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Kevin Smith kicked off plane for being fat

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"Southwest Airlines apologized to the director via Twitter, and blogged a longer statement on Sunday afternoon -- in which it pointed out that Smith usually purchases two seats every time he travels."

I forget what part of the apology process comes with pointing out faults of other people, or further insulting.

Also, stuff like this is starting to make me afraid to fly. He had the armrests on both sides DOWN, and they still removed him from the plane. THIS is the kind of thing that the goverment needs to step in on.

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  On 2/15/2010 at 2:38 AM, IsleofRhodesEnt said:

"Southwest Airlines apologized to the director via Twitter, and blogged a longer statement on Sunday afternoon -- in which it pointed out that Smith usually purchases two seats every time he travels."

I forget what part of the apology process comes with pointing out faults of other people, or further insulting.

Also, stuff like this is starting to make me afraid to fly. He had the armrests on both sides DOWN, and they still removed him from the plane. THIS is the kind of thing that the goverment needs to step in on.

It's the fact that the heavier a person is then the more fuel is used to fly them, not the fact that the arm rests could go down. Personally I think since it costs so fucking much to carry on even an extra suitcase then yes, bigger passengers should be forced to buy two seats. Everyone else on the plane should not be forced to cut the cost of someone's 100 or more extra pounds which is WAY more than one suitcase worth, sorry, my opinion. People who are significantly overweight should be prepared to pay more. If they have a problem with that then they don't need to fly or could lose some extra pounds.

Personally had it been anyone else this wouldn't have made the news. I respect the fact that they treated him the same as other passengers who may be in this position and did NOT just let it slide because he's Silent Bob, but that's just me.

Edited by Chernobyl
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  On 2/15/2010 at 2:27 PM, Chernobyl said:

It's the fact that the heavier a person is then the more fuel is used to fly them, not the fact that the arm rests could go down. Personally I think since it costs so fucking much to carry on even an extra suitcase then yes, bigger passengers should be forced to buy two seats.

Here is the flaw in the more weight/more fuel theory that shows it is indeed a 'fat tax'.

They'll make the 5'3" person who weighs 250 buy a second seat but not the 6'6" person who weighs the same.

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  On 2/15/2010 at 2:27 PM, Chernobyl said:

It's the fact that the heavier a person is then the more fuel is used to fly them, not the fact that the arm rests could go down. Personally I think since it costs so fucking much to carry on even an extra suitcase then yes, bigger passengers should be forced to buy two seats. Everyone else on the plane should not be forced to cut the cost of someone's 100 or more extra pounds which is WAY more than one suitcase worth, sorry, my opinion. People who are significantly overweight should be prepared to pay more. If they have a problem with that then they don't need to fly or could lose some extra pounds.

The thing is...he did buy an extra seat and they still kicked him off

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  On 2/15/2010 at 2:27 PM, Chernobyl said:

It's the fact that the heavier a person is then the more fuel is used to fly them, not the fact that the arm rests could go down. Personally I think since it costs so fucking much to carry on even an extra suitcase then yes, bigger passengers should be forced to buy two seats. Everyone else on the plane should not be forced to cut the cost of someone's 100 or more extra pounds which is WAY more than one suitcase worth, sorry, my opinion. People who are significantly overweight should be prepared to pay more. If they have a problem with that then they don't need to fly or could lose some extra pounds.

Personally had it been anyone else this wouldn't have made the news. I respect the fact that they treated him the same as other passengers who may be in this position and did NOT just let it slide because he's Silent Bob, but that's just me.

Not arguing the fact that people that take up two seats should pay for two seats, but in cases like Mr. Smith, mine, and thousands of others, this is getting out of hand.

Yes...we're obese. No...it's not the most attractive thing and Yes....in most cases, we made ourselves this way. We have to deal with issues about our weight all the time. We will most likely die sooner, most of us have existing medical concerns already, and that is aside from the bevy of social awkwardness (btw, when did they change it from "ackward" to that???) that comes with being heavy. We can't even get an ice cream cone, like the rest of you in the summer, without getting stared at.

Now, Cher, we've met. We can both state, without a shadow of a doubt, that, by far, I am not the skinniest guy in a room. That being said, most people can't fathom the fact that I am around 320 lbs, on average, or more, simply because I happen to wear my weight a little better then others. I don't take up more then a cushion on a couch, should I actually sit normal on said couch, and if I am lucky, and with a little gut sucking, I get to hear the third "safety click" on a roller-coaster.

I hate photos of myself, especially when their are skinnier ppl in the photos; I get annoyed when any of my clients call themselves fat kids, and cope by trying to make it a joke; my knees pop constantly and my lower back is a mess of constant pain; and I shop at Burlington Coat Factory because I can get Ecko (insert some other clothing company name here) clothing for like $30 (for like a size 48-50, which is hard to impossible to find anywhere else), which I buy because of the fact that their baggy as hell so I don't look like a member of Fat Halen.

I been this way most of my life, and no matter of exorcise truly changes the fact. I can press/lift much more then what most machines allow as a max weight (which most times doesn't break the 200lbs mark), so working out at a machine is pretty useless. While jogging is out of the question, I can walk from Royal Oak (or Farmington..cuz it has happened) to Roseville/St. Claire Shores without it bothering me, or stopping...and no, I don't have to be hyped up on sugar..I just have to be bored. Most people would balk at walking 1/4th of that. I will actually walk pretty much ANYWHERE (in a 20 mile radius), and half the time do, even if I have to leave insanely early just to get where I want to go on time...and I will do it in some of the coldiest/ rainiest weather Michigan gets. I can squat press/ pull/ push large amounts of weight, specially once my legs get moving, and I am a terror in a moshpit.

Skinny America....the world is designed and built for you. FUCK YOU, SKINNY AMERICA! I can't count how many of you have ducked behind me, and other guys my size, when a fight at a concert/event breaks out. Am I supposed to save you because I am fat? You think this cushions the blows (it kinda does in some cases, but still)? Am I supposed to lift a finger to help you, after you can, and have, ordered MORE then me at almost any fast food chain. I get 2 McDoubles, and watch you get 3 or 4...but your gonna ridicule me? You already make me pay more for clothes, build booths at restuarants that uncomfertable, and TV idolizes you as "perfection".

But we beat you, Skinny America....We have Ron Jeremy...and he has a bigger dick then you!!!!

Edited by IsleofRhodesEnt
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  On 2/15/2010 at 3:53 PM, Slogo said:

The thing is...he did buy an extra seat and they still kicked him off

I thought it said that he usually bought an extra seat insinuating that this time he did not, but maybe I misread it. If he did buy an extra seat, then yes, this is bullshit.

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  On 2/15/2010 at 3:58 PM, IsleofRhodesEnt said:

Not arguing the fact that people that take up two seats should pay for two seats, but in cases like Mr. Smith, mine, and thousands of others, this is getting out of hand.

Yes...we're obese. No...it's not the most attractive thing and Yes....in most cases, we made ourselves this way. We have to deal with issues about our weight all the time. We will most likely die sooner, most of us have existing medical concerns already, and that is aside from the bevy of social awkwardness (btw, when did they change it from "ackward" to that???) that comes with being heavy. We can't even get an ice cream cone, like the rest of you in the summer, without getting stared at.

Now, Cher, we've met. We can both state, without a shadow of a doubt, that, by far, I am not the skinniest guy in a room. That being said, most people can't fathom the fact that I am around 320 lbs, on average, or more, simply because I happen to wear my weight a little better then others. I don't take up more then a cushion on a couch, should I actually sit normal on said couch, and if I am lucky, and with a little gut sucking, I get to hear the third "safety click" on a roller-coaster.

I hate photos of myself, especially when their are skinnier ppl in the photos; I get annoyed when any of my clients call themselves fat kids, and cope by trying to make it a joke; my knees pop constantly and my lower back is a mess of constant pain; and I shop at Burlington Coat Factory because I can get Ecko (insert some other clothing company name here) clothing for like $30 (for like a size 48-50, which is hard to impossible to find anywhere else), which I buy because of the fact that their baggy as hell so I don't look like a member of Fat Halen.

I been this way most of my life, and no matter of exorcise truly changes the fact. I can press/lift much more then what most machines allow as a max weight (which most times doesn't break the 200lbs mark), so working out at a machine is pretty useless. While jogging is out of the question, I can walk from Royal Oak (or Farmington..cuz it has happened) to Roseville/St. Claire Shores without it bothering me, or stopping...and no, I don't have to be hyped up on sugar..I just have to be bored. Most people would balk at walking 1/4th of that. I will actually walk pretty much ANYWHERE (in a 20 mile radius), and half the time do, even if I have to leave insanely early just to get where I want to go on time...and I will do it in some of the coldiest/ rainiest weather Michigan gets. I can squat press/ pull/ push large amounts of weight, specially once my legs get moving, and I am a terror in a moshpit.

Skinny America....the world is designed and built for you. FUCK YOU, SKINNY AMERICA! I can't count how many of you have ducked behind me, and other guys my size, when a fight at a concert/event breaks out. Am I supposed to save you because I am fat? You think this cushions the blows (it kinda does in some cases, but still)? Am I supposed to lift a finger to help you, after you can, and have, ordered MORE then me at almost any fast food chain. I get 2 McDoubles, and watch you get 3 or 4...but your gonna ridicule me? You already make me pay more for clothes, build booths at restuarants that uncomfertable, and TV idolizes you as "perfection".

But we beat you, Skinny America....We have Ron Jeremy...and he has a bigger dick then you!!!!

If you have tried all of this to lose weight and have followed the guidelines of weight loss without results, you should see a medical professional ASAP as this is absolutely NOT normal and may be caused by an underlying medical condition. You may have something like a thyroid condition that is easily correctable and have no idea.

And yes, I used to be 230 lbs and attend Fraser High School which is 100% 110lb cheerleaders. I know what it's like and trust ME...it's a lot harder being a fat GIRL than GUY because society sucks like that. Once out of high school when I was 19 I finally mustered self-esteem and lost down to 130 lbs.

Edited by Chernobyl
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  On 2/15/2010 at 4:16 PM, Chernobyl said:

If you have tried all of this to lose weight and have followed the guidelines of weight loss without results, you should see a medical professional ASAP as this is absolutely NOT normal and may be caused by an underlying medical condition. You may have something like a thyroid condition that is easily correctable and have no idea.

And yes, I used to be 230 lbs and attend Fraser High School which is 100% 110lb cheerleaders. I know what it's like and trust ME...it's a lot harder being a fat GIRL than GUY because society sucks like that. Once out of high school when I was 19 I finally mustered self-esteem and lost down to 130 lbs.

lol...healthy as a horse, cept overweight..according to doctors...and except for the back pain, the docs don't forsee my weight effecting anything else, other then self esteem.

I can loose it, but exorcise does nothing...I literally have to starve myself...for like 3-4 weeks...and by starve I mean my lunch is a snickers bar....and lunch is my only meal.

No...it's NOT healthy...but it worked.

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  On 2/15/2010 at 4:20 PM, IsleofRhodesEnt said:

lol...healthy as a horse, cept overweight..according to doctors...and except for the back pain, the docs don't forsee my weight effecting anything else, other then self esteem.

I can loose it, but exorcise does nothing...I literally have to starve myself...for like 3-4 weeks...and by starve I mean my lunch is a snickers bar....and lunch is my only meal.

No...it's NOT healthy...but it worked.

Odd...just a REALLY slow metabolism I guess. That sucks real bad, I do know that there are ways to adjust your metabolism a little. Being overweight and being able to do something about it and choosing not to? I don't feel bad for that. But if you really CAN'T lose weight due to excessively slow metabolism or another underlying medical issue, then I have some compassion for that, it must be frustrating.

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  On 2/15/2010 at 4:24 PM, Chernobyl said:

Odd...just a REALLY slow metabolism I guess. That sucks real bad, I do know that there are ways to adjust your metabolism a little. Being overweight and being able to do something about it and choosing not to? I don't feel bad for that. But if you really CAN'T lose weight due to excessively slow metabolism or another underlying medical issue, then I have some compassion for that, it must be frustrating.

can be....but if I was skinny, I don't think I would be able to enjoy moshpits as much...and I do LOVE my moshpits...lol

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Has he gained a lot of weight since the Silent Bob movies? He never looked all that fat in any of them. A big guy, sure, but not clinically obese...just "regular obese". ;) Just an average fat guy, not a scary fat guy. Or is the line drawn at simple obesity now? Should I be thankful that I was allowed to ride the plane to Japan since I was "obese" and a size 16?

I understand making seriously big people pay for and use 2 seats - it's not fair to those who have to sit next to them, and it does cost the airline more. But it should be at a much higher weight than Kevin Smith, if he's still where he was a few years ago. 50 lb over your healthy weight should not be enough to do it.

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  On 2/15/2010 at 4:32 PM, phee said:

Healthy as a horse.... are they really healthy?

gosh...thanks Phee....*grumble*

Look...besides the back pain and the "hate myself in photos" bit, I'll admit it....I'm fine with it mostly.

Maybe it's not the Obese people that have the REAL problem....maybe it's Skinny America with the real problem. Now, follow with me.

WE are not ridiculing you because your size.

WE would NEVER build things that someone YOUR size can't fit into to without some serious gut-sucking...except out of spite, and then we would never be able to use it ourselves.

WE would never attempt to make rules where someone YOUR size would not be able to sit in a casual dining restaurant, because it "disturbed" other patrons (which btw...go fuck yourself, other patrons...a good number of us are the guys making your food, assholes...as long as we're not shoveling it into our mouths and have it dribbling down our chin, STFU).

WE would never claim that one or two of people your size is gonna make a plane use so much fuel that there is the possibility of crashing (which btw....most stupid thing I ever heard in my entire life...8-outta-10 planes refuel at their destinations, or inbetween if it's a long flight...the amount of fuel used is no different then if several skinny people had more then 2-3 bags a piece while traveling...which happens ALL THE TIME...and yet people with extra luggage are not asked to take another flight.)

WE don't make shows called "Skinny Looser" or "My life as a 1/8th-of-a-ton teen".

Maybe if you STOPPED looking at us like we were a plague, which many of you do, we would STOP being so self-loathing, which many of us are. You can't catch Obesity, we're not cannibals (well...ok..there are a FEW...but there are skinny Cannibals too!!), and we're not gonna have a food fight with our mouths and clothing if you are in a restaurant with us. Many of us have enough problems without you having such a remarkable amount of disdain for us. It's our condition, and we have to deal with it, one way or another. This isn't Second Hand Smoke...there is no Second hand Obesity. Get off your high horse before we tip the fucking horse over.

We're Fat....deal with it...we have to.

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  On 2/15/2010 at 5:33 PM, TheOsakaKoneko said:

Has he gained a lot of weight since the Silent Bob movies? He never looked all that fat in any of them. A big guy, sure, but not clinically obese...just "regular obese". ;) Just an average fat guy, not a scary fat guy. Or is the line drawn at simple obesity now? Should I be thankful that I was allowed to ride the plane to Japan since I was "obese" and a size 16?

I understand making seriously big people pay for and use 2 seats - it's not fair to those who have to sit next to them, and it does cost the airline more. But it should be at a much higher weight than Kevin Smith, if he's still where he was a few years ago. 50 lb over your healthy weight should not be enough to do it.

I've seen pics and he has let himself WAY go...

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  On 2/15/2010 at 5:39 PM, Chernobyl said:

I've seen pics and he has let himself WAY go...

BTW unrelated to this thread but I saw your comment about weighing 230 in HS - I'm impressed chica! That's really good. Great job! <3<3 I knew you'd lost some weight in there but I had no idea it was that much. :jamin

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  On 2/15/2010 at 5:44 PM, TheOsakaKoneko said:

BTW unrelated to this thread but I saw your comment about weighing 230 in HS - I'm impressed chica! That's really good. Great job! <3<3 I knew you'd lost some weight in there but I had no idea it was that much. :jamin

Thanks :) I teetered between 220-230 in the beginning of HS and by the end was around 190-200, then got down to 130 when I was 19, bought a condo, got stressed and perpetually broke and got back up to 180, and now that I have an stable life and good finances the weight has been slowly coming off again :laugh:.

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  On 2/15/2010 at 6:01 PM, Chernobyl said:

Thanks :) I teetered between 220-230 in the beginning of HS and by the end was around 190-200, then got down to 130 when I was 19, bought a condo, got stressed and perpetually broke and got back up to 180, and now that I have an stable life and good finances the weight has been slowly coming off again :laugh: .

It's such a shame, and so true, that it's so much cheaper to eat disgustingly bad foods than to eat healthily. I want to live in a place where the image of overweight people as being well-off remains...if only because it would mean you couldn't eat nutritionally-void grease-packed foods for less than the cost of an apple. T__T

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  On 2/15/2010 at 2:27 PM, Chernobyl said:

It's the fact that the heavier a person is then the more fuel is used to fly them, not the fact that the arm rests could go down. Personally I think since it costs so fucking much to carry on even an extra suitcase then yes, bigger passengers should be forced to buy two seats. Everyone else on the plane should not be forced to cut the cost of someone's 100 or more extra pounds which is WAY more than one suitcase worth, sorry, my opinion. People who are significantly overweight should be prepared to pay more. If they have a problem with that then they don't need to fly or could lose some extra pounds.

Personally had it been anyone else this wouldn't have made the news. I respect the fact that they treated him the same as other passengers who may be in this position and did NOT just let it slide because he's Silent Bob, but that's just me.

No it IS whether you can put down both armrests or not.

If you look at southwest.com's "People of Size Policy", thats the *entire* point. People who need seatbelt extenders but can still comfortably put down both armrests are fine. They don't care how much you weigh. They care if you are encroaching on your seatmate.

The idea is interesting, but it doesnt account for people who are diffucult to sit next to reguardless of size. Or people with big elbows. Or screaming children.

And Cher, as always, your hate for the fatties makes bunny cry.



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  On 2/15/2010 at 7:55 PM, freydis said:

from what I am reading, can anyone say LAWSUIT???

I read what Southwest Airlines said about their "size procedure"

Southwest Q&A

"What is the definitive gauge for a Customer of size?

The armrest is the definitive gauge for a Customer of size. It serves as the boundary between seats and measures 17 inches in width. Customers who are unable to lower both armrests and/or who compromise any portion of adjacent seating should proactively book the number of seats needed prior to travel." - Direct quote from their guide.

I hope that Kevin SUES THE FUCK OUT OF THEM!!!!

Edited by IsleofRhodesEnt
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