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Christmas eev

Mean Salley

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why isn't my computer making pictures on dgns?

Also, lsagne with ground beef instead of sausage/\ BLASPHEMY>

also, Hayden Christionsen you'll neve be a dark lord of the sith, only a dark lord of the outhouse. BOOOOOO hayden.

also, chocloy peanutbutter balls- righteous fare for a peasant.

also, muscular gams in tights- how babies get made

also, twilek women- too hot for hollywod

also, draenei women- too hot for azeroth

also, never besmirch Journey in my prescents... presents... mmmm Christmis.

also, don't stop believin'

also, don't make peanut buttr hershey kiss blossoms with natural peanutputter. they fall to shit blobs in the pan.

also, why not

also, Aaron and josie's weeding was rich with greatness.

also, georgeie lucas told carrie fischer not to wear a Bra in Star wars. Free bird.

also, that will be all for now.

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be mindful in a drunken dstate of cutting up a nice calzone. the dough looks like skin, and th saucey sausage and pepperonee mix will not look unlike your bloddy hand. you willn't know the difference until you hit a bonre, and if you have anything resembling a bone in your calzone, you shouldn't eber get married.

over and out

audi 5000

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This may be the only thread where misspellings are making the posts better.

We're on our way over.

bean is channeling the cosmic energy that your drunken, Journey-lovin, Star Wars-raggin, cookie monster- emulating abode is sending, and it will be like a GPS of the soul bringing us to your porch

that would be full of greatness, but forgive me if I say, "there will be many cookies left in the morning." however, my dignity will still be heer too.

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