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Kevin Smith kicked off plane for being fat

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Dave...you should probably shut up...skinny peoples are looked at with PLENTY of judgments...like, if yer skinny, & hyper...they'll ASSuME your on drugs...if you're skinny, & have ripped clothes, they ASSuME yer destitute...

I have been called many a names for being skinny; & have never been one to poke fun at the fatties...what the fuck is up with that shit? HUH? HUH? HUH?

Got a big fuckin' answer for that?

Your also above average on height, Rev, which adds seemingly odd proportions to your already skinny frame. It exagerates your appearance, and you know it. I never said that skinny people have NOT been judged, but to say that they have the same, or more, of an amount of discrimination or/ and harassment is preposterious.

Before you go off on me again, btw, I don't appreciate using my real name, or the red letter text, maybe your expieriances aren't JUST about your skinniness or your height, but a combination of many things. Lets face it, Rev...you choose to stand out. There are a variety of reasons: clothing, hair, height, tattoos, etc...that anyone can take from when choosing to being discriminatory against you. I have the same problems, between my weight, that damn hat, and how I choose to dress on a day-to-day basis.

Yes, if your skinny and Hyper, they CAN assume your on drugs....or assume that you'd had WAY too much sugar in your coffee that morning. Ripped Clothes on ANYONE, regardless of size, will make people assume your destitute, so we'll go ahead and make that point mute.

Now, had I not known you better, I do have to say I would have made the same assumption about you, Rev, that others have in the past: "put down the drugs", but it has little to do with your height or weight, but more from your hair, dress, and mannerisms. You do tend to get hyper to the point where it can get hard to follow you in a conversation, Rev, and if one is not used to it, yes, it can lead to the assumption of drug use, something that is not helped with your appearance.

You know damn well that it there was to be an "normal average american chart" neither you nor I would be anywhere near the center of that damn thing, for we are at one extreme or another, for a multitude of reasons.

I have not lived your life, but I know something of what your going through: the combination of a thin frame and an above average height. I was there to council a very good former friend when he was having a multitude of problems due to his above average height and thin frame. He had even worse problems, because should you choose one day to not dye your hair, and give it an "average american haircut", it would be easier for you to get a job then it would him, because no matter how he changed his hair, his clothes, and tried to put on weight to not look like a giant skeleton, he still faced discrimination for his height alone...and gods know I stared an ungodly long time when I first met him, because I have never seen anyone that tall before.

yeah...so I DO have a "big fucking answer" for that.

Edited by IsleofRhodesEnt
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HAHA Indeed, the seats are a wee bit cramped. XD

But you know, if you want to sit comfortably, all you have to do is pay twice as much and sit in business class! See? It's easy!! (You get better food too.)

(Not that I'd know. I WISH I knew, but alas, no go.)

I wonder if getting two economy seats costs as much as a seat in business class....LOL

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Whoa, this has spun way outta control. All I'm gonna say is that I've been on the skinny side my entire life and have had been called names and told to "eat a sandwich." and quite frankly that just means the person on the recieving end is sensitive and the one dishing it out is insecure that they feel the need to take a jab at your weight (There are far more things you can vilify someone about someone). When TG first met me she said I was way to skinny for her, and she had to fatten me up a bit.

I was somewhere around 130 lbs! And yes i'm tall too..6'2 to be exact. As we started dating, I started to put on some weight and became comfortable taking my shirt off around her, even though I was still skinny as a rail. It wasn't until I went out west and packed on a whopping 50 lbs which went from 150 to 200 lbs which is the biggest I've ever been. None of my clothes fit and I had someone tell me at Walmart that I should be shopping for XXL shirts! Now I'm in the high 170's but I eat and snack like crazy..only alchohol and lil sweets do it.

So moral of the story, skinny, fat.. it doesn't matter as long as your comfortable in your own skin.

Have a nice day.

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Thank you for the compliment, Osaka. :)

In my earlier post, I was talking about MY experience. I know that some skinny people can get teased about their weight. I've seen it, but not nearly as much as fat people get teased. I'm willing to bet that almost every fat person has been teased about their weight. Can the majority of thin people say the same thing? I think not. I know that there are thin people that wish that they could gain weight. I personally would rather hear "go eat a sandwhich" instead of "get out of here fat-ass, you don't belong here" (I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone yell that from the parking lot while I was heading into City Club).

And "get over it..." That's just cruel to say to someone.


I am not looking for people to make declarations on what is pretty and what isnt, either.

I just want people to behave with respect and love toward one another, and to not tell someone they should hate themselves because they don't meet someone else's standards of what is "right". WHO CARES. Just quit being an asshole. Dont tell the fat person to get on a treadmill--and unless they ASK you for weight loss advice, dont assume they want to hear it from YOU. Dont tell the skinny person to eat a sandwich (by the way, these words have NEVER come out of my mouth EVER), they may simply have a really hyperactive metabolism, and may eat five times more than you do.

Just show some fucking respect and sensitivity for your fellow humans, ok?

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I picked at Cher because of the vast volume of past comments she's made on the subject.

Mostly at this point, it's merely ribbing.

It used to get on my nerves how evangelistic she'd get over weight loss, and describing her past self vs her present self in words guaranteed to incite one's ire. Now, I've just ceased to pay it much attention. This time, I just felt like poking her a little over it.

Sorry. I'm blunt with opinions I suppose, I try to word things the best I can to not offend. I don't go out of my way to be a cunt, I guess that's a naturally occuring discourse of how I talk...? I mean I read a few entries a day by other members that incite anger, I just don't publically make fun of them on board for it is all and brush it off knowing that everyone has their own opinion.

I can just stay out of the opinion-based threads, aside from reading them to moderate. Didn't know that so many people were getting pissed off at me...a little discretion people! Let me know in PM if I pissed someone off with my viewpoints and I will try to correct this. I never try to mean harm, I just try to get my thoughts out.

And quite honestly, after finding that Kevin Smith WAS able to comfortably fit into his seat...yeah it's all bullshit. He has all rights to be pissed off at the situation and humiliated over the ordeal and the airline should compensate for this.

Edited by Chernobyl
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Sorry. I'm blunt with opinions I suppose, I try to word things the best I can to not offend. I don't go out of my way to be a cunt, I guess that's a naturally occuring discourse of how I talk...? I mean I read a few entries a day by other members that incite anger, I just don't publically make fun of them on board for it is all and brush it off knowing that everyone has their own opinion.

I can just stay out of the opinion-based threads, aside from reading them to moderate. Didn't know that so many people were getting pissed off at me...a little discretion people! Let me know in PM if I pissed someone off with my viewpoints and I will try to correct this. I never try to mean harm, I just try to get my thoughts out.

And quite honestly, after finding that Kevin Smith WAS able to comfortably fit into his seat...yeah it's all bullshit. He has all rights to be pissed off at the situation and humiliated over the ordeal and the airline should compensate for this.

I don't really feel like you said anything too out of line. Blunt, sure, but not rude or offensive. And your opinion is a very valid one as someone who's been in both spots. Some of your opinions are probably not going to be agreed with by most people (and some of them maybe not by anyone!) but that doesn't mean you shouldn't express them. I think this board sometimes overcompensates too much in stifling people's opinions in order to keep a happy place for discussion...but that can lead to a lack of ability to have discussion! (Heheh kinda similar to what we were talking about earlier in a more on-topic kinda way? XD) I dunno. I guess everyone just needs to try to express their opinions without even speaking in such a way that someone could possibly find offensive...but that's actually impossible, so there really is no way to win. ;)

In this way I actually kinda liked how freydis responded, because she took the bluntness and responded herself with bluntness, without whining or complaining to the mods. ;) It was amusing and refreshing. :respect:

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Your also above average on height, Rev, which adds seemingly odd proportions to your already skinny frame. It exagerates your appearance, and you know it. I never said that skinny people have NOT been judged, but to say that they have the same, or more, of an amount of discrimination or/ and harassment is preposterious.

Before you go off on me again, btw, I don't appreciate using my real name, or the red letter text, maybe your expieriances aren't JUST about your skinniness or your height, but a combination of many things. Lets face it, Rev...you choose to stand out. There are a variety of reasons: clothing, hair, height, tattoos, etc...that anyone can take from when choosing to being discriminatory against you. I have the same problems, between my weight, that damn hat, and how I choose to dress on a day-to-day basis.

Yes, if your skinny and Hyper, they CAN assume your on drugs....or assume that you'd had WAY too much sugar in your coffee that morning. Ripped Clothes on ANYONE, regardless of size, will make people assume your destitute, so we'll go ahead and make that point mute.

Now, had I not known you better, I do have to say I would have made the same assumption about you, Rev, that others have in the past: "put down the drugs", but it has little to do with your height or weight, but more from your hair, dress, and mannerisms. You do tend to get hyper to the point where it can get hard to follow you in a conversation, Rev, and if one is not used to it, yes, it can lead to the assumption of drug use, something that is not helped with your appearance.

You know damn well that it there was to be an "normal average american chart" neither you nor I would be anywhere near the center of that damn thing, for we are at one extreme or another, for a multitude of reasons.

I have not lived your life, but I know something of what your going through: the combination of a thin frame and an above average height. I was there to council a very good former friend when he was having a multitude of problems due to his above average height and thin frame. He had even worse problems, because should you choose one day to not dye your hair, and give it an "average american haircut", it would be easier for you to get a job then it would him, because no matter how he changed his hair, his clothes, and tried to put on weight to not look like a giant skeleton, he still faced discrimination for his height alone...and gods know I stared an ungodly long time when I first met him, because I have never seen anyone that tall before.

yeah...so I DO have a "big fucking answer" for that.

You haven't known me long enough to have seen me with a 'normal hair cut'...I have had them..to get a job, & well, it seems HARDER to find a job like that..because, for some strange reason, I STICK OUT...because, well, this, is HOW I AM...

You seemed to have missed the point again..it was that you can not meassure 1 pain against another...pain, is pain....GET OVER IT!

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Whoa, this has spun way outta control. All I'm gonna say is that I've been on the skinny side my entire life and have had been called names and told to "eat a sandwich." and quite frankly that just means the person on the recieving end is sensitive and the one dishing it out is insecure that they feel the need to take a jab at your weight (There are far more things you can vilify someone about someone). When TG first met me she said I was way to skinny for her, and she had to fatten me up a bit.

I was somewhere around 130 lbs! And yes i'm tall too..6'2 to be exact. As we started dating, I started to put on some weight and became comfortable taking my shirt off around her, even though I was still skinny as a rail. It wasn't until I went out west and packed on a whopping 50 lbs which went from 150 to 200 lbs which is the biggest I've ever been. None of my clothes fit and I had someone tell me at Walmart that I should be shopping for XXL shirts! Now I'm in the high 170's but I eat and snack like crazy..only alchohol and lil sweets do it.

So moral of the story, skinny, fat.. it doesn't matter as long as your comfortable in your own skin.

Have a nice day.

I was going to stay out of this thread altogether, but now I feel like I have to defend myself. I never said "You're too skinny for me!" I was dating you when you were that skinny, wasn't I? You were hardly eating anything when I met you, and you were medically underweight. I was worried about your health, so I made sure that you got enough to eat on the days we were together.

As for who gets picked on more about weight, fat people, thin people, etc., it's a really pointless argument. I'd be shocked if there is a single person here who hasn't had someone say something mean to them about their appearance at one point or another. I've never been really fat or really skinny, but I've been a healthy weight, and I've been overweight, and I've had my haters both ways. People are insecure about the way they look and feel the need to say something derogatory about the way someone else looks to build themselves up. I'm not saying it's right, but it happens and it's not likely to change any time soon. I've learned to write it off as someone else taking their insecurity out on me, and if I lose or gain weight, it will be because I want to. Screw what anyone else says.

As for Kevin Smith...one of the articles posted here said that he had paid for two seats, but the flight he was on only had single seats left. If they had single seats, plural, then why didn't they just ask a smaller person flying by him/herself to switch seats so they could give him the two seats together that he paid for? I'd say he has a right to be pissed.

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I don't really feel like you said anything too out of line. Blunt, sure, but not rude or offensive. And your opinion is a very valid one as someone who's been in both spots. Some of your opinions are probably not going to be agreed with by most people (and some of them maybe not by anyone!) but that doesn't mean you shouldn't express them. I think this board sometimes overcompensates too much in stifling people's opinions in order to keep a happy place for discussion...but that can lead to a lack of ability to have discussion! (Heheh kinda similar to what we were talking about earlier in a more on-topic kinda way? XD) I dunno. I guess everyone just needs to try to express their opinions without even speaking in such a way that someone could possibly find offensive...but that's actually impossible, so there really is no way to win. ;)

In this way I actually kinda liked how freydis responded, because she took the bluntness and responded herself with bluntness, without whining or complaining to the mods. ;) It was amusing and refreshing. :respect:

:respect: Danke, plus awesome.

We need to get the most opinionated people on DGN and have them all come over to my place so we can argue about things and call it BLUNTFEST...which, used in such context, "blunt" is not actually as exciting as it implies. I kid of course :laugh:.

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I was going to stay out of this thread altogether, but now I feel like I have to defend myself. I never said "You're too skinny for me!" I was dating you when you were that skinny, wasn't I? You were hardly eating anything when I met you, and you were medically underweight. I was worried about your health, so I made sure that you got enough to eat on the days we were together.

As for who gets picked on more about weight, fat people, thin people, etc., it's a really pointless argument. I'd be shocked if there is a single person here who hasn't had someone say something mean to them about their appearance at one point or another. I've never been really fat or really skinny, but I've been a healthy weight, and I've been overweight, and I've had my haters both ways. People are insecure about the way they look and feel the need to say something derogatory about the way someone else looks to build themselves up. I'm not saying it's right, but it happens and it's not likely to change any time soon. I've learned to write it off as someone else taking their insecurity out on me, and if I lose or gain weight, it will be because I want to. Screw what anyone else says.

As for Kevin Smith...one of the articles posted here said that he had paid for two seats, but the flight he was on only had single seats left. If they had single seats, plural, then why didn't they just ask a smaller person flying by him/herself to switch seats so they could give him the two seats together that he paid for? I'd say he has a right to be pissed.

The sad thing is that that was basically just misinformation under the guise of facts.

He had paid for 2 seats, but that was only because he was traveling with a friend and it seemed like it'd be a nice small splurge to have 3 seats between the 2 of them so they could relax and not have an unknown 3rd wheel sitting with them.

The friend could no longer make it, and he decided to try to get an earlier flight. He didn't require 2 seats, and usually didn't fly with 2 seats - it was a one time only thing completely irrelevant to this case.

Basically, he was able to sit in only 1 seat, he met all their rules, and he flew often with them in only 1 seat, so this was basically just a big clusterfuck of wtf. There was no reason he should have been evicted. The whole mess with the 2 seat thing was just SW trying to come up with any excuse they could to dig themselves out of the hole they made...even though it verges on lying by stretching the truth.

I do not believe that a rule requiring 2 seats for someone who is truly too big for 1 is a bad thing. However, it's irrelevant in this case, as Smith doesn't meet that criteria. He fit in the seat. ;)

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:respect: Danke, plus awesome.

We need to get the most opinionated people on DGN and have them all come over to my place so we can argue about things and call it BLUNTFEST...which, used in such context, "blunt" is not actually as exciting as it implies. I kid of course :laugh: .

I'd come. I doubt I fit the criteria as being one of the most opinionated (I've only been deleted once, for calling a certain someone an asshole [he deserved it hahaha], and never actually warned), but it still sounds like a good time. As long as there will only be the bluntness and none of the blunts. I'll skip it if there are both. :yucky:

HAHA we can tie you down and make you watch Eva. :innocent:

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I don't really feel like you said anything too out of line. Blunt, sure, but not rude or offensive. And your opinion is a very valid one as someone who's been in both spots. Some of your opinions are probably not going to be agreed with by most people (and some of them maybe not by anyone!) but that doesn't mean you shouldn't express them. I think this board sometimes overcompensates too much in stifling people's opinions in order to keep a happy place for discussion...but that can lead to a lack of ability to have discussion! (Heheh kinda similar to what we were talking about earlier in a more on-topic kinda way? XD) I dunno. I guess everyone just needs to try to express their opinions without even speaking in such a way that someone could possibly find offensive...but that's actually impossible, so there really is no way to win. ;)

In this way I actually kinda liked how freydis responded, because she took the bluntness and responded herself with bluntness, without whining or complaining to the mods. ;) It was amusing and refreshing. :respect:

I've learned that taking things to PM doesnt always accomplish anything. Sometimes, its worse that way.

Having your own bold opinion is definitely a necessary part of being the effective, bold person you are. And that person is awesome.

But sometimes, you could dial it down just a smidge, Cher. I think sometimes you dont always realise what you're saying, nor how you say it. This time wasnt really all that much, but add it to some of what you've said in the past? Dude, I'm beginning to think youve got some serious self esteem issues. :p My entire beef with any of the discussions that have ever occurred with anyone anywhere on the board is this; people shouldnt tie their weight up overly much in how they feel about themselves. Make it a health goal, YES. But dont make people feel like they should hate themselves and feel like theyre some sort of disgusting slob because their weight isnt perfect. There is so much more in being beautiful than your waistline. I love *people*. Personally, my own interest in people usually isnt peaked by their looks. Sure, you notice a hot guy, or that statuesque lady. It's a visual cue. But most of the people I've either found compellingly attractive or have grown to love as some of my closest friends and companions have been *anything but* the standard of attractive. But they are the most achingly *beautiful* people I know.

I dont know.

I'm just tired of human beings finding one more excuse to treat one another like less than they are.

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I'd come. I doubt I fit the criteria as being one of the most opinionated (I've only been deleted once, for calling a certain someone an asshole [he deserved it hahaha], and never actually warned), but it still sounds like a good time. As long as there will only be the bluntness and none of the blunts. I'll skip it if there are both. :yucky:

HAHA we can tie you down and make you watch Eva. :innocent:

NO EVA :tongue:

My Bottom Bro slash roommate, Timata, has gone back on his ban of mech anime and is trying SO HARD to get me to watch Eva. He even wants to skip the rest of Lucky Star...wtf!

He used to be an Eva-discriminator but has now said "Cherny, trust me, you'll like this one" so I may end up giving in.

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:respect: Danke, plus awesome.

We need to get the most opinionated people on DGN and have them all come over to my place so we can argue about things and call it BLUNTFEST...which, used in such context, "blunt" is not actually as exciting as it implies. I kid of course :laugh: .


I'm too far away to come over!

I will definitely give you a big hug if that's ok though, next time I come to town and see you at City. Because I'm not trying to pick a fight. And I do really think youre awesome. Sometimes we blunt people just need something a little blunt to remind us how blunt we are. :p hahahaha

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I'm talking from PERSONAL experience too...

..& yeah, 'go eat a sandwich' ain't that bad to hear...but, how about 'put down the crack pipe'...for a youth..that ain't to fuckin' cool to have to deal with...you dig it?

ZEN, tells us not to compare our pains to other's pains...for they can not be counted as fingers...but, to just deal with the obstical that is OURS at hand....in short, 'get over it'...so, you see, you're calling me cruel, when, I am just trying to help & encourage you...not 'get over being fat'..."GET OVER BEING CALLED NAMES!"...it happens to G*DDAMNED EVERYONE!

It is the PAIN that is weighing you down..the pain, turns sour & we call it depression...that, makes you go through your cycle...I don't have to tell you this...you know you...now, beat yourself in a battle...that's all you have to do...have more will, than weakness.

THAT...& that alone...WINNING, against yourself...can make you happy.

Mercy, is often cruel..

..they shoot a horse with a broken leg...

...they chop off legs to save lifes...

....I tell the truth..for no reason, other than to say it..

..the mercy is in my heart...the cruelty is in your mind.

I get what you are saying.

You misinterpreted what I wrote. I did not call YOU cruel. I don't think you are a cruel person AT ALL, but I felt like what you WROTE was cruel, but that's just my opinion.

Sorry. I'm blunt with opinions I suppose, I try to word things the best I can to not offend. I don't go out of my way to be a cunt, I guess that's a naturally occuring discourse of how I talk...? I mean I read a few entries a day by other members that incite anger, I just don't publically make fun of them on board for it is all and brush it off knowing that everyone has their own opinion.

I can just stay out of the opinion-based threads, aside from reading them to moderate. Didn't know that so many people were getting pissed off at me...a little discretion people! Let me know in PM if I pissed someone off with my viewpoints and I will try to correct this. I never try to mean harm, I just try to get my thoughts out.

And quite honestly, after finding that Kevin Smith WAS able to comfortably fit into his seat...yeah it's all bullshit. He has all rights to be pissed off at the situation and humiliated over the ordeal and the airline should compensate for this.

I don't think you hate fat people. Hell, you've always been nice to me. I think you just hate weight on yourself.

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I'm too far away to come over!

I will definitely give you a big hug if that's ok though, next time I come to town and see you at City. Because I'm not trying to pick a fight. And I do really think youre awesome. Sometimes we blunt people just need something a little blunt to remind us how blunt we are. :p hahahaha

You weren't talking to me of course, but I don't think I've ever met you, and I'd like to - when you come to City next say hi to me if you know who the heck I am, or ask someone and come say hi! I have no idea who you are and that sucks.

If I *have* met you and am just being a completely socially awkward moron, I apologize, and please remind me! I'm horrible with names and also with matching people to their online personas (it took me like 6 months or so to figure out that the person I was mildly flirting with on DGN and the person I was mildly flirting with at City were the same person! And that's my current bf! I'm pretty hopeless. ;)).

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NO EVA :tongue:

My Bottom Bro slash roommate, Timata, has gone back on his ban of mech anime and is trying SO HARD to get me to watch Eva. He even wants to skip the rest of Lucky Star...wtf!

He used to be an Eva-discriminator but has now said "Cherny, trust me, you'll like this one" so I may end up giving in.

We'll get you sooner or later!!!


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I've learned that taking things to PM doesnt always accomplish anything. Sometimes, its worse that way.

Having your own bold opinion is definitely a necessary part of being the effective, bold person you are. And that person is awesome.

But sometimes, you could dial it down just a smidge, Cher. I think sometimes you dont always realise what you're saying, nor how you say it. This time wasnt really all that much, but add it to some of what you've said in the past? Dude, I'm beginning to think youve got some serious self esteem issues. :p My entire beef with any of the discussions that have ever occurred with anyone anywhere on the board is this; people shouldnt tie their weight up overly much in how they feel about themselves. Make it a health goal, YES. But dont make people feel like they should hate themselves and feel like theyre some sort of disgusting slob because their weight isnt perfect. There is so much more in being beautiful than your waistline. I love *people*. Personally, my own interest in people usually isnt peaked by their looks. Sure, you notice a hot guy, or that statuesque lady. It's a visual cue. But most of the people I've either found compellingly attractive or have grown to love as some of my closest friends and companions have been *anything but* the standard of attractive. But they are the most achingly *beautiful* people I know.

I dont know.

I'm just tired of human beings finding one more excuse to treat one another like less than they are.

Yes, I have massive self-esteem issues that I attempt to mask with yellows and outlandish stunts that people try and coarse me to do (i.e. see: MANFAST). I used to lash out BADLY when I felt insecure but I had this mental filter installed about a year ago that, basically, what it does as whenever I have a ridiculous thought about to pass through my head about someone it sorts out whether I'm "actually being sincere in my opinion" or "I'm being a cunt because I fucking hate that bitch, she's way cuter than I am". If it seems to be in the latter category it falls out of my ear and onto the floor and is then swept away at a later date, forgotten about by all.

I think it's because my family harassed me for being fat my entire life, and kids in school did in elementary/junior high, and then I got down to 130 and they told me I was disgustingly skinny and needed help by my family and the general public.

So now I let Pestilence decide. I just come home and lift my shirt up and ask: "We still good?" to which he replies "ZOMFG TITS!" And that is enough for me. :tongue:

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You weren't talking to me of course, but I don't think I've ever met you, and I'd like to - when you come to City next say hi to me if you know who the heck I am, or ask someone and come say hi! I have no idea who you are and that sucks.

If I *have* met you and am just being a completely socially awkward moron, I apologize, and please remind me! I'm horrible with names and also with matching people to their online personas (it took me like 6 months or so to figure out that the person I was mildly flirting with on DGN and the person I was mildly flirting with at City were the same person! And that's my current bf! I'm pretty hopeless. ;) ).

Heheheh.... nope, we've not met. I've seen pictures of you, and I've not been able to spot you at city, so I think I must have been there when you weren't. Or I wasnt observant enough to spot you. :p Definitely, next time I'm back in town, I will probably post it here, and make a point of going to city, or maybe organizing something? Because I miss everyone.

But yes, I'd love to meet you too!

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NO EVA :tongue:

My Bottom Bro slash roommate, Timata, has gone back on his ban of mech anime and is trying SO HARD to get me to watch Eva. He even wants to skip the rest of Lucky Star...wtf!

He used to be an Eva-discriminator but has now said "Cherny, trust me, you'll like this one" so I may end up giving in.

You guys can always come over and watch the Special Edition on reasonably good THX stereo system. I even have nori crackers.

We'll get you sooner or later!!!


OMFG!! It's Uber-Rei!!! Third Impact is upon us!!!

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Yes, I have massive self-esteem issues that I attempt to mask with yellows and outlandish stunts that people try and coarse me to do (i.e. see: MANFAST). I used to lash out BADLY when I felt insecure but I had this mental filter installed about a year ago that, basically, what it does as whenever I have a ridiculous thought about to pass through my head about someone it sorts out whether I'm "actually being sincere in my opinion" or "I'm being a cunt because I fucking hate that bitch, she's way cuter than I am". If it seems to be in the latter category it falls out of my ear and onto the floor and is then swept away at a later date, forgotten about by all.

I think it's because my family harassed me for being fat my entire life, and kids in school did in elementary/junior high, and then I got down to 130 and they told me I was disgustingly skinny and needed help by my family and the general public.

So now I let Pestilence decide. I just come home and lift my shirt up and ask: "We still good?" to which he replies "ZOMFG TITS!" And that is enough for me. :tongue:

That's awful. :( You shouldn't have self esteem issues Cher, because you are seriously fabulous. So next time you're tempted to even think that way, smack yourself for me, ok? :p

See? The boy knows. :p

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Heheheh.... nope, we've not met. I've seen pictures of you, and I've not been able to spot you at city, so I think I must have been there when you weren't. Or I wasnt observant enough to spot you. :p Definitely, next time I'm back in town, I will probably post it here, and make a point of going to city, or maybe organizing something? Because I miss everyone.

But yes, I'd love to meet you too!

I'm ALWAYS there, unless it's before 12:30. Every Friday, Every Saturday, unless there's a big special event elsewhere in metro Detroit or I'm out of town. I'm usually either on the dance floor or in the corner by the bar. :)

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I'm ALWAYS there, unless it's before 12:30. Every Friday, Every Saturday, unless there's a big special event elsewhere in metro Detroit or I'm out of town. I'm usually either on the dance floor or in the corner by the bar. :)

Thats why then.... LOL

Id usually be there early, and usually gone by 1am.

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I get what you are saying.

You misinterpreted what I wrote. I did not call YOU cruel. I don't think you are a cruel person AT ALL, but I felt like what you WROTE was cruel, but that's just my opinion.

I don't think you hate fat people. Hell, you've always been nice to me. I think you just hate weight on yourself.

ZEN, is cruel, we can agree...but, it is Truth.

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