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Mortgage Company Did Not Show Up For Meeting

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To my understanding there was a law passed in Michigan allowing a 90 day freeze on foreclose proceedings if you request a meeting with the mortgage company and a housing counselor to find away to modify your loan so that you maybe able to keep your house. We did this. We got a letter from an attorney office saying that a telephone meeting will be schedule. Well yesterday we called in for the meeting and our housing counselor called in for the meeting but our mortgage company did not. They tried several times to get a hold of the mortgage company but no one ever showed up. Our housing counselor person was not happy with this and told the person representing the attorney's office that the point of this meeting is to negotiate a loan modification, and we can't do that if the mortgage company dose not show up. In the end they never did show up and the person who schedule the meeting told us to call back in a week. Personally I am thinking what’s the point? If the mortgage company didn't show up for the meeting I have the feeling that they are not willing to work with us. Even though this law was pass saying that they are suppose too. :confused:

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These mortgage companies do not want to help out their customers. I tried several times to enroll in the Home Affordability program to get the bank to either lower my interest rate or modify my loan. I called every day for 2 months and never heard anything. Get this, it only lasts for a certain amount of time and then you have to pay the difference back. I was trying to sell my condo on a short sale too but you know how that goes, hardly anyone came to view it. After a couple of months I decided that I would probably be better off filing bankruptcy because I was totally ready to walk away and fuck over the bank. And I did only because in foreclosure, the bank can still come after you for the money.

Edited by KatRN05
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