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There is a lot.... and I mean A LOT of misinformation out there about what it really is... I really just want to know what it actually is.

I have heard the following about it, and I am not sure what is true and what is not, OR if what is true for some of its members is not true for others.

- Organization who's goal is to "bring down" the President (Obama).

- It is closely associated with the "birther" movement.

- Extremist Right Wing.

- Racist organization.

- A group that is upset with BOTH political parties and is trying to create another 3rd party.

- A group who is trying to force the conservative ideas back into politics of today.

- Anti Liberal.

- A group that is trying to encourage the "incorporated states of america" model.

Can someone please clarify, is any of this true? What does this movement actually stand for? Any actual facts to cut through the spin?


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- Organization who's goal is to "bring down" the President (Obama).

- It is closely associated with the "birther" movement.

- Extremist Right Wing.

- Racist organization.

- A group that is upset with BOTH political parties and is trying to create another 3rd party.

- A group who is trying to force the conservative ideas back into politics of today.

- Anti Liberal.

- A group that is trying to encourage the "incorporated states of america" model.

Can someone please clarify, is any of this true? What does this movement actually stand for? Any actual facts to cut through the spin?


I am not actually a memeber seeing as there really is no official group that I know of. I have never heard of actual meetings or anything like a big organization...which I kinda like for now.

-Yeah I hear talk of bringing down the President...but more talk of bringing down local government and even more of bringing down the whole government

-Of all the people I hear talk from the only people that still talk about the certificates are the people on the other side of the debate

-I have noticed a good sized group of people in school and work that are "liberal" joining in on the movement in one way or another...we are SO extreme that we are thinking of writing a letter

-If someone is racist that is their issue and nobody I know is racist...however we do make fun of the Irish when we are at the bar...if that counts

-There is alot of talk about a third party...but more talk centers on just the two that suck

-Yes many of us are upset by these environmental bills and such...but mostly because we don't agree with the "means"...you may find that the "ends" are much the same

-I don't like liberals and neither do alot of other people I know...but so what that isn't racist or anything...its other little issues like guns and such even though I am not a nut

-This I do not know much about...each issue holds something different for you depending on your background. The farmers I know feel different than my fellow auto workers on the same issue. Unions we all agree upon...they suck.

This is just what I know from friends and experiences in Wisconsin...it may be completely different elsewhere and probably is. Also, for a correct definition of this you would have to type much more than I did...MUCH more. It helps to look at our history because even though it is a bit different I find that the "spirit" that the people in early America had is much the same as what we are going through today. I mean we still act supprised when there are rumblings in the political world...even though we should be damn well used to it since it was going on since John Adams took office...shit!

Edited by candyman
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-I don't like liberals and neither do alot of other people I know...but so what that isn't racist or anything...its other little issues like guns and such even though I am not a nut

heh... I guess you don't like me then (as I fall into that category more often then not)... I guess I would not be comfortable lumping all conservatives into one big "don't like" category... a bit of a generalization for me. I have met libs and cons that I have both liked and disliked. I know the "Goth" subculture in and of itself is usually on the more liberal side of things (for being anti censorship, more spiritually open minded, more sexually open minded, or just... er open minded I guess in general).

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There is a lot.... and I mean A LOT of misinformation out there about what it really is... I really just want to know what it actually is.

I have heard the following about it, and I am not sure what is true and what is not, OR if what is true for some of its members is not true for others.

- Organization who's goal is to "bring down" the President (Obama).

- It is closely associated with the "birther" movement.

- Extremist Right Wing.

- Racist organization.

- A group that is upset with BOTH political parties and is trying to create another 3rd party.

- A group who is trying to force the conservative ideas back into politics of today.

- Anti Liberal.

- A group that is trying to encourage the "incorporated states of america" model.

Can someone please clarify, is any of this true? What does this movement actually stand for? Any actual facts to cut through the spin?


from what I've seen and read, it's bits and pieces of all of that. it's definitely not a monolithic block yet. I remember seeing a video last September from that march in DC. the reporter making the vid hooked up with the Arizona Minutemen contingent for the march, and the AMs were visibly distressed (and at least somewhat disgusted) at some of the outright nutbaggery taking place around them.

while I do laugh at most of what's considered tea bag political beliefs, I find the anti-corporate message most of them seem to espouse quite refreshing coming from conservatives...and you know what? even the racists and birther retards are at least getting off of their asses and getting involved in the process; gotta give 'em props for that, even if I disagree vehemently with their goals.

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There is a lot.... and I mean A LOT of misinformation out there about what it really is... I really just want to know what it actually is.

I have heard the following about it, and I am not sure what is true and what is not, OR if what is true for some of its members is not true for others.

- Organization who's goal is to "bring down" the President (Obama).

- It is closely associated with the "birther" movement.

- Extremist Right Wing.

- Racist organization.

- A group that is upset with BOTH political parties and is trying to create another 3rd party.

- A group who is trying to force the conservative ideas back into politics of today.

- Anti Liberal.

- A group that is trying to encourage the "incorporated states of america" model.

Can someone please clarify, is any of this true? What does this movement actually stand for? Any actual facts to cut through the spin?


I think they have a website. I think it is Teaparty.org and or you could probably ask Gaf; he would know in much more detail then I would.

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- Organization who's goal is to "bring down" the President (Obama).

No. We want him to follow the Constitution and good sense. Perhaps learn from history about bail outs. He only has to look at 1990's Japan and their bail out after bail out. They never recoverd until they stopped doing bail outs. I beleive they did 8. Throwing good money after bad isn't good. Ever. We were not happy when Bush did it. We were not happy with the Stimulas checks either. Enough is enough. We also oppose career politicians. We beleive Washington needs change. Just not the kind Obama brings. Chicago bully tactics are not going to fly on a national scale. The past year has shown that.He's a failure as a leader.

- It is closely associated with the "birther" movement.

There are a few but there are nuts in every group.

- Extremist Right Wing.

See above. Most are average people.

- Racist organization.

I have seen all races at the rallys and marches. The man who "brought a gun" was a black man. BTW, that was a 2nd Amendmant rally that was schedualed before Obama's appearance was.

- A group that is upset with BOTH political parties and is trying to create another 3rd party.

Some are. Some want to take over the Republican party. Some, just want to be heard.

- A group who is trying to force the conservative ideas back into politics of today.

No. They wany to reserve thier way of life and not see everythign they have worked for given to someone else. They want thier congress members to listen to them. Conservatives are the majorty in this country. Yet, we have no say at all in government right now.

- Anti Liberal.

No. We believe in free speech. EVERYONE should have a voice.

- A group that is trying to encourage the "incorporated states of america" model.

No, not at all. They just remember that corperations are made of people.

Edited by Gaf The Horse With Tears
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heh... I guess you don't like me then (as I fall into that category more often then not)... I guess I would not be comfortable lumping all conservatives into one big "don't like" category... a bit of a generalization for me. I have met libs and cons that I have both liked and disliked. I know the "Goth" subculture in and of itself is usually on the more liberal side of things (for being anti censorship, more spiritually open minded, more sexually open minded, or just... er open minded I guess in general).

I thought we were talking about actual politicians. In the case of normal people, I don't know if that applies to anyone here though, I could really give a shit unless you were somehow able to enforce laws on me like those that are in power.

I still don't know where I fit because I do like my guns and stuff like that...but I do try to stick myself into Leather & Lace night as much as I can...my mind does not need to be open to everything...I would not really be here if I minded people like you would I? A lack of cigarettes, a bad day at work, a pissy cat, a lean to the right, and a constant stream of far-left ideas from teachers and students at school can get me riled up sometimes. And on here I don't get lower grades in class or kicked out of a classroom for that...probably should tone it down sometimes but this is pretty much my only outlet right now besides the bars where people seem to understand at least a little but without going "lalalalala" which people have done to me a few times...but thats open minded liberal students and one teacher for you!

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those idiots who keep saying Obama's ineligible to be President because he's "not an American citizen".

The last poll I saw said that's about a third of the republicans out there; I'd wager that the percentage among the tea baggers who believe that is significantly higher.

It's statements like this that lead to movements like the tea parties. Calling people idiots for believing something different than you is not only ignorant, it also shows just how little tolerance you show for other beliefs.

Edited by TitsMcGee
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It's statements like this that lead to movements like the tea parties. Calling people idiots for believing something different than you is not only ignorant, it also shows just how little tolerance you show for other beliefs.


Also, that "third" of republicans must be hiding somewhere... :secret:like in the media...because I have yet to run into a living person that believes in the non-american shit. I have met many people that dislike or even hate the man...but even they don't care about place of birth they just don't want him in office. However, when people don't like the reasons given them by others for why they don't want someone in office a fabricated reason would suffice and I am sure that the media has used that many times over.

People can say what they want about people in the "Tea party movement"...racist, want a birth certificate, bible thumping gun lovers...but that image is probably projected onto people because of a much much MUCH smaller group of people that are actually like that and happen to get under the magnifying glass of the media. Shit most of my friends that want him out of office were the ones that actually voted him in!!!! I meet other people like that on occasion too...its kinda like what happened when Bush got voted in for a second term...enough voters went into dumbass mode to make it happen and they woke up later only to say WTF?

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