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CC Night, Sat. 2-13-10 aftermath


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Was a great night I finally got to meet evil fish and his lovely wife kitty in person. I enjoyed the show, and sitting with you guys in the dinner. Thank you garbeldena for picking my ass up. Was a awesome night seeing so many dgers I haven't seen in a wile. I didn't get much sleep after the club listing to garbeldena, and the_fairy_gothmother laughing all night :rofl::) Don't worry that was OK, but I am still having hot tub visuals in my head..... :whistle: I did crashed hard when I got home. OK here my go at trying to make a list list of who I can remember. If I miss anyone I am sorry.

Tszura/Nightgaunt-Always great to see you.

taysteewonderbunny/spook-missed you guys. we need to hang out soon.

TheOsakaKoneko/ Riku Namako-Always a pleasure.

Mean Salley- I only saw in passing

black jack- :jamin

hunhee/ Burrich1-Hope to see you guys again soon.

pomba gira-I haven't seen you sense the BBQ, was good to see you again.

prick- :biggrin:

scary guy-had a nice chat after the bar closed.

TheGimp-Glad to see you even had a good time.

Slogo-Love the hat

junefun28- :cheers:

joshthe007-Saw in passing

LittleMissLuckyCunt-Hope you had a good time overall

Overkillbill-sucks you had to work so earily.

TygerLili-good t see you, and meet your man.

wildcat0303- :X

Lillylu29-great to see you .

Oh you so wanted to join us!!!! There was space for a third lol. We were laughing cause someone was snoring away and then of course garbeldena and i were like making out cause we are both so snuggly and you know somewhat about what we got up to that evening. Dont forget the PILLOW!I think thats worse than hot tub visuals!!!!And you wearing my ex husbands coat and using it for your blanket. Hmmm dont know what to think about it. Still it was a blast!!!! then I got to experience form crazy dungeons and dragons campaign with plenty of strange roleplaying situations in which I discovered theres even guides and books for sexual relationships and they were all talking some weird ass shit in that basement. now to spend my 5th wedding anny alone.Cant wait till next time! Hugz! Oh and next time I wont fall asleep in my bath tub and make us all late!

Edited by the_fairy_gothmother
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Dude I have so much good to say about the night...

Everything was amazing!

The bands rocked. So awesome. Some sound issues at first but still good, and really fucking good later on once that was mostly fixed! I think it was fixed even more by the time D:K came on because they sounded really clear and great! I was very impressed. Definitely looking forward to the next time I can see you guys!!

I spent 90% of my night in the ballroom, just heading to City to buy drinks and then after the show ended, but I still managed to find (and apparently piss off) one of the dbags...some asshole in a white jacket and hat? Sounds like perhaps part of the group people are talking about above. I was trying to walk past the bar back to the ballroom and he just HAD to get through faster than everyone else who was trying to walk through (very very slowly as there was very little room to do so), so pushing past everyone, including pushing me very hard out of his way...I guess I was feeling confrontational because I just stopped and looked at him rather than stepping out of his way and said "Don't be an asshole", and I guess that was enough to really piss him off. He kept going off for a few minutes but I basically just said "Look whatever man, I'm not even trying to talk to you. Just have some manners", and kept going. Didn't go back into City until after the shows ended, but he actually came into the ballroom after everything finished and tried to harass me on the dancefloor there. But I guess he wasn't feeling too confrontational about it as he left when I proceeded to act like he wasn't there and keep dancing (I'm sorry, man, but precious little can get me to stop dancing to the Sisters.), so that was good. Anyway, what a dick. I was just kinda :confused::rolleyes: about the whole thing.

Anyway, after that room died down (danced to something-I-can't-remember-what-it-was by myself, then danced to Sisters with about 3-4 other people, then danced to Bowie by myself, etc - alas there was not a lot of dancing going on in that room despite the quality musics), I went back to City and danced about an hour there - great songs were played the short while I was there, and we stayed until about 4:15, leaving after Laibach. Twas a great time in both rooms.

Anyway, obviously the main point of the night were the great shows, and the highlight for me was definitely D:Konstruct who were INCREDIBLE! (And there was another BIG highlight as well during the show - zomg CONGRATS!!! But I won't go into details here :wink:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: )

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Response, Part I

I definitely had a blast!

I saw you there but it was in passing so I didn't get a chance to say hi. I haven't really seen you since the Mephisto days so I wish I could've chatted.

Saw some people I haven't seen in months, which was cool.

Always a pleasure seeing you. You're so lovely.

I had an awesome enough time that I didn't even want to slap all the happy couples... maybe 'cos my three favorite happy couples (Tszura/Nightgaunt, Calix/Spook, Dana/Charlie) were so very nice to me!

It's 'cuz you're awesome Hille! That and Calix and I weren't celebrating Valentine's Day. We were celebrating the St. Valentine's Day Massacre Day, Chinese New Year, my birthday, and her birthday.

I had a great night myself for a change instead of feeling like a lump on the door ... OH i also got to meet a film producer ... and he is intrigued by my penis

Yeah, it was cool to see you on the floor and get to hang out with you some. I still want to get you a T-shirt that reads, "I met a film producer and he is intrigued by my penis." lol

There were way too many grabby assholes last night.

I would have been one but somehow our paths managed not to cross. WTF?

Excellent night altogether

It was great seeing you and your g/f.

I had lots of fun with my wings. yay!

Always a pleasure seeing you. You're so adorable. Thanks for all the hugs.

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Response, Part II

I loves my hat...wearing it now...

We were totally rocking the St. Valentine's Day Massacre look. One question though, were you with the South Side or the North Side?

I had a good night over all. It was awesome seeing everyone.... so many people!

Awesome seeing you too!

It was great to meet so many people

Great to meet you!

Thank you all that came out and found the courage to come into the Ballroom. You all were a great crowd and thanks for the support.

It did take some courage, it was so f'ing loud! Even with my ears plugged I still had a difficult time tolerating the painful assault by a massive wall of noise. I always try to support my peeps though!

taysteewonderbunny/spook-missed you guys. we need to hang out soon.


Dude I have so much good to say about the night...

Everything was amazing!

It always makes me smile when you walk into the room.

Edited by Spook
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Response, Part II

We were totally rocking the St. Valentine's Day Massacre look. One question though, were you with the South Side or the North Side?

Awesome seeing you too!

Great to meet you!

It did take some courage, it was so f'ing loud! Even with my ears plugged I still had a difficult time tolerating the painful assault by a massive wall of noise. I always try to support my peeps though!


It always makes me smile when you walk into the room.

did we get the chance to meet. I thin I seen you. I hope to get to know you as well! Gothkytten is a blast too! poor thing had to use my ex husbands trench coat for her blanket and deal with me and our friend giggling and making out all night oh and seeing nudity as we made use of the jacuzi in the room as well. We invited her to join us!

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did we get the chance to meet. I thin I seen you. I hope to get to know you as well! Gothkytten is a blast too! poor thing had to use my ex husbands trench coat for her blanket and deal with me and our friend giggling and making out all night oh and seeing nudity as we made use of the jacuzi in the room as well. We invited her to join us!

lmao! Ya like i was going to get naked and hop right in..... i did fall asleep wile you guys were in the hot tub. i just got woken up when you guys got out. ya that trench coat kept me nice and warm. :wink

your a blast to by the way. i had a great time mmmmmmm cheese fries. now i want food........

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lmao! Ya like i was going to get naked and hop right in..... i did fall asleep wile you guys were in the hot tub. i just got woken up when you guys got out. ya that trench coat kept me nice and warm. :wink

your a blast to by the way. i had a great time mmmmmmm cheese fries. now i want food........

did u eat those left over ones that looked like barf? haha. I wonder what the house keeping person thought of our room and our friends boxers being in the garbage? ROFL Yeah I just had so much fun with you all! It really made my weekend and my crappy situation in life so much better. I might be spending my would have been 5th wedding anniversary alone while hes out treating his gf to what fun we should have had but you know what I dont care and I had a kick ass time with you and everyone and its not gonna ruin that mood! Not even that shitty dennys that we went to after we dropped you off will kill the buzz. Yeah we had a nightmare why we even went there to begin with. Oh well. Hey did I give you my number? you should have it! I will send a private message to you!

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did u eat those left over ones that looked like barf? haha. I wonder what the house keeping person thought of our room and our friends boxers being in the garbage? ROFL Yeah I just had so much fun with you all! It really made my weekend and my crappy situation in life so much better. I might be spending my would have been 5th wedding anniversary alone while hes out treating his gf to what fun we should have had but you know what I dont care and I had a kick ass time with you and everyone and its not gonna ruin that mood! Not even that shitty dennys that we went to after we dropped you off will kill the buzz. Yeah we had a nightmare why we even went there to begin with. Oh well. Hey did I give you my number? you should have it! I will send a private message to you!

No! lol i was just thinking about getting some to eat.

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OH i also got to meet a film producer wile speaking with Slogo and he is intrigued by my penis (in a non-homosexual) way and wants me to be a stand in or a adult movie maybe LOL :rofl: anyway, that is all

Just be careful, and never let your penis precede you sir :laugh:

Nightgaunt and I had loads of fun seeing everyone there! We met some newbies, too, which was cool. Unfortunately, I let some cocksucking bouncer ruin my night, and left early. EPROM rocked it, and I was enjoying Cybertrybe, but that's where Mr. Cockie started with all his bullshit, and we left. As soon as we got home, we regretted leaving, but we're old, and didn't want to drive all the way back either.lol Soooooo, D:Konstruct, I vow to see you before I die!!!

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Just be careful, and never let your penis precede you sir :laugh:

Nightgaunt and I had loads of fun seeing everyone there! We met some newbies, too, which was cool. Unfortunately, I let some cocksucking bouncer ruin my night, and left early. EPROM rocked it, and I was enjoying Cybertrybe, but that's where Mr. Cockie started with all his bullshit, and we left. As soon as we got home, we regretted leaving, but we're old, and didn't want to drive all the way back either.lol Soooooo, D:Konstruct, I vow to see you before I die!!!

Come see us at Smalls March 11th! I hope to see you soon:)


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Just be careful, and never let your penis precede you sir :laugh:

Nightgaunt and I had loads of fun seeing everyone there! We met some newbies, too, which was cool. Unfortunately, I let some cocksucking bouncer ruin my night, and left early. EPROM rocked it, and I was enjoying Cybertrybe, but that's where Mr. Cockie started with all his bullshit, and we left. As soon as we got home, we regretted leaving, but we're old, and didn't want to drive all the way back either.lol Soooooo, D:Konstruct, I vow to see you before I die!!!


THAT explains why I couldn't find you!! I was trying to find you as I heard you guys would be there, but I couldn't!! O.O I had a sad...

What happened?? I'm surprised it was with a bouncer and not one of the tourists or asshole randoms. But then...yeah...sometimes the bouncers can be a bit O.o as well. I'm sorry to hear you left early tho. D:Konstruct kicked ASS!

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I had an awesome enough time that I didn't even want to slap all the happy couples... maybe 'cos my three favorite happy couples (Tszura/Nightgaunt, Calix/Spook, Dana/Charlie) were so very nice to me! And everyone was gracious enough not to tell me to STFU when I kept whining about no one buying me drinks, which I did incessantly the entire night. I got to meet Fairy Gothmother and SCAMP! And other people who I can't remember thanks to Uncle Jack. And I got squished between two sets of big cushy breastesses which is always nice.

Edited to state that Bean/Eternal are indeed among my favorite happy couples... but they weren't there last night, hence I did not mention them. There... happy(er) now? :p

so it seems the money i gave u for a drink wasnt enough so shall it b that next time u are there i shall make sure u do not go without an empty hand my lady hehehe just let me know next time u plan on goin and ill buy u a couple of drinks ok i wouldnt mind at all

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I had a awesome time!!

It was great seeing everyone & getting to meet a few more DGNers. Allso I had lots of fun booty dancing with everyone!! WOO!! evil.gif

FUCK!! You were there? Did I at least get to meet you? I am having some memory issues around the evening, thanks to spending way too much time with my buddy Jackie D.

Just be careful, and never let your penis precede you sir :laugh:

Nightgaunt and I had loads of fun seeing everyone there! We met some newbies, too, which was cool. Unfortunately, I let some cocksucking bouncer ruin my night, and left early. EPROM rocked it, and I was enjoying Cybertrybe, but that's where Mr. Cockie started with all his bullshit, and we left. As soon as we got home, we regretted leaving, but we're old, and didn't want to drive all the way back either.lol Soooooo, D:Konstruct, I vow to see you before I die!!!

Was it that same bouncer that kept rousting us away from everyplace we stood? Yeah, he was indeed rather dickish.

so it seems the money i gave u for a drink wasnt enough so shall it b that next time u are there i shall make sure u do not go without an empty hand my lady hehehe just let me know next time u plan on goin and ill buy u a couple of drinks ok i wouldnt mind at all

LOL I couldn't remember who gave me that money to save my life! I was trying to tell Eternal about it: "Yeah, I whined so much that someone finally just handed me five bucks!". Well anyway,, thanks again.. it was greatly appreciated.

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Just be careful, and never let your penis precede you sir :laugh:

Nightgaunt and I had loads of fun seeing everyone there! We met some newbies, too, which was cool. Unfortunately, I let some cocksucking bouncer ruin my night, and left early. EPROM rocked it, and I was enjoying Cybertrybe, but that's where Mr. Cockie started with all his bullshit, and we left. As soon as we got home, we regretted leaving, but we're old, and didn't want to drive all the way back either.lol Soooooo, D:Konstruct, I vow to see you before I die!!!

HA don't worry i won't

side note: what bouncer was it...can ya atleast say what he looked like?

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You know.... that irritates me.... no bouncer needs to be such a dick as to make people want to go home..... and I've done the same thing as well. There's been nights that we left early because one of the dudes felt he needed to pop off a load of testosterone and be a dick. And for what? City Club people? CT plays at many different venues to many different crowds and I will have to say that CC has the most passive people we know.... is there really a reason for their security to be dicks? (Not you Gimp.... you've always been very cool and do your job as well.... maybe you should be in charge)

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FUCK!! You were there? Did I at least get to meet you? I am having some memory issues around the evening, thanks to spending way too much time with my buddy Jackie D.

Was it that same bouncer that kept rousting us away from everyplace we stood? Yeah, he was indeed rather dickish.

LOL I couldn't remember who gave me that money to save my life! I was trying to tell Eternal about it: "Yeah, I whined so much that someone finally just handed me five bucks!". Well anyway,, thanks again.. it was greatly appreciated.

Yes you got to meet me & yes you were a bit toasted.... lol grouphug.gif

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Awww Pomba girl you should have come to our room we had alot of liquor! But yes Garb took care of ya and he took care of me and his friends and everyone just about and hes a sweetheart!!!!!! Garbeldena is the BEST to party with!!!!!!! yay! I would have flipped u 5 too but my money was everywhere and in his pockets too since my booby pockets are the greatest i had no bra and nothing relaible to hold my things in or my boobs up for that matter. I need a good corset! Well was nice to meet you! i hope to become a regular fixture at the club. I am afterall The Fairy Gothmother!

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really late to this thread, but i had a great time! i actually didn't realize the bands were gonna be there for some reason, so i was pleasantly surprised. everyone sounded great, even with the slight vocals issue early on (that was the only thing i noticed). saw a *lot* of people, and (re)met a bunch of new ones as well - hope i don't leave anyone out!

visited/hung out with - stormknight, gimp, spook/twb, pomba, hunhee/burrich, morbid/tigerlily, zaphier/a.bene.placito, hellion & g/f, blackjack, prick, mrs. heart,

met/remet - fidget/ripley, scary guy, void6, nightgaunt/(tszura!?), evil fish, fairygothmother,

sighted - gothkitty, littlemissluckycunt, osakakoneko, slogo, dkonstruct, pulse state (didn't realize who you were until now), kitty (evil fish's wife)

sorry if i forgot anyone (speak up if i did!) looks like i missed meeting a few people though. still, really fun night overall. loved the option of seeing the bands in the other room, hope they do that again!

(oh, and now that i think about it, i might have seen tyger? talking to prick at some point!?)

Edited by torn asunder
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side note: what bouncer was it...can ya atleast say what he looked like?

He looked like a big nasty COCK! No, seriously, he was just walking around with his chest feathers all up in the air, and his brassy tuft of forehead hair swaying back and forth every time he yelled at someone. He usually only has nice things to say to me, and has never been that douchey. I'm not mad anymore, as everyone deserves a bad day, but damn! It was like dealing with a Pod Person!

You know.... that irritates me.... no bouncer needs to be such a dick as to make people want to go home..... and I've done the same thing as well. There's been nights that we left early because one of the dudes felt he needed to pop off a load of testosterone and be a dick. And for what? City Club people? CT plays at many different venues to many different crowds and I will have to say that CC has the most passive people we know.... is there really a reason for their security to be dicks? (Not you Gimp.... you've always been very cool and do your job as well.... maybe you should be in charge)


And I agree Evil Fish! I kind of disappointed myself in my reaction, though, as not only did I let his douchey attitude make me angry, NIghtgaunt and I missed out on a lot of fun, and time with our friends by leaving early. :( What we should have done is stay, had a fantastic time, and then laughed in his face as we left. :w00t:

(and Pomba~yes, that was one! :confused: )

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