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DGN Lazerquest mayhem?


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hehe that's what I was thinking!!!

Cher, I will call you, I can meet you tonight, or Sunday to give you moneys. :)

Awesome, call meh. Enishi is supposed to come here tonight and I believe we're having people over, you should stop here and see my hovel! We've actually fixed it up and we have mass couches for optimum comfort.

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We've had an overwhelming response regarding the number of games, and, as promised I will deliver:

There will be THREE games filled with EPIC instead of two. This means final price, per person: $16.50. RESERVE NOW. We're almost HALF full already and we're not even to the DGN cut off date, never the less the drop date!

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Aiiiight...so I called Laser Quest and I have good news and bad news. The good news is that the reservation for it is still open, the BAD news is that they want half deposit for it...totaling Chernobyl out of HER POCKET $247 dollars, which would normally go to pay for my cats and dogs and rats and myself to eat and keep on utilities and not have bill collectors call me SOOO....

If you love Chernobyl and like this event and like my event planning...PLEASE, for the sake of my pocket book, pay ASAP! For those who can and will I very much appreciate it, I'm taking a BIG gamble on this because I'm liable for $495 worth of Laser Quest and I'm merely a part-time college student. If you like the thought of me NOT pulling out what little hair I have over this then please do what you can to get your payment to me as early as you can.

For those of you who can't that is still fine, I'm sure if you had the money atm then you would do the same :)

I hate posting this because it makes me sound like I am a beggar or something, but I asure all of you that it is not my intent. I work at the college as an office worker and I had off the entire Christmas vacation and don't get my first paycheck until February 5th and don't get my financial aid return until a week after that. For any of you who pay me quicker, thank you VERY much ahead of time. I have nothing to offer except gratitude, respect, and maybe some Chernobyl Points?

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Sorry, one day late, I had stuff come up yesterday, but here is a list of the people who have said they definately (or most definately) are in:

Chernobyl (duh)







Fidget (+1 guest)




It's a rather small list so far, which worries me. I am at this point now opening sign ups for as many guests as people would like plus any other DGN members that haven't got on board yet.

The BAD part about this, since I was definately expecting more of a turn out, is that this is turning out to be real bad for me and since I have not had many people pay me yet, and if people don't pay me then I CAN'T reserve us for Laser Quest as I do NOT have the money (literally, not even on credit cards or anything). I am getting my first paycheck in February along with my financial aid refund and my tax refund, so if we did it later in February I wouldn't be so worried about having to foot extra money, but right now I absolutely can not. Also holding it later in February would give people a longer window to sign up, save up, and pay me.

If everyone wants to see this happen on February 6th I will need more of a turnout and people to pay me earlier. If this does NOT happen...then sadly I will have to postpone it for later in the month. If I do postpone, which I do NOT want to do, if anyone does not or cannot attend the new date then I will gladly refund your money in full and I apologize in advance if this does happen.

SO to emphasize: The sooner I get more sign ups and the sooner I get money for this, the more likely it will happen on the originally scheduled date.

Edited by Chernobyl
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Eep. I forgot about this. Status?

Postponed for probably another two or three weeks. I figured for several reasons:

~ Gives more people a chance to sign up.

~ Gives more time for people to get their tax refund back for added cash monies.

~ Gives ME a chance to get my financial aid refund back so that if people don't sign up and/or don't get their tax refund I actually have the money to make up the difference instead of gauging Boshy for more cash.

~ Gives people a longer window to plan for it and take off the particular Saturday.

~ Gives people more of a chance to gather any guests that they may want to sign up if space is available.

~ Gives my kitty, Gitzie, more of a chance to run around outside beefing up by killing things so that come the end of February she can actually haul around that laser pack and not look a fool like she did last time :no :.

TONIGHT...I will be making a NEW TOPIC (so that it's better organized) and a date option in the topic and all that good stuff. Anyone who does NOT or CANNOT attend the newly scheduled date WILL be refunded any money that you have given me and will also be given an apology.

Edited by Chernobyl
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Yes, for those who have inquired due to the fact that not enough people signed up for the first one to be able to book and not have me go flat broke this IS being postponed. I'm really really sorry I have to do it and anyone who does not want to or cannot go to the newly scheduled WILL get a refund, please PM me and let me know. I'm going to call tomorrow to see if either February 27th or March 6th is available and will let people post as to which one would work best for them as it is far enough in the distance for people to possibly schedule around.

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