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Let us discuss...fat, skinny, sad, happy, old, young axises.....


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It depends on age usually. People in their early teens-mid twenties are usually(not always) unhappier if they're overweight due to the extreme amounts of criticism they get from their peers. As they age they give less of a shit what people think about them. People from that age range usually say "I don't care what anyone thinks" but they're full of shit. They pretend they don't care but they really do, because every person seeks acceptance into something. As people get older, they've established families, careers and things like that, and actually DON'T care about what other people in their social circles think about them because they've got more important things to worry about(family). That's not to say that skinny people in their early teens/late twenties range are ALWAYS happy, because that's not the case, but more often they're happier than their overweight counterparts.

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Fat vs. Thin is not really a fair comparison... it should be unhealthy vs. healthy IMO. And as far as preferences... I have seen folks who prefer scrawny as much as I have seen people prefer large. (there are exceptions to both sides of this... I don't see too many people lining up to date folks that are medically starving, or as big as the mom from "What's Eating Gilbert Grape." But those are extreme cases.)

The point is are YOU healthy? Do you want to feel better? thats what matters... honestly (all cultural brainwashing aside) do you want to date someone who's main criteria is fat or thin? (Sure we are all allowed an opinion and attraction... but really.) If someone were to say "I think you are a smart, wonderful, fascinating, person with great style, skin and are also very pretty... but you are just too big so no..." That person can STFU.

On the other hand what is so wrong with people having some preferences with the type of physical characteristics they look for in another person? weight or otherwise? I like redheads, dark hair, dyed hair, but I really don't like blondes as a preference... so does that make me a bad person? I also like girls with pale complexion. I like girls WHO LIKE TO EAT REGULAR FOOD... and not starve themselves... I like girls that have a youthful way about them (doesn't meant they have to be young... but youthful exuberance)... Do all these things mean that I am bad to the folks I don't have preferences for?

Fat does not always equal unhealthy... although it often does.... thin does not always equal healthy.... and it often doesn't.

I would also like to say that dating a girl ONLY because she is pretty, is kind of like eating a bird just because you like the way it sings.

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I know plenty of fat happy people...but it probably has a bit to do with them finding their place in life. Most have some sort of bouncer position at the local bars and being a big dude covered in tattoos helps with those jobs.

I am a skinny person that is kinda stuck between happy and unhappy. I can't find decently priced clothes that fit right, its either too baggy or too tight. Also, I eat about every two hours...and what I eat gets processed much faster than I would like making long roadtrips a BITCH because I have to stop so much. However, I am happy with the shape my body is in because although I smoke and do all that "unhealthy" stuff I still pass my physicals and can do the things that people have told me I can't do because I am too skinny and too unhealthy. However, I fail to see how being 6ft. and 140lbs. is too skinny...not trying to rub anything in but that is what I have been told.

Unhappy fat people...well yeah they exist but they are usually unhappy about something else when I see them...never heard anyone go on a rant about how unhappy they are being so fat...but that is my person to person experience.

Unhappy skinny people...I went to a show where 30 Second to Mars and The Used played...never heard so many kids bitch about how mean their parents are even though their parents paid for the tickets...it was a huge room filled with unhappy skinny people and I almost caught the depression bug.

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Fat vs. Thin is not really a fair comparison... it should be unhealthy vs. healthy IMO. And as far as preferences... I have seen folks who prefer scrawny as much as I have seen people prefer large. (there are exceptions to both sides of this... I don't see too many people lining up to date folks that are medically starving, or as big as the mom from "What's Eating Gilbert Grape." But those are extreme cases.)

The point is are YOU healthy? Do you want to feel better? thats what matters... honestly (all cultural brainwashing aside) do you want to date someone who's main criteria is fat or thin? (Sure we are all allowed an opinion and attraction... but really.) If someone were to say "I think you are a smart, wonderful, fascinating, person with great style, skin and are also very pretty... but you are just too big so no..." That person can STFU.

On the other hand what is so wrong with people having some preferences with the type of physical characteristics they look for in another person? weight or otherwise? I like redheads, dark hair, dyed hair, but I really don't like blondes as a preference... so does that make me a bad person? I also like girls with pale complexion. I like girls WHO LIKE TO EAT REGULAR FOOD... and not starve themselves... I like girls that have a youthful way about them (doesn't meant they have to be young... but youthful exuberance)... Do all these things mean that I am bad to the folks I don't have preferences for?

Fat does not always equal unhealthy... although it often does.... thin does not always equal healthy.... and it often doesn't.

I would also like to say that dating a girl ONLY because she is pretty, is kind of like eating a bird just because you like the way it sings.


I think it is too late to stop using categories so maybe people should just explain themselves. Fat and skinny mean different things to different people too. That is why Rev added the Happy and Unhappy parts there...I think...

I could give a rats ass about being healthy or not either...if you are in shape but always pissed off about not doing certain things that your other friends do, met alot of those people, then what the hell is the point? Either be happy or be sad...happy and healthy don't go hand in hand and if that idea is pushed too much then we should just start shooting everyone in the hospital because they are a lost cause.

I'll do a Jared type commercial for cigarettes...be happy be healthy is bullshit...I smoke and I am one happy bastard unless I spill my beer or lose at pool...suck it healthy people!

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Unhappy skinny people...I went to a show where 30 Second to Mars and The Used played...never heard so many kids bitch about how mean their parents are even though their parents paid for the tickets...it was a huge room filled with unhappy skinny people and I almost caught the depression bug.

See...? Nobody gets why I bitch about emo and emo kids so much, this is a prime example.

And yes, they are emo bands so I'm going to assume that many of the kids there were emos. I can sum up emo in one sentence: "Being sad because your daddy didn't love you enough to get you that Ferarri you wanted for Christmas and got you an Acura instead"

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I have been on both ends of this.. I have been happy and unhappy in both states.

It's all about self-love :heart:

:yes They really don't have much to do with each other.

They CAN have an impact, but it's not a 1 to 1 thing.

I'm happier since I've lost a bit of weight, because I have more energy and feel better, but I was pretty damned happy before. I have sad times in both states. One certainly does not determine the other. It is sad but true that one can affect how people treat you which has an effect on the other, unfortunately. But that alone isn't enough to make you unhappy, so it's only an influence, not a 1 to 1 determining factor. At the same time, one can affect your daily life and how you live it (in ways unrelated to how you are treated, but rather simply how much energy etc you have), so that has a big effect as well. But in this case it's overall health, not weight, as phee said.

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My happiness isnt really tied into my weight.

My health however?

It stinks.

My insides dont work right. As near as I can figure, it is beginning to look like a lot of it is stress related. But anyway.... fat or whatever, I'm usually happiest when I'm moderately active. My guts hurt and im glued to the bathroom all the time, so I cant be as active as I like anymore. But with the new meds, its looking like thats changing. :) They are working, slowly. So... I can start exercising again. *happydance* Without pain (sort of) and not worrying about where the bathroom is. *happydance*

I am happier when I'm not taking in nasty food. I guess that works out, since I cant physically eat it anymore. Fast food is gross, and it hurts me. So I dont eat it. I dont really miss it. Theres a really good place out here that does affordable rice bowl type stuff... fresh grilled meats (chicken, beef, seafood) and veggies, brown rice, stuff like that.

Generally, my happiness is tied into my current stress levels, balanced by environmental factors. If I feel like I look good, feel good and smell good, as well as having pleasant things and people to experience around me, that's what determines my happiness.

Right now, the stress side of the scale set is heavier. :/

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  • 3 weeks later...

All I am going to say is: the plural of 'axis' is 'axes.' That's the Latin, yo. But English is a bitch. See, 'cause the plural of taxi isn't taxes; it's taxis. And the plural of tax isn't, of course, taxi. Nope, it's taxes.

Language, axes--all constructs. It is what it is. I can be fat and happy or lean and mean, but that doesn't explain Laurel or Hardy. Have a nice day.

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All I am going to say is: the plural of 'axis' is 'axes.' That's the Latin, yo. But English is a bitch. See, 'cause the plural of taxi isn't taxes; it's taxis. And the plural of tax isn't, of course, taxi. Nope, it's taxes.

Language, axes--all constructs. It is what it is. I can be fat and happy or lean and mean, but that doesn't explain Laurel or Hardy. Have a nice day.

I have deep issues with the whole Western dichotomist thing. Why do we have to view the world as a series of polar opposites? I will never understand how concepts like science/belief came to be viewed as mutually exclusive... we need to leave some of this 19th c. thinking behind. It is much more productive... and true to the nature of reality... to see things as yin/yang complements rather than good/evil opposites. As spectra or continua rather than rigid categories.

And yeah, the English language needs a major reboot. It's telling that learning disabilities are WAY more common in English-speaking countries. I think a lot of brains just rebel at the absurdity of the language.

But I'm still overcome with lust when Calix talks grammar & linguistics. Being a kinkster nerd is hard sometimes.

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