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my fellow ninjas


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I would like to call out to my fellow ninjas. your either a pirate or a ninja. well i am ninja. and there are to many F ing pirates here in tampa bay. let me now if your with me so we can mount up an ride on theese fools. pirates suck dude. go team ninja. all us who reside in shadows can join the ninja cause. go kill pirates today. keep an eye out for em. down in bucaneer country were i am i did my ninja part attacking moral. elimanating john gruden and causing the bucs team a heavy toll. during the yearly pirate march called gasperilla,
me and fellow ninjas caused a rain storm. now during the best pirate season i have caused a freezing cold to grind all pirate activity to a near halt. but there ranks are thick and i need fresh ninja to attack them at there weakest point. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK8SsHV3yLs.
this right here we need more of this
yeah fu$%ing pirate get you some.
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famous ninjas.

the shredder
. the shadow boss. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7T5kSTlS6E thats a long clip you gotta look for the shadow boss in it. batman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsO2rAYs-oc . leyoto machida
don the dragon wilson has like a 700 win record in kickboxing
ok thats alot for now. just kill some pirates. sting
Edited by cptdeath
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  • 2 weeks later...

Heyy... dont be hating!! I love pirates WAY more than Ninjas... I just think they would win in a fight...

With ninjas, there wouldn't be a fight. They kill you in your sleep. If a fight breaks out, pirates win hands down. That's why ninjas have to be all sneaky like, because they're really not that good at fighting. Sure, they can hold their own in self-defense, but a samurai could kick their ass toe to toe. Against a pirate? Yarr!

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With ninjas, there wouldn't be a fight. They kill you in your sleep. If a fight breaks out, pirates win hands down. That's why ninjas have to be all sneaky like, because they're really not that good at fighting. Sure, they can hold their own in self-defense, but a samurai could kick their ass toe to toe. Against a pirate? Yarr!

OOOOOOOOOOooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....................... very true. I tip my pirate hat sir.

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With ninjas, there wouldn't be a fight. They kill you in your sleep. If a fight breaks out, pirates win hands down. That's why ninjas have to be all sneaky like, because they're really not that good at fighting. Sure, they can hold their own in self-defense, but a samurai could kick their ass toe to toe. Against a pirate? Yarr!

ah, but pirates go on rum-soaked benders and don't sleep for days on end - how would a ninja kill a pirate who doesn't sleep, huh!?!? :Poke

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