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DGN Lazerquest mayhem?


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So Ms. Chernobyl calls me recently quite excited. Apparently she drove past a LazerQuest place while out and about one day and had the thought that a DGN event there could be very silly and very fun.

...I kinda agree.

What about the rest of you though? Would people come? Just think....you'd have the opportunity to shoot us mods! :p

Aiming for: Saturday Evening, February 6th

How it breaks down: We can reserve the ENTIRE maze for either two games or three games. We would have our own group lock-in and we would also have the option of doing teams instead of just having a free-for-all. We can also mix and match I believe and have one game free-for-all, next game teams, etc. Sounds like more fun than monkeys in a barrel on peyote.

The all important awesomeness of PRICING: We are allowed UP TO 30 people in the group. As I count right now we have around 25 and I also have friends that I can use as "filler" to lower the price. I have no doubt we can do it in the 28-30 range. THE MORE PEOPLE THE LOWER THE PRICE.

If we have ALL 30 people (and as I said, this will most likely not be a problem) two games will cost $12 per person (saving $4 from their regular walk-in free-game rate) OR if we do THREE games it will be a staggering $16.50 per person (saving $7.50 per person from their regular rate).

Should we go with three games or two? PLZ LEAVE INPUT! By next week I will decide which we should go with depending on what people say on Monday 1/18/10!

Reservations are FIRST COME FIRST SERVE and there are only THIRTY slots open! Here is how: Reservations will be exclusively one member and ONE guest to start with. This is so that someone with 8 guests doesn't come by and take up ALL the slots that actual DGN members may want to fill. I will give DGN members until (bolded because of importance): January 20th to let me know that they plan to go and if they are or are not bringing one guest. After that point I will open the reservations to as many guests as members would like in order to fill any remaining spots. If someone PMs me after that point saying "Hey I'm a member and wanted to go but now everything is full up with guests, wtf" then tough shit, the deadline was clearly posted.

Next big important part: ALL PAYMENTS ARE DUE BY: FEBRUARY 1ST!. This is crucial to YOU because I don't care what excuse there is there are no exceptions to this rule. If you do not pay by February 1st and are on the roster list and someone else who obviously didn't see the January 20th deadline wants your spot and has the money to go then guess what? You're not going. I'm VERY strict to this.

IN SHORT: Sign up by January 20th and let me know if you are bringing ONE guest. After the 20th I will post who is going and if there are open slots left for people to fill with guests. GIVE ME MONEY BY FEBRUARY 1ST. By next week I will post whether it will be $12 or $16.50, next Monday the 18th!

Last but not least: WHERE! This will be at the best Laser Quest EVAR which is located on John R. north of 13 Mile in Madison Heights. Their webpage is here: www.laserquest.com

Any further questions should be directed towards my inbox. If you are excited and just want to let someone know how excited you are, I also accept those PMs aswell.

Edited by Chernobyl
Chernobyl Edited this post to add the information so it is upfront in the first page
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Fuck yeeeeeahs, glad everyone is down with LQ like I am. I've wanted to go for awhile but figured I'd feel silly being 24 and all and going during the day and running around with 7 year olds shooting them with lasers :laugh:. Timata and I got the idea because we drove past it coming back from Oakland Mall (I wasn't even sure if they were still in business, the Clinton Twp LQ closed down a few years ago and I wasn't sure about the Mad Hts one). We thought it would be awesome amazing watching goth people run around in black lights shooting lasers at each other. I'm not sure what my obsession is with trying to get goth people to do silly group activities such as this and camping...but it sure rules, yes?

Personally I would say the lock-in is the best idea. I can go to their website and look up rates, call them, etc. Now all I'm wondering is WHEN would be a good time to do this...maybe last week in January or first in February to give me time to get my shit together and so everyone can clear their schedules and save up a few dollars? Input, plz.

I do know WHAT is decided about this...Chernobyl will frag you with lasers until you melt. Wow, I can't believe I even just said frag, that is like soooo 1998 ago :tongue:.

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I Raev; being of sound mind and body, do hereby and hereon challenge Chernobyl to a kill-count competition.

Friend vs friend, mod vs mod, a friendly wager.

What is at risk you might ask?

If you lose, I want to see pictures on DGN of you dressed up over the top girly in a dress holding a sign that says "I got my ass kicked by Raev"

If I lose? Well hell - I'll dress in drag and let the DGN women do my makeup if they would like and hold a sign saying "I got my ass kicked by Chernobyl" to be posted on DGN. I'll even make the sign out of yellow posterboard.

Do you accept?

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  On 12/30/2009 at 9:29 PM, Raev said:

I Raev; being of sound mind and body, do hereby and hereon challenge Chernobyl to a kill-count competition.

Friend vs friend, mod vs mod, a friendly wager.

What is at risk you might ask?

If you lose, I want to see pictures on DGN of you dressed up over the top girly in a dress holding a sign that says "I got my ass kicked by Raev"

If I lose? Well hell - I'll dress in drag and let the DGN women do my makeup if they would like and hold a sign saying "I got my ass kicked by Chernobyl" to be posted on DGN. I'll even make the sign out of yellow posterboard.

Do you accept?

I accept your challenge so long as I get to wear a sparkly bow in my boy-fro when I am holding said sign of defeat.

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That's by my house. I've been one time. It's pretty cool, but they don't allow you to run so you kind of feel like a fat baptist trudging around shooting at people. They recordall of your shots and hits are registered to so you get a little card at the end of your session that tells you how good you are or how much you oughta not hunt to survive.

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  On 12/30/2009 at 8:18 PM, Chernobyl said:

Fuck yeeeeeahs, glad everyone is down with LQ like I am. I've wanted to go for awhile but figured I'd feel silly being 24 and all and going during the day and running around with 7 year olds shooting them with lasers :laugh: . Timata and I got the idea because we drove past it coming back from Oakland Mall (I wasn't even sure if they were still in business, the Clinton Twp LQ closed down a few years ago and I wasn't sure about the Mad Hts one). We thought it would be awesome amazing watching goth people run around in black lights shooting lasers at each other. I'm not sure what my obsession is with trying to get goth people to do silly group activities such as this and camping...but it sure rules, yes?

Personally I would say the lock-in is the best idea. I can go to their website and look up rates, call them, etc. Now all I'm wondering is WHEN would be a good time to do this...maybe last week in January or first in February to give me time to get my shit together and so everyone can clear their schedules and save up a few dollars? Input, plz.

I do know WHAT is decided about this...Chernobyl will frag you with lasers until you melt. Wow, I can't believe I even just said frag, that is like soooo 1998 ago :tongue: .

Clearly, I have never told you of the second game of my favorite LARP campaign that we simulated going into a Nazi science bunker by using a laser tag arena. I was 32 at the time. This is the same campaign that used flash bangs and fireworks in the middle of the camp to simulate bombing from post WW-II bomber-fighters.

As for laser tag, I think I would be for it. :)

Edited by StormKnight
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