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Obama's State of the Union 2010 Address

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Stop calling me a lair long enough to post some data to back up your statement. Name the people that have dropped out of the race because Obama is going to win.

Why are you obsessed with one item when you have FAILED to even defend anything? Do you honestly think knowing those names will help you any?

fine, i'll give you the article.

Some Republicains concedeing to Obama's Second Term?

Whats being said, to clarify for you and everyone else, is that there are members of the Republican party, some of them considered to be in the running for Presidential Nominee in 2012, that would rather see Obama have a second term then bother to try to run against him. There is more then an intelligent train of thought there, and it is one that many in the Republican party have supported before ( Bill Clinton's Second Term ). Democrats have a higher success rate of getting two term in the White House. If the Republicans choose to play it safe for what will be an easier win later, then its what they choose to do, a they know that 2012 will not have a strong Republican Canidate.

and if you want to be stopped called a liar...it's simple Gaf....stop lying,

Edited by IsleofRhodesEnt
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Nothing in that article says anyone dropped out because they thought Obama was going to win in 2012. There is one line where the author says that, but nothing is posted by any would be canidate that says that.

The reason I wanted your answer, is that you are calling me a lair while telling a lie.

btw, Christ did not go for re-election, because the polls showed he did not have the support to be relected. He doesn't even have the support to win the party nomination for that Senate seat he is running for. Rubio (the Tea Party Canidate) beats him in the polls.

Edited by Gaf The Horse With Tears
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Nothing in that article says anyone dropped out because they thought Obama was going to win in 2012. There is one line where the author says that, but nothing is posted by any would be canidate that says that.

The reason I wanted your answer, is that you are calling me a lair while telling a lie.

btw, Christ did not go for re-election, because the polls showed he did not have the support to be relected. He doesn't even have the support to win the party nomination for that Senate seat he is running for. Rubio (the Tea Party Canidate) beats him in the polls.

awww...but see, you didn't bother to mention Jon Huntsman Jr., who HAS been rumored to become a front-runner for the Republican Party in 2012, but is rather deciding to not run for the party nomination.

I didn't lie....it's in the article...next time...read FARTHER before you acuse...because I read everything you put up, much to my disdain, and what links you use...and it's either out of date info, from a source that isn't as credible that you wish it was, or your just running your trap without reading whats going on.

Edited by IsleofRhodesEnt
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So what, you really think Obama is the ace of spades in the 2012 election? Is that the whole point of your argument, Isle? I'm not ridiculing you, I just want to know if that's where you're going with this. Well, you may be right but I think it's a slim chance.

Although, having spent nearly all of my time hanging out in the poor south side neighborhoods of Chicago in 2008, I did notice one thing. I never heard so many people say "I've never voted in my life but I'm voting for Obama just cuz I wanna see a black man in office".

That's not a lie, that's truth, I heard it day in and day out before he was even the official democrat candidate.

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awww...but see, you didn't bother to mention Jon Huntsman Jr., who HAS been rumored to become a front-runner for the Republican Party in 2012, but is rather deciding to not run for the party nomination.

I didn't lie....it's in the article...next time...read FARTHER before you acuse...because I read everything you put up, much to my disdain, and what links you use...and it's either out of date info, from a source that isn't as credible that you wish it was, or your just running your trap without reading whats going on.

Someone who is rumored to be maybe thinking about running in 2012 and not having a decision yet is not the same thing as dropping out. That article is a stretch at best and supposition to the core.

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So what, you really think Obama is the ace of spades in the 2012 election? Is that the whole point of your argument, Isle? I'm not ridiculing you, I just want to know if that's where you're going with this. Well, you may be right but I think it's a slim chance.

Although, having spent nearly all of my time hanging out in the poor south side neighborhoods of Chicago in 2008, I did notice one thing. I never heard so many people say "I've never voted in my life but I'm voting for Obama just cuz I wanna see a black man in office".

That's not a lie, that's truth, I heard it day in and day out before he was even the official democrat candidate.

I don't doubt you heard that, nor do I doubt that his current position is because a decent slice of the pie vote for him just to make history. Do I think he is the Ace in the Hole...no, because honestly, anything can happen, and I can't predict that far into the future. (no, I am not psychic, but if you read certian things surrounding stuff, you can predict the most likely outcome). However, if it comes between Obama and Mitt Romney, who has the largest percentage of Republican voters right now, according to the polls...It's gonna be Obama...unless something drastic happens. Palin won't have the support needed to beat Obama, even if she does become republican primary canidate...and Hilary can't unseat Obama in the democratic running because he made her look like a raving lunatic last time.

As it stands, currently...I do see Obama for the win, should he choose to run. Having said that, if he doesn't run again, but chooses to run later, as is his right, he may never get back into the White House.

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Someone who is rumored to be maybe thinking about running in 2012 and not having a decision yet is not the same thing as dropping out. That article is a stretch at best and supposition to the core.

currently, everyone is a rumor, because no-one has stated, as far as I know, or can find, that they will be running for certian.

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Nyeahhh I guess I can see your point but there's still more than enough time for a worthy opponent to come forward. And yeah to he'll with Mitt Romney that guy disturbs me, too. Why is it that most politicians seem as if they were from another planet? Some of their ideas make

my head spin. What the fuck does it take to get these uppity rich old fucks out of Washington and get some real Americans in our government offices? People who don't come from millionaire backgrounds, people who have and have had real problems that every day average Americans face.

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Nyeahhh I guess I can see your point but there's still more than enough time for a worthy opponent to come forward. And yeah to he'll with Mitt Romney that guy disturbs me, too. Why is it that most politicians seem as if they were from another planet? Some of their ideas make

my head spin. What the fuck does it take to get these uppity rich old fucks out of Washington and get some real Americans in our government offices? People who don't come from millionaire backgrounds, people who have and have had real problems that every day average Americans face.

What would it take ? 1 non-uppity person and a shitload of campaign funding.

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Nyeahhh I guess I can see your point but there's still more than enough time for a worthy opponent to come forward. And yeah to he'll with Mitt Romney that guy disturbs me, too. Why is it that most politicians seem as if they were from another planet? Some of their ideas make

my head spin. What the fuck does it take to get these uppity rich old fucks out of Washington and get some real Americans in our government offices? People who don't come from millionaire backgrounds, people who have and have had real problems that every day average Americans face.

We currently have someone that does not come from a millionaire background, that has had to face some of the real problems that every day average Americans face.....and we're still bitching. The American public will never be satisfied....and it's because we're a picky, spoiled people.

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Wow...that was fun to read...and I haven't seen someone post "I win" since a guy in the Prelude forum said that the more sound a muffler made the more performance the car has...imagine what would happen if you added a bunch of sponsor stickers too.

Who gives a shit where the guy came from? I know plenty of people in hard spots that we could probably groom into shape for the next election...and with a good supply of Colt malt they would probably do a good job when speaking. So what now only people from "difficult" backgrounds can make good presidents because they magically know what our lives are like? Fuck that...there is a difference between being picky and spoiled and not agreeing with what politicians do or want. The sad thing is that many people think that we are the only country going through this shit...and as long as we think that things will not get better...in case nobody has notice its ALL fucked up on this planet...

Oh and I forgot to add that in this game nobody wins...some people just don't mind getting screwed so hard.

Edited by candyman
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We currently have someone that does not come from a millionaire background, that has had to face some of the real problems that every day average Americans face.....and we're still bitching. The American public will never be satisfied....and it's because we're a picky, spoiled people.

Who? Obama? He was raised by his rich grand parents. Grew up in Hiawi and went to private schools. He's just as out of touch as every other person on Washington.

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Who? Obama? He was raised by his rich grand parents. Grew up in Hiawi and went to private schools. He's just as out of touch as every other person on Washington.

Private schools is one thing....but being a community organizer in chicago, and having to see much of "Average America" is another. You act like the man has never seen poverty, suffering, and injustice in his entire life...and REAL versions of those, not some Hollywood/CNN newscasts of such things.

You and I have both been to Chicago....we both know what the city is like more then most here that might have never been, and even some who have, because we spent more time in it. It's deceiving when it comes to hardships, because it looks like chicago is some superman-meets-batman metropolis, and it's suburbs tend to have that "slice of apple pie in modern America" meets "big city living" feel. The transportation system is the shyt, the choices of what/where to eat can make one's brain spin, and once you go to Navy Pier, you will see one of the most amazing skylines a city has to offer.

That being said, I know that I have, and am going to assume the same for you as well, seen the underside of chicago: the homeless sleeping on the train and at O'hare; the beggars on the streets; & Elgin in it's dilapidated state. Hell, I was beaten, injected, and left for dead in Chicago, something that has still NEVER came close to happening in Detroit.

Obama has seen those things much more then you or I. He lived amongst it, and worked to find solutions to those problems. You and I have only just walked past those problems, avoided them, or have contributed only a few minutes of time total to it (not judging what charity you have shown others, just making a general statement based on most of america..and yes, I know thats not a fair assessment of your contributions, if any, to people in need). This man made a career out of it early in his life, and can you or I say that? I know I can't.

btw...TOTALLY off topic, but still felt a need to share it: a video of my good friend, and national recording artist, as frontman for NY based band Fixer, Evan R. Saffer, preforming the National Anthem at MSG, for a college basketball game.

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My point was, he has never lived it. He has waded in it hip deep... but he never had to stay in it any longer than he felt like staying in it.

Honest question: How many politicians have? (I don't think its none... but very VERY few)

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No idea, but I agree... it is a very few.. Scott Brown comes to mind though. I only brought it up because someone claimed that Obama had.

I never claimed that Obama HAD lived that kind of life...I was saying that he was MORE familiar with it then most, because of his work as a community Organizer.

You said yourself...he knows the "hip deep"....thats about twice as deep as any politician I can think of...and then most of them scream if their loafer soles get smudges.

If this Scott Brown HAS lived it (I will confess, I don't know much about him...will have to read up), then I hope his views and opinions on how to help aid people in those kinds of situations come to a forefront when those subjects arise as a discussion.

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that has had to face some of the real problems that every day average Americans face

Yes, you did claim he had the experiance of an average American.

You should read up on Scott Brown. He grew up in poverty, his mother recieved food stamps and other aid, she was a battred spouse and he was a abused child. He rose up above all that and made the choice to make a differance in the world. 35+ years on the National Gaurd and is still in. He currently holds the rank of Lt. Colonel.

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Yes, you did claim he had the experiance of an average American.

You should read up on Scott Brown. He grew up in poverty, his mother recieved food stamps and other aid, she was a battred spouse and he was a abused child. He rose up above all that and made the choice to make a differance in the world. 35+ years on the National Gaurd and is still in. He currently holds the rank of Lt. Colonel.

Facing the problems and growing up with them are on different sides of a line. Many people FACE the problem of homelessness without actually being homeless. You can FACE the problem of crime without being a criminal, or part of the law. Many Average Americans FACE problems without being IN or PART of the problem.

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Facing the problems and growing up with them are on different sides of a line. Many people FACE the problem of homelessness without actually being homeless. You can FACE the problem of crime without being a criminal, or part of the law. Many Average Americans FACE problems without being IN or PART of the problem.

Well thought out post.

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Facing the problems and growing up with them are on different sides of a line. Many people FACE the problem of homelessness without actually being homeless. You can FACE the problem of crime without being a criminal, or part of the law. Many Average Americans FACE problems without being IN or PART of the problem.

True and good point, yet... until you feel hunger, you have no idea what it feels like to be starving. Dispair at loosing one's house and finding your self living under the over pass has to actually happen to you before you really understand what it feels like.

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