in them, then the kid will be more likely to make better choices.

There are some parents in this country that don't pay any attention to what their kids eat, and then blame the restaurant when their kids get fat.

If they ban locating restaurants in certain places, that affects not only the kids whom they're trying to "protect", but it takes away the choice from the adult, of eating at a restaurant that may be in a convenient location for the adult.

I also recognize that I myself don't have kids, so if any views I express, come/came off as condescending in any way, I'm sorry.

As a parent Yes I am my childs first teacher. I have done the best I can with my children, yes they eat healthy at home. And make decent choises but when they are out with their friends do you really think a BAG LUNCH I make for them is gonna cut it when the rest of their friends are eatting a McD's Hamburgers? and theres nothing wrong with that in my book... as long as its in moderation. Kids are gonna be kids no matter what you teach them.

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Kids are gonna be kids no matter what you teach them.

Very true, but my main point is that Forcing people to make healthier food choices with legislation is wrong.

Taking freedom away is UN-American.

Why should I have a choice taken away from me, just because kids choose to make bad choices?

Punishing the population as a whole, for the poor choices of a few, is wrong.

I personally don't eat fast food, but I believe I should have the choice of eating it or not. Legislating things like location of a restaurant, is wrong.

If kids choose to eat Mickey D's, and consequentially get fat as a result of Their choice, that is Not Mickey D's fault.

Edited by creatureofthenyte
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Very true, but my main point is that Forcing people to make healthier food choices with legislation is wrong.

Taking freedom away is UN-American.

Why should I have a choice taken away from me, just because kids choose to make bad choices?

Punishing the population as a whole, for the poor choices of a few, is wrong.

I personally don't eat fast food, but I believe I should have the choice of eating it or not. Legislating things like location of a restaurant, is wrong.

If kids choose to eat Mickey D's, and consequentially get fat as a result of Their choice, that is Not Mickey D's fault.

And I agree its not the resturants fault but you can't just blame the parents either.... yes I know we have some no so bright ones out there thinking they can make a quick buck by blaming the resturants and such.... but isnt that on everything and not just food?

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