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the truth behind primer 55


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For those of you that care about the true story as opposed to the garbage Bobby Burns is spewing all over the Primer 55 websites right now. Here it is...

I have been in this band for two years. Since Day 1, I have been the booking agent, lead singer, and after our first tour with Love Said No fell apart, I also became our tour manager on the road. Any one that has booked the band in the last two years can attest to this.

In that time span, Bobby has cancelled show after show on a whim when he felt the need to, or if he just felt like being a moody rock star. Up until I joined this band I had NEVER cancelled a show. It was foreign to me. It's always bad business. I say this, because I am also a promoter in Milwaukee, WI, doing this for the past 7 years of my life. There are venues across the country that will no longer book us becasue of this kind of dumbass thinking on Bobby's part.

Last year Bobby made Primer 55 an LLC corporation again. I WAS NOT on the paperwork, and he borrowed money from our old drummer to buy a van. This past year I did not see any money, but it all went into the van to pay for it. Which would have been fine, if MY NAME was on that deed as well. I have been working to line Bobby's pockets. I own nothing from the hard work I put into it. When I approached him about this, he shyed away from it.

The final straw came when we BOTH decided we had to postpone 2 weeks of the tour out west to focus on getting the album done and Bobby having to stay home for his pregnant wife. We made this agreement in Lake Geneva, WI on our December run and I proceded to make the emails and phone calls to talk to promoters.

The day AFTER I emailed our promoters in Phoenix and Vegas that we had to cancel, he called me and said to re-schedule the shows there because it was important to do those two.

I RE-EMAILED those promoters and said PRIMER 55 WILL BE THERE! They were very happy and all was well.

The day after New Year's I got a call from a friend in Vegas asking me why we cancelled the show again. I was confused since we just re-scheduled it. He said he saw it on a video message Bobby had made from New Year's Eve at his home. I watched the message and called Bobby and he had decided to cancel the 2 shows WITHOUT EVEN TELLING ME! I looked like a fool, and than I had to cancel the shows again with the 2 promoters.

This time they were not so happy, and were PISSED! I couldn't blame them either. Both had dumped money into posters, radio ads, etc. I asked them if they wanted to just have me do my solo show out there and at least save face a bit and let the show go on. Both were very ecstatic, and happy, and I kept the contacts without hurting our name.

Bobby went mental at this notion, and that's when things really got rough between him and I. I tried to still do the tour with him, but he was so butt hurt at the notion I could still do a show without the almighty Bobby Burns, that he tried to make my life miserable.

He even went so far as to check into my dealings as a promoter in Milwaukee. He was jealous of the fact I am intalks with GLORIANA (a fucking country band for God's sake), David Allan Coe, Saliva, and others to book for shows as my PROFESSION when I am not doing work with Primer 55.

I have 2 kids, a mortgage, a car payment, etc every month to pay for. You know how much I made with Primer 55? Zero fucking dollars. So I ask you people, who fucked who over. Why has he had so many people in his band over the years? Why won't Jason talk to him?

I will always love the good memories of Primer 55, and it has helped me in my efforts to be more well known in music. But enough was enough. I have done movie soundtracks, tours, commercials, before I was ever a part of his band. He feels I used him, when in fact I was fine without him. He used me. For 2 years. Congrats bro. That's all your getting from me.

Thanks to all the fans that came out and supported me and this band these last two years. I will never forget it, but I can feel it in my heart that it's time to move on.

Thank you!

Donny (The DRP)

Edited by deathfearsnone
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Wasn't there already a Primer 55...they did a song called "get loose"

thats the same band (donnie was the new singer) nice guy too i met him a few times

heres a response from primer 55 he is really childish

Why yes, lets DO clear some things up.. (response to drp)

1. Its takes TWO individuals for a partnership AKA an LLC. Donny has never ONCE come out of pocket for this band.. no, not once. So there's never any need in an LLC costing more than it should in the first place. I've put well over 20 THOUSAND dollars up of MY own money to pay the band, record the records, get them mixed, finance tours etc. etc. etc... and this started BEFORE Donny was ever in the band. *side note* Mikey was on the LLC because he worked very hard for P55 and yes, I did barrow money from Mikeys mother bless her heart and she has been getting paid back! She rocks and Mikey rocks. (thanks and love to both of you)

2. On our last tour Donny was so cheap he chose to let United Freaks of America pick him up so he didn't have to spend money to get down to ATL for the start of the tour and let them pay for all the gas etc... UFA's RV broke down towards the end of the tour and they were unable to play the last 3 shows we had booked so DONNY decided to cancel the shows instead of finishing out the tour and fulfill his obligations to the band and the fans. Why? because HE made MORE money by NOT doing the last few shows.....

yea, he's really put his all into P55.

Mikey Terito leaves the band because of Donny citing that he can no longer stand to be around him and his controlling egotistical ways... i.e. At the end of EVERY TOUR WE'VE EVER DONE DONNY HAS PULLED ME ASIDE AND SAID "YO MAN... I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE UNLESS I HAVE MORE MONEY TO TAKE HOME". And I always filled his pockets and he waltzed out the door every time meanwhile Curt, Mikey and myself never saw a dime from touring aside from Pd's (per diems). Mikey is still a very close friend of mine and Donny was even texting him last night saying he was going to "kill him" and "beat his ass" things like that.. for no reason!!!!! Why would he text Mikey of all people and give him shit just for being smarter than Curt or myself for getting away from Donny. He just refused to let Donny take advantage of him or the band any longer.

The fact is that yes, I have had to cancel shows in the past because of my other band SOULFLY.. P55 is my passion.. I've never made a penny off of it.. I've always just poured money into it. I've just always enjoyed bringing the tunes to the fans. Soulfly however is my job... my money maker.. The way I support my family and myself.

and the comment about Jason Luttrell? the original P55 singer that all of the fans preferred? J has been battling demons for about 10 years now with his drinking and drug addictions and for Mr Polinksy to say anything about him is just plain stupid. Donny knows nothing. But yes, J and I stopped getting along because of those things just like anyone else would.. It was hard to play shows with him nodding off all the time, whatever. But hey.. the fans can even tell everyone that I always took up for Donny to make him feel better and boost his EGO.

Back to canceling shows.. Yes, the shows/tours we've pulled in the past were because of Soulfly... We've re-booked all or most of them too. At the same time Mr Polinsky was canceling the shows he was pitching his "rap" shit to everyone just so, once again he could walk away with the P55 money.

The last thing I'm going to say about this is.. Donny has fucked Curt, Mikey and myself over for the last time... Trying to get him to do these dates has been like pulling teeth with his demands of "You have to bring my "hype man" out on these shows and pay him to sell merch so *I* dont have to spend MY own money to get him to PHX AZ or to Vegas to play the shows I stole from the band.

Are you kidding me? Really? Seriously?

fuck you and your mediocre rap you moron.

Love, Love, Love

Bobby Burns

Edited by deathfearsnone
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