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Faith and The Muse :: April 18th, 2010 @ Smalls ::

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It was such a pleasure for us to play for you guys last night, and even better, to open for such an awesome band as Faith and the Muse! What a great night of music that has now passed (not to mention their great stage show!)... though as William Faith said before the last song of FATM's regular set, these are the moments that no one can take away from us :)

Thanks again to Kat and Brent from DP, and the fine fine staff at Smalls as well, for having us out!

Edited by Pulse State
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It was such a pleasure for us to play for you guys last night, and even better, to open for such an awesome band as Faith and the Muse! What a great night of music that has now passed (not to mention their great stage show!)... though as William Faith said before the last song of FATM's regular set, these are the moments that no one can take away from us :)

Thanks again to Kat and Brent from DP, and the fine fine staff at Smalls as well, for having us out!

Hey, I work for DP too :p

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It was indeed a very entertaining show, I am glad I went. And D:Konstruct, you folks are excellent live!

Side note though, is it normal at Small's for performers to start at later times?

You can blame Faith and the Muse for showing up late, taking their sweet time to unload/get motivated and then more time to soundcheck, for the delayed start to the evenings performances. They were well aware of load in times in advance. One would think that a band who has toured the world would know the importance of punctuality and professionalism... They had no van troubles, no border crossings, basically no valid excuse for being as late as they were. I digress.

EXCELLENT performance from D:Konstruct. I have a feeling there success is only going to continue to grow. Kudos fellas!

Big thanks from all at Darque Productions to those in attendance. See ya at the next show.

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It was a good show,as far as goth shows go (im used to much more energetic concerts, since I like a lot of hard/spazcore). Got to see a few DGNers that I have not seen in a while and I got to meet a few as well. I am not surprised at the small turn out, but im glad people did come out...once again, people complain about old school not happening and then dont show for faith and the muse for 10 bucks. Oh well. good job to darque productions and dekonstruct.

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According to some on this board, you ARE DP as a whole..lol

I always make clear to people that it's not just me but a team of dedicated, hard working and passionate people behind Darque Productions. Couldn't do it by myself and wouldn't want to do it by myself. :)

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Was a great time, got to meet several people from this board and around the scene I had been wanting to say hello to for a very long time, (I forgot how fun it is to actually get out of the house and be social a bit) :) and finally got to see Faith and the Muse live for the first time. No sleep, 3 hour drive back but was worth it.

Hypnotic and gorgeous and fascinating to watch and hear.

They fed my soul.

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You can blame Faith and the Muse for showing up late, taking their sweet time to unload/get motivated and then more time to soundcheck, for the delayed start to the evenings performances. They were well aware of load in times in advance. One would think that a band who has toured the world would know the importance of punctuality and professionalism... They had no van troubles, no border crossings, basically no valid excuse for being as late as they were. I digress.

EXCELLENT performance from D:Konstruct. I have a feeling there success is only going to continue to grow. Kudos fellas!

Big thanks from all at Darque Productions to those in attendance. See ya at the next show.

Well, I know it was a long wait, but in the end, I certainly didn't mind. I'm just ecstatic they came to this area. Diamanda Galas's show was cancelled a few years back in Ann Arbor due to poor ticket sales. We all know tours cost a lot of money, and yes, that's the risk and price they pay to promote and connect with their audience, but artists have to eat, too. I feel we got very lucky to be able to have them here, and many thanks to DP for being able to hook this area up with a phenomenal band! :thanks: Whatever the reasons were for being late, I don't care. They're Faith and the Muse, and it was a cheap ass show. I agree with Osaka, it was the best damn show I've seen in a long time, and I would have waited longer just to see them play. Smalls is a great place to relax, and be with friends.

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Well, I know it was a long wait, but in the end, I certainly didn't mind. I'm just ecstatic they came to this area. Diamanda Galas's show was cancelled a few years back in Ann Arbor due to poor ticket sales. We all know tours cost a lot of money, and yes, that's the risk and price they pay to promote and connect with their audience, but artists have to eat, too. I feel we got very lucky to be able to have them here, and many thanks to DP for being able to hook this area up with a phenomenal band! :thanks: Whatever the reasons were for being late, I don't care. They're Faith and the Muse, and it was a cheap ass show. I agree with Osaka, it was the best damn show I've seen in a long time, and I would have waited longer just to see them play. Smalls is a great place to relax, and be with friends.

Appreciate the understanding and patience in waiting.

As part of the promotions team, my perspective of them being late focuses more on the business side of things. In most cases people are tolerant and realize a good show is ahead, but I really hate explaining to people why doors aren't open yet, why a band isn't on stage, etc... then add the fact that it's a Sunday night with peoples work week looming... and well hopefully you can see the source of mild frustration. Most people start pointing fingers at the promoters or even the venue when in a good percentage of the cases it's the bands 'fault'. Sometimes things do run like clockwork and sometimes things are beyond ones control... I'm glad the fans walk away happy.

Yeah, Smalls has become the main venue for Darque Productions doing shows. Don't forget Assemblage 23 coming up in May and more to be announced.

Be well

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One small note to Void: You can throw away all your Gaga CDs now...if you want one of her songs played, just stick Pulse behind the booth mic :p

Indeed. I wish they would've actually sang that... :clap:

Appreciate the understanding and patience in waiting.

As part of the promotions team, my perspective of them being late focuses more on the business side of things. In most cases people are tolerant and realize a good show is ahead, but I really hate explaining to people why doors aren't open yet, why a band isn't on stage, etc... then add the fact that it's a Sunday night with peoples work week looming... and well hopefully you can see the source of mild frustration. Most people start pointing fingers at the promoters or even the venue when in a good percentage of the cases it's the bands 'fault'. Sometimes things do run like clockwork and sometimes things are beyond ones control... I'm glad the fans walk away happy.

Yeah I can understand that. Well thanks for bringing em here and giving us a good time. I'm looking forward to A23.

Edited by DJ Nihil
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Appreciate the understanding and patience in waiting.

As part of the promotions team, my perspective of them being late focuses more on the business side of things. In most cases people are tolerant and realize a good show is ahead, but I really hate explaining to people why doors aren't open yet, why a band isn't on stage, etc... then add the fact that it's a Sunday night with peoples work week looming... and well hopefully you can see the source of mild frustration. Most people start pointing fingers at the promoters or even the venue when in a good percentage of the cases it's the bands 'fault'. Sometimes things do run like clockwork and sometimes things are beyond ones control... I'm glad the fans walk away happy.

Yeah, Smalls has become the main venue for Darque Productions doing shows. Don't forget Assemblage 23 coming up in May and more to be announced.

Be well

Definitely not saying this to cast doubt on the blame this time laying with FATM (I'm sure everything said has been accurate and truthful), but at the same time I've actually to this point never seen a show at Smalls that didn't start almost an hour later than planned, and they usually don't end until almost 2am, even on Sunday nights. ;) De/Vision / Seabound, Ayria/Cruxshadows...heck, didn't Gothsicles/Caustic also start really late? And even the D:K show last month? Can't think of what else I've seen there. FATM is surely at fault here as has been said, but Smalls is kinda known for this in general. I love that venue for almost everything but I hate when shows are there on weeknights because I know I won't get any sleep that night. Yet I'm also petrified of showing up too late in case it's like the ONE time they start on time, so I still end up arriving 1-2 hours before it starts. ::shrug:: oh well, it's always worth it and the shows are always great, and it's always cheap, so I'm not really complaining - I love Smalls for everything else. But whatever the reason, shows are ALWAYS late there.

Apologies if I'm speaking too much in generalities and if this is not the case - if it's not, please tell me and I'll happily eat my words. But in my experience I can't think of a show I've seen there that started any semblance of on time. ;)

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To see all the photos we took (some aren't that good lol) here's the link: The Link



Haha you only post the 2 of Riku and I here?!? haha :p:P

Thank you sooooo much for taking that photo for me - I appreciate it soooo much! I get into the habit of not taking my camera cuz of City's rules and then hate when I don't have one when I do want one!! T__T You are awesome for that!

I like this one, blurry though it is:


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Haha you only post the 2 of Riku and I here?!? haha :p:p

Thank you sooooo much for taking that photo for me - I appreciate it soooo much! I get into the habit of not taking my camera cuz of City's rules and then hate when I don't have one when I do want one!! T__T You are awesome for that!

I like this one, blurry though it is:


well, I posted those two, so you could grab em up lol

Ethan took that picture you posted. So hard to photograph moving subjects! LOL But it is still an amazing picture. :D

He always brings his camera. I usually bring mine. :) Forgot it. I was so mad! He tells me I'm better with a camera, so unless I have to go sit down, I usually turn into a shutter bug LMAO :)

You are quite welcome, by the way. Seeing the look on your face, when they started playing, I think made my night. :):wub: It warms my heart to see bands I enjoy, touch the heart and soul of those I care about. :) SO happy you (along with everyone else) had such a great time. (I'm talking like it was my show ROFL)

Thank you to those that had a hand in putting this show together. :)

Edited by GothicRavenGoddess
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I wish I could have stayed longer to take some after pic! I had to wake up for work at 4am so that just wasn't possible. To bad I couldn't get to meet them :(

More photos will be posted on Josh's account.


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