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City Club needs to be cleaned.


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Yep, we saw the mop and bucket come in!

AND the TP!!!.....of course it was all gone an hour after the club opened, though, lol When you're and old CC fart like me, you learn to get a few squares early, and put it in your boot for later ;)


Do I have to move this to the "sex and sexuality" area? :p

I kid, I kid!

But last night, I swallowed....... :w00t:

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Ugh, thank you.

{I'll try not to make this sound way bitch}

As much as everyone hates city club, I still see people there regularly... And I've seen it get cleaned before too. Every weekend some asshole gets too drunk or fucked up and pukes everywhere, and by the next day, its cleaned, if not that NIGHT.

I've never had problems with the bouncers, or the bar, or Sybil [believe it or not, she can be nice]. If you don't like the place or thinks its too gross, simply don't go. :heart:

Thank you. My FAVORITE post in the thread. Well said!!!!!

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Yea, I agree the floor sometimes is gross. I am not sure if movie theater flowers or City Club floor is worse. It sucks that AC dosen't work in the summer few times noticed this. Face it folkes City Club it just cult fowling generations and generations of new goth, punk, emo and what ever kids. I rember I heard about City Club first time in 1993. I said to myself I want go there. I rember online when I was younger there website they had little tables with red glass lamps and red curtins. But, now day City Club has lost it's charm and curb apeal. That is why been going to Necto more and City Club once in awile.

-CatsEye :cat:

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You're absolutely right! When I go, although I try to forget about the 6 layers of intoxicants and bodily fluids, I know its still there. So when I have to spit, I figure, "what the hell, it's dirty anyway,"....**hacptooey!** If I were somewhere else, I probably wouldn't do that. But now, the more I think about it, my perspective is changing. I could actually care less about the cleanliness of the club, but now I'm seeing my spitting as a disrespect to my friends, and DGN family. Sorry guys! I love you and I WILL NOT do that anymore! lol

I actually get yelled at by Pest and other friends all the time, well used to, because I would be in other bars/clubs and toss my cigarette butts on the floor and spit everywhere because I had been so negatively conditioned by City Club to do so :laugh: . It’s been so long since I’ve been a CC regular that I’m finally starting to break that habit.

Edited by Chernobyl
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lol very rarely i mop the floors you can spit all ya want i dont care :p i only mop the front if someone cant hold there booze and hurls :kiss

Sorry man, I try to make it to the bathroom, honestly, and yet sometimes it still ends up on the floor and/or on Stormknight’s shoulder.

Edited by Chernobyl
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I actually get yelled at by Pest and other friends all the time, well used to, because I would be in other bars/clubs and toss my cigarette butts on the floor and spit everywhere because I had been so negatively conditioned by City Club to do so :laugh: . It’s been so long since I’ve been a CC regular that I’m finally starting to break that habit.


Bad Cher!!

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What? I don't even know what you are saying.

I guess your main point is that City is dirty and they changed the decor, so now Necto is better? HMMM...City has its problems but Necto is FAR from a classy place. I'll take City any day, thank you.

Implying Necto has more charm than City..... :rofl:


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I honestly don't really notice it... except the bathroom, and I kind of take it as a given. That's pretty much what most of the venues I spent time in were like back in the day... I mean, we used to do shows in condemned houses and all. Not to mention the Freezer Theater. So I tend to assume the floor is filthy even in places where it isn't.

Yes, and if you sit down ON any toilet seat there, regardless of gender, we can all assume that your genitals fell off.

I don't, crouch, I don't hover...I stand like a boy when I go to the bathroom. I even stand and face the toilet. Don't ask me how that works out physically, just know that I have my ways.

It's pretty easy... I can't anymore 'cos my piercing gets in the way, but I used to all the time in the above-mentioned filthy venues of the past, and the great outdoors. So now I just make sure to wear squat-friendly outfits.

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nope....i grab the sack...and feel the nuts, of course i dont need to do that with the people i know..reason be, is becuase i gave a guy a pat down one night just normal felt his legs arms sides back and chest checked his ankles and was good later on that night homeboy crotched a pint of vodka and tried to hit someone with it..so now i grab the nuts...if they get uppity about it...they can turn around collect there 4$ and leave...id rather grab onto a guys sack for 2seconds then have someone (my staff) or friends (you guys) end up in the hospital cuz someone crotched a big ass bottle or weapon

I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse, but I do have respect for ya dood! :)

lol very rarely i mop the floors you can spit all ya want i dont care :p i only mop the front if someone cant hold there booze and hurls :kiss

I've been one of those hurlers at least once in the 14+ years I've been going there.. hehe

I agree the place needs a bit more than just a quick mop, and some disinfectant here and there....

...but here's the thing, City will always have a special place in my heart. I swear that from day one, I've always had a special feeling about that place, and to be perfectly honest, it isn't the building, it's the people who go there, it's been the only consistent place for the "scene" for the longest time here. Even before I became a "reg" I always felt that the crowd was always more than friendly and welcoming, WAY more than any other bar I've ever been. Move that feeling to another venue, and that's where you'll find me. I've had a LOT of great experiences at that place, more so than negative, so of course I'll keep going back. If it weren't for CC, I would have never met all of you, and I consider you guys my chosen family, I wouldn't trade that for anything.

In saying this, if CC wanted to hold an annual "clean up" you can count me in, anything to keep that place open and operating! :)

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I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse, but I do have respect for ya dood! :)

I've been one of those hurlers at least once in the 14+ years I've been going there.. hehe

I agree the place needs a bit more than just a quick mop, and some disinfectant here and there....

...but here's the thing, City will always have a special place in my heart. I swear that from day one, I've always had a special feeling about that place, and to be perfectly honest, it isn't the building, it's the people who go there, it's been the only consistent place for the "scene" for the longest time here. Even before I became a "reg" I always felt that the crowd was always more than friendly and welcoming, WAY more than any other bar I've ever been. Move that feeling to another venue, and that's where you'll find me. I've had a LOT of great experiences at that place, more so than negative, so of course I'll keep going back. If it weren't for CC, I would have never met all of you, and I consider you guys my chosen family, I wouldn't trade that for anything.

In saying this, if CC wanted to hold an annual "clean up" you can count me in, anything to keep that place open and operating! :)

+1 :clap:

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Yea, I agree the floor sometimes is gross. I am not sure if movie theater flowers or City Club floor is worse. It sucks that AC dosen't work in the summer few times noticed this. Face it folkes City Club it just cult fowling generations and generations of new goth, punk, emo and what ever kids. I rember I heard about City Club first time in 1993. I said to myself I want go there. I rember online when I was younger there website they had little tables with red glass lamps and red curtins. But, now day City Club has lost it's charm and curb apeal. That is why been going to Necto more and City Club once in awile.

-CatsEye :cat:

^^^^ I agree with this. Necto is a much nicer place. But people's loyalty here are to City Club, so obviously any opinions to the contrary are going to be attacked,

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^^^^ I agree with this. Necto is a much nicer place. But people's loyalty here are to City Club, so obviously any opinions to the contrary are going to be attacked,

It's not a question of loyalty for me - the music at Necto is everything I don't like about the music at City. All hard techno beats with little melody, overplayed stuff, and the few times they do play older stuff, the DJs shout over it the whole time "KNOW YOUR ROOTS" and other bullshit like little monkeys. Shut up and let me enjoy the song, okay? XP I like the people at both places and Necto has its good points, but I go primarily for the music, and I don't like the music at Necto. Plus it feels like I'm one of the oldest people in there whenever I go, which I don't care for. And in general I don't care for A2 - too many drunken frat boys yelling rude comments.

Okay, so maybe it is true that on TOP of all that, I do have more loyalty and love for City, but that doesn't stop the above from being true. ;)

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^^^^ I agree with this. Necto is a much nicer place. But people's loyalty here are to City Club, so obviously any opinions to the contrary are going to be attacked,

Nah. I like Necto (the club) fine and agree that it's a nicer place to go... BUT.. Like at City, the crowd has deteriorated this year, and I'm getting totally sick of the DJ/MC yelling over the music later in the evening like we were a typical college crowd of sheep and idiots. Shut the fuck up and play the music, please. That fact alone limits my visits to Necto.

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All hard techno beats with little melody, overplayed stuff, and the few times they do play older stuff, the DJs shout over it the whole time "KNOW YOUR ROOTS" and other bullshit like little monkeys. Shut up and let me enjoy the song, okay?

See? I'm not the only one with this issue. Whether the management of Necto requires this or if it's on the DJs, they should know their crowd and understand that most of us just want to dance and we don't appreciate the typical club crap. It's too bad people cheer and fall into their expected roles rather then just glaring in silence. Maybe the DJ's would take the hint.

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It's not a question of loyalty for me - the music at Necto is everything I don't like about the music at City. All hard techno beats with little melody, overplayed stuff, and the few times they do play older stuff, the DJs shout over it the whole time "KNOW YOUR ROOTS" and other bullshit like little monkeys. Shut up and let me enjoy the song, okay? XP I like the people at both places and Necto has its good points, but I go primarily for the music, and I don't like the music at Necto. Plus it feels like I'm one of the oldest people in there whenever I go, which I don't care for. And in general I don't care for A2 - too many drunken frat boys yelling rude comments.

Okay, so maybe it is true that on TOP of all that, I do have more loyalty and love for City, but that doesn't stop the above from being true. ;)

I agree with you about A2. After going to Necto on Monday, I went with a friend of mine to eat at Big Ten Burrito, and there were guys there making snide remarks about us. It's like anyone who doesn't wear a Michigan Sweater and faded jeans isn't welcome there. However, I'm sure if we walked around Detroit far away from City dressed the way we do, we'd be sure to get comments as well :)

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I have been across the country and have seen clubs and bars more poorly cleaned than City Club. I have been used to tighter security, (Nation in DC,) and been to messier clubs (the Power Station, San Francisco,) and clubs that had less control over the temperature settings (Asylum, Honolulu.) But only in Honolulu have I been so made at ease and comfortable than when I walked into City the first weekend I was in town, and introduced to so many people. That was July last year.

I admit to only going to Necto once (before thanksgiving.) I did feel a bit out of place. I did feel comfortable, but not as welcomed as I was at CC. I am hoping see Necto again next Monday as part of the birthday blitz weekend, as I usually don't have the freedom to get out on a Monday night when things are more along my speed. I would like to have more experience with Necto, but timing is problematic for me.

I feel BOTH clubs have the pluses and minuses.

That being said, I tend to clean up after myself, as former security/troubleshooter for a club (Midnight@The Meeting Place, DC,) I like to keep my "house" clean, and try to show the same respect to the other "houses" I visit. I am looking for a trash can for my cups as soon as I am done with them.

Rather than this breaking down into this, that or the other, perhaps it would be best reminded that only thing we can do is help the clubs into cleaning up after ourselves. Make an effort to find the nearest trash can to get rid of bottles/cups. Maybe as others see this happening, they might start a bit. There are always going to be people whose idea of a good time is physically trashing the place. The point is not to be one of them.

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I have been across the country and have seen clubs and bars more poorly cleaned than City Club. I have been used to tighter security, (Nation in DC,) and been to messier clubs (the Power Station, San Francisco,) and clubs that had less control over the temperature settings (Asylum, Honolulu.) But only in Honolulu have I been so made at ease and comfortable than when I walked into City the first weekend I was in town, and introduced to so many people. That was July last year.

I admit to only going to Necto once (before thanksgiving.) I did feel a bit out of place. I did feel comfortable, but not as welcomed as I was at CC. I am hoping see Necto again next Monday as part of the birthday blitz weekend, as I usually don't have the freedom to get out on a Monday night when things are more along my speed. I would like to have more experience with Necto, but timing is problematic for me.

I feel BOTH clubs have the pluses and minuses.

That being said, I tend to clean up after myself, as former security/troubleshooter for a club (Midnight@The Meeting Place, DC,) I like to keep my "house" clean, and try to show the same respect to the other "houses" I visit. I am looking for a trash can for my cups as soon as I am done with them.

Rather than this breaking down into this, that or the other, perhaps it would be best reminded that only thing we can do is help the clubs into cleaning up after ourselves. Make an effort to find the nearest trash can to get rid of bottles/cups. Maybe as others see this happening, they might start a bit. There are always going to be people whose idea of a good time is physically trashing the place. The point is not to be one of them.


INDEED. I agree with just about all of this. But especially

...But only in Honolulu have I been so made at ease and comfortable than when I walked into City the first weekend I was in town, and introduced to so many people. That was July last year.

I have never been anywhere else where I was so accepted right from the beginning. For me it was June of last year, close to the same time. And ever since then, every time I walk in, I feel like I'm coming home. City Club is like a big goth-club-shaped hug. Even if an imperfect and sometimes messy one.

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Rather than this breaking down into this, that or the other, perhaps it would be best reminded that only thing we can do is help the clubs into cleaning up after ourselves. Make an effort to find the nearest trash can to get rid of bottles/cups. Maybe as others see this happening, they might start a bit. There are always going to be people whose idea of a good time is physically trashing the place. The point is not to be one of them.

My original post started with this. I asked a WORKER at City where I could dispose of trash, as I did not see a garbage can near by, and he told me to throw it on the floor. I'm not saying that all the people who work there have the same attitude, but still, if workers treat the place so horribly, how are we, the clientele, supposed to feel?

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But only in Honolulu have I been so made at ease and comfortable than when I walked into City the first weekend I was in town, and introduced to so many people. That was July last year.

Are you sure that wasn't because of DGNers or was that before you know about DGN? We're kinda nice people here. :p

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