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What is the best Lolita?

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So recently I've been out alot; going around with friends and meeting new people... and new outfits.

For a while now I've been really curious:

What is the best lolita dress-wear?

I've seen a girl dressed in a bright red doll-like costume flooded with lace... I've seen a billowy black belted dress that strapped to almost every part of a girls body, but with a parasol and black raven feathers adorning the edges... I've seen a dress that was made entirely of silver silk and the girl had matching boots with knee-highs and ballroom arm-gloves.

But what one is most popular? Is there one...?

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Like Marc, I am partial to the gothier looks... like in Bizenghast. But I agree: there is so much individual variation, don't know if you can say there's a "best" or even most popular version. One thing I like about OsakaKoNeko is how every outfit she wears really radiates her unique personality.




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Ahhn... so there isn't any above the other. Okay. ^_^

So what about personality links to the looks?

IE: 'White/light colored loli girls are usually submissive and shy... always asking permission and generally acting very young.'

Things like that.

A stereotype, or is it a rule that darker lolis mean more dominance...?

Just very curious. :3

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I never heard of any such thing as a 'dominant lolita'...wait, while I giggle a minute :hrhr:

.....I don't think there is a 'code' for the lolas...if TheOsakaKoneko (TKO) is any litmus, a lola' can be expected to be as diverse as any other friek-culture.

...so, I guess, there HAS to me SOME 'dominant-lolitas'... :rofl:

(I only laugh at the thought of a lil' lola' trying to drag me to the ground.) :rofl:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The best lolita, hmm?

What a question. First we have to start with a more basic question - what does the word "lolita" mean to you?

There are various definitions and interpretations (and I'm talking solely about in a fashion sense, not even touching the many other possibilities unrelated to clothing styles).

For the most accurate sense of the term, well...to be honest most of the images in this thread do not fit. And much of what I myself wear to the club does not fit (though most does...when it doesn't it's pretty obvious :laugh: ). However, with the more open-minded attitude common amongst the goth crowd, they might. For actual lolita, check out this site:


It is pretty good about describing the basic elements and standards.

I personally came to lolita for the first time while in Japan, with access to everything a lolita could want, a plethora of inspirations, and few of the error-filled resources through much of the Western world was first exposed to lolita. So I have a very natural understanding of what is and is not lolita and what does and does not work naturally with the style, and I can be quite strict when it comes to defining something as being lolita or not. But I've also spent a lot of time in the goth world surrounded by different gothic fashions, so I can appreciate that from goth eyes, many things may be considered "lolita" that would not be from the eyes of a lolita. Most lolitas would simply scoff at these "ita" fashions, but I actually can appreciate that people may like that for what they are. I wouldn't advocate wearing them to a lolita event, but they are great for the club, and they can express your personality just fine. Many of my own designs are not "accurate" lolita per se, with a much more ero-goth influence, but there is a time and a place. :)

A good read for beginners, though some of the details are outdated and/or can be broken easily while still remaining true to the fashion:


To be frank, many of the rules in lolita CAN be broken. However, it's usually best to gain some experience with the fashion in its strictest form before venturing to stray too far so that you have a deep natural feeling for the style and can judge whether something looks right or not.

But what IS lolita in essence? A fashion that emphasizes feminine beauty, innocence, an open heart and wide eyes, a knowledge that childlike qualities still exist in all of our hearts and a choice to embrace these and revel in that purity and love of the world.

This is not to say a lolita should act childish or immature, or that they are immature or undeveloped in any way. A lolita may have all the interests and desires of an adult - there is nothing to say otherwise. But along with this is the ability to take joy in simple things and appreciate the beauty in everyday life.

But on a practical note, just one quick note: simply having a poofy skirt above the knee does not a lolita outfit make. ;)

If you want to learn about the fashion and get an innate sense of what does and does not fit, one of the best things you can do is simply browse the websites of the lolita brands:









(These are just the most popular/common brands - there are many more.)

Edited by TheOsakaKoneko
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