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Kevin Smith kicked off plane for being fat

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He didn't look that big to me, judging by his face...I would say someone has a bug up their butt (pilot) about others infortunate issues and used this man as an example

doesn't matter....not only did he meet the criteria, but the passengers on either side of him expressed that he was no problem and that he was comfertable.

SW had no right, according to THEIR OWN standards, to remove him from that flight.

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She's not arguing with you dude...quit fighting.

not fighting, simply stating.

I will say that, upon further reading of the situation, I cam across this.

The "Skinnies" Outrage

While I fully realize that the majority of the Slimmer population MAY not share the views that are shared on this blog, a good number does. If "people of size", such as Mr. Smith and I, are not anti-social and self loathing prior to this, ideals and opinions like those posted are enough to make one want to kill oneself. I wanted to vomit.

It can't even be contributed to them being the type of people that are influenced by the OP, because he sympathizes with Kevin's situation. Those ideals and comments that flood that topic, like a tidal wave, are real, and not done just for attention.

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not fighting, simply stating.

I will say that, upon further reading of the situation, I cam across this.

The "Skinnies" Outrage

While I fully realize that the majority of the Slimmer population MAY not share the views that are shared on this blog, a good number does. If "people of size", such as Mr. Smith and I, are not anti-social and self loathing prior to this, ideals and opinions like those posted are enough to make one want to kill oneself. I wanted to vomit.

It can't even be contributed to them being the type of people that are influenced by the OP, because he sympathizes with Kevin's situation. Those ideals and comments that flood that topic, like a tidal wave, are real, and not done just for attention.

Wait...you're not only shocked to find people saying that they wouldn't like to sit next to someone taking up part of their seat, but you are also using their comments as an excuse to hate on skinny people?


First off, I don't think there were even as many negative comments on there as on SW's own blog about it or the original news article. There were a lot in both directions. And while some of them are just offhanded cruel remarks like "Lose some weight fatty!!!1!!", which is just dumb, more seem to be things like "I used to feel bad for the people who were not allowed to fly in 1 seat, until I sat next to one and had their stomach on my lap the whole way". This is just a personal experience and nothing against that overweight person in particular - just a comment saying they agree that some people should have to buy 2 seats.

I am not saying I agree with either side, and actually I'm on Kevin's side in this story, but the way you obviously discriminate against those who are NOT "people of size" is irksome.

While I fully realize that the majority of the Slimmer population MAY not share the views that are shared on this blog, a good number does.

Your use of "may" in caps implies that you actually don't think this is the case. Meaning you are judging the entire healthy population by the cruel remarks of a few judgmental individuals. This is disgusting. If you don't want people judging you, perhaps you should lay off judging them.

That said, I think that it is sad how many people say just cruel things based simply on someone's appearance, be it weight or anything else, and on that I agree with you. But you can't then generalize that to all "skinnies".

EDIT: By the way, if you did NOT mean to imply any dislike for people who happen to be thin just for being thin, I apologize for assuming that you meant it this way. But you should be careful the words you choose in that case, for it really comes across that way and is not complimentary to yourself any more than it is to them.

Edited by TheOsakaKoneko
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I am skinny and don't see what the big issue is here...why does everyone always yell at us? Also, that link went to PerezHilton.com where I would not expect all the comments to come from normal people that might actually put thought into how other people might feel about their comments. Those comments are real...but you can't say that they were not done for attention of to cause a little friction...remember we are on the internet here. The only place I would expect true and well though our comments on the internet would be...well I can't think of many places but the light shines through on occasion.

Ok, so in order to make people happy here lets no make fun of or talk badly about fat people OR skinny people...we all have our problems. Also, in order to avoid drama queen situations maybe we should stay away from drama queen websites where drama queens lurk about making drama queen comments...the next damn story on the list was about "Snookie" and the Jersey shore crew getting action...how can we take those people seriously?

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I am skinny and don't see what the big issue is here...why does everyone always yell at us? Also, that link went to PerezHilton.com where I would not expect all the comments to come from normal people that might actually put thought into how other people might feel about their comments. Those comments are real...but you can't say that they were not done for attention of to cause a little friction...remember we are on the internet here. The only place I would expect true and well though our comments on the internet would be...well I can't think of many places but the light shines through on occasion.

Ok, so in order to make people happy here lets no make fun of or talk badly about fat people OR skinny people...we all have our problems. Also, in order to avoid drama queen situations maybe we should stay away from drama queen websites where drama queens lurk about making drama queen comments...the next damn story on the list was about "Snookie" and the Jersey shore crew getting action...how can we take those people seriously?

I have to agree...isn't Perez like the blog version of 4chan? XDXDXD


Sorry for the overplayed comic, but it's just always so damned relevant.

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I have to agree...isn't Perez like the blog version of 4chan? XDXDXD


Sorry for the overplayed comic, but it's just always so damned relevant.

Ahhh that is so very true...and the website is also much more pretty than 4chan...

Although I do have to agree with Perez when he says that "Snookie" is damn good at pulling off her role even if she isn't really Italian...those other bitches are just jealous!

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I am not saying I agree with either side, and actually I'm on Kevin's side in this story, but the way you obviously discriminate against those who are NOT "people of size" is irksome.

Yes, I've been 230 and I've been 130 and I will say one thing: It's EASY being fat, not thin.

Now while I feel better about myself as a thin person both physically, emotionally, health-wise, I do not appreciate being told to "Have a sandwich" by morbidly obese people every five minutes. But I will say that when I was a fat girl I never once had a skinny girl say "Get on a treadmill".

Thin people are discriminated against WAY more than fat people, and I've lived both sides of that coin. That's why when bigger people complain about being made fun of I tell them to STFU and then tell them to "Have a sandwich" to see how they like it :tongue: .

For instance, we have about 4 "Big Girls are Beautiful" threads on DGN. How many do we have for "Skinny is sexy"? None. Because the bigger girls would most likely have an uprising and complain saying that they were being made fun of for being fat, when in all honestly, they make fun of thin girls all the time and have indirectly done so FOUR times with FOUR different threads on the matter.

Hyppppocricy....is a funny thing.

PS: Isle...we're "skinnies"? Okay...so then I can start calling you all "fatties" and see how well that goes over? :rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Trust me...definitely NOT helping your point at ALL.

Edited by Chernobyl
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Wait...you're not only shocked to find people saying that they wouldn't like to sit next to someone taking up part of their seat, but you are also using their comments as an excuse to hate on skinny people?


First off, I don't think there were even as many negative comments on there as on SW's own blog about it or the original news article. There were a lot in both directions. And while some of them are just offhanded cruel remarks like "Lose some weight fatty!!!1!!", which is just dumb, more seem to be things like "I used to feel bad for the people who were not allowed to fly in 1 seat, until I sat next to one and had their stomach on my lap the whole way". This is just a personal experience and nothing against that overweight person in particular - just a comment saying they agree that some people should have to buy 2 seats.

I am not saying I agree with either side, and actually I'm on Kevin's side in this story, but the way you obviously discriminate against those who are NOT "people of size" is irksome.

Your use of "may" in caps implies that you actually don't think this is the case. Meaning you are judging the entire healthy population by the cruel remarks of a few judgmental individuals. This is disgusting. If you don't want people judging you, perhaps you should lay off judging them.

That said, I think that it is sad how many people say just cruel things based simply on someone's appearance, be it weight or anything else, and on that I agree with you. But you can't then generalize that to all "skinnies".

EDIT: By the way, if you did NOT mean to imply any dislike for people who happen to be thin just for being thin, I apologize for assuming that you meant it this way. But you should be careful the words you choose in that case, for it really comes across that way and is not complimentary to yourself any more than it is to them.

Osaka: :thumbsup:

If you weren't female and already taken I would marry you tomorrow.

As Riku would say: +tax

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Thin people are discriminated against WAY more than fat people, and I've lived both sides of that coin. That's why when bigger people complain about being made fun of I tell them to STFU and then tell them to "Have a sandwich" to see how they like it :tongue: .

Sandwich :drool :drool :drool :drool :drool :drool :drool :drool :drool :drool :drool :drool :drool :drool :drool :drool :drool :drool :drool

Edited by Slogo
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Yes, I've been 230 and I've been 130 and I will say one thing: It's EASY being fat, not thin.

Now while I feel better about myself as a thin person both physically, emotionally, health-wise, I do not appreciate being told to "Have a sandwich" by morbidly obese people every five minutes. But I will say that when I was a fat girl I never once had a skinny girl say "Get on a treadmill".

Thin people are discriminated against WAY more than fat people, and I've lived both sides of that coin. That's why when bigger people complain about being made fun of I tell them to STFU and then tell them to "Have a sandwich" to see how they like it :tongue: .

For instance, we have about 4 "Big Girls are Beautiful" threads on DGN. How many do we have for "Skinny is sexy"? None. Because the bigger girls would most likely have an uprising and complain saying that they were being made fun of for being fat, when in all honestly, they make fun of thin girls all the time and have indirectly done so FOUR times with FOUR different threads on the matter.

Hyppppocricy....is a funny thing.

I will let someone else start that skinny person thread...I don't feel that I have the stones to pull that one off.

Yeah, I can't count the number of times I have been told to go eat something...shit kick me off a plane once and I wouldn't be that pissed about it. Also, people have actually told me to stop eating so much even though I an skinny...what the hell? The Army is even putting me on a weight gaining program because I don't meet the minimum weight for my age and height.

We all get our fair share of shit...deal with it. I call my friend Blake "chubby tits" and he calls me "toothpick" and we get along just fine except for when he sits on me. This whole thing with Kevin probably could have been settled without the complete shitstorm if there was a little more thought put into this FROM BOTH SIDES!

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Yes, I've been 230 and I've been 130 and I will say one thing: It's EASY being fat, not thin.

Now while I feel better about myself as a thin person both physically, emotionally, health-wise, I do not appreciate being told to "Have a sandwich" by morbidly obese people every five minutes. But I will say that when I was a fat girl I never once had a skinny girl say "Get on a treadmill".

Thin people are discriminated against WAY more than fat people, and I've lived both sides of that coin. That's why when bigger people complain about being made fun of I tell them to STFU and then tell them to "Have a sandwich" to see how they like it :tongue: .

For instance, we have about 4 "Big Girls are Beautiful" threads on DGN. How many do we have for "Skinny is sexy"? None. Because the bigger girls would most likely have an uprising and complain saying that they were being made fun of for being fat, when in all honestly, they make fun of thin girls all the time and have indirectly done so FOUR times with FOUR different threads on the matter.

Hyppppocricy....is a funny thing.

There is a lot of PR work towards fat-acceptance in this country. I don't think it is a good thing. Tolerance for our fellow man is a VERY GOOD thing and a NECESSARY thing. We should not judge someone for being overweight. BUT we've gone too far in the other direction now I fear. Being overweight even to the point of obesity is just considered being "curvy" and a "real woman" (Fuck you Lane Bryant.) I was nearly 100lb overweight before I realized that, hey, wtf I'm fat!, and decided to lose the weight. Because we are so accepting in this country, I just thought of myself as "curvy" or "pudgy" or any of the other words we use to describe overweight women in a positive light.

BTW I think that accusing people of being fatty-haters is kinda funny when those you are accusing have been fat themselves and know very well what it's like.

That said, I'm not entirely convinced it's actually easier to be fat than thin. It's easier to get that way - that's for sure! But as far as negativity from your fellow man, I'd say both get hit pretty damned hard. I'd say probably on average it's harder for overweight people, so I disagree with you there, but I appreciate what you are saying very much, in that it really does go both ways. Naturally underweight people get accused of being anorexic all the time, and it's just as painful as calling someone who is overweight a fatty or a slob.

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OK... So for anyone that's flown recently: Do you honestly think ANYONE fits in those fucking seats except a small teenager or child?? I thought not. Both the airlines and the aircraft manufacturers need to do a better job of fitting the seats and seating density/layout to a bit larger person, because they currently size them for a standard size that existed 40 years ago, and we've grown. This may not make it a whole lot better for larger folks but it would certainly help a large percentage of people who are currently cramped and unhappy. If you don't think it's that bad, try a 13 hour flight to Japan. It totally sucked. :rant:

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OK... So for anyone that's flown recently: Do you honestly think ANYONE fits in those fucking seats except a small teenager or child?? I thought not. Both the airlines and the aircraft manufacturers need to do a better job of fitting the seats and seating density/layout to a bit larger person, because they currently size them for a standard size that existed 40 years ago, and we've grown. This may not make it a whole lot better for larger folks but it would certainly help a large percentage of people who are currently cramped and unhappy. If you don't think it's that bad, try a 13 hour flight to Japan. It totally sucked. :rant:

HAHA Indeed, the seats are a wee bit cramped. XD

But you know, if you want to sit comfortably, all you have to do is pay twice as much and sit in business class! See? It's easy!! (You get better food too.)

(Not that I'd know. I WISH I knew, but alas, no go.)

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There is a lot of PR work towards fat-acceptance in this country. I don't think it is a good thing. Tolerance for our fellow man is a VERY GOOD thing and a NECESSARY thing. We should not judge someone for being overweight. BUT we've gone too far in the other direction now I fear. Being overweight even to the point of obesity is just considered being "curvy" and a "real woman" (Fuck you Lane Bryant.) I was nearly 100lb overweight before I realized that, hey, wtf I'm fat!, and decided to lose the weight. Because we are so accepting in this country, I just thought of myself as "curvy" or "pudgy" or any of the other words we use to describe overweight women in a positive light.

BTW I think that accusing people of being fatty-haters is kinda funny when those you are accusing have been fat themselves and know very well what it's like.

That said, I'm not entirely convinced it's actually easier to be fat than thin. It's easier to get that way - that's for sure! But as far as negativity from your fellow man, I'd say both get hit pretty damned hard. I'd say probably on average it's harder for overweight people, so I disagree with you there, but I appreciate what you are saying very much, in that it really does go both ways. Naturally underweight people get accused of being anorexic all the time, and it's just as painful as calling someone who is overweight a fatty or a slob.

I thoroughly agree with the first paragraph.

Did you know that American's have been pushing the "being fat is GOOD" campaign for so long now that, when shown pictures of different body types, most American children say that the one we are supposed to look like is the picture of someone who is 40-60lbs overweight (which is unhealthy, all aesthetics set aside) and kids in Europe and Asia still pick the healthy-weight figure? That should shock and disturb everyone deeply, we've hammered that being fat is 100% perfect in this country (not tolerant, but that we're supposed to be fat) that now children are completely skewed on what is a healthy-body type and what isn't.

I think the pendulum was swung too far in the favor of thin people and to overcompensate we swung it WAY too far in the other direction now, whereas it needs to actually be in the middle!

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I was fat once...fat for me...I quit eating so much meat, ate veggies, & did sit ups, & walked 2-4 miles a day for a bit...I am 'normal' now...I was also skinny as hell, & nothing ever made me gain weight until a doctor put me on all these wierd drugs to counteract each other's side effects (starting with anti-depressants, & ending with upping the anti-depressants to counter set some weird old other drug)...

...I've known fat happy people, & skinny happy people...fat sad peoples, & skinny sad peoples...the sad/happy axis, is not the skinny/fat axis...by any means...nor the healthy/unhealthy axis...I have seen very healthy old fat people...they were ALL happy ;)

{runs off to start new topic}

Edited by Rev.Reverence
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I thoroughly agree with the first paragraph.

Did you know that American's have been pushing the "being fat is GOOD" campaign for so long now that, when shown pictures of different body types, most American children say that the one we are supposed to look like is the picture of someone who is 40-60lbs overweight (which is unhealthy, all aesthetics set aside) and kids in Europe and Asia still pick the healthy-weight figure? That should shock and disturb everyone deeply, we've hammered that being fat is 100% perfect in this country (not tolerant, but that we're supposed to be fat) that now children are completely skewed on what is a healthy-body type and what isn't.

I think the pendulum was swung too far in the favor of thin people and to overcompensate we swung it WAY too far in the other direction now, whereas it needs to actually be in the middle!


Have you got a link to that article/study? Sounds interesting to me.

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Yes, I've been 230 and I've been 130 and I will say one thing: It's EASY being fat, not thin.

Now while I feel better about myself as a thin person both physically, emotionally, health-wise, I do not appreciate being told to "Have a sandwich" by morbidly obese people every five minutes. But I will say that when I was a fat girl I never once had a skinny girl say "Get on a treadmill".

Thin people are discriminated against WAY more than fat people, and I've lived both sides of that coin. That's why when bigger people complain about being made fun of I tell them to STFU and then tell them to "Have a sandwich" to see how they like it :tongue: .

For instance, we have about 4 "Big Girls are Beautiful" threads on DGN. How many do we have for "Skinny is sexy"? None. Because the bigger girls would most likely have an uprising and complain saying that they were being made fun of for being fat, when in all honestly, they make fun of thin girls all the time and have indirectly done so FOUR times with FOUR different threads on the matter.

Hyppppocricy....is a funny thing.

PS: Isle...we're "skinnies"? Okay...so then I can start calling you all "fatties" and see how well that goes over? :rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Trust me...definitely NOT helping your point at ALL.

I have to kinda disagree on this with you. I am now 200 lbs was 250 not long ago but still to this day I get random comments wispered by people whom think I cant hear them. like " bitch needs to go to jenny craig." and my favorite "Damn she ever hear of weight watchers." matter of fact I walked into a resturant not long ago to have a table of 20 something yr olds laugh at me... yeah I knew they were chuckeling at me. it was apparent to my friend who looked at me aswell and commented fuck them... And as for the threads on the boards about big girls well they just kinda end up like this one, everone discussing their opinions about big/skinny people. I have yet in my observations to see any of the guys make a nice comment to a big girl on here where as I see them follow the skinny girls all the time. But thats just me :dry:

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I thoroughly agree with the first paragraph.

Did you know that American's have been pushing the "being fat is GOOD" campaign for so long now that, when shown pictures of different body types, most American children say that the one we are supposed to look like is the picture of someone who is 40-60lbs overweight (which is unhealthy, all aesthetics set aside) and kids in Europe and Asia still pick the healthy-weight figure? That should shock and disturb everyone deeply, we've hammered that being fat is 100% perfect in this country (not tolerant, but that we're supposed to be fat) that now children are completely skewed on what is a healthy-body type and what isn't.

I think the pendulum was swung too far in the favor of thin people and to overcompensate we swung it WAY too far in the other direction now, whereas it needs to actually be in the middle!



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