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City Club needs to be cleaned.


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The guys room is pretty much the same every week, pee in the urinals, and puke/what-have-you on the floor, nice job guys.

I can't believe what I saw in the Ladies room one night, I have many female friends, so I know how VALUABLE TP is for you, so WHY would you throw it all over the place or fling wet paper on the ceiling ?

What is up with someone actually SMEARING FECES on the wall?

And who left their panties on the floor?

Some EASY things that can make it better right away, if you must VOMIT, can you do so in the toilet and not on the floor or the people around you?

When you have finished your drink, can you put the cup/bottle someplace other then on the bench for someone else to spill and leave with a wet/sticky ass?

When you use the restroom, can you leave the urine in the URINAL/TOILET?

Is it too much to ask that feces be deposited into the toilet and that the toilet be flushed?

There is always room for improvement, that starts with U and me, and everyone who works there.

Taking a few seconds to clean up after ourselves will do wonders for making City Club a much cleaner place to be.

I know just some crazzy talk from a guy who HATES to clean up after others, but im just saying . . . .

In my opinion, all of this nastiness comes from horribly immature people who think it's funny to do these things. Add alcohol to the mix and it worsens these behaviors. Some of it also probably stems from laziness, or a complete lack of care.

It's disgusting and sad.

We love City and I predict that Nightgaunt and I will be that old weird couple that still hangs out at the clubs when we're 80.

The eternal and I will be right there with you! :peanutbutterjellytime:

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In my opinion, all of this nastiness comes from horribly immature people who think it's funny to do these things. Add alcohol to the mix and it worsens these behaviors. Some of it also probably stems from laziness, or a complete lack of care.

It's disgusting and sad.


The eternal and I will be right there with you! :peanutbutterjellytime:

Add me to this list. :yes

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I try not to think of the nastiness.... that is what alcohol is for. As for "another place" besides CC to go too.... we'll that's already been tried.... everyone bitches about how much they hate going there yet don't support any other attempt to give an alternative choice. I shouldn't say everyone because I do know a lot of people did support us when we did it but I did notice the people that bitch the most are the ones who never show up at the other places.

Security seems to be better but there have been times in the past that I've seen them act like total jackasses... like they thought they were something special and customers were shit..... um yeah, they don't spend their money and in return you get a paycheck. I got yelled at for merely trying to keep an eye on my wife while she was in the bathroom... I wasn't even in the hallway... I was near the entrance by the bar... I'm sorry but if we go anywhere in Dtown, I am gonna make sure I am there just in case she needs my help or to watch out for her. I told the guy what I was doing and he said... and I quote "I don't give a shit, get the fuck away from the hallway".... I then told him if he really wanted to make a big deal out of it I would be more than happy to oblige him and he was most certainly going to come out on the losing end.... well he then shut up. If he had bothered to say "hey man, if you could can you step back away from the door... its a rule we have because of the fire ordinance". then I would have been cool about it. That is no way to treat the people who are paying for you to be there.... I didn't go back for another year or so after that because I'm not a masochist and I'm not going to pay people to treat me like shit..... now though, things seem to be better.... I enjoyed the last 2 times I've gone there.

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Its still the best place on new years and all hallows...

I may brave it on those nights.

And I don't believe any nut touching goes on unless its an accident

that is just bs

maybe someone was looking for drugs or weapons. fuck this.

nope....i grab the sack...and feel the nuts, of course i dont need to do that with the people i know..reason be, is becuase i gave a guy a pat down one night just normal felt his legs arms sides back and chest checked his ankles and was good later on that night homeboy crotched a pint of vodka and tried to hit someone with it..so now i grab the nuts...if they get uppity about it...they can turn around collect there 4$ and leave...id rather grab onto a guys sack for 2seconds then have someone (my staff) or friends (you guys) end up in the hospital cuz someone crotched a big ass bottle or weapon

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nope....i grab the sack...and feel the nuts, of course i dont need to do that with the people i know..reason be, is becuase i gave a guy a pat down one night just normal felt his legs arms sides back and chest checked his ankles and was good later on that night homeboy crotched a pint of vodka and tried to hit someone with it..so now i grab the nuts...if they get uppity about it...they can turn around collect there 4$ and leave...id rather grab onto a guys sack for 2seconds then have someone (my staff) or friends (you guys) end up in the hospital cuz someone crotched a big ass bottle or weapon


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I think one of the reasons it continues to be nasty on bar nights is because it's kinda trashed to begin with, people don't bother to even try to not spill drinks or otherwise trash the place every weekend. There's a certain ambiance and appeal that comes with that trashiness but that the same time it turns some people off or otherwise makes going there a less than great experience if you have to go to the bathrooms or you want to sit, etc. Let's face it, the Leland itself is in a state of horrid disrepair in many areas. Why would anyone bother to invest significantly in just the club if the rest of the place isn't fixed up? Personally, I think just fixing up the bathrooms and keeping them in decent repair, getting some decent furniture that didn't feel like it came from a swamp and a bit more courtesy from security would go a long ways. Also.. stop tolerating people treating the place like crap.

You're absolutely right! When I go, although I try to forget about the 6 layers of intoxicants and bodily fluids, I know its still there. So when I have to spit, I figure, "what the hell, it's dirty anyway,"....**hacptooey!** If I were somewhere else, I probably wouldn't do that. But now, the more I think about it, my perspective is changing. I could actually care less about the cleanliness of the club, but now I'm seeing my spitting as a disrespect to my friends, and DGN family. Sorry guys! I love you and I WILL NOT do that anymore! lol

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You're absolutely right! When I go, although I try to forget about the 6 layers of intoxicants and bodily fluids, I know its still there. So when I have to spit, I figure, "what the hell, it's dirty anyway,"....**hacptooey!** If I were somewhere else, I probably wouldn't do that. But now, the more I think about it, my perspective is changing. I could actually care less about the cleanliness of the club, but now I'm seeing my spitting as a disrespect to my friends, and DGN family. Sorry guys! I love you and I WILL NOT do that anymore! lol

YEA YOU BETTER cuz i gotta mop that floor sometimes...and even though your cute...your not cute enough to get away with spittin on the floor creating extra work for gimp :no mam :p

sorry i had to bust your balls erm boobs for a minute

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YEA YOU BETTER cuz i gotta mop that floor sometimes...and even though your cute...your not cute enough to get away with spittin on the floor creating extra work for gimp :no mam :p

sorry i had to bust your balls erm boobs for a minute

Ohhhhh, YOU mop the floor sometimes? I'll make sure I leave an extra special present next time! :w00t:

Just kidding darlin'! The boob busting is totally justified, and I deserve it. Sorry Gimp! You're awesome, and I appreciate everything you do. **Muwah!!*

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Ohhhhh, YOU mop the floor sometimes? I'll make sure I leave an extra special present next time! :w00t:

Just kidding darlin'! The boob busting is totally justified, and I deserve it. Sorry Gimp! You're awesome, and I appreciate everything you do. **Muwah!!*

lol very rarely i mop the floors you can spit all ya want i dont care :p i only mop the front if someone cant hold there booze and hurls :kiss

Edited by TheGimp
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In my opinion, all of this nastiness comes from horribly immature people who think it's funny to do these things. Add alcohol to the mix and it worsens these behaviors. Some of it also probably stems from laziness, or a complete lack of care.

It's disgusting and sad.

this is it, exactly.

the big problem is, there's no accountability.

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In my opinion, all of this nastiness comes from horribly immature people who think it's funny to do these things. Add alcohol to the mix and it worsens these behaviors. Some of it also probably stems from laziness, or a complete lack of care.

It's disgusting and sad.

The eternal and I will be right there with you! :peanutbutterjellytime:

And me! LOL

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Well, I have been to City Club a grand total of twice.(yes you read correctly, twice)

I enjoyed it both times.

In my opinion, the cleanliness, or malicious lack-thereof, not only says a lot about those who contribute to the nastiness of the club;

It also says a lot about Detroit's department of health, and the building inspector(s).

Obviously those departments of city government are letting the club slide on a lot of things.

I don't know what the laws are like out there, and or what the condition of Detroit's government is.

What I do know is, that if any club over here in Ct, operated under conditions like City Club does, the club not only would have been shut down a long time ago, it would probably be condemned.

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ok ok, seeing how i work there....i gotta throw my hat into the ring...1) has anyone ever seen me treat people like shit?.....2) it is cleaned but not CLEANED CLEANED, on Sunday some old guy comes in sweeps up everything from top o the stage to the door entrance and everything in between and then takes 2 gallons of bleach and throws it all over the floors and mops it with additional hot soapy water, as said it cleans it but dose not really get the job done as Rev said thats 30 years of beer, liqueur, spit, ash, blood, yes kiddies blood, semen, and other liquids. 3) why not make suggestions to the staff or better yet Mike Higgins (owner) or Sybil (Manger)it doesn't help to bitch if ya don't bitch to the right people :wink

Ugh, thank you.

{I'll try not to make this sound way bitch}

As much as everyone hates city club, I still see people there regularly... And I've seen it get cleaned before too. Every weekend some asshole gets too drunk or fucked up and pukes everywhere, and by the next day, its cleaned, if not that NIGHT.

I've never had problems with the bouncers, or the bar, or Sybil [believe it or not, she can be nice]. If you don't like the place or thinks its too gross, simply don't go. :heart:

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Ugh, thank you.

{I'll try not to make this sound way bitch}

As much as everyone hates city club, I still see people there regularly... And I've seen it get cleaned before too. Every weekend some asshole gets too drunk or fucked up and pukes everywhere, and by the next day, its cleaned, if not that NIGHT.

I've never had problems with the bouncers, or the bar, or Sybil [believe it or not, she can be nice]. If you don't like the place or thinks its too gross, simply don't go. :heart:

I go like once every six months, if that. Usually only if a huge group of people I know are going to be there. Otherwise... not so much. And it's because it's so dirty. That is all.

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