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Pat Robertson blames Haitian earthquake

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I haven't posted in this thread as of yet, because I believe in free speech. If someone wants to believe in the flying spaghetti monster because I say it exists- that's their problem. It's the people that listen to things that they should know in their soul is wrong who have the issues. Let him talk, I for one, won't listen. I only found out about it at all because of the fuss on the board. I don't give Robertson's words power.

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Gaf I did read the article in question yes...

I guess I am still missing the over all goal of your statements :(

Are you trying to say A.)Pat Robertson is right? or B.)That he is not right but neither is anyone else? C.) Pat Robertson has the right to say whatever he wants and people who get mad about it are wrong? D.) The Democrats are bad (having nothing to do with Haiti? E.)The people of Haiti are evil because of the history provided by folklore? F.) If people read the bible, they would see that this is just fine?

I am looking for an underlying idea for what you would like people who read this thread to get from your statements.

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After hearing what Danny Glover said, I am kinda surprised that no one seems to be up in arms about that.

An actors political views vs someone who is the head of a very powerful and influential organization.... I heard Sean Connery say that he thought that hitting women was okay at times as well...

The point being what Glover said was bad... but the source is different.... If a local community theater actor tells me to go and kill my family with a sharpened toothbrush that is one thing, if the head of the local church tells me to do it as well as others... another ball game...

(and yes that is also very upsetting... just on a different level.)

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I have to wonder how people who are of the opinion that natural disasters, terrorist acts, etc. are god's punishment for some type of behavior that goes against their spiritual beliefs would react if their own families were killed in some sort of tragic, unnatural way (car accident, house fire, gas explosion...). Would that also be a punishment from god for some type of camaraderie with the devil, or would they be offended and outraged by anyone who might say such a thing to them.

I'm not saying I hope anything like that happens, just that I'm curious what the response would be.

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I have to wonder how people who are of the opinion that natural disasters, terrorist acts, etc. are god's punishment for some type of behavior that goes against their spiritual beliefs would react if their own families were killed in some sort of tragic, unnatural way (car accident, house fire, gas explosion...). Would that also be a punishment from god for some type of camaraderie with the devil, or would they be offended and outraged by anyone who might say such a thing to them.

I'm not saying I hope anything like that happens, just that I'm curious what the response would be.

Good post miss....

(and thanks for the link Rev)

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An actors political views vs someone who is the head of a very powerful and influential organization.... I heard Sean Connery say that he thought that hitting women was okay at times as well...

The point being what Glover said was bad... but the source is different.... If a local community theater actor tells me to go and kill my family with a sharpened toothbrush that is one thing, if the head of the local church tells me to do it as well as others... another ball game...

(and yes that is also very upsetting... just on a different level.)

But Pat Robertson doesn't speak for all Christians, in fact the majority of Christians think that man is a kook. What the man said was stupid and insensitive, but he is also just a man and last time I checked was not the leader of all Christians.

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But Pat Robertson doesn't speak for all Christians, in fact the majority of Christians think that man is a kook. What the man said was stupid and insensitive, but he is also just a man and last time I checked was not the leader of all Christians.

My point is that more people (I think) turn towards "The Church" for their spiritual/moral compass then actors (I know some people do... and that is frightening). Therefore the words of Pat Robertson effect more people/have a greater impact, I don't think that anywhere in the thread someone claimed that Pat was speaking for all Christians, so I am not sure why that concept is being defended against.

I also don't think anyone has claimed that Glover is speaking for everyone who watches movies.

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Think about it, it's the perfect disguise.........who would suspect?

Satan infultrates the church and spews his hateful ignorance to the christian followers.

It's actually very clever.

It's also actually very biblical.

If only atheists and religious nuts knew as much about the bible as they'd like to think, both would be quite surprised.

Earlier someone stated "Maybe Pat Robertson is the devil in disguise." This was answered by several people claiming that he might have a better disguise. This is WAY more biblical than you know.

2nd Corinthians 11

"13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve."

Most Atheists I know, have never heard of this verse, or at least have never mentioned it. Coincidentally, it is VERY rare that "Christians" mention it either, because now they can't assume someone is evil or not because of how they look. This is a VERY important ideal in modern Christianity, to oppress and crush people who don't look "wholesome". I'm sure every one of you freaks will agree.

As far as being in alignment with the devil;

1 Peter 5-8

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

—John 8:44

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

1st Timothy 6:10

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.

How does this NOT sound like the wealthiest, most powerful, deceitful, and warlike nation in the world? How does it NOT sound like most of our presidents since JFK?

How does it not sound like a nation obsessed with how they and their entertainers and leaders appear?

Is it any surprise that some Muslims call The U.S. government "The Great Satan?"

Obviously, to maintain the belief that the United States is a "Christian" nation is sort of a hunk of bullshit. Or, it may in in fact be "Christian", but it sure as hell isn't by such terms laid out in the bible.

Haiti doesn't have the money and power for that kind of evil. What use is a poor, destitute, powerless nation to an entity that wants to deceive, destroy, devour, and blind people with wealth and glamor?

I don't care what religion is king in Haiti, I only care how people treat each other. I daresay some catholics and some voodoo and if there are any in Haiti, some atheist people have much love for others, and there are many of the same who are full of hate.

Finally, know who were the first slaves in North America? Native Americans. Know who their owners were? The neighboring tribes. The idea of slaves for them was not always putting your enemy in bondage and forcing them to work in misery. Some Native Americans often went to war to take slaves; they did this to re-populate, and make the slaves a part of their families and social structures. Often times, it was DESIREABLE to become a slave in a well founded, strong community. This is why many Native Americans willingly became slaves of the white imperialists. They had no idea of the misery and brutality that was to be their future and eventual death. Black slaves began to be imported, because the Native slaves were killed off, or were too hard to take without casualties.

The ancient Middle East had different kinds of slaves. Forced slaves, like black slavery that we are familiar with aaaaaand, slaves that were taken and integrated in society and became respected servants and often times, family members. Many people sold themselves into slavery because they knew they would be much better off in the care of wealthy Hebrew families (or any other ethnic group for that matter... well, except Egyptians. lol) than being undesirables on the streets, or being an outcast from their own people, or just being dirt poor. In some nations, this is how harems were established; by buying women, who were rejected and outcast elsewhere. Historically you should know that in many places around the world, to be an outcast woman meant prostitution, or unchecked rape-fest, or both. One could instantly become much better off and would be treated with much more respect by being a "slave". Hebrews did not have forced slaves. Hebrew WERE forced slaves for years.

The word "slave" can mean very different things.

Does God condone slavery? Depending on what you want to believe, you'll say he does or he doesn't

Historically, were the slaves the Hebrews kept slaves in the sense that they were bound, mistreated and forced into labor? It depends on what your agenda is and how you want history to work for you and your beliefs.

Some "Christians" and atheists alike have a rich history of selective historical views. It depends on what view supports what they already insist on believing.

Atheists believe in neither God nor Satan, but now you have some scripture that shows many modern Western "Christians" don't really believe in them either, at least not as the bible says they are. They believe in what supports what they want to believe.

I will now have carrots.

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My point is that more people (I think) turn towards "The Church" for their spiritual/moral compass then actors (I know some people do... and that is frightening). Therefore the words of Pat Robertson effect more people/have a greater impact, I don't think that anywhere in the thread someone claimed that Pat was speaking for all Christians, so I am not sure why that concept is being defended against.

I also don't think anyone has claimed that Glover is speaking for everyone who watches movies.

People also have common sense Phee. Contrary to popular belief, Christians do have minds and know how to use them. Like I said the majority of people know Robertson is a kook and his statements should just be ignored.

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People also have common sense Phee. Contrary to popular belief, Christians do have minds and know how to use them. Like I said the majority of people know Robertson is a kook and his statements should just be ignored.

Never said they didn't.... but the issue is (as with actors) loud wheels get the most oil...

Just curious, did you get the vibe the Christianity itself was under er.... attack because of what Robertson said? (In this thread in particular?)

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An actors political views vs someone who is the head of a very powerful and influential organization.... I heard Sean Connery say that he thought that hitting women was okay at times as well...

The point being what Glover said was bad... but the source is different.... If a local community theater actor tells me to go and kill my family with a sharpened toothbrush that is one thing, if the head of the local church tells me to do it as well as others... another ball game...

(and yes that is also very upsetting... just on a different level.)

...& in circumstances, I agree.

:rofl: @ phee cometary per usual.

After hearing what Danny Glover said, I am kinda surprised that no one seems to be up in arms about that.

I did not catch that...did {can} someone link it?

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Never said they didn't.... but the issue is (as with actors) loud wheels get the most oil...

Just curious, did you get the vibe the Christianity itself was under er.... attack because of what Robertson said? (In this thread in particular?)

Not exactly under attack, just kinda annoyed people seem to think Robertson speaks for all Christians.

...& in circumstances, I agree.

:rofl: @ phee cometary per usual.

I did not catch that...did {can} someone link it?


Basically Glover is saying the earthquake was because nothing was done at the Climate Summit in Denmark.

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Gaf I did read the article in question yes...

I guess I am still missing the over all goal of your statements :(

Are you trying to say A.)Pat Robertson is right? or B.)That he is not right but neither is anyone else? C.) Pat Robertson has the right to say whatever he wants and people who get mad about it are wrong? D.) The Democrats are bad (having nothing to do with Haiti? E.)The people of Haiti are evil because of the history provided by folklore? F.) If people read the bible, they would see that this is just fine?

I am looking for an underlying idea for what you would like people who read this thread to get from your statements.

None of the above. I was trying to point out that within the framework of core Christian beliefs, what Pat said was right. Everything he said can be paraphrased into "Haiti has suffered 200+ years of bad leadership and bad treatment by the world. Please give everything you can to help these people." People are up in arms because he mentioned that they sopposedly made a pact with the devil 200 years ago.

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None of the above. I was trying to point out that within the framework of core Christian beliefs, what Pat said was right. Everything he said can be paraphrased into "Haiti has suffered 200+ years of bad leadership and bad treatment by the world. Please give everything you can to help these people." People are up in arms because he mentioned that they sopposedly made a pact with the devil 200 years ago.

You stated the supposedly as fact earlier... that might have been where some of the confusion came from.

I don't see where (and I ADMIT I MIGHT HAVE MISSED THIS because I am far from perfect) where he said anything other then praying for Haiti

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He said that Obama was going to use the Haiti catastrophe to improve his view "Light skinned and dark skinned black community in this country." That is I believe what made people upset. And comparing the reaction that Obama had to the prevented terrorist attack in Detroit, to the reaction he had to the quake in Haiti as evidence of racism... When one was a prevented problem, and one was a problem that DID effect hundreds of thousands... That I am sure made some folks upset.

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