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Obama's State of the Union 2010 Address

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i'm not following this whole thing closely, but it seems to me the only reason palin is catching shit for the hand thing, is she was picking on obama's need to rely on prompters. sure, obama uses electronic prompters, but palin is doing the same thing, just old-school.

she deserves to get shit for it because she was being hypocritical, in the eyes of many. that's all i care to say on it.

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i'm not following this whole thing closely, but it seems to me the only reason palin is catching shit for the hand thing, is she was picking on obama's need to rely on prompters. sure, obama uses electronic prompters, but palin is doing the same thing, just old-school.

she deserves to get shit for it because she was being hypocritical, in the eyes of many. that's all i care to say on it.

Maybe her hand writing thing was a sort of hint to Obama to have backup? She deserves shit for it for sure but not the kind of shit that people are tossing around...a poke would have done the job but alot of the comments I see are people dumping the whole shit spreader on her and every conservative because they obviously all agree with her 100%.

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Maybe her hand writing thing was a sort of hint to Obama to have backup? She deserves shit for it for sure but not the kind of shit that people are tossing around...a poke would have done the job but alot of the comments I see are people dumping the whole shit spreader on her and every conservative because they obviously all agree with her 100%.

I just can't see the comparrision. One time having some crib notes to remind yourself of the topics you want to cover compared to every word you ever utter coming to you from a teleprompter. Thats like comparing the burn from one splater of hot grease to falling head first into a deep fryer.

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I just can't see the comparrision. One time having some crib notes to remind yourself of the topics you want to cover compared to every word you ever utter coming to you from a teleprompter. Thats like comparing the burn from one splater of hot grease to falling head first into a deep fryer.

I was only offering a possible suggestion for why she did what she did...I don't really think you can compare the two things. I did say she deserves shit but that goes for everyone in the political light that gets face time because they always slip up somewhere and should get burned like everyone else...but not this bad.

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"It's spelled "meant". If your going to rag on me for a spelling mistake... you should avoid making them."

I was simply making a statement that if you meant one thing, instead of the other, I had my bases covered.

"Did you mean to put more words in that second sentance? I'm pretty sure you were trying to insult me there... but you seem to be missing some words. As it stands, it makes no sense."

I don't have to TRY to insult you Gaf...much of what you say has little to no backing, as I have proven time and time again, with cold, solid facts. That, in and of itself, means that I don't have to try and insult you...it's just natural.

Yes, the sentence was missing words. I was on the phone while typing and thought it further finished then what it was. I said it was for idiots and slangsters in terms that you seem to like to put yourself above those types of people. If anything, take it as a compliment....the only one you will get from me. Cherish it. Put it on the mantle. Take pictures and put it in a scrap book. I thought that you would be above using the Urban Dictionary.

"So you admit Sarah has real experiance in government. Now which is it? Is she the stupid bitch with no experiance as you stated in other posts or is she a career politician that you are trying to paint her as now?"

I said she was a career politician...I never said she was smart, or had the experience needed to run a country. So I will make a slight change to my opinion of Palin, as to clarify: she is a stupid bitch with nowhere near the proper amount of experience. Now, before you take the oh-so-obvious "Obama" route...btw, how very predictable of you...Senate seats are much closer to the actual wheelings and dealings that happen in Washington, and Chicago is a much better "slices of the pie" style demographic soup then Alaska. All experience is not the same, not matter the amount of time that you earn it in. Any child or "geek" thats played D&D can tell you that.

"The Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission is part of Alaska's state government. Not a special interest.

She pushed for a pipeline as Governor... again, not a special interest.

Todd left BP when Sarah became Governor and then went back later as a non-management field worker. Check your facts."

How are these not special interests? I beg to differ, and call it special interest in terms of her husbands career. Anyone with a half a mind can easily put 2 + 2 = 4, and in this case, the first 2=" Palin taking charge of things that personally benefit her husband/ the company that her husband works for" + the second 2="BP, as a company, got larger benefits from Alaska then any other Fuel Company, including the offering of larger contracts." = 4 "Todd's new position was a poor attempt to make some that is obviously favoritism look otherwise."

We all seen these kinds of tactics. Watch Goodfellas, The Godfather series, hell...even in the Sopranos. You can call it not special interest in political terms, as it's not a special interest group. But in the terms of it being special interest where there were/are kickbacks in one way or another...yeah...DEFINATELY special interest.

You want me to bring facts? ok...lets look at some facts about good ole' Todd Palin.

"In 2007, in order to avoid a conflict of interest relating to his wife's position as governor, he took a leave from his job as production supervisor when his employer became involved in natural gas pipeline negotiations with his wife's administration."

ok...so you got a rung on the ladder...but lemme take that ladder out for under you real quick before you climb to high and hurt yourself in the fall.

" Seven months later, because the family needed more income, Todd returned to BP."

needed more income....."Financial statements filed in 2007 show that Palin earned $92,790 from BP and fishing." thats just HIS income. Sarah's income is $125,000. That makes the annual Palin family yearly income as $217,790. Thats almost 4 times the national average household income. Sarah's income alone if double the average national household income. With the fact that half her travel costs are covered by state, that she gets federal income for the rest of her life as a former governor, and a multi-year contract with Fox news as a political consultant.

"In order to avoid potential conflict of interest, this time he accepted a non-management position as a production operator. He resigned from his job on September 18, 2009, with the stated reason of spending more time with his family."

So he goes BACK to work when his wife is asked to run as VP for John McCain...and after she looses, he quits again.....

"First it was "give him at least a year" before you judge him.. now it's "give him at least a term". Fine, he gets one term. He even admits that his chances for a second term are slim."

I think you are refering to this remark, made by Obama: "I’d rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president.”

Thats not admitting that his chances for a second term are slim. Thats simply stating that he would RATHER be a really good one-term guy then an ok two term guy. How is that saying that he will have only one term? Also, there are several notable Republicans that are already conceding the 2012 elections to Obama, should he run, and are focusing on 2016.

Yes, I said to give the man a year. I am now altering that to "give the man a term." Thats not a crime, nor is it flip-flopping, because even if you gave him just a year, what differance does it make, because he will have one term anyway, regardless weather you agree with what he does or not. I have already stated that I don't agree with everything he has done, nor do I agree with some of his ideals...but do I think that he was a better man for the job then the alternative...yes I do. If you wish to continue blasting me for an opinion, then continue, because as much as you can't stop Obama after one year, I can't stop you from pretending that your Bill O'Reilly.

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I think you are refering to this remark, made by Obama: "I'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president."

Thats not admitting that his chances for a second term are slim. Thats simply stating that he would RATHER be a really good one-term guy then an ok two term guy. How is that saying that he will have only one term? Also, there are several notable Republicans that are already conceding the 2012 elections to Obama, should he run, and are focusing on 2016.

Yes, I said to give the man a year. I am now altering that to "give the man a term." Thats not a crime, nor is it flip-flopping, because even if you gave him just a year, what differance does it make, because he will have one term anyway, regardless weather you agree with what he does or not. I have already stated that I don't agree with everything he has done, nor do I agree with some of his ideals...but do I think that he was a better man for the job then the alternative...yes I do. If you wish to continue blasting me for an opinion, then continue, because as much as you can't stop Obama after one year, I can't stop you from pretending that your Bill O'Reilly.

OMG you should do stand up. You're so funny. When are you going to post some of your "facts"? Opinion and Fact do not mean the same thing.

Can you name some of the canidates that are already bowing out? Name one that stated the reason as being they think Obama is going to win in '12. Did you know that according to current polling Obama looses to a generic Republican candidate? Shit, Obama has already floated the idea of not running in 2012.

In an interview with CNN in China, President Obama opened the possibility to not running for re-election in 2012 -- something that no president has done since Lyndon Johnson.Here's what he said:

"You know, if - if I feel like I've made the very best decisions for the American people and three years from now I look at it and, you know, my poll numbers are in the tank and because we've gone through these wrenching changes, you know, politically, I'm in a tough spot, I'll - I'll feel all right about myself," Obama told CNN's Ed Henry.

"I said to myself very early on, even when I started running for office, I don't want to be making decisions based on getting re-elected, because I think the challenges that America faces right now are so significant," the president also said.

"Obviously, if I make those decisions and I think that I'm moving the country on the right direction economically, in terms of our security interests, our foreign policy, I'd like to think that those policies are continued because they're not going to bear fruit just in four years."

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This is something that you are hoping for I assume?

so what if he is? Isn't that his right to his opinion? Just like when all the liberals said the same bullshit about bush? But oh that's right the liberal opinion is always the right one.. How could I have forgotten. Gee wally, I don't think people who live in glass houses should throw stones.

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so what if he is? Isn't that his right to his opinion? Just like when all the liberals said the same bullshit about bush? But oh that's right the liberal opinion is always the right one.. How could I have forgotten. Gee wally, I don't think people who live in glass houses should throw stones.

I was just asking dude... calm down.... where did I say BAD BAD BAD in that question?

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I know man I'm just saying it seems like anyone who disagrees with he liberal agenda is being crucified for not "assimilating to the collective"..

I know what you mean.... it is a different side of the "disagree with the conservatives therefor you hate America" coin of the last decade.

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Yeah if people would stop all this asshattery of left vs right and sit back and look at what is really going on and what really matters right now. Not global warming, not healthcare. National security and economic recovery should be the only two top priorities right now and while I state that as my opinion, I am sure there are many, many more Americans who would agree with me.

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Yeah if people would stop all this asshattery of left vs right and sit back and look at what is really going on and what really matters right now. Not global warming, not healthcare. National security and economic recovery should be the only two top priorities right now and while I state that as my opinion, I am sure there are many, many more Americans who would agree with me.

Agreed.... :)

Where I was going with the question to Gaf specifically was this: He said "Plus.. there is always the chance he really fucks up and we have to impeach him." I was asking because there is a fine line there... I seriously hope that no president EVER fucks up enough to be impeached... but if they do fuck up, I think they should be impeached. There is a difference between hoping a president is held accountable for their actions once the mistake/wrong doing HAS been made VS hoping someone does something horribly wrong FIRST, just so they can be impeached and gotten rid of.

If you follow me.

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OMG you should do stand up. You're so funny. When are you going to post some of your "facts"? Opinion and Fact do not mean the same thing.

Can you name some of the canidates that are already bowing out? Name one that stated the reason as being they think Obama is going to win in '12. Did you know that according to current polling Obama looses to a generic Republican candidate? Shit, Obama has already floated the idea of not running in 2012.

Now I will say it...Your lying.

"President Barack Obama holds a two point lead against a generic Republican opponent for reelection in 2012, according to the latest Gallup poll." -The Hill

"Obama leads 44 percent to 42 percent, a statistical dead heat, against a nameless Republican, according to the survey of 1,025 adults nationwide" -Reuters.

Obama LOOSES to a generic Republican? No sir...your lying through your teeth against cold facts.

I'm not being funny...I am being honest...and what I am posting is posted/based on cold fact, where your's are xenophobic rantings that are not founded on anything but a few areas of his histroy that are still up in the air, both on basis of facts or importance. I have not talked down to you or anyone else on this subject...but now I have taken off your suppose costume...your lying, Gaf...you are lying because you don't want to be wrong...you don't like the fact that, even with only a 2 point margin, Obama still beats out your "generic republican". Also, for your referance, polls also showing him beating out all ten of the suppose canidates for the Repeublican party, one on one, as it stands now.

Keep lying to yourself Gaf....but stop lying to all these people.

Edited by IsleofRhodesEnt
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Phee. I didn't use the word hope or anything like it. Yet, with his epic fail after epic fail... the chances of him really fucking the pooch hard seems to be getting higher and higher.

Isle. A statistical dead heat with a generic republican is a loss. This early in his first term and he barely beats out a fictional nobody. We have a word for people like that. Looser.

and you should prolly take a look at the place nice rules and stop calling me names.

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Phee. I didn't use the word hope or anything like it. Yet, with his epic fail after epic fail... the chances of him really fucking the pooch hard seems to be getting higher and higher.

Isle. A statistical dead heat with a generic republican is a loss. This early in his first term and he barely beats out a fictional nobody. We have a word for people like that. Looser.

and you should prolly take a look at the place nice rules and stop calling me names.

Okay... why I asked then.

What do you want to see happen then when it comes to Obama?

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Phee. I didn't use the word hope or anything like it. Yet, with his epic fail after epic fail... the chances of him really fucking the pooch hard seems to be getting higher and higher.

Isle. A statistical dead heat with a generic republican is a loss. This early in his first term and he barely beats out a fictional nobody. We have a word for people like that. Looser.

and you should prolly take a look at the place nice rules and stop calling me names.

I said you were lying, and I proved it....has nothing to do with the play nice rules or calling you names, which I have not....

he beats them by 2 points, and all the named canidates he beats by more then 15-20 points..thats not loosing..a win is a win, Gaf. If your gonna cut hairs, at least be a certified barber.

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Okay... why I asked then.

What do you want to see happen then when it comes to Obama?


I would like him to keep a few of his promises.

Namely these.

  • net spending cuts (more than this token spending freeze)
  • tax cuts for nearly all Americans (which he has now offcially backed away from)
  • an end to earmarks (dont get me started)
  • legislation posted online for the public to review before it is signed into law (has not happened even once)
  • a line-by-line review of the federal budget to remove wasteful programs (not holding my breath)

No more bailouts (I have never supported one of them)

I would like to see him focus on REAL bipartisenship. "Do as I say." is not bipartisenship.

I would like him to stop blaming Bush for his own failures, take the bull by the horns and drive us out of this recesion.

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Oh, you should look here... Polling Report Obama looses to the generic person in some polls.

and then please give me the names I asked for. You know, the ones you claimed dropped out because they knew Obama was going to win.

A daily Kos poll???...your going to take a Daily Kos poll over Reuters? how about no...not ever. Reuters is a long term, well noted, and proven source. Daily Kos is well...not. And even the poll underneath it SUPPORTS ME...so I got 2-1 on you...I win. A large majority of those polls are at least 3-4 months old. I am at least using up-to-date polls...many more then you are.

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I would like him to keep a few of his promises.

Namely these.

  • net spending cuts (more than this token spending freeze)
  • tax cuts for nearly all Americans (which he has now offcially backed away from)
  • an end to earmarks (dont get me started)
  • legislation posted online for the public to review before it is signed into law (has not happened even once)
  • a line-by-line review of the federal budget to remove wasteful programs (not holding my breath)

No more bailouts (I have never supported one of them)

I would like to see him focus on REAL bipartisenship. "Do as I say." is not bipartisenship.

I would like him to stop blaming Bush for his own failures, take the bull by the horns and drive us out of this recesion.

I am sure that we would like ANY politician keep his promises...if you find one, lemme know.

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