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Kevin Smith kicked off plane for being fat

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I have to kinda disagree on this with you. I am now 200 lbs was 250 not long ago but still to this day I get random comments wispered by people whom think I cant hear them. like " bitch needs to go to jenny craig." and my favorite "Damn she ever hear of weight watchers." matter of fact I walked into a resturant not long ago to have a table of 20 something yr olds laugh at me... yeah I knew they were chuckeling at me. it was apparent to my friend who looked at me aswell and commented fuck them... And as for the threads on the boards about big girls well they just kinda end up like this one, everone discussing their opinions about big/skinny people. I have yet in my observations to see any of the guys make a nice comment to a big girl on here where as I see them follow the skinny girls all the time. But thats just me :dry:

Yes...but...I'm assuming, you haven't been THIN like I was. Until then you don't really know both sides, only one side, and I've lived both sides. As for the guys making a nice comment to a big girl on here and yet follow skinny girls? Well you'll have to take that up with the boys! Tolerance also does not mean that they HAVE to like big girls, it just means not to JUDGE someone on being big. You should never have to be FORCED to think a body type is attractive that just does NOT do it for you, that's very closed-minded, imo. I noticed on average when I was a big girl that very few boys will even be willing to date a big girl and will actually chase after a thin girl who is unattainable then even bother with a girl over 200lbs. It's sad that the shallowness exists in this aspect but many men are sexually driven over personality-driven and are attracted to thin girls and well, this is just a way of life, which was a big driving factor for me to lose the weight in the first place.

However, every-so-often you will find the guy who is personality-driven, is also big, or genuinely likes big girls...but you definately have to search farther, longer, and harder to find that one guy out of 20 that falls into that category.

This is also just what I've observed and experienced from my ordeal with being obese, very thin (yet still 5 lbs over the minimum for healthy weight), and then medium again.

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Yes, but, and I'm assuming, you haven't been THIN like I was. Until then you don't really know both sides, only one side, and I've lived both sides. As for the guys making a nice comment to a big girl on here and yet follow skinny girls? Well you'll have to take that up with the boys! Tolerance also does not mean that they HAVE to like big girls, it just means not to JUDGE someone on being big. You should never have to be FORCED to think a body type is attractive that just does NOT do it for you, that's very closed-minded, imo.

I didnt say they were forced, I just said they dont... and yes I have been on the skinny side of things. and I to had my followers then. you had just said they were no skinny threads on here but imo that is what I see most of is all. just an observation...

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I didnt say they were forced, I just said they dont... and yes I have been on the skinny side of things. and I to had my followers then. you had just said they were no skinny threads on here but imo that is what I see most of is all. just an observation...

Ah...didn't know, then you just have different experiences is all.

We have a thin thread on here? It must've been hiding on me then!

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Ah...didn't know, then you just have different experiences is all.

We have a thin thread on here? It must've been hiding on me then!

No, she means she sees more thin acceptance than fat acceptance on the boards in general, even if there is no thread specifically dedicated to it.

To be honest I have to kinda agree with her on this one - it is still more socially accepted to be thin than fat. I'm just not 100% convinced that's a bad thing.

NOT to say that we should not be accepting of people who are overweight. But for MOST people, it is healthier and possible to be of a "thin" stature than a "fat" stature. There are exceptions where people can be overweight and healthy, or people can have health issues keeping them from being thin. But in general, most people are healthier at a smaller size and could get that way if they tried, so it's not a bad thing to have a public image that being of this smaller size is good, to encourage people to live this way.

Please notice all my careful usage of "most" and "in general" - I'm not hating on ANYONE for being overweight, and I know it's out of the control of some.

OH and it's very important to note that I do NOT agree with comments made to or about overweight people like Lilly mentioned - those are ALWAYS unacceptable, and speak volumes about the character of the person saying them. When you say something like that it reflects 1000% worse on you than the person you are speaking about.

Edited by TheOsakaKoneko
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I have to kinda disagree on this with you. I am now 200 lbs was 250 not long ago but still to this day I get random comments wispered by people whom think I cant hear them. like " bitch needs to go to jenny craig." and my favorite "Damn she ever hear of weight watchers." matter of fact I walked into a resturant not long ago to have a table of 20 something yr olds laugh at me... yeah I knew they were chuckeling at me. it was apparent to my friend who looked at me aswell and commented fuck them... And as for the threads on the boards about big girls well they just kinda end up like this one, everone discussing their opinions about big/skinny people. I have yet in my observations to see any of the guys make a nice comment to a big girl on here where as I see them follow the skinny girls all the time. But thats just me :dry:

Fuckin' REALLY?

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Fuckin' REALLY?

Have to agree here too - while there IS more following and drooling over the skinny girls (actually, you'll notice this generally overlaps with the 18-21 year olds - I guess the guys on DGN are just dogs? XDXD), there are also PLENTY of positive comments towards the larger girls - just check out the "favorite picture of yourself" thread! :D

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No, she means she sees more thin acceptance than fat acceptance on the boards in general, even if there is no thread specifically dedicated to it.

To be honest I have to kinda agree with her on this one - it is still more socially accepted to be thin than fat. I'm just not 100% convinced that's a bad thing.

NOT to say that we should not be accepting of people who are overweight. But for MOST people, it is healthier and possible to be of a "thin" stature than a "fat" stature. There are exceptions where people can be overweight and healthy, or people can have health issues keeping them from being thin. But in general, most people are healthier at a smaller size and could get that way if they tried, so it's not a bad thing to have a public image that being of this smaller size is good, to encourage people to live this way.

Please notice all my careful usage of "most" and "in general" - I'm not hating on ANYONE for being overweight, and I know it's out of the control of some.

OH and it's very important to note that I do NOT agree with comments made to or about overweight people like Lilly mentioned - those are ALWAYS unacceptable, and speak volumes about the character of the person saying them. When you say something like that it reflects 1000% worse on you than the person you are speaking about.

Fair enough and I totally 100% agree. I am totally compassionate towards people who either FULLY enjoy being overweight and think that being overweight is 100% beautiful and are being honest with themselves about it (and KNOW that their lifestyle choice is NOT standard and healthy) OR those with underlying medical issues that prevent them from being able to lose weight. What I can't stand is people who are obviously unhappy about being overweight trying to push it down the throats of others that "this is how we're supposed to look, you're too thin" and, instead of losing the weight to become happy with themselves and healthier, they try to force everyone to LOVE (NOT tolerate, but agree with) their lifestyle choice so they don't feel so bad about themselves.

And yes, there is a big difference between: "I notice that you've been putting on a few, would you like to exercise with me a few times a week? Is everything okay in your life? Are you being too stressed?" and "You're a fat fuck! I'd say get your fat ass on a treadmill, but you'd probably break that TOO!"

Anyone in the latter category is obviously a fuckwad and should be ignored entirely.

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Your use of "may" in caps implies that you actually don't think this is the case. Meaning you are judging the entire healthy population by the cruel remarks of a few judgmental individuals. This is disgusting. If you don't want people judging you, perhaps you should lay off judging them.

That said, I think that it is sad how many people say just cruel things based simply on someone's appearance, be it weight or anything else, and on that I agree with you. But you can't then generalize that to all "skinnies".

EDIT: By the way, if you did NOT mean to imply any dislike for people who happen to be thin just for being thin, I apologize for assuming that you meant it this way. But you should be careful the words you choose in that case, for it really comes across that way and is not complimentary to yourself any more than it is to them.

May is in caps to emphisize that it may, or may not, be the case. I do not judge the entire healthy populace by the remarks of those people, but I do believe that many of that populace have similar attitudes, and having been the subject of such judging and discrimination, know what it's like to have such things said to one's face.

I honestly don't care if it's complimentary to myself, and I don't say that to mean that "I can say anything and everyone be damned", but more in a sense of "let them say what they want....cuz I'm still the cool, fat guy in the back hanging out with the celebs and rockstars, while you are the skinny douche in the front wishing you could."

I'm fat...and as I stated before, expect for a few things here and there, I'm ok with it...I've dealt with it, it's not a huge problem in my life, and if anyone wishes to discriminate against me for it, it's not my problem, but theirs.

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Thin people are discriminated against WAY more than fat people, and I've lived both sides of that coin. That's why when bigger people complain about being made fun of I tell them to STFU and then tell them to "Have a sandwich" to see how they like it :tongue: .

For instance, we have about 4 "Big Girls are Beautiful" threads on DGN. How many do we have for "Skinny is sexy"? None. Because the bigger girls would most likely have an uprising and complain saying that they were being made fun of for being fat, when in all honestly, they make fun of thin girls all the time and have indirectly done so FOUR times with FOUR different threads on the matter.

Hyppppocricy....is a funny thing.

PS: Isle...we're "skinnies"? Okay...so then I can start calling you all "fatties" and see how well that goes over? :rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Trust me...definitely NOT helping your point at ALL.

Cher...no disrespect, but you have to be off your rocker to say that thin people are discriminated against WAY more then fat people. No one blatently stares at thin people while they eat. A thin person has never been asked to leave a restaurant because their size is making other customers uncomfertable. Thin people are not removed from planes, after they passed the required tests, because they are considered a "safety hazard". Thin people are not stared at on buses, trains, parks, concerts, etc. If you and I were to have lunch in a public place, who do you think would get more looks of disdain because of their size, you or me?

There is an episode of "Rob & Big", in which they address this very topic. Rob Dyrdek is challenged by his close friend/ body guard, Chris "Big Black" Boykin, to live as a "fellow of size" for a day, to realize how bad it really is. by the end of the episode, Rob has expeiranced multiple episodes of ridicule and looks of disdain, and he is simply in a fat suit. I wish they had some of the more powerful moments of that particular episode on Youtube, but they don't.

And I used "Skinnies" as the opposite of "Fatties", which is a slang term used in modern times, and was used several times in the origional story that we are talking about. I did not mean it as a derogatory term, simply as a distinctive slang.

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Cher...no disrespect, but you have to be off your rocker to say that thin people are discriminated against WAY more then fat people. No one blatently stares at thin people while they eat. A thin person has never been asked to leave a restaurant because their size is making other customers uncomfertable. Thin people are not removed from planes, after they passed the required tests, because they are considered a "safety hazard". Thin people are not stared at on buses, trains, parks, concerts, etc. If you and I were to have lunch in a public place, who do you think would get more looks of disdain because of their size, you or me?

There is an episode of "Rob & Big", in which they address this very topic. Rob Dyrdek is challenged by his close friend/ body guard, Chris "Big Black" Boykin, to live as a "fellow of size" for a day, to realize how bad it really is. by the end of the episode, Rob has expeiranced multiple episodes of ridicule and looks of disdain, and he is simply in a fat suit. I wish they had some of the more powerful moments of that particular episode on Youtube, but they don't.

And I used "Skinnies" as the opposite of "Fatties", which is a slang term used in modern times, and was used several times in the origional story that we are talking about. I did not mean it as a derogatory term, simply as a distinctive slang.

"Cher...no disrespect, but you have to be off your rocker to say that thin people are discriminated against WAY more then fat people."

By saying I "have to be off my rocker" you're obviously intending disrespect where I only dealt an opinion that, from my observation of being BOTH fat and thin, I deem to be true from my experiences. I'd appreciate not being called crazy, kthnx. I respect your opinions and I'd like to have the same consideration.

"Thin people are not stared at on buses, trains, parks, concerts, etc."

WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG STOP ASSUMING PEOPLE WRONG! (Again...have you been 130 pounds? When you have and you walk around for a year and not a SINGLE person says anything I will agree with this sentiment and chalk up the HUNDREDS OF TIMES IT'S HAPPENED TO ME AS "Wow...I must have had something on my face EVERYDAY that it happened). I HAVEN'T gotten stared at on a bus, train, at a park or at a concert when fat, just to add to that.


"No one blatently stares at thin people while they eat."

WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG STOP ASSUMING PEOPLE, WRONG! It's happened to me MORE while thin than while fat. I've had people even say to me that I was anorexic while I was at a BUFFET and on my FOURTH full plate. Nobody has stared at me eating at a buffet while I was 230 pounds...EVER.


"Fatties" is a derogatory term. If you are coining a new word as a play off of this term in order to apply it to the group that is opposite the "fatties" group...just as derogatory. For instance if saying "blackies" is considered racist towards blacks then you bet your sweet ass that "whities" is just as bad.


"There is an episode of "Rob & Big", in which they address this very topic. Rob Dyrdek is challenged by his close friend/ body guard, Chris "Big Black" Boykin, to live as a "fellow of size" for a day, to realize how bad it really is. by the end of the episode, Rob has expeiranced multiple episodes of ridicule and looks of disdain, and he is simply in a fat suit. I wish they had some of the more powerful moments of that particular episode on Youtube, but they don't."

Tyra banks did the same thing...but was non-biased (I believe it was Tyra, may have been Oprah). They had a fat girl live as a thin girl (I think they found ways to slim her down drastically) and had a thin girl wear a fat suit. They BOTH got comments and were discriminated against, both very offensively, yes the heavy girl received a few extra comments but not by a whole lot.

Yes, fat people and thin people BOTH get hated on and almost in equal amounts, just in different ways. The only difference, in MY personal experience, is that when I was thin 100% of the time the only people who would make comments were overweight girls and/or boyfriends/husbands of overweight girls. Still not warranted, especially since they expect different from me. Like...it's okay for them to poke fun at me but I can't call someone fat? Hypppppocricy...as I said earlier. Ironic that big girls who "feel so good about themselves and are happy with their weight" need to make a point to go out of their ways to talk shit about/to skinny girls to make themselves feel better...if you are HAPPY with yourself...why all the hate?

But to back up Lillylu, I NEVER got hit on by anyone as a heavy girl but when I was 130 I had single men chasing me around. Only difference.

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At one time I weighed 105 pounds. I did very sick and fucked up things to get to that weight, but if I could go to sleep and wake up tomorrow at that weight, I would be the happiest person on the fucking planet.


People treated me so much better when I was thin. People didn't stare at me, laugh at me, or make rude comments to me. People noticed that I existed. People weren't disgusted by me. I was able to wear nice clothes.

At my current weight, on a regular basis people will laugh at me, stare, or make rude comments. When I'm not the target of ridicule, I'm completely invisible. I can't tell you how many times I've almost been run over. I can tell when people are disgusted by me, even if they don't outwardly say it. Clothes for fat people are drab and sloppy.

I know, "shut the fuck up and lose weight then if you don't like it." I've been on a diet on and off for the past 15 or so years. Losing weight is not easy for me. I think about eating and I gain weight. I'm currently working on losing weight again.

I'm not looking for people to think that fat should be ideal. Big is not beautiful (to me anyway). A normal, healthy weight, acheived by healthy means is beautiful. I'm not saying that fat people can't be beautiful, but the fat in and of itself is not. I just want some fucking tolerance. I don't want to worry every time I go out into public that someone is going to make fun of me or treat me like shit. I get anxiety about going out because of this. I often avoid leaving the house because of this. I already have low self-esteem. I don't need it to go any lower. I just want to be treated like I'm a human being instead of some horrible monster.

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Big is not beautiful (to me anyway). A normal, healthy weight, acheived by healthy means is beautiful. I'm not saying that fat people can't be beautiful, but the fat in and of itself is not. I just want some fucking tolerance.

For every person who hates a roll that hangs over the belt, there's someone who hates a rib that's visible. Can't we all just meet in the middle?

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I'm not looking for people to think that fat should be ideal. Big is not beautiful (to me anyway). A normal, healthy weight, acheived by healthy means is beautiful. I'm not saying that fat people can't be beautiful, but the fat in and of itself is not. I just want some fucking tolerance. I don't want to worry every time I go out into public that someone is going to make fun of me or treat me like shit. I get anxiety about going out because of this. I often avoid leaving the house because of this. I already have low self-esteem. I don't need it to go any lower. I just want to be treated like I'm a human being instead of some horrible monster.


I pretty much agree with this completely. Overweight people CAN be GORGEOUS. I know many. (One of the most gorgeous ones I know is quoted above.) I like to think that I fit in that category when I was obese as well. But the fat itself is not.

I wish the world had the tolerance, and we NEED people to have it, and we SHOULD work towards it. But for all the work that is done in that direction, somehow it's just backfiring...some people get the mis-impression that fat is beautiful, and other people hate on "fatties" even more than they would otherwise because they are sick of hearing that big is beautiful. Somewhere the whole campaign just went horribly wrong.

I don't know the right answer. But blaming skinny people and reverse discrimination isn't it. It just encourages the idea that the two types are different and separate groups/teams and should be fighting against each other, which is not helpful to anyone.

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I'm not looking for people to think that fat should be ideal. Big is not beautiful (to me anyway). A normal, healthy weight, acheived by healthy means is beautiful. I'm not saying that fat people can't be beautiful, but the fat in and of itself is not. I just want some fucking tolerance.


Very reasonable and sound minded post. Nobody should treat anyone like a second class citizen for their weight, regardless if they're too thin or too big. My whole point in my earlier posts is that many bigger people believe that being skinny is hassle-free and that you don't get bad remarks due to it, stared at as much, made fun of, etc, which is just as wrong.

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I just want to be treated like I'm a human being instead of some horrible monster.

WOW...at 6'6" & 135 lbs, I said almost EXACTLY THE SAME THING...it went more like:

I just want to be treated like a human-fucking-being instead of a fuckin'-munster.

(They called me Lurch, & Herman...)

Yup...fat peoples have all the problems, right?

...don't get me started about afraid to leave the house...it's an everyday thing...get over it my friend! Funny, how, I got over the self-image...took WELL OVER decade all told, before I could go out in a short sleeve t shirt, instead of HAVING to put a long sleeve under it, because, my arms looked like skeletons...(& I've dated Ladies of ALL sises, my WHOLE dating career...even a few that would make you look tiny Bean.)

...the thing is that peoples understand that it takes a long time to change one's behaviors, & mental habits...it's just that in the modern society, we are told the time every ten minutes, so, we THINK time is happening fast..t i m e - i s - s l o w....

Dave...you should probably shut up...skinny peoples are looked at with PLENTY of judgments...like, if yer skinny, & hyper...they'll ASSuME your on drugs...if you're skinny, & have ripped clothes, they ASSuME yer destitute...

I have been called many a names for being skinny; & have never been one to poke fun at the fatties...what the fuck is up with that shit? HUH? HUH? HUH?

Got a big fuckin' answer for that?

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Dave...you should probably shut up...skinny peoples are looked at with PLENTY of judgments...like, if yer skinny, & hyper...they'll ASSuME your on drugs...if you're skinny, & have ripped clothes, they ASSuME yer destitute...

But what if you actually ARE on drugs??? *Runs and hides in the basement*

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But what if you actually ARE on drugs??? *Runs and hides in the basement*

Then, I guess you can't say shit...but, I for one was straight-edge till AFTER high school, & didn't get into the REAL DRUGS for a bit longer... & had to hear about it CONSTANTLY!

..that goes even just for hyper peoples...what the fuck is up with this world?

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Thank you for the compliment, Osaka. :)

In my earlier post, I was talking about MY experience. I know that some skinny people can get teased about their weight. I've seen it, but not nearly as much as fat people get teased. I'm willing to bet that almost every fat person has been teased about their weight. Can the majority of thin people say the same thing? I think not. I know that there are thin people that wish that they could gain weight. I personally would rather hear "go eat a sandwhich" instead of "get out of here fat-ass, you don't belong here" (I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone yell that from the parking lot while I was heading into City Club).

And "get over it..." That's just cruel to say to someone.

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Thank you for the compliment, Osaka. :)

In my earlier post, I was talking about MY experience. I know that some skinny people can get teased about their weight. I've seen it, but not nearly as much as fat people get teased. I'm willing to bet that almost every fat person has been teased about their weight. Can the majority of thin people say the same thing? I think not. I know that there are thin people that wish that they could gain weight. I personally would rather hear "go eat a sandwhich" instead of "get out of here fat-ass, you don't belong here" (I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone yell that from the parking lot while I was heading into City Club).

And "get over it..." That's just cruel to say to someone.

I'm talking from PERSONAL experience too...

..& yeah, 'go eat a sandwich' ain't that bad to hear...but, how about 'put down the crack pipe'...for a youth..that ain't to fuckin' cool to have to deal with...you dig it?

ZEN, tells us not to compare our pains to other's pains...for they can not be counted as fingers...but, to just deal with the obstical that is OURS at hand....in short, 'get over it'...so, you see, you're calling me cruel, when, I am just trying to help & encourage you...not 'get over being fat'..."GET OVER BEING CALLED NAMES!"...it happens to G*DDAMNED EVERYONE!

It is the PAIN that is weighing you down..the pain, turns sour & we call it depression...that, makes you go through your cycle...I don't have to tell you this...you know you...now, beat yourself in a battle...that's all you have to do...have more will, than weakness.

THAT...& that alone...WINNING, against yourself...can make you happy.

Mercy, is often cruel..

..they shoot a horse with a broken leg...

...they chop off legs to save lifes...

....I tell the truth..for no reason, other than to say it..

..the mercy is in my heart...the cruelty is in your mind.

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BTW I think that accusing people of being fatty-haters is kinda funny when those you are accusing have been fat themselves and know very well what it's like.

I picked at Cher because of the vast volume of past comments she's made on the subject.

Mostly at this point, it's merely ribbing.

It used to get on my nerves how evangelistic she'd get over weight loss, and describing her past self vs her present self in words guaranteed to incite one's ire. Now, I've just ceased to pay it much attention. This time, I just felt like poking her a little over it.

In more relevance to the topic; I have always been a firm supporter of the HAES movement. Far more healthy physically and psychologically than crash dieting, starvation and manic exercise regimes. Simply change your life, behave in a healthy manner, develop healthy habits, and quit worrying about fitting into a size 6.

And you know... this whole bit "if we started a 'skinny is pretty' topic, what would you say then?" shit sounds remarkably like every other bigotry arguement (like when people make these remarks about ethnic unions and organizations). Cut it out. It's stupid.

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