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Pat Robertson blames Haitian earthquake

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So why is Rush getting shit for Obama and MSNBC's racism?

Yes, I said that.

1. Obama did take three days to make any form of official statement about an attempted attack, that he failed to prevent, on US soil. Protecting US citizens and our interest's is his #1 job priority according to the Constitution.

Yet, he responded within hours of a natural disaster in another country. A country that just happens to be predominitly black. Right after he looses face a bit with the black community for giving Biden a pass for his racists remarks. And Rush gets shit for pointing out that Obama is using the disaster to strengthen his political position with Blacks.

2. MSNBC... you really think they chose a black man for that segment based on his credentials?

BTW phee... Robertson's ministry has already put over 1 million dollars worth of medical supplies into Haiti since the Earth quake. As for asking for donations... perhaps you missed the big blue banner in the video asking for donations and giving a number to call.

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So why is Rush getting shit for Obama and MSNBC's racism?

Yes, I said that.

1. Obama did take three days to make any form of official statement about an attempted attack, that he failed to prevent, on US soil. Protecting US citizens and our interest's is his #1 job priority according to the Constitution.

Yet, he responded within hours of a natural disaster in another country. A country that just happens to be predominitly black. Right after he looses face a bit with the black community for giving Biden a pass for his racists remarks. And Rush gets shit for pointing out that Obama is using the disaster to strengthen his political position with Blacks.

2. MSNBC... you really think they chose a black man for that segment based on his credentials?

BTW phee... Robertson's ministry has already put over 1 million dollars worth of medical supplies into Haiti since the Earth quake. As for asking for donations... perhaps you missed the big blue banner in the video asking for donations and giving a number to call.

No I didn't miss the banner... but I am skeptical, asking for donations and giving them are different things... I heard a story on NPR today that mentioned that only 8% of the donations have actually gotten through to Haiti.

And yes he failed to prevent the attack... but to be honest I have never heard you mention that Bush prevented the 9-11 attacks. And lets not forget the attack was stopped and Obama did not take credit for stopping it. But one was a near tragedy the other A HUGE ONE.

As far as Rush and MSNBC... MSNBC, I do agree that they are about as skewed on this as FOX is in the other direction. I don't think that Obama being on task for Haiti is evidence of racism. Is that really what you are saying? I think that Rush, trying to find a negative side to sending aid to Haiti, and using it as a way to attack the president is a little... well I don't want to insult people by stating the obvious but twisted.

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No I didn't miss the banner... but I am skeptical, asking for donations and giving them are different things... I heard a story on NPR today that mentioned that only 8% of the donations have actually gotten through to Haiti.

And yes he failed to prevent the attack... but to be honest I have never heard you mention that Bush prevented the 9-11 attacks. And lets not forget the attack was stopped and Obama did not take credit for stopping it. But one was a near tragedy the other A HUGE ONE.

As far as Rush and MSNBC... MSNBC, I do agree that they are about as skewed on this as FOX is in the other direction. I don't think that Obama being on task for Haiti is evidence of racism. Is that really what you are saying? I think that Rush, trying to find a negative side to sending aid to Haiti, and using it as a way to attack the president is a little... well I don't want to insult people by stating the obvious but twisted.

Yep... thats the stratagy. If someone points out something you dont like but cant deny.. bring up the specter of Bush. I will address it though I think you are trying to derail. Bush failed to prevent 9/11. I have never said that he didn't fail. I have never really seen a great outcry for that failure. What I have seen is a great outcry for him delaying his response to it for ten minutes so as to not freak out the kids he was with. Whats Obama's excuse for waiting three days to do something?

Sorta, I think Obama is using race to build political clout because he has lost so much with all his failures.

Rush wasn't trying to find a negative side of aid to Haiti. If you watched more than the selected bits you would see that Rush was asking for people to donate what ever they could to releif funds but not to do it via the White House.

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Yes... bringing up the specter of Bush is usually something I try to avoid... but he was the last dude to have the job.

I just think that stating that Obama's help for Haiti is political is stating the obvious, it doesn't mean it's bad... He has plenty of things he actually did do wrong to get pissed at him about, being upset at him for helping earthquake victims does not need to be added to the pile does it?

Rush's donations and him using it as a way to attack the president are two separate matters... I never said Rush was happy about the earthquake but he is happy to use it as a means to attack.

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Oh, then perhaps I misunderstood the meaning of the bolded part.

I think that Rush, trying to find a negative side to sending aid to Haiti, and using it as a way to attack the president is a little... well I don't want to insult people by stating the obvious but twisted.

Edited by Gaf The Horse With Tears
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1. Obama did take three days to make any form of official statement about an attempted attack, that he failed to prevent, on US soil. Protecting US citizens and our interest's is his #1 job priority according to the Constitution.

i'm sorry, but that's just an asinine statement (the statement in red, not you, gaf...) - obama isn't the one running the screening, or checking the lists, etc. he didn't fail to prevent it, the system did. i haven't researched it, but i'm willing to bet he didn't even set the system/department up. i'll bet he appointed someone to do it, how about you/people blame that guy, or the screeners, or the airline security, or any number of people who truly *did* fail.

obama had nothing to do with the actual failure to notice/stop this guy. why the hell does everyone think that the guy who's president is capable of doing every single thing they accuse him of doing, or not doing? it's called delegation of authority...

and aside from all that, there was a lot of investigation to be done regarding the security shortcomings... how much research does anyone think was really needed to see that an earthquake of that magnitude is devastating? it's two entirely different scenarios...

sorry, i'm a bit irritated today.

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i'm sorry, but that's just an asinine statement (the statement in red, not you, gaf...) - obama isn't the one running the screening, or checking the lists, etc. he didn't fail to prevent it, the system did. i haven't researched it, but i'm willing to bet he didn't even set the system/department up. i'll bet he appointed someone to do it, how about you/people blame that guy, or the screeners, or the airline security, or any number of people who truly *did* fail.

obama had nothing to do with the actual failure to notice/stop this guy. why the hell does everyone think that the guy who's president is capable of doing every single thing they accuse him of doing, or not doing? it's called delegation of authority...

and aside from all that, there was a lot of investigation to be done regarding the security shortcomings... how much research does anyone think was really needed to see that an earthquake of that magnitude is devastating? it's two entirely different scenarios...

sorry, i'm a bit irritated today.

Thats just the way people do things now. People did it with Bush, alot, and now they are doing it to Obama if they against him and even if they are for him. Not saying its the right thing to do but thats how its done now. It may not even be intentional on most occasions. I mean, who is going to go through all the trouble of finding out who exactly was put in charge just so they can point the finger? Personally, I say shoot them all and figure out who did it later...because chances are they all had a hand in it somewhere along the line.

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i'm sorry, but that's just an asinine statement (the statement in red, not you, gaf...) - obama isn't the one running the screening, or checking the lists, etc. he didn't fail to prevent it, the system did. i haven't researched it, but i'm willing to bet he didn't even set the system/department up. i'll bet he appointed someone to do it, how about you/people blame that guy, or the screeners, or the airline security, or any number of people who truly *did* fail.

obama had nothing to do with the actual failure to notice/stop this guy. why the hell does everyone think that the guy who's president is capable of doing every single thing they accuse him of doing, or not doing? it's called delegation of authority...

and aside from all that, there was a lot of investigation to be done regarding the security shortcomings... how much research does anyone think was really needed to see that an earthquake of that magnitude is devastating? it's two entirely different scenarios...

sorry, i'm a bit irritated today.

Sorry, shit may roll down hill... but the guy in charge has always been blamed when shit fails. It's nothing new. Perhaps if Obama put people in charge of things based on qualifications rather than how much they worship at his alter he would be less blameless.

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How sad things like this make me very angry. I personally dont care what religion you believe in or not and practice but as a spiritual person of faith myself I find this diplorable. He will certainly face judgement himself one day for passing such cruel judgements and condemnations on fellow humans. He does ruin it for christians and christianity as with all fanatics. If he knew the true message of the Bible he would have not dared said that and been more compassionate. Lets see if Jesus died for his sins in the end. I think hes a big hypocrit because I bet he sins every day of his life! No one on this earth is perfect and I myself know I am far from it!

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Never said he didn't. then again, Bush never claimed that he would not appoint Lobbyist and then turned around and appoint almost all lobbyist like Obama has.

it's cool, i was just trying to make a point - people are quick to defend the politicians (or anyone, really) they like or are for, but also are just as quick to slam the ones they aren't, regarding the same issues. people blamed bush for a lot of shit that wasn't his direct fault and i seem to recall (i hope i'm not remembering incorrectly) you defending him, and yet now that a president/party you don't like is in office, you seem to be turning around and doing the same thing.

i'm not condemning in any way, just pointing out that it happens, and "what's good for the goose..." & all...

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it's cool, i was just trying to make a point - people are quick to defend the politicians (or anyone, really) they like or are for, but also are just as quick to slam the ones they aren't, regarding the same issues. people blamed bush for a lot of shit that wasn't his direct fault and i seem to recall (i hope i'm not remembering incorrectly) you defending him, and yet now that a president/party you don't like is in office, you seem to be turning around and doing the same thing.

i'm not condemning in any way, just pointing out that it happens, and "what's good for the goose..." & all...

I don't deny defending Bush on some things. I was also dead silent when people were attacking him for things he actually had direct control over or right there beating a drum with them.

I will note that France is already protesting the way Obama is handling the Haiti aid and blaming him for the aid not geting to the people yet.

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Not exactly under attack, just kinda annoyed people seem to think Robertson speaks for all Christians.


Basically Glover is saying the earthquake was because nothing was done at the Climate Summit in Denmark.


..but, at least I, CAN see the karmic flux in the possibilities...

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I will note that France is already protesting the way Obama is handling the Haiti aid and blaming him for the aid not geting to the people yet.

Don't get me started on FRANCE... :dry:

...you know where ALL the $ is?

In the pockets of the rich!

They collect the charity $, & put it in their banks, & lend it & such for three to four days, THEN, they send it to where it should be...THAT's where the $ is...in the pockets of the rich.



...you know who I'm talking about? Was I clear?

THE RICH....the same ones that sent all the jobs away.

..as for the 'specter'...I don't bring him up.

..why..is it, the other side's tactic, that when their point of argument is failed, to ignore that,& change it...off topic?

..I did not even intend to off topic to Rush...it was just the second half of a news clip...but, he was being a douche.

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I don't think that Obama being on task for Haiti is evidence of racism. Is that really what you are saying? I think that Rush, trying to find a negative side to sending aid to Haiti, and using it as a way to attack the president is a little... well I don't want to insult people by stating the obvious but twisted.


:rofl: ...from all the Oxycontin...(it's heroin, in essence)

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How sad things like this make me very angry. I personally dont care what religion you believe in or not and practice but as a spiritual person of faith myself I find this diplorable. He will certainly face judgement himself one day for passing such cruel judgements and condemnations on fellow humans. He does ruin it for christians and christianity as with all fanatics. If he knew the true message of the Bible he would have not dared said that and been more compassionate. Lets see if Jesus died for his sins in the end. I think hes a big hypocrit because I bet he sins every day of his life! No one on this earth is perfect and I myself know I am far from it!

THIS POST...is very Christ oriented...Buddha would agree...

...it is TRUTH.

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Oh, then perhaps I misunderstood the meaning of the bolded part.

Sorry was off a day there.... I should have been more clear "Trying to find a negative side to OBAMA sending aid to Haiti" that seems about as silly as someone trying to find a negative in the way that Bush helped Africa with the AIDS epidemic (something that Bush did that IMO he did well and did right).

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Pat Robertson 823 up, 83 down

An asshole that has somehow gotten his own T.V. show on some crappy channel. It's called the 700 club but it should really be called The Neo Nazi Movement In Disguise But The Sheep That Watch It Are To Busy Sitting There With Their Thumbs Up Their Asses To Know Any Better show.

A typical ranting of this lunatic is that lesbians/gays/athiests/muslims/and just about everyone else who is not a christian are the decay of western society and they should not be allowed in to office.

On top of that he claims to be able to help "heal" people by communicating to god on thier behalf on his TV show.

Pat Robertson is such an asshole! I dont know how people believe that dribble that he spews forth everyday on his show.

Urban Dictionary result,LOL!

Yes Pat Roberson is a douchbag

Edited by Hellion
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