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Well there are some funny ones. I think people love more to make fun of them than hate them. afterall with Jerry Springer,My name is Earl and The blue collar Comedy guys like Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the cable guy providing us with side splitting laughs about these characters people tend to find them fascinating. I mean personally i got some rednecks or wanna be ones. cough cough my brother. He thinks hes a redneck. then you got that whole country music movement singing how proud they are to be a redneck. I had a friend who destroyed my brain with that Redneck woman song. Its not my thing. I find real ones for most part I know personally to be quite stupid and annoying. Very backwards and men are typical chauvinist pigs with no common decency or hygiene and treat women rather crudely in a way that makes me sick though these women are sort of happy with it until their guy sleeps with his or their cousin or something. My aunts long time partner never married they had a kid but now hes got a cousin living with them and sleeping together. What a sad reality that some of these stereotypes seem to be true. I hate stereotyping but red necks seem to make themselves easy targets for that. My brother well hes a confused man and doesn't truly know who he is. The red neck thing in his life stems off his learned racism from prison years mainly, which when your needing to have someone to keep bubba off your back (not implying all guys who do ass raping are of another race cause all races have their fair share in the butt raping thing)in prison sticking with the neo nazis, aryians and ku klux members can easily persuade a weak minded individual like my brother. So now he drives big old trucks on high suspension and even put a power wheels shell on a quad suspension for when his kid wants to drive power wheels he can be like daddy and also wave his confederate flag. I guess its also our location. Its easier to fall into the hick lifestyle when you live near the stix with hunters and fishers and avid sports men plus a more dominantly white community. So red necks love them or hate them? I would way just love to laugh at them and occasionally with them if their humor like Larry and Jeff or good ol Kletus from the simpsons talks about his book learning with his pack of kids. Oh and dont forget the memorable episodes of family guy when Peter becomes a redneck and gets Quagmire fired or they move to deep south for FBI witness protection.

Anyways heres a funny slideshow of red neck ingenuity.


Oh nothing against Lynard Skynard fans out there but if your sweet home is Alabama move there cause its MICHIGAN where you live!!!!! I just s'pose it can be rather annoying to me listening to that cause it just seems to yell POSER!!!!!!if your not from Alabama and never intend on living there.

Edited by the_fairy_gothmother
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But I'm redneck..does that mean you love to hate me?

Awww I don't hate you! I guess some could consider me one though(just for the fact I like in a sort o hick town)I tend to stay as far as I can from that lifestyle or frame of mind. I am a proud Yankee northerner though it does not matter too much to me because Im just myself. A strange twisted piece of complimenting and contradicting elements. I guess for some Rednecks its a choice for others they were born into it and know no better. For me I do not conform to any particular stereotype and as much as I am more goth and freaky people are surprised when they get to know me other aspects of my life that are otherwise completely opposite or almost in a way contradicting to my lifestyle and habits.

If waving the confed flag and wishing the south won floats your boat well do what makes you happy. Who am I to judge or condemn you and stop you from your happiness?

Man one thing I do get is very observant and over analytical. Its that science geek in me. (yup I got all As in science lol and even tho Im a C word (not c*** either) I studied and received good grades on the theory of evolution) So please forgive me folks if I ramble on for ages. Probly just blowing smoke out my asshole, I guess that would be useful for becoming a steampunk)Wow parenthesis within parenthesis I am making order of operations word problem to solve.

Edited by the_fairy_gothmother
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Awww I don't hate you! I guess some could consider me one though(just for the fact I like in a sort o hick town)I tend to stay as far as I can from that lifestyle or frame of mind. I am a proud Yankee northerner though it does not matter too much to me because Im just myself. A strange twisted piece of complimenting and contradicting elements. I guess for some Rednecks its a choice for others they were born into it and know no better. For me I do not conform to any particular stereotype and as much as I am more goth and freaky people are surprised when they get to know me other aspects of my life that are otherwise completely opposite or almost in a way contradicting to my lifestyle and habits.

If waving the confed flag and wishing the south won floats your boat well do what makes you happy. Who am I to judge or condemn you and stop you from your happiness?

Man one thing I do get is very observant and over analytical. Its that science geek in me. (yup I got all As in science lol and even tho Im a C word (not c*** either) I studied and received good grades on the theory of evolution) So please forgive me folks if I ramble on for ages. Probly just blowing smoke out my asshole, I guess that would be useful for becoming a steampunk)Wow parenthesis within parenthesis I am making order of operations word problem to solve.

Umm not all rednecks sit and wave around the confederate flag, and you don't have to be southern either. Most people consider someone redneck if they are from a small town, and have small town values and hospitalities. And the men you were describing in your previous post are just douche bags for how they treat people, and didn't have good male role models growing up :no .

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Umm not all rednecks sit and wave around the confederate flag, and you don't have to be southern either. Most people consider someone redneck if they are from a small town, and have small town values and hospitalities. And the men you were describing in your previous post are just douche bags for how they treat people, and didn't have good male role models growing up :no .

Yup like me. As I said I am from a small town and well my family and relatives are pretty much red necks. I guess I have even done my fair share of red neck activities and as a child was fed coon and squirrel bbq lol. I mean here in this town i made the confed flag thing a mention because my school and people i knew did that alot. So im just like i said a blowing nonsense smoke out my ass and b my limited social interaction and longtime isolation growing up make it rather odd for me to speak tactfully enough without coming off the wrong way. Guess it would be better to just keep it zipped in my case. I wouldnt want to give anyone the wrong impressions of me. I would never mean to be insulting or arrogant. I definately dont know what the hell I talk about half the time. Just me being me. Foot in the mouth Cathy :ralph I also struggle with word vomit. Its a nervous thing.

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well to my family members who are from NC a few were KKK members...until my mom said 'knock that shit off, your going to get us all killed...'

it represents cotton picking...they feel they should have won that war...and that n-----s should still be our slaves.

at least thats what was drilled into my skull until I left home.

white is right and all that shit. Thats what it represents to many people.

I still hear about how we shoulda, coulda won some stupid war blah blah and how I am a 'tainted Yankee girl who is a damn half breed....' (I am only like 12-15% Cherokee) at least from dads side...moms side is ok pretty much.

well and my bro in laws family...pretty white power too.

Edited by Homicidalheathen
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Dogma at its best...and I am not talking about the rednecks...

I just don't see it because I have yet to meet someone flying the flag that actually thinks that way...most of them have other good reasons. Seriously this is like me calling every guy wearing a scarf a homo...everyone in a VW Bug a hippie...anyone holding a beer a drunk...everyone with a cigarette and evil asshole (oh wait that one is true)

That guy has alot of flags in front of his house...they all have meaning and with that person being a military type I would expect them to have the meanings that are true to the symbols...which is nothing bad...

Not talking shit but I have seen too many people take shit for something they never meant to do or didn't do...

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Huh...another joke where they called NASCAR and non-athletic sport...and some of the other ones don't make sense either...otherwise not too bad.

Yeah. They may only know how to turn left.. *snicker* ...but I can assure you that racing a car for a couple hours is a strenuous workout.

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Yeah. They may only know how to turn left.. *snicker* ...but I can assure you that racing a car for a couple hours is a strenuous workout.

Yeah they may only turn left but their turn are MUCH harder that those that models take...

And you gotta give credit to the pit crews...very hard work there...

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So let me see if I understand this...

Rednecks = must be KKK = evil

Confederate flag = always bad intentions = everyone that has the flag wants the south to rise again

Lynyrd Skynyrd = awesome band that actually has a great musical history and importance = shit because of what they are associated with

And here I sit...unable to make accusations against SO many people because of how un-PC it is and...this...

So next time I see a black dude rollin' in his Crown Vic blasting NWA I can probably assume that he was the guy that shot the police officer in Milwaukee last year and turn him in? Sorry but that is the vibe I am getting here. Now if you will excuse me I am going off to enjoy the leftovers from my pulled pork and corn bread dinner I had and I feel it is time to pull out my dusty corn cob pipe while I plan the exhaust setup on my lifted K1500...which has the rebel flag on it but I won't tell you why because you already know.

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So let me see if I understand this...

Rednecks = must be KKK = evil

Confederate flag = always bad intentions = everyone that has the flag wants the south to rise again

Lynyrd Skynyrd = awesome band that actually has a great musical history and importance = shit because of what they are associated with

No not all of them are...but its just like the swastika...it USED TO BE a powerful positive symbol thats energy has been tainted by Hitler and I wouldn't use it now...nor would I fly the confed flag.

I am still a redneck in my bones....what was it my husband said the other day....whats the dif between redneck and ghetto? I said about 5 miles that way...and pointed south.

There is no difference. We all eat grits.

btw that free bird joke on the jeff foxworthy show was hilarious...I lived in a place once where there was no heat, no electric and no road signs...

Now YA'LL remember you heard this here first...GHETTOFIED REDNECK thats what I am. Proudly so.

Edited by Homicidalheathen
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No not all of them are...but its just like the swastika...it USED TO BE a powerful positive symbol thats energy has been tainted by Hitler and I wouldn't use it now...nor would I fly the confed flag.

I am still a redneck in my bones....what was it my husband said the other day....whats the dif between redneck and ghetto? I said about 5 miles that way...and pointed south.

There is no difference. We all eat grits.

btw that free bird joke on the jeff foxworthy show was hilarious...I lived in a place once where there was no heat, no electric and no road signs...

Now YA'LL remember you heard this here first...GHETTOFIED REDNECK thats what I am. Proudly so.

Actually that was pointed more towards BillyDeath.

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