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City Club needs to be cleaned.


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It's a shame that City Club is pretty much the only goth club to go to on Saturday nights, as I can't go there without feeling grimy and yucky. Is that place ever cleaned? They need to pour bleach on everything. I had a bunch of garbage, and I asked the bartenders where I could throw it away. He said "Just throw it on the floor." Niiiice.

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It's a shame that City Club is pretty much the only goth club to go to on Saturday nights, as I can't go there without feeling grimy and yucky. Is that place ever cleaned? They need to pour bleach on everything. I had a bunch of garbage, and I asked the bartenders where I could throw it away. He said "Just throw it on the floor." Niiiice.


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that funk that is all over CC is called "smegma"

its all over the club

frumunda the chairs and tables

to all over the floor.

its a mixture of beer,pop,spit,ashes,puke

and many other things that can't be described

yes that place could use a major dose of Clorox Bleach

Just like Harpo's

why I won't sit on any couches

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Semen? Big one? Is there a pun in there somewhere? :stuart:

No, taken at face value :laugh: . For once I am not being funny or sarcastic, there's probably is about a millimeter of it on the floor that is permanently joined in union with the original tile. How do you think all of the other stuff sticks to the floor so well? The shit's like fucking glue, man.

But in all seriousness, although most people don't go to a club to marvel in its hygienic efficiency, I will say a good scrub-down/disinfectant/hazmat-team session would probably do City Club some good.

Edited by Chernobyl
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I actually remember cleaning the bathrooms there when I worked at City....in the 90s.

Me and Darryl would take bleach, pour it all over everything until every surface was drenched with it, wheel in a water hose and hose it all down.

That's LCC cleaning!

Hell, I wish they still did even that. At least it's something. I'm tired of walking out of there and worrying after whether I have HIV and/or herpes :ralph .

Edited by Chernobyl
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i agree with everyone here; now im somewhat of a clean freak after being inside city club several times; YOU CAN NOT PAY ME ENOUGH MONEY TO CLEAN THAT PLACE FROM TOP TO BOTTOM! :rant:

however, if i had help and the right materials i can clean that place up for not just myself but for those who enjoy going to city club; so what do you think? we should get a cleaning group together and clean that place up from top to bottom? it would solve A LOT of issues! :grouphug

Edited by GOTHIKA
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That place is DISGUSTING. I think it might fall apart, if it were properly warshed.

As for the restrooms, they need to hire ATTENDANTS.

Rofl, when I was doing the door duty at DGN Appreciation night, Hunhee came out there to keep me company. Our post was in the stairwell before the plastic curtains that you walk through to get into the building. You want I noticed while standing there and I pointed out to her and Pestilence?

City Club...is welded together, very loosely, and the weld is rusting severely. I shit you not. If you don't believe me look for yourself the next time you're there.

That's bad. One loud bump of the bass from the system and a loud rumble afterward means...RUN :rofl: !

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Hell, I wish they still did even that. At least it's something. I'm tired of walking out of there and worrying after whether I have HIV and/or herpes :ralph .

I have a long standing rule about that place.

The moment I see a woman in a shorter skirt sit down in there, that entire region on her becomes a giant "no fly zone" for me and no matter how hot she was - she is instantly downgraded to "fugly". Either that or hose the region down with iodine as a precaution. Never know, with that place!

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I have a long standing rule about that place.

The moment I see a woman in a shorter skirt sit down in there, that entire region on her becomes a giant "no fly zone" for me and no matter how hot she was - she is instantly downgraded to "fugly". Either that or hose the region down with iodine as a precaution. Never know, with that place!

Yes, and if you sit down ON any toilet seat there, regardless of gender, we can all assume that your genitals fell off.

I don't, crouch, I don't hover...I stand like a boy when I go to the bathroom. I even stand and face the toilet. Don't ask me how that works out physically, just know that I have my ways.

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Yes, and if you sit down ON any toilet seat there, regardless of gender, we can all assume that your genitals fell off.

I don't, crouch, I don't hover...I stand like a boy when I go to the bathroom. I even stand and face the toilet. Don't ask me how that works out physically, just know that I have my ways.

I've seen O_M_G do that...I know you can do it...

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