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City Club needs to be cleaned.


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ok ok, seeing how i work there....i gotta throw my hat into the ring...1) has anyone ever seen me treat people like shit?.....2) it is cleaned but not CLEANED CLEANED, on Sunday some old guy comes in sweeps up everything from top o the stage to the door entrance and everything in between and then takes 2 gallons of bleach and throws it all over the floors and mops it with additional hot soapy water, as said it cleans it but dose not really get the job done as Rev said thats 30 years of beer, liqueur, spit, ash, blood, yes kiddies blood, semen, and other liquids. 3) why not make suggestions to the staff or better yet Mike Higgins (owner) or Sybil (Manger)it doesn't help to bitch if ya don't bitch to the right people :wink

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ok ok, seeing how i work there....i gotta throw my hat into the ring...1) has anyone ever seen me treat people like shit?.....2) it is cleaned but not CLEANED CLEANED, on Sunday some old guy comes in sweeps up everything from top o the stage to the door entrance and everything in between and then takes 2 gallons of bleach and throws it all over the floors and mops it with additional hot soapy water, as said it cleans it but dose not really get the job done as Rev said thats 30 years of beer, liqueur, spit, ash, blood, yes kiddies blood, semen, and other liquids. 3) why not make suggestions to the staff or better yet Mike Higgins (owner) or Sybil (Manger)it doesn't help to bitch if ya don't bitch to the right people :wink

I personally have never had any problems with security, even BEFORE I worked there. They've always been friendly to me, as well as more than helpful if I've ever had a problem there.

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I personally have never had any problems with security, even BEFORE I worked there. They've always been friendly to me, as well as more than helpful if I've ever had a problem there.

thank you Kat.... :) you've always been really nice your self, very friendly and in my opinion i think your the best DJ we have buut that's my opinion, the only time i see ourselves being dicks or treating people with out respect is when they get to drunk and start disrespecting the club...like tool last week me and fuzzy threw out cuz he thought it would be cute to punch the scary mannequin at the door *shakes head* or the drunk assholes that stage dive, then i become a asshole

Edited by TheGimp
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I just hate being pushed aside / pushed around like I'm loitering or causing trouble when I'm not doing anything wrong.


I understand that they need people to move from time to time, such as when kegs are coming through.

A "Pardon me, coming through" yelled is acceptable at that point. It is loud, people need to hear the announcement of the guys coming through.

Now, the ONLY thing that keeps me from being a complete prick when I get the "Get the fuck out of the way! Fucking move" is the fact that I am a DGN mod - and I understand that my actions reflect upon DGN.

Scream and yell at me like I am subhuman, I will want to do everything I can to make you miserable and cease to spend my money there. I will encourage others to do the same.

But - since I have to behave, I almost never go. I only go for specific purposes. I never go for the heck of it anymore.

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I understand that they need people to move from time to time, such as when kegs are coming through.

A "Pardon me, coming through" yelled is acceptable at that point. It is loud, people need to hear the announcement of the guys coming through.

Now, the ONLY thing that keeps me from being a complete prick when I get the "Get the fuck out of the way! Fucking move" is the fact that I am a DGN mod - and I understand that my actions reflect upon DGN.

Scream and yell at me like I am subhuman, I will want to do everything I can to make you miserable and cease to spend my money there. I will encourage others to do the same.

But - since I have to behave, I almost never go. I only go for specific purposes. I never go for the heck of it anymore.

Thank you thank you thank you, someone who understands what I'm saying!

I'm not saying this to bitch and whine, or to sound like I think I'm some sort of princess who deserves special treatment. But this is just ... bad! No one else thinks this is a bit unnecessary?

I'm not talking about the sweep, btw. I understand the sweep, I respect the sweep...and I know it's coming, so I know to stay out of the way. If I see them coming, I go away...and not because I'm trying to keep my drink an extra 5min. I want to be respectful to them doing their job, and it's a messy job at that. But in return I'd like a little respect myself. I'm also not talking about when they are pulling someone out for fighting. Half the time in that case we need to get out of the way for our own safety. But when they act like this just because they want to get to the other side of the hallway and it's NOT urgent, it minimizes the affect the same yelling has when it IS urgent. Like the boy who cried wolf. If you scream and yell just because you want to get through, it makes it mean a lot less when you're screaming and yelling because you have some drugged out passed out girl you need to get through to an ambulance. You want to get through, I want to get through...I don't see any need for the hostility.

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Ha.... I said something to Sybil once... I got bitched out, and I stopped going for months because I was pissed. I almost never really go out there anymore.

I could care less if you yell at me to move. I think it's more amusing than anything, but that's just me.

I've seen lots of bars that try to have a "Goth Night" and the reason it tends to not work out is that you get too many norms in from the other nights. The goths will accept each other, but then you get a bunch of flunkies trying to be suave (which doesn't work and is repulsive) and hit on goth chicks. I'd rather stay home and watch anime then bother with that.

Mephisto's didn't have enough dancefloor space, but they had some damn good DJs. I would about bonk my head into the wall when people wouldn't go there, but they would complain about lacking respect at City. John was the nicest guy to run a bar and Mephisto's was great about trying people's ideas. He let me host Goth Karaoke for about half a year and it was fun.

They also didn't have enough of a base- that's how Necto did so well. Jinx pimped his bar out for months before the night started. But, I stopped going there because there were some issues with attitude. (I won't go into it and it's irrelevent) Though I feel that there needs to be more of a mix of old with new music, that isn't always the case at Necto, but for another bar's night to succeed I'd recommend asking DGNers for music advice.

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I hate it when my bladder really urges me to go at the wrong time and I get trapped in the bathroom at City so they can move the cash through the hallway. Please, find a better way to do things because it only takes me 3 seconds to pee and if I have to stay in their for 5 minutes smelling puke, shit, and piss I don't give a damn about your security.

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On the topic of City needing to be cleaned, uh duh, no kidding.

The place has been around forever and has seen plenty of mess over the years.

There is a guy who cleans on Sunday and Saturday as well.

That man does the job that there is no amount of $$$$$ to get me to do it, not after what I have seen.

City Club is what it is, and has been the way it is for many years.

Can it be made better?

Of course it can.

Attendants in the restrooms, a great idea if you guys need a baby sitter to make sure you do your business and leave without tearing the place apart.

The guys room is pretty much the same every week, pee in the urinals, and puke/what-have-you on the floor, nice job guys.

I can't believe what I saw in the Ladies room one night, I have many female friends, so I know how VALUABLE TP is for you, so WHY would you throw it all over the place or fling wet paper on the ceiling ?

What is up with someone actually SMEARING FECES on the wall?

And who left their panties on the floor?

Having seen the restrooms BEFORE anyone was there, and AFTER everyone has gone, the difference is like NIGHT and DAY.

I know most people who go out to have fun with their friends don't do these things, and I thank you for not being so nasty.

Those other people, the ones I hope NEVER come to my place and treat it as poorly as they do City CLub, are just fowl and disgusting.

At my day job, we had SERIOUS cleanliness issues with common areas like the restrooms and breakrooms.

It all came to a head when the 5th cleaning crew in less than 3 months QUIT ! ! !

Issues were brought up and addressed by the management, my boss BERATED us like HITLER for a couple of hours and offered $$$$ REWARDS for turning in those nasty people who were creating mess and not cleaning it up. In the end it came down to everyone who worked there cleaning up after themselves, no more daily cleaning crews.

We are not unruly children, we are 18+ yr old "ADULTS", it would be awesome if we all took some ownership of the situation and did better at not leaving the place a shambles when we left.

Kinda like going to a friends place for a house party or movie night or something. Helping the host clean up afterward is what everyone should do as a thank you for hosting the party.

I was brought up to clean the mess I make, and to leave the place I stay in the same or better condition than when I arrived.

Some EASY things that can make it better right away, if you must VOMIT, can you do so in the toilet and not on the floor or the people around you?

When you have finished your drink, can you put the cup/bottle someplace other then on the bench for someone else to spill and leave with a wet/sticky ass?

When you use the restroom, can you leave the urine in the URINAL/TOILET?

Is it too much to ask that feces be deposited into the toilet and that the toilet be flushed?

There is always room for improvement, that starts with U and me, and everyone who works there.

Taking a few seconds to clean up after ourselves will do wonders for making City Club a much cleaner place to be.

I know just some crazzy talk from a guy who HATES to clean up after others, but im just saying . . . .

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I prefer Necto over City, it's cleaner and feels more like a real club than like a dirty warehouse. But City is closer to me, and I have had lots of fun times there. I just can't deal with it because I like to get wasted when I go out, so I have to urinate a lot...and I have a bathroom phobia. City Club bathrooms are like my own hell.

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Year after year we go, we dance, we spit on the floors, we puke every now and then, and do some other questionable things we may or may not remember, and by the time the end of the night draws near and we are stumbling, walking, and/or crawling out of City, we can all honestly scream "We Have Survived!!" lol

Yeah, City is certainly not the cleanest place on earth, but its also not the dirtiest, and we all do walk out of there night after night without having contracted leprosy or ebola..........as far as I know :stuart:

I used to have a rule of not sitting on the couches or beds, too, but when you're old, and tired, I guess you just don't give crap, and sit wherever there may be a little cushion available. Has anyone ever sat on the futon by the coat check?.............it totally feels like a cloud when you're drunk!

And Roman, I agree with you, and I promise that the next time I get ready to spit on the floor, I'll look for a cup or something first. Yes, that's right, I'm a spitter everyone, and I'm sorry! lol I will watch it :)

We love City and I predict that Nightgaunt and I will be that old weird couple that still hangs out at the clubs when we're 80.

Okay, so spit is spit, but doo-doo on the walls? Oh, come on! That's just nasty!

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I was taking an indefinite break from here and some other places but I still have the same email to access this account so I felt like posting this. If this seems different from prior posts its because I've raised my klonopin dosages from 1 to 2 milligrams along with caffeine which I'm always drinking and its significantly made me more sociable.

I don't club because it would mainly be to see other people which defeats the point somewhat with loud music, sometimes there is too much distance, lack of money, ect. However I am not a non-party type, and don't mind loud, big parties or small social gatherings-- I almost made it to the second Manfast but got lost for an hour which caused me to lose the war to sleep deprivation where it was getting too dangerous to drive, cars starting to seem dreamlike.. and I basically didn't make it the next day. All my fault for not planning ahead and looking at times or thinking of driving there early and sleeping.

Anyways, recently a Russian nightclub fire killed over hundred people injuring more, the owners are in big trouble. (History repeats itself.)


I've only been to the Leland once and it needs more than a good cleaning. From what I've read and heard about the Leland it seems like a dangerous place where a fire or a sudden structural problem could be a big problem to say the least.

Paranoia or reality, I have no want to go to CC again in its current condition, and hope the building and everyone in it stays safe.

On a note of musical improvement to clubs, I think dark independent artists and dark old-school music doesn't get enough DJ play in goth clubs. Though this is probably also on account of patrons not giving dark independent and dark old-school music a chance.

I'm close to Necto but don't have much ambition to go there, its women with egos I don't want to keep up with, popular Ebm/Industrial music I'm not hugely into which drowns out the possibility of conversation, and alcohol/tobacco which I can get anywhere for cheaper. I'm straight, but like with most clubs, there is not much there for me.

If I am to dress how I want to its for the sole purpose of myself because it is more 'me,' on another note this does not to me, constitute any great value of material in general. If slimmed way down, which is the usual, I'm dressing for my safety against dogmatic conservatism in culture, the prolonged mental effects of being hounded or abused for looking too different, and my not ending up or putting someone in a hospital out of trivial misunderstanding. We're a society of cultured fools, followed by human beings.

Last off, I think the future of "warm season" nightlife should more easily, *legally* exist outside in designated streets and/or parking lots obviously with organizers, vendors, and enough security. I'm guessing there's unnecessary legalities or payments for large, outside celebrations which has stopped them from happening more frequently and which can hopefully be reformed someday.

Those are just my thoughts on the subject, I don't post in threads like this more than once since I've made my full, sharpened point.

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Someone PLEASE tell *THE BIG MIKE*



For what?

Just wondering. I honestly don't know why we would need them.

What we COULD use are those big industrial-strength tissue paper holders in the stalls instead of the flimsy ones they HAD in there that get (got?) broken so easily/quickly. Those ones that hold the HUUGE rolls. Then maybe we'd have some paper, and also maybe the paper wouldn't end up everywhere and being used to dry hands instead of wiping. Jesus why would you even WANT to dry your hands on toilet paper, it just gets all crummy and breaks apart in your hand...eww. Just wipe on your skirt or clothes or deal with it..or bring a towel. ;) But there really needs to be a better toilet paper situation. It doesn't ALWAYS end up on the floor because people are assholes. It's honestly hard to keep it from ending up on the floor when there are no holders.

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Well, for one thing, a restroom attendant would keep the slobbish people from turning the loo into a Jackson Pollock painting. An attendant would also keep the crap out of the sink, the shit tickets stocked up, the hand towels filled, the piss off the seats, the toilets flushed, etc.

Apparently the pigs (i.e. "ladies and gents") need a babysitter, when they go to the bog, in that place...from what I've seen. :dry:

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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I think one of the reasons it continues to be nasty on bar nights is because it's kinda trashed to begin with, people don't bother to even try to not spill drinks or otherwise trash the place every weekend. There's a certain ambiance and appeal that comes with that trashiness but that the same time it turns some people off or otherwise makes going there a less than great experience if you have to go to the bathrooms or you want to sit, etc. Let's face it, the Leland itself is in a state of horrid disrepair in many areas. Why would anyone bother to invest significantly in just the club if the rest of the place isn't fixed up? Personally, I think just fixing up the bathrooms and keeping them in decent repair, getting some decent furniture that didn't feel like it came from a swamp and a bit more courtesy from security would go a long ways. Also.. stop tolerating people treating the place like crap.

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Well, for one thing, a restroom attendant would keep the slobbish people from turning the loo into a Jackson Pollock painting. An attendant would also keep the crap out of the sink, the shit tickets stocked up, the hand towels filled, the piss off the seats, the toilets flushed, etc.

Apparently the pigs (i.e. "ladies and gents") need a babysitter, when they go to the bog, in that place...from what I've seen. :dry:


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