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Recent lolita skirt creations


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I've made a few more skirts I'd like to show off. XD Mostly because while I should be in bed by now, I don't really feel like it for some reason. :X


Music skirt!



Christmas skirt!



Awesome vinyl cage skirt of awesomeness with velveteen underskirt (in my defense made for someone a bit bigger than my dressform).

I now leave you to your previously scheduled gothiness. XD

EDIT: Since I've decided to just keep adding on to this post rather than make new ones, here's a link to a post I made a few months earlier than this one, just for the sake of completeness. XD


Edited by TheOsakaKoneko
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Also, I envy your ability to gather the fabric at the waistband. I can do it, but it takes me FOREVER and doesn't look nearly as... um.. perfect. :p

It takes me a decent little while as well. It just takes practice though really. :) I've made lots of things like this by now so my technique is pretty much down, but it took a while. ;)

The only advice I have is make sure to run 2 basting lines rather than 1 (makes for a more even gather, and also saves your life if you accidentally snap a thread), and pin halves until you only have a couple cm between pins to ensure an even gather. Takes a hot minute but it's worth it.

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OMG! :bow They're fantastic! And I absolutely LOVE the caged skirt! What type of sewing machine do you use? I ask because when I work on little non-clothing projects, I sometimes sew thicker fabrics and material. I had to have my machine fixed once because apparently I was sewing materials too thick for my machine.....oops! You rock!

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So after drooling all over myself ..

I just wanted to ask. How much would you charge to have the last skirt made? ^_^

The cage skirt?

Depends on if you want the underskirt or not, and if you want it made of velveteen or not. This one as shown would be about $140. Making the underskirt out of cotton would bring the price down a little bit. I'm pretty full up with commissions at the moment though.

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OMG! :bow They're fantastic! And I absolutely LOVE the caged skirt! What type of sewing machine do you use? I ask because when I work on little non-clothing projects, I sometimes sew thicker fabrics and material. I had to have my machine fixed once because apparently I was sewing materials too thick for my machine.....oops! You rock!

I use a Brother SE-350. It's not specially meant for thicker fabrics at all, I just try to be gentle with it. I have to really work to push it through sometimes, and I use a special leather needle. I hope I never break it!!!

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Omg. :bow amazing. You have amazing taste and skillz. Im always impressed by the dresses you make/ wear (even though I only saw you the once, hehe) I love your style. :)

I've already commented on your lovely work over on Flickr. I LOVE the last one with the vinyl cage..!!!

You are just so amazing. Really. Wow.

Thank you everyone!! <3 :wub:

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Oh I don't care how much it is :happy: I love it!

Although I would prefer Regular Cotton. I don't want someone to spill some drinks on me and ruin the fabric. There will be hell to pay lol.

I will wait I might just want to purchase that around my B-DAY! that's not till Feb.

So will you have any time?

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Oh I don't care how much it is :happy: I love it!

Although I would prefer Regular Cotton. I don't want someone to spill some drinks on me and ruin the fabric. There will be hell to pay lol.

I will wait I might just want to purchase that around my B-DAY! that's not till Feb.

So will you have any time?

Yes, I agree, for club wear cotton is definitely more appropriate! This was velveteen so the underskirt can be worn without the cage for an elegant classic look outside the club. I try to avoid velveteen at the club myself.

How fun that you are actually interested! TBH most people in Detroit seem to run away when I say the price. ^^ Most of my customers tend to live elsewhere. ;) But awesome! I could probably pull this off around Feb no problem! Probably $10 less for cotton so 130 for the set. Did you want the underskirt similar to what's shown here, with pin tucks at the bottom? Let me know if you have any other ideas or directions you'd like to go in, and we can talk about the details! :D

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Holy shit you have skills!

Why aren't you in business for yourself making this stuff?!

hahaha I am! Well, not really, but...didn't you see just above? I'm totally raking in the dough here! :rofl: ...Oooooor not. But I do make clothing as a side hobby/business. The last one there was a commission, and the other two are for sale. I have a website (linked in my signature). I enjoy making clothing, but my closet is filled to bursting, so I prefer to make it for other people. But I prefer doing it as a hobby and I think I'd be miserable doing it FT. Plus translating pays more. ;)

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*sighs dreamily*

I always adore your work, Helena...makes me so jealous. :X

One day, I shall have my own set of lolita clothing! I must! Maybe, when I get the money for it, I can ask you to make me something? Perhaps? I already plan on buying a respirator from Skyfire sometime in the near future...haha!


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*sighs dreamily*

I always adore your work, Helena...makes me so jealous. :X

One day, I shall have my own set of lolita clothing! I must! Maybe, when I get the money for it, I can ask you to make me something? Perhaps? I already plan on buying a respirator from Skyfire sometime in the near future...haha!


<3<3<3 Of course sweetie!!! :D:D

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