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DGN Night at CC, December 5th aftermath

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Please explain in detail why you feel the music blew... Thanks

In all honesty, I love the stompy stuff once I'm into it, but there was not nearly enough of the lyrical and more synth-pop stuff. Radio music especially is a bit of a turn off. City Club used to be known for playing eclectic and new music, and I just don't feel that the set from Saturday lived up to that.

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I am just speaking my opinion and this by no means reflects the opinion of anyone else.

I know that most people request the same songs over and over, when those songs get played other people claim that those songs are overplayed. But yet people only seem to dance to those same songs. At one point those songs were new and people were complaining about too much "new stuff" being played.

I know for myself that I try to introduce newer stuff into my sets so that way it opens up people at the clubs musical variety. I know not everyone is going to like every song, I understand that. I just wish that people would be more open to different types.

I hate to say it, but "the scene" is changing, along with that change, music changes. Artists that people really enjoyed dancing to 10-15 yrs ago are rarely if any putting on newer tracks.

Once again, this is just my opinion and my opinion only, I by no means intend to offend or upset or direct this at any one person or group of people.


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In defense of the DJ's...

Truth be told, a lot of the audience is to blame, far more than the DJ's

I've spoken at length with Jon Noble who has said for YEARS he has tried to introduce some new things, and it clears the dance floor EVERY time. It doesn't matter how good it is, if it's not one of the same 20 bands people have been danceturbating to for their entire adolescent/adult life, they won't have it. The only exceptions are really poppy sounding stuff, and stuff like Combichrist which is so popular that everybody who wants to be anybody will be a good little individual and jump though the hoop for it.


Because the whole goth industrial idea, in the past, was almost entirely, ENFUCKIN'TIRELY about the arts. And now it is ENFUCKIN'TIRELY NOT NOT NOT about the arts.

In years past, people liked the new raw stuff, people loved to see all the crazy shit people wore to the clubs, people loved the visuals in all forms, the philosophy, and all of the different NEW bands. Look at Skinny Puppy fans 15 years ago; complete fucking freaks with all manner of creativity and bizzare ideas. This is what their show was like in Chicago a few years ago. I liked the crowd, better than I liked the show. The show a few weeks ago in Royal Oak was moderately full, and had maybe 12 people total dressed up to even the slightest extent. Literally, people standing in line were looking at me like an almighty gothical Jehovah on earth because of a few fucking feathers. If it weren't for Chernobyl, Pestilence and a few others I would have felt out of place... at a Skinny Puppy concert.

Bottom line, a lot of the people around here don't give a fat flying fuck-trickle about any artistic value, and I'm not saying you have to, but that element is certainly gone at least from city club. It is not important anymore, but here's what is;

People are lonely, and they know these things are very true;

If you are a girl and decide to not wear much to the club- YOU WILL GET A SHIT LOAD OF ATTENTION.

If you are a d00d and you give that chick who is not wearing much some attention SHE WILL PRETEND TO LIKE YOU.

You will see boobs every damned week

You will see the same fucking people week after week.

You will feel like you have friends until 4:30 AM

You will feel like you are a part of some weak low integrity movement

You will eventually get your dick wet

You will dance to the same songs as you have for a full decade and someone will think "wow, they're totally with the scene"

You will find someone to waste your time and talent with by burning the years away on a fucking x-box

You will always wonder why the people in their 30's and 40's look cross eyed at you when you are competing for attention.

A lot of the people who are interested in the arts are rarely seen out, and places like the DGN poetry and music forums and some of the circus/performance events are the only outlets for related arts and those are often time not taken seriously.

I see photographers as a rare breed, the musicians on here, I give all manner of respect to because you at least get off your asses and try. To the poets and painters/sculptors, who really love their art, I'm sorry that there's little love for you around here. But quite frankly cityclub and the whole "scene" in Detroit is a big social club and white trash fashion show.

That's great if that's what you need and I'm not saying there's a problem with that. You do have to consider the necessity of introducing new stuff and can't really complain if you insist on nothing but the same 15 year old songs week after week. In a place like this, part of a DJ's job is to bring new stuff out. If you don't like it, sit at home and play your ancient, worn out Siouxie cassette tapes. If you're just showing up for the party to ogle, get laid and drink yourself retarded, and have no concern for musical integrity at all, hold your tongue if they don't play your favorite uber-processed drivel. Believe me, you will hear it often for the next 15 years.

Until people around Detroit realize that you have to go somewhere that is not a club for any sort of artistic appreciation to take place, get used to panzermench, 18 year old naked attention whores, and 22 year old virgin sex addicts sloshing around in a puddle of their own drool.

Music appreciation will only be dependent on if it's a moldy oldie, or if it's easy to bop around to when you're drunk.

The arts are not here, they have left the building.

I laugh at the fact that years ago I used to get all excited about City Club thinking, "Wow, I'm going to hear lots of new stuff and maybe find some musicians!!!!

To Void 6 and DJ Saint (and all of the other CC DJ's, Thanks for all the new stuff you guys have tried at CC over the years. The amount of music all of you DJ's know is unfathomable to me, but at least I know that.


Coming soon- why the FANS are often to blame for any decline in music and it's appreciation.

Nicely put. I always enjoy reading your commentary on the scene Mean Sally.

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