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Please be warned...anyone caught "sniping" from a pocketed corner of the arena will see an Iris leaping across said arena and jamming equipped glorified lazer pointer up their "Call of Duty: Real Life" arses


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Please be warned...anyone caught "sniping" from a pocketed corner of the arena will see an Iris leaping across said arena and jamming equipped glorified lazer pointer up their "Call of Duty: Real Life" arses


lmfao nice

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Please be warned...anyone caught "sniping" from a pocketed corner of the arena will see an Iris leaping across said arena and jamming equipped glorified lazer pointer up their "Call of Duty: Real Life" arses


YES. NO CAMPING. Save that shit for MANFAST. (this means YOU, Constantin's little brother :tongue: )

We mess with Constantin's little brother (sn: lucifer on here) because he used to camp in Call of Duty all the time so we told him at first that he couldn't go to laser tag because we don't allow campers, but told him due to his camping, he is allowed at MANFAST.

Also, our CoD clan usually has a rule against care package glitching and tactical nuke glitchers...but I have a feeling we won't have any problems with care packages or tactical nukes at LQ :rofl: .

Edited by Chernobyl
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Lillylu! Can you take mez? :happy:

Annnd...now I'm nervous. I know I'll suck ass because I'm not very good at lasertagging.


It's okay, we're all losing to Pestilence anyhow, so don't aim for first or you will be disappointed.

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Dont worry. That will be me...

It can be both of you if you'd like. Eevee can be running past you, trip, and on her way down she can grab your pack and take you down with her. See? Now everyone get a chance!

All this event planning is getting me hot and bothered for MANFAST planning that is going to be coming up. I can't wait for this year's MANFAST...there will be so much shit in store AND at this year's MANFAST you'll be able to cash out all of the Chernobyl Points everyone's been saving up for years.

Edited by Chernobyl
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It can be both of you if you'd like. Eevee can be running past you, trip, and on her way down she can grab your pack and take you down with her. See? Now everyone get a chance!

All this event planning is getting me hot and bothered for MANFAST planning that is going to be coming up. I can't wait for this year's MANFAST...there will be so much shit in store AND at this year's MANFAST you'll be able to cash out all of the Chernobyl Points everyone's been saving up for years.

Ive been told a little about this MANFEST.... But it sounds exciting!

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I must say...I am intrigued by Manfest...buuuut, my attempts at camping in the past haven't been too lovely, lol

A) That's fine. We'll fix that. Beanternal said the SAME thing and now love camping...just ask them. They were ONLY going last year because they wanted to honor my birthday and were only going to show up for one night because they figured it would be "all they could stand out in the woods". Not only did the eternal WIN MANFAST last year being the least experienced outdoorsman in the group they ended up coming back Saturday night also because they had so much fun Friday. If it rains I'm sure Timata will let you crash out in his creepy powered-blue pedo-van for the night. HELL...not only did we get Troy to come but we also got him to beer bong, and it was epic. We still have it on video if you wanna see it.

B) You're going


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A) That's fine. We'll fix that. Beanternal said the SAME thing and now love camping...just ask them. They were ONLY going last year because they wanted to honor my birthday and were only going to show up for one night because they figured it would be "all they could stand out in the woods". Not only did the eternal WIN MANFAST last year being the least experienced outdoorsman in the group they ended up coming back Saturday night also because they had so much fun Friday. If it rains I'm sure Timata will let you crash out in his creepy powered-blue pedo-van for the night. HELL...not only did we get Troy to come but we also got him to beer bong, and it was epic. We still have it on video if you wanna see it.

B) You're going



Oooookay...though no promises on me beerbonging anytime soon, haha!

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Oooookay...though no promises on me beerbonging anytime soon, haha!

No, MANFAST always needs spectators. If we did not have them..who would be witness to our MANLINESS? I'm even selecting certain spectators to help judge (will be drawn at random).

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No, MANFAST always needs spectators. If we did not have them..who would be witness to our MANLINESS? I'm even selecting certain spectators to help judge (will be drawn at random).

Woo! Sounds pretty sweet. Now I'm getting more excited for it, haha!

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All this event planning is getting me hot and bothered for MANFAST planning that is going to be coming up. I can't wait for this year's MANFAST...there will be so much shit in store AND at this year's MANFAST you'll be able to cash out all of the Chernobyl Points everyone's been saving up for years.

I've been saving my Chernobyl points, myself. Scoring beers for Cher, scoring camel crushes for cher...and just saving them. MANFAST is coming!

(btw, I intend to bring *Siren* with me. Calling you soon 'bout it, Cher!)

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Eeeeeeeveeeeeee. Did you arrange a ride or am I totally kidnapping your shit on Saturday?

Annnnd, I'm almost in the finalization process. We have a fairly decent turnout but spots are still open. If anyone wants to still sign up or you found a last minute laser buddy to go with...PM me ASAP!

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Eeeeeeeveeeeeee. Did you arrange a ride or am I totally kidnapping your shit on Saturday?

Annnnd, I'm almost in the finalization process. We have a fairly decent turnout but spots are still open. If anyone wants to still sign up or you found a last minute laser buddy to go with...PM me ASAP!

I don't know! :X

Lillylu hasn't responded so I really don't know, lol I don't want you to waste your gas coming to get me. :X

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Lillylu will be unable to get me (and thats completely understandable :grouphug )...SO. I can either see if my mom will let me borrow the car...or I will need to bum a ride from Cher.

But I seriously don't want you to waste your time/gas, yo!

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Lillylu will be unable to get me (and thats completely understandable :grouphug )...SO. I can either see if my mom will let me borrow the car...or I will need to bum a ride from Cher.

But I seriously don't want you to waste your time/gas, yo!

if cher can get you i will seriously give her 5 bux to get you :p

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Lillylu will be unable to get me (and thats completely understandable :grouphug )...SO. I can either see if my mom will let me borrow the car...or I will need to bum a ride from Cher.

But I seriously don't want you to waste your time/gas, yo!

Address in my PM box, plz. Congrats, you're going. Make sure you wear good shoes so you don't trip :tongue:.

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