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Obama's State of the Union 2010 Address

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You still didn't answer my question.

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You still didn't answer my question.

I don't have any canidates. I don't run or belong to any official party. I am part of the TEA Party movement and we back non-career polititions and oppose special interests no matter what thier party.

Rev. I always answer questions unless I miss them in my initial response. In which case I will answer them when someone points out that I missed it. Someone not likeing my answer is not the same thing as not answering it, which is usually the case.

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I don't have any canidates. I don't run or belong to any official party. I am part of the TEA Party movement and we back non-career polititions and oppose special interests no matter what thier party.

Rev. I always answer questions unless I miss them in my initial response. In which case I will answer them when someone points out that I missed it. Someone not likeing my answer is not the same thing as not answering it, which is usually the case.

I can dig up plenty of threads that just STOP, because YOU, don't answer the question...because, you can not 'win' the argument/debate/point....PLENTY...

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I don't have any canidates. I don't run or belong to any official party. I am part of the TEA Party movement and we back non-career polititions and oppose special interests no matter what thier party.

"back non-career politicions" = Sarah Palin considers running for president, under the Tea Party Movement, in 2012?

Could have sworn that she seemed to have had a career in politics, what with being former council woman, former mayor, former governor, and made a bid at the White House with John McCain. My eyes must be getting bad, because thats OBVIOUSLY not a career politician.

Oh...and the "oppose special interests" part: did you miss the part where she pushed for the oil-pipeline to Alaska, the fact that she was the CHAIRPERSON for the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, or that her husband worked as a "consultant" for BP, which had the BEST deals given to them, BY the Alaskan Goverment, DURING Palin's term as Governor. Coulda swore that was special interests.......damn.

Now, should you have actually MENT "polititions" and not "Politician", then I would have to apologize, because I didn't know that "martyr" was a career option.

However, using a term, had you not made a spelling error, that you can only find in the Urban Dictionary, which is kinda like Wikipedia for dummies and slangsters.

I hope that she DOES run under the Tea Party Movement flag. I really do. So that way her call for the Tea Party Movement to be absorbed into the Republican party can come to bear, and we can STOP saying "Tea Party Movement" and use the term without the powder sugar on it: Extremist Republicans that lost too much money.

Now, on to MY reaction to the current President's "reign". I will CHALLENGE any of you to "fix" an entire country in a year. It doesn't even have to be the US. I challenge you to "fix" Guam, or Paraguay, or Tuvalu. In the words of Katt Williams "Go ahead, I'll wait." I don't agree with everything that he is doing/has done/plans to do, but the only person I would agree with 100% with is...well...me. That goes for a HUGE number of Americans. We will NEVER 100% agree with someone 100% of the time. "Take the good with the bad" is just part of life, no matter if it's in politics, religion, employment, relationships, family, etc. None of us can find a president, or anyone in political office, that we completely agree with...it's not gonna happen. We can be behind some of their views, or even a majority, but not all of them..and more often then not, they will make choices we don't like.

And while you can sit there and put up TONS of things he has done wrong, or at least what you don't like, playing Bill O'Reilly with the fact that "For Better or Worse" is a part of our existance isn't gonna to give you any decent building materials to poke holes into my view with.

In short, the man has had a YEAR at his job, and when he got that job, it was already spinning in the toilet. Asking, or even more ridiculous..expecting...him to flip the charts of our econimical downslide upside down in a years time, and be "gods gift to the presidency" is ludacris...and no...not the rapper.

Give him a term before you judge him to be the "herald of the American Apocalypse". Thats only fair. If we choose to be nothing else, let us at least be fair. Presidents have had a whole term, or even multiple terms, to screw up things, or see other things come to bare. To not give this man the same oppertunity is to say that, as a people, we are against everyone having an oppertunity....which is the blood in the heart of what our forefathers wrote the roots of our history in.

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Now, should you have actually MENT "polititions" and not "Politician", then I would have to apologize, because I didn't know that "martyr" was a career option.

However, using a term, had you not made a spelling error, that you can only find in the Urban Dictionary, which is kinda like Wikipedia for dummies and slangsters.

It's spelled "meant". If your going to rag on me for a spelling mistake... you should avoid making them.

Did you mean to put more words in that second sentance? I'm pretty sure you were trying to insult me there... but you seem to be missing some words. As it stands, it makes no sense.

So you admit Sarah has real experiance in government. Now which is it? Is she the stupid bitch with no experiance as you stated in other posts or is she a career politician that you are trying to paint her as now?

The Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission is part of Alaska's state government. Not a special interest.

She pushed for a pipeline as Governor... again, not a special interest.

Todd left BP when Sarah became Governor and then went back later as a non-management field worker. Check your facts.

First it was "give him at least a year" before you judge him.. now it's "give him at least a term". Fine, he gets one term. He even admits that his chances for a second term are slim.

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Todd left BP when Sarah became Governor and then went back later as a non-management field worker. Check your facts.

LOL Yeah right! From what I can see, about 80% of Americans get their "facts" from television and dumbfuck hear-say. It's really sad. That's why I have given up on trying to talk about shit like this. I hardly ever run into anyone anymore who REALLY has an idea of what is going on in the world today. Sure, there are some close "general ideas" but it's really sad how ignorant people are towards our own government. Something that was broken down and explained in 5th grade, and more than half of our population couldn't even tell you who or what a Supreme Court Justice is..

So, before everyone gets all butt-hurt over politics, let's also remember the old addage- Opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one. And most of the time, they stink.

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I can't they are making such a big deal about her writing some notes on her hand to remind herself of talking points. Obama can't give a speech to 6th graders without a teleprompter. Why is it the man who can't string 4 words together without a teleprompter gets a pass?

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I can't they are making such a big deal about her writing some notes on her hand to remind herself of talking points. Obama can't give a speech to 6th graders without a teleprompter. Why is it the man who can't string 4 words together without a teleprompter gets a pass?

He doesn't he was picked on a lot for using a teleprompter... that was the point.

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I would like to start by saying that I love how Colbert makes a point of poking fun at both sides...and then people on those sides only pick and choose what they want to make it sound like he was only going after the other side...nice. Also, I love the comments on his page related to the video where I can't seem to count the word "retard" because it is used as another name for conservatives so many times...just because of something that probably makes no difference...again nice but this time the nice goes out to those caring liberals or whoever that decided to use the term...jolly good show.

Colbert brings it to a childish level to take away the shit that comes with it in the normal news...that is no excuse to take it to a lover level just because you are on the "right" side.

I do think it is kinda weird to poke fun at someone writing on their hand though...wtf is wrong with that? If she were taking a college exam it would be wrong...that is where Bill Clinton put the nurses phone numbers after he got out of the operating room.

Edited by candyman
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