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What's happenin' that REV shoulda' noticed...?


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Seen this...I usually have plenty of time, to know what most of you are doing, & to know more about yous, than you do...(there are patterns, I see them.)...you ought to know, I did the Dirty Show, & have several others in line...so, I could not quite keep up on all the thises, & thats...

..let alone, the other things...

Let's set Feb. 1 as a start...

How about I start...I have seen many nipples (of the female persuasion)...some of you may know, I am attempting to count to 100,000 on female nipples (for PAN..been countin' a lil' over a decade now)...I am up at least 30 from my last Knowing count (369 &370, My new pet Iris ;) )..{I am not certain EXACTLY how many I saw back stage...certainly the most in 1 day EVER, the first Friday}...that puts me to the long awaited 500! (over, but, I am not concerned with exactness)...

O_M_G & I has some new playmates, for playdates ;)

..still lookin' fer 1 more special female though...

Have 2 shows in March Sat 13 @ Leland, in the ball room..."Someone goto the Club, & get I a SCOTCH; please?".....& Sat 27 @ EroticZone Gallery with Oblivion...

D.N.A, is officially working with Oblivion...we'll be writing a bunch of music to do live whilst they spank, & shake...we plan to take it to another level...from fetish show, to dark adult theater... ;) Fine Arts INDEED! :biggrin: My-boys, are excited to get started working our pencils on Friday!

(How often do you see a band & a fetish troop 'date'?)

What do you all have goin' on?

Edited by torn asunder
"C" removed from title, per request!
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I'm on yet another diet. The usual struggle. I'm cranky and insane because of it, but I keep picturing the end result in my mind, so I'm still chugging along. Everything has been pissing me off lately. Work has been increasingly annoying, and I'm there all the time. School is stressing me out. I turned 30. I go to City pretty much every Saturday. I still hate snow. I got a flat tire at work last week. I got stuck in the parking lot at work yesterday because of the snow.

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Still knocking out the trilogy I've been on the fence about for years. I started it in high school on my computer and Boshy is fucking nuts (I'm not outing her, I've told her this) and felt the urge to erase the OS on my computer THREE times for no reason without warning me to back up my shit first. Needless to say my novels were lost both times (originally it was only going to be one book, but I figured out that it will require three for optimum awesomeness) and so was every picture I've ever taken in high school.

Then I started writing it again when I was 19 but was in a very low point of my life. Everytime I wrote even a single sentence I felt like an idiot because "I can't do anything right" and therefore procrastinated and avoided it all together.

Now I realize that was all retarded and I have been cranking it out at mach speed and at least the first one should be FULLY finished by the end of 2010, the last two will be drafted but not finalized. I mean it's possible but not likely. Look for previews in the Your Creation thread soon enough!

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Still knocking out the trilogy I've been on the fence about for years. I started it in high school on my computer and Boshy is fucking nuts (I'm not outing her, I've told her this) and felt the urge to erase the OS on my computer THREE times for no reason without warning me to back up my shit first. Needless to say my novels were lost both times (originally it was only going to be one book, but I figured out that it will require three for optimum awesomeness) and so was every picture I've ever taken in high school.

Then I started writing it again when I was 19 but was in a very low point of my life. Everytime I wrote even a single sentence I felt like an idiot because "I can't do anything right" and therefore procrastinated and avoided it all together.

Now I realize that was all retarded and I have been cranking it out at mach speed and at least the first one should be FULLY finished by the end of 2010, the last two will be drafted but not finalized. I mean it's possible but not likely. Look for previews in the Your Creation thread soon enough!

If you're looking for a place to premiere it (and a way to keep yourself on track with writing) remember, www.forgefirepress.com could be an option. :)

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If you're looking for a place to premiere it (and a way to keep yourself on track with writing) remember, www.forgefirepress.com could be an option. :)

Do you guys copyright and full-service publish (i.e. hardcopy books, not just the internet)? If so I may consider it. I don't want to put anything that is significant on the internet without copyrighting my shit first because I don't want it being ripped by some asshole who is idealess. I'm not trying to kiss my own ass, trust me I do that enough on my own, but it's quite good and very original, so I worry about that aspect.

Even if you don't hardcopy publish, I may still be interested, as long as I know that my work cannot be stolen and that it will officially registered under the law as my own.

Edited by Chernobyl
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Do you guys copyright and full-service publish (i.e. hardcopy books, not just the internet)? If so I may consider it. I don't want to put anything that is significant on the internet without copyrighting my shit first because I don't want it being ripped by some asshole who is idealess. I'm not trying to kiss my own ass, trust me I do that enough on my own, but it's quite good and very original, so I worry about that aspect.

Even if you don't hardcopy publish, I may still be interested, as long as I know that my work cannot be stolen and that it will officially registered under the law as my own.

When it's done, you can do the copyright part by yourself.

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My life has been really simple as of late. Just waiting for spring time to come. :wub:

I've just been taking classes, working, going to concerts, taking dance classes, and going to the club on occasion. And I have no love life and am currently content with that. Yep yep.

Edited by Eevee
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I dunno, the spirits have been keeping me away from City on Saturday...every time I have attempted to attend on such and such a date:

~my car gets violated

~I accidentally burn my special incense and go into hibernative meditation for 13 hours

~something shiny crosses my periph and I have an urge (that is satisfied) to chase after it

~...I have work early the next day =P

~still basking in the afterglow from Friday night :animier:

~sitting in bed with my little book o'Doom and a certain manual...planning, cahooting, and :cat:

~something else, even shiner crosses...YAY *runs after it*

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Still unemployed, still hate Michigan. Doing a volunteer thing one afternoon a week, after school art class for 7-12 yr olds; enjoying that. Just got some tutoring work with a Title I contractor to the Lansing schools, so far have two afterschools a week at Everett High School. That's pretty cool too. Starting another venture which I won't detail here.

Two classes this semester: Curriculum Design for the LD Student and Assessment of LD. First is interesting and the instructor is a sweetie... second is horribly boring, mostly unnecessary, way too much work, and the instructor is hellishly unorganized and has the entire cohort totally confused.

Pussy Posse are good, geckos are good, Ophelia is good. Have to decide soon whether I want to breed Ophelia and/or the geckos (Sasuke and Kashmir) this spring. If I do breed Ophelia it may be just to keep her happy, i.e. I won't bother to incubate the clutch. Unless I can line up buyers ahead of time.

Have been to a couple munches w/area FetLife people... unexpectedly ran into Rocket Scientist Cousin at one which was pretty funny. Aside from that I'm still really boring and spend too much time moping around the house, compulsively playing Bejeweled Blitz even though it causes me to shake and grind my teeth. Well, not exactly grind (since I don't have any grinding teeth left)... more like that chattery thing cats do when they see prey they can't get at. Yes, this is sad.

When it's done, you can do the copyright part by yourself.

Yup... it's easy, done it myself. Print the forms online, fill them out, send 'em back with your work(s) and $40 (or was it $70).

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