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DJ Combination Tour @ The Crofoot 01-26-10

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BPM Talent & Graphic Equlizer Productions


Live At The Crofoot (1 S. Saginaw St. Pontiac, MI)

DJ Combination Tour


Mark Jackson (VNV Nation) & Joey Letz (Combichrist)

Special Guest

B.M.M, D:kunstruct, and 4 DeadGrandpa's.

Doors @ 7pm

18+/ID $20 21+/ID $15

"Come to the show or you will never see it again!!"

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This was NOT POSTED BY ME! I in no way wrote anything about the show this or on any Forum. I know who did make the post and I'll deal with them later tonight. I again am sorry for the negativity it was not from me. BTW I actually really enjoyed D Konstruct. Shit I wasn't even there when 4 dead grand-pa's went on


Edited by Jinx
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Actually Jinx, D:Konstruct didn't sell any tickets and that's because I felt the price was a little too steep. I also did no advertising for the show myself because Crowfoot didn't bother to put any of the bands names on their web site and I didn't expect people to come out to a Tuesday night show anyways. We did the show for fun. Normally, we prefer to play on the weekends. But Aaron did what he could. He's trying to put together events. However, the count for the night I believe was actually 80 people and many people said it turned out to be a pretty decent show. As for 4 Dead Grandpas, I believe this was their 2nd show they've ever done or they haven't had many shows to date. I thought they were comical which is what they're all about. And B.M.M. is a great band with a lot of skills. I had issues with the sound guy but that was it for me. And I also just got out of the hospital last week for an injured foot so if people were expecting D:K to jump around on stage more my apologies. I left after our set because I was still feeling ill. I think you're being a bit harsh. I was there for a while and I did not see 10-15 people leave before the bands went on. That doesn't make any sense. Why would someone pay $15 and then leave when the bands start up? That sounds foolish to me. Wouldn't they at least stick around and see what the other acts were like or wait to hear Mark and Joey spin their set? It's a lot easier to spin at a club close to a large college campus were people are going to come to shows and or events no matter what. I know this because I've done this. I also think it's unprofessional to slam a new band like you did considering you're a DJ and you promote your own nights as well. There is a lot of talent actually in the local scene and I'm saying this from a musician's perspective both as a songwriter, teacher, DJ, and producer. And if you would like to question my credentials feel free to do so, I care not. There are people trying to make things happen around here and be positive and supportive. There's is too much bashing of people in this scene and the people that work very hard to get things going. At least people are trying to entertain people. If you don't like what you see, don't come to the shows. But don't come onto a forum and bash some guys simply because they're trying to entertain people with little experience under their belts. Didn't you also start somewhere? Didn't everyone else around here for that matter?

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My company brings talent no matter what level they are at in the music world.

We, marry a service to supply and demand in metro Detroit and beyond. 4DeadGrandpas is only their 2nd show and give funny factor and that is why put them 1st. D:konstruct was second merely give people even more warmed up for the rest of the show. B.M.M did really well since haven't played a show for awhile. Actually Jink, if you want reality check about my show. Mark and Joe love B.M.M. and would love come to there show again and they give my company 100%. Now, I know you don't really think my company is all that great in the flesh and treat me nice to my face.

Since want be to faced not professional and why everyone get along and don't aspect everyone dosen't like what I do. But, I been business for 10 years and never cut down anyone I work with no matter how professional or unprofessional they maybe. But, the unprofessional ones tend not work with anyone because treatment and slander of my company and staff and other talent we work with.

-CatsEye :cat:

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Well from an unbiased standpoint and being new to the scene I found the event great. All the acts are very talented and have a passion for what they do. They enjoy themselves and enjoy performing and I being an artisti myself only know that if your passionate about what you do then the other stuff doesnt matter as much. If I had been discouraged everytime a gallery artist meet and great and opening had a small turnout out when my work was on display then why would I bother? Well I do because I enjoy it and the extra stuff is a bonus!. Now i know the goth scene is a bit more acceptable and non judgemental but its people like you jynxx or whatever that give our community a bad name. If we are to show the world that the goth community is made of talented, intelligent and creative individuals only wanting to be unique instead of whiney depressive losers that cut each other down just as much as the norms do than you my friend are going about it the wrong way. Aaron mr cats eye works very hard and enjoys what he does. The bands do too and everybody had a great time including myself. Yes I have only begun being into the scene but from what I have experienced so far I only want to be in it more! However I hope not to run into to many people like yourself if you throw such harsh judgements out because its like high school all over again. Someone berating and acting like some preppy jock talkin like they are so mch better than you or I heard this person blah blah bullshit. Dude be positive and focus on doing what you do best which i hope is being a performer and living a independant life doing what you want and enjoy.


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I did not slam anyone. Hell I gave away free tickets to the event, let you sell tickets out of the club and announced your show over the mic every night we were open to help spread the word and helped promote it for you. I also removed the fake post as soon as I saw it.


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Well from an unbiased standpoint and being new to the scene I found the event great. All the acts are very talented and have a passion for what they do. They enjoy themselves and enjoy performing and I being an artisti myself only know that if your passionate about what you do then the other stuff doesnt matter as much. If I had been discouraged everytime a gallery artist meet and great and opening had a small turnout out when my work was on display then why would I bother? Well I do because I enjoy it and the extra stuff is a bonus!. Now i know the goth scene is a bit more acceptable and non judgemental but its people like you jynx or whatever that give our community a bad name. If we are to show the world that the goth community is made of talented, intelligent and creative individuals only wanting to be unique instead of whiney depressive losers that cut each other down just as much as the norms do than you my friend are going about it the wrong way. Aaron mr cats eye works very hard and enjoys what he does. The bands do too and everybody had a great time including myself. Yes I have only begun being into the scene but from what I have experienced so far I only want to be in it more! However I hope not to run into to many people like yourself if you throw such harsh judgements out because its like high school all over again. Someone berating and acting like some preppy jock talkin like they are so mch better than you or I heard this person blah blah bullshit. Dude be positive and focus on doing what you do best which i hope is being a performer and living a independant life doing what you want and enjoy.


Umm..the goth community is a shadow of its former self first of all (mostly posers that only listen to VnV and combi copies) 2nd, for the most part, the community ARE "whiney depressive losers that cut each other down just as much as the norms do." the goth/industrial scene has more clicks than high school, lool. but im sure you will figure that out on your own. (im not defending Jynx, just throwing it out there as you are "new to the scene")

Edited by Sluagh686
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Umm..the goth community is a shadow of its former self first of all (mostly posers that only listen to VnV and combi copies) 2nd, for the most part, the community ARE "whiney depressive losers that cut each other down just as much as the norms do." but im sure you will figure that out on your own.

well i actually can say im no poser i didnt even start listening to them until recently. I like alot of groups some of which are not even heard of in our area but other parts of the US and world. The scene in Detroit yeah i can see why you say that. Detroit is a shadow of itself with the economic crisis. However if you look at goth communities in other parts of the US and world you will see they still thrive and go strongly. Of course still expect some of the normal drama that happens. No matter what clique group or community we are in we are human and its easy to fall into the bad habit of being a gossip and drama mama. I guess thats just the people I will learn to avoid at least when they are being like that. For me being a goth is a lifestyle and scene i feel comfortable in. It allows me to express my creative and unqiue side and gives me something interesting to talk about. I also thought if I was going to be stared at for being chunky I might as well give them something extra to look at. If people consider me a poser for whatever reason fine their opinion and we all know the old saying opinions are like assholes everyones got one.


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So, it has been noted that Jinx did not actually write (what is no longer viewable) that post.

As mysterious as it might be as to who did, I rather hope this doesn't get escalated.

Don't be a crap magnet.

Bad break-ups can be a bitch and so can my EX.

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I'm really glad that is the case Jinx cuz that post really did offend a lot of people - gonna write more about this later.... not to bash but this does relate to a lot of things going on right now.

Well hopefully we can all be great friends after this is said and done and we can drool over my cool photos lol. Well not that I would think anyone would. Anyways I just wanna get along and have FUN! I am The Fairy Gothmother after all so children play nice or i will have to curse you all.


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bmm sucks :)

I heard they also blow for $5

(Before anyone freaks Jacob and I are close and this is in no way personal) That being said it is true that he will blow you for $5.

I had to remove posts on here, a myspace blog and of all place Live Journal which I haven't used at all in almost a year. Common passwords for multiple sites are bad!!!

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I'm really glad that is the case Jinx cuz that post really did offend a lot of people

That was the whole point to offend as many people as possible in a short time over several sites. Glad most people have already dumped Live Journal and Myspace. It makes no sense to trash a show that I made posters for and promoted. It's like saying look at me I did a real shitty job. I am done posting in this thread about this. I fixed the problem and said what happened and every second I spend typing here I am giving her exactly what she wants.

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