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Today...I made the reservation for Laser Quest! For those of you who did not see the original thread, the info is as following:

MARCH 6TH! 5:00pm - 8:00pm

How it breaks down: There are going to be three 20 minute games. The arrival time for the group is technically 5pm, but as someone who is perpetually late to everything I personally suggest being there around 4:45! The first game STARTS at 5:20, the next game starts at 6:00, and the last game is at 6:40. At 7pm we will get our own room to sit in and plot the destruction of stuff and things while we all munch on pizza and drink pop because I am apparantly goddamn generous and <3 you guys. I will not require you to pay for pizza, but I would HIGHLY love you if you had the kindness to throw a few bucks, something minor like two or three dollars depending on how much you stuff down. If you don't donate and I see you being a rude ass and drinking like five cups of pop and slamming down 6 slices of pizza, I will most likely pull you aside politely and discreetly to tell you that you're being an asshole. If you donate money and there is a decent amount of pizza I will not likely care so much. We're all adults here, or if you're a child you're going to be with an adult, so I politely remind everyone to act accordingly!

The all important awesomeness of PRICING: We are allowed UP TO 30 people in the group. THE MORE PEOPLE THE LOWER THE PRICE. People have already been tossing me money and I will post a list underneath this post that will be continually updated.

PRICE PER PERSON: $16.50. This is a STEAL. For anyone who has played Laser Quest at this one (all other ones suck hard) it is normally somewhat expensive, I believe like 7 or 8 dollars, equalling out to 21-24 dollars per person if you just play walk-in for three games. Also, with walk-in you do not get to choose the style of game. We're going to have a free-for-all one, and one of them we'll go all Tron style and do red team versus blue team...but the third...? Have not decided yet. But before I go off on another tangent, the gist of what I'm saying is: You save a shit ton more money this way by doing group, it is more fun, and we get a room to hang out in for almost an hour or such after the game. You can't ask for much more than that, and if you can...well stop being a greedy biotch! :tongue:

Reservations are FIRST COME FIRST SERVE and there are only THIRTY slots open! Here is how: PM me. I was originally doing a system where I had a date range where only DGNers could sign up with ONE guest...but since it's fairly close to the deadline, you can sign up with more than one guest. Go for it, knock yourself out.

Next big important part: ALL PAYMENTS ARE DUE BY: MARCH 3RD.. This is crucial to YOU because I don't care what excuse there is there are no exceptions to this rule. If you do not pay by March 3rd and are on the roster list and someone else who wants your spot and has the money to go then guess what? You're not going. I'm PRETTY strict to this. If I KNOW you VERY well I MAY make an exception since we are so close to the date. I am not horribly unreasonable...only moderately. Please PM me if you want to go but absolutely CANNOT pay by that date and I may work something out with you, but let me know ASAP!

Last but not least: WHERE! This will be at the best Laser Quest EVAR which is located on John R. north of 13 Mile in Madison Heights. Their webpage is here: www.laserquest.com

For people who have a strange aversion to clicking a link on a website in order to have it frighteningly pop-up in your face, here is the address:

31401 John R.

Madison Heights, MI

Any further questions should be directed towards my inbox. If you are excited and just want to let someone know how excited you are, I also accept those PMs aswell.

Who is paid up and going:

Myself obviously

Pestilence (another given)

Our friend Ricky who we've been trying to get on DGN for God-knows-how-long




Fidget +guest









Oh My Goth!

Garbeldena +3 guests (at the moment, is probably adding more)



Who has expressed a very strong interest and/or is going for sure but just has not arranged payment yet:

Probably Constantin because, well, he's Constantin

Total spots TAKEN: 23

Pre-emptively reserved spots: 1

Meaning as of 10:05, March 5th we have SIX total spots left. Note that this includes the people who are most likely going but have either not said for sure yet or have not paid up yet.

Edited by Chernobyl
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There you go.

Today...I made the reservation for Laser Quest! For those of you who did not see the original thread, the info is as following:

MARCH 6TH! 5:00pm - 8:00pm

How it breaks down: There are going to be three 20 minute games. The arrival time for the group is technically 5pm, but as someone who is perpetually late to everything I personally suggest being there around 4:45! The first game STARTS at 5:20, the next game starts at 6:00, and the last game is at 6:40. At 7pm we will get our own room to sit in and plot the destruction of stuff and things while we all munch on pizza and drink pop because I am apparantly goddamn generous and <3 you guys. I will not require you to pay for pizza, but I would HIGHLY love you if you had the kindness to throw a few bucks, something minor like two or three dollars depending on how much you stuff down. If you don't donate and I see you being a rude ass and drinking like five cups of pop and slamming down 6 slices of pizza, I will most likely pull you aside politely and discreetly to tell you that you're being an asshole. If you donate money and there is a decent amount of pizza I will not likely care so much. We're all adults here, or if you're a child you're going to be with an adult, so I politely remind everyone to act accordingly!

The all important awesomeness of PRICING: We are allowed UP TO 30 people in the group. THE MORE PEOPLE THE LOWER THE PRICE. People have already been tossing me money and I will post a list underneath this post that will be continually updated.

PRICE PER PERSON: $16.50. This is a STEAL. For anyone who has played Laser Quest at this one (all other ones suck hard) it is normally somewhat expensive, I believe like 7 or 8 dollars, equalling out to 21-24 dollars per person if you just play walk-in for three games. Also, with walk-in you do not get to choose the style of game. We're going to have a free-for-all one, and one of them we'll go all Tron style and do red team versus blue team...but the third...? Have not decided yet. But before I go off on another tangent, the gist of what I'm saying is: You save a shit ton more money this way by doing group, it is more fun, and we get a room to hang out in for almost an hour or such after the game. You can't ask for much more than that, and if you can...well stop being a greedy biotch! :tongue:

Reservations are FIRST COME FIRST SERVE and there are only THIRTY slots open! Here is how: PM me. I was originally doing a system where I had a date range where only DGNers could sign up with ONE guest...but since it's fairly close to the deadline, you can sign up with more than one guest. Go for it, knock yourself out.

Next big important part: ALL PAYMENTS ARE DUE BY: MARCH 3RD.. This is crucial to YOU because I don't care what excuse there is there are no exceptions to this rule. If you do not pay by March 3rd and are on the roster list and someone else who wants your spot and has the money to go then guess what? You're not going. I'm PRETTY strict to this. If I KNOW you VERY well I MAY make an exception since we are so close to the date. I am not horribly unreasonable...only moderately. Please PM me if you want to go but absolutely CANNOT pay by that date and I may work something out with you, but let me know ASAP!

Last but not least: WHERE! This will be at the best Laser Quest EVAR which is located on John R. north of 13 Mile in Madison Heights. Their webpage is here: www.laserquest.com

For people who have a strange aversion to clicking a link on a website in order to have it frighteningly pop-up in your face, here is the address:

31401 John R.

Madison Heights, MI

Any further questions should be directed towards my inbox. If you are excited and just want to let someone know how excited you are, I also accept those PMs aswell.

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You've defeated the whole purpose of me harassing her. :wallbash:

Pssst. Puh-leeeeaze. I fixed it before either of you even noticed :animier:. I win.

Speaking of winning...Raev, are we still down for our little competition?

I have my sparkly losers bow ready for my girly blonde hair.

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Who is paid up and going:

Myself obviously

Pestilence (another given)

Our friend Ricky who we've been trying to get on DGN for God-knows-how-long




Fidget +guest





Who has expressed a very strong interest and/or is going for sure but just has not arranged payment yet:

Iris +sister

Garbeldena +guests (has not said exactly how many)


Probably Constantin because, well, he's Constantin

Total spots TAKEN: 12

Pre-emptively reserved spots: 7

Meaning as of 8:55pm, 2/25 we have ELEVEN total spots left. Note that this includes the people who are most likely going but have either not said for sure yet or have not paid up yet.

Edited by Chernobyl
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i'll give money tomorrow

I actually meant to put you on the roster as paid because I knew that you were supposed to pay me very soon and it's pretty much money in the back. I fixed it at the top so you're on the list now. See you tomorrow.

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