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Unemployment Benefits Not Extended

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I just wanna say... if the Democrats in Congress didn't want to pay for bills they were voting on... they should not have passed, nor should Obama have signed, Pay-Go into law two weeks ago. If you don't know what Pay-Go is... it's a new law that states that if you pass a bill that spends money, that Bill also has to layout how it's being payed for.

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I just wanna say... if the Democrats in Congress didn't want to pay for bills they were voting on... they should not have passed, nor should Obama have signed, Pay-Go into law two weeks ago. If you don't know what Pay-Go is... it's a new law that states that if you pass a bill that spends money, that Bill also has to layout how it's being payed for.

Historically, Republicans have been no better at it. No Child Left Behind is a good example.

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Historically, Republicans have been no better at it. No Child Left Behind is a good example.

What does No Child Left Behind, a law passed years ago, have to do with a Law that was passed 2 weeks ago that says all new spending bills must include a way to pay for themselves?

My point was, two weeks ago Dems passed Pay-Go, and thier first spending bill, they tried to excluded from it. Thats what this vote was about. To just pass the bill without anyone reading it, without debate and without funding... Thats why they needed everyone to vote yes on it. To by pass thier own laws.

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About ERA/CRM and affirmative action as it relates to you. If you had been born in the late 1800's, you would have been one seriously pissed off woman because of the opportunities closed to you. Even now, there are men who would be biased against you because of gender and work to "keep you down" for some jobs. Not an inconsequential percentage, either. It's not entirely fair that less qualified applicants get jobs. In some cases it's downright stupid. But the fact is, many minorities (and woman) are in a terrible position even today because of the systematic bigotry, racism and old-boy networks of the past and would never have opportunities to better themselves if they didn't get some advantage. It's not something that can or should go on for a long period of time but it does need to allow a couple generations to get a break. After that, it's time for Darwin to do his thing.

On a related rant... Why do minorities and women who desire to be equal to everyone then turn around and make organizations only for themselves? If you want to be the best at something, why do it only in the context of a subgroup of peers???

Uhhhhmmm...you CANNOT discriminate by age, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, handicap, or familial status. This law is very crucial and has been around MUCH longer than Affirmative Action and is much more effective in creating an equal and diverse workplace without excluding whites...who are rapidly becoming the "minority" (not in number, just in status).

I fail to see how this law has ANYTHING to do with Affirmative Action. If you believe you have been discriminated against then you take them to court and sue.

Don't HAND minorities and women jobs who may be less qualified BASED on the fact that they are minorities or women. That is plain out hatred, just as bad as white men hating on them in the first place.

For the second time on DGN this week I state: Two wrongs DO NOT MAKE A RIGHT!!!!

Equal Employment Opportunity Act: Promotes TOLERANCE and acceptance.

Affirmative Action: Tells white men that they are not good enough because they weren't born black/hispanic/asian etc and with a vagina creating HATRED and is the OPPOSITE of tolerance and acceptance.

Also tells minorities and women that they should get handed shit for free because they were born in the right body at the right time.

If this Affirmative Action bullshit keeps up I'm sure you're going to be just as pissed off as the women in the 1800s because job opportunities will be closed to you and YOU will then become oppressed and persecuted.

As candyman said...his OVERLY qualified application has been sitting at businesses who WANT to hire him because he is skilled but they cannot because they MUST hire a minority. If that isn't hatred and racism, I don't know what the fuck is.

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What does No Child Left Behind, a law passed years ago, have to do with a Law that was passed 2 weeks ago that says all new spending bills must include a way to pay for themselves?

My point was, two weeks ago Dems passed Pay-Go, and thier first spending bill, they tried to excluded from it. Thats what this vote was about. To just pass the bill without anyone reading it, without debate and without funding... Thats why they needed everyone to vote yes on it. To by pass thier own laws.

No Child Left Behind is an example of a Republican led initiative that was not properly funded. You want to continually point fingers at the dems/liberals when Republicans/conservatives do the same shit.

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Uhhhhmmm...you CANNOT discriminate by age, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, handicap, or familial status. This law is very crucial and has been around MUCH longer than Affirmative Action and is much more effective in creating an equal and diverse workplace without excluding whites...who are rapidly becoming the "minority" (not in number, just in status).

I fail to see how this law has ANYTHING to do with Affirmative Action. If you believe you have been discriminated against then you take them to court and sue.

Don't HAND minorities and women jobs who may be less qualified BASED on the fact that they are minorities or women. That is plain out hatred, just as bad as white men hating on them in the first place.

For the second time on DGN this week I state: Two wrongs DO NOT MAKE A RIGHT!!!!

Equal Employment Opportunity Act: Promotes TOLERANCE and acceptance.

Affirmative Action: Tells white men that they are not good enough because they weren't born black/hispanic/asian etc and with a vagina creating HATRED and is the OPPOSITE of tolerance and acceptance.

Also tells minorities and women that they should get handed shit for free because they were born in the right body at the right time.

If this Affirmative Action bullshit keeps up I'm sure you're going to be just as pissed off as the women in the 1800s because job opportunities will be closed to you and YOU will then become oppressed and persecuted.

As candyman said...his OVERLY qualified application has been sitting at businesses who WANT to hire him because he is skilled but they cannot because they MUST hire a minority. If that isn't hatred and racism, I don't know what the fuck is.

So... We should just forget that a couple hundred years of racism have put a chunk of our population at great disadvantage? Tell me how it's fair that that white males gave themselves preferential treatment while everyone else got shit? I get what your saying: Wipe the slate clean... and just be fair. But... what about the people that are stuck in the inner city ghettos and similar situations? The products of many years of neglect and racism and crap living conditions. They barely know how to scrape together an existence much less function in normal society. Our country let this happen collectively. We can collectively suck it up and try and help them. Personally I don't think reserving jobs for them is the right way to go about it. They need help in childhood through college. Give them extra help there where it counts most. Help the hardworking single moms who are stuck trying to provide a meal for their kids and barely have time to raise them. Give the fathers of these kids an incentive to be active in their child's lives.

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So... We should just forget that a couple hundred years of racism have put a chunk of our population at great disadvantage? Tell me how it's fair that that white males gave themselves preferential treatment while everyone else got shit? I get what your saying: Wipe the slate clean... and just be fair. But... what about the people that are stuck in the inner city ghettos and similar situations? The products of many years of neglect and racism and crap living conditions. They barely know how to scrape together an existence much less function in normal society. Our country let this happen collectively. We can collectively suck it up and try and help them. Personally I don't think reserving jobs for them is the right way to go about it. They need help in childhood through college. Give them extra help there where it counts most. Help the hardworking single moms who are stuck trying to provide a meal for their kids and barely have time to raise them. Give the fathers of these kids an incentive to be active in their child's lives.


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But... what about the people that are stuck in the inner city ghettos and similar situations?

WOW...that's one of the most racist things I've heard you say in awhile.

What...people stuck in inner city ghettos? Like most of the white friends I've had in my life?

And from someone who has lived in these people's lives I will tell you that very few are STUCK in the ghetto...most (not ALL) are whiners and excuse makers. Just ask Tupac when he comes back. :tongue:

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Personally I don't think reserving jobs for them is the right way to go about it. They need help in childhood through college. Give them extra help there where it counts most. Help the hardworking single moms who are stuck trying to provide a meal for their kids and barely have time to raise them. Give the fathers of these kids an incentive to be active in their child's lives.

First sentence tells me you're NOT for Affirmative Action which a few posts earlier you were for. I am confused...?

Secondly: www.fafsa.gov and United Negro College Fund

I'm a lower-middle class white person and always have been and have always hung out almost exclusively with what most would consider "poor white trash". You think these kids get a shot at the United Negro College fund? Racist...racist...racist.

And sorry, women in the ghetto, in my PERSONAL (note: Personal) experience went around ON PURPOSE getting knocked up SPECIFICALLY to collect welfare. They then teach their hood-babies how to cheat, lie, and steal from the system and others.

And what do fathers have to do with a the successful upbringing of a child? Trust ME...you don't want most of these slimy men around your children. If you're a guy who is stupid enough to have unprotected sex with some lady knowing damn well a kid can and will most likely occur and then don't even care to stick around for the kid....WHY OH WHY would you want to ENCOURAGE this guy to be around your child? Your kid is better off being raised WITHOUT that.

And personally...I'm a bit miffed and insulted, and I'm damn hard to insult, as my Boshy made the very brave decision to raise me on my own believing I would turn out a better person and more well rounded. She didn't want someone like my father making me think that I had to be a "little princess" or "daddy's little girl" or other barf-worthy FORCED gender roles (he was very traditional "women don't do this" "women clean house" etc). She didn't want him to belittle me and insult me like he did her (she was 110 lbs and he called her fat everyday). He also refused to work, he's a professional golddigger who is already on his third wife because when one stops funding him he moves on. He even told my mom that if I was born female he'd "rather have me be born as a stillborn". YEAH...really should have been in my upbringing, lemme tell ya :rolleyes: .

She wanted to raise me correctly and to the best of her abilities...he was a whack job. My mother is a fucking saint for this. It's insulting to imply that children do BETTER with fathers because in MY personal (once again: personal) experience all of the children I've met being raised solely by their mother are BETTER OFF. I eventually met my father when I was 18 and when I returned from the trip I thanked my mother for not staying with him because "it's the right thing to do for the kids" because many times IT IS NOT. That's not to say this is ALWAYS the case, my cousin divorced his wife because SHE was a crazy hick and he is a WONDERFUL father who cares for his children. As I said...if the father is NOT around and doesn't care to be...that is GOOD, do it yourself ladies! You have the power all in your own!

If men need an "incentive" to stick around...you DO NOT WANT THEM AROUND YOUR CHILDREN! The children themselves should be incentive enough. I mean really...what kind of incentive? Like offering money to dads to falsely be affectionate to children they couldn't give two shits are breathing? I don't see why that makes ANY sense.

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I was approved for another 6 weeks. I have been unemployed for over two years now. I have tried so many different places for work. I miss working but its hard to take a job thats paying me less then unemployment. I need a good 9 dollar an hour or more 40 hour work week here.

I'm sorry, but I have to call you out on this... You would have HAD the job at my work with NO effort.. Paying 9 TO START.. But you said you didn't NEED a job.

What-The-Fuck-Ever :dry:

This is the kind of shit I'm talking about :verymad:

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I'm sorry, but I have to call you out on this... You would have HAD the job at my work with NO effort.. Paying 9 TO START.. But you said you didn't NEED a job.

What-The-Fuck-Ever :dry:

This is the kind of shit I'm talking about :verymad:

Okay this needs to be done on PM from this point on....

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WOW...that's one of the most racist things I've heard you say in awhile.

What...people stuck in inner city ghettos? Like most of the white friends I've had in my life?

And from someone who has lived in these people's lives I will tell you that very few are STUCK in the ghetto...most (not ALL) are whiners and excuse makers. Just ask Tupac when he comes back. :tongue:

It's not racist. It's fact. Very few are going anywhere because they've been shit on so many times by everyone, including the people that are supposed to love them, that they have no idea what opportunities there are. They don't have a computer to look things up on. Many can barely read. Their parents failed them, their teachers failed them, and their government failed them. And you're telling me they should just magically work it out?

You are so hardcore "can do by sheer willpower" that you forget most people are not like you. Repeat after me: MOST PEOPLE ARE NOT LIKE YOU!!!! You make presumptions of how everyone should be based on your self view. There is a broad spectrum of intelligence and ways in which people process information and emotionally react to the world and stimulus. In my experience, the truly resilient are in a tiny minority.

Again, tell me how it's fair that one group of people that has been systematically kept from opportunities for generations shouldn't get a little help to redress past inequities? It may not be fair, but it's the right thing to do.

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First sentence tells me you're NOT for Affirmative Action which a few posts earlier you were for. I am confused...?

Secondly: www.fafsa.gov and United Negro College Fund

I'm a lower-middle class white person and always have been and have always hung out almost exclusively with what most would consider "poor white trash". You think these kids get a shot at the United Negro College fund? Racist...racist...racist.

And sorry, women in the ghetto, in my PERSONAL (note: Personal) experience went around ON PURPOSE getting knocked up SPECIFICALLY to collect welfare. They then teach their hood-babies how to cheat, lie, and steal from the system and others.

And what do fathers have to do with a the successful upbringing of a child? Trust ME...you don't want most of these slimy men around your children. If you're a guy who is stupid enough to have unprotected sex with some lady knowing damn well a kid can and will most likely occur and then don't even care to stick around for the kid....WHY OH WHY would you want to ENCOURAGE this guy to be around your child? Your kid is better off being raised WITHOUT that.

And personally...I'm a bit miffed and insulted, and I'm damn hard to insult, as my Boshy made the very brave decision to raise me on my own believing I would turn out a better person and more well rounded. She didn't want someone like my father making me think that I had to be a "little princess" or "daddy's little girl" or other barf-worthy FORCED gender roles (he was very traditional "women don't do this" "women clean house" etc). She didn't want him to belittle me and insult me like he did her (she was 110 lbs and he called her fat everyday). He also refused to work, he's a professional golddigger who is already on his third wife because when one stops funding him he moves on. He even told my mom that if I was born female he'd "rather have me be born as a stillborn". YEAH...really should have been in my upbringing, lemme tell ya :rolleyes: .

She wanted to raise me correctly and to the best of her abilities...he was a whack job. My mother is a fucking saint for this. It's insulting to imply that children do BETTER with fathers because in MY personal (once again: personal) experience all of the children I've met being raised solely by their mother are BETTER OFF. I eventually met my father when I was 18 and when I returned from the trip I thanked my mother for not staying with him because "it's the right thing to do for the kids" because many times IT IS NOT. That's not to say this is ALWAYS the case, my cousin divorced his wife because SHE was a crazy hick and he is a WONDERFUL father who cares for his children. As I said...if the father is NOT around and doesn't care to be...that is GOOD, do it yourself ladies! You have the power all in your own!

If men need an "incentive" to stick around...you DO NOT WANT THEM AROUND YOUR CHILDREN! The children themselves should be incentive enough. I mean really...what kind of incentive? Like offering money to dads to falsely be affectionate to children they couldn't give two shits are breathing? I don't see why that makes ANY sense.

You talk about me being racist but you paint with a pretty broad brush yourself. All the ghetto women are welfare whores and the men are useless crackheads? Do I have it right? Ever wonder why these behaviors exist so much in urban minorities? Think on it a bit.

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You are so hardcore "can do by sheer willpower" that you forget most people are not like you. Repeat after me: MOST PEOPLE ARE NOT LIKE YOU!!!!

MOST people have not TRIED. I know because I was one of these people and guess what? I FORCED myself to be who I am. If you didn't work for it it isn't worth shit. I have massive behavioral problems. They wanted to get me tested for autism, personality disorders, even retardation. They told my mother I was ADD. She told them "bullshit...if she is than she'll work around it and be as good as any of the other kids." Instead of forcing me on the ritalin they were trying to shove down my throat year after year she put a pencil in my hand and told me I had to write 1,000s of sentences. Even autistic kids, especially mildly autistic children as I was suspected of being, CAN BE TRAINED.

My preschool teacher even told my mother IN FRONT OF ME that I was so dysfuntional that I would "100% be in jail my entire life or institutionalized". Instead of ACCEPTING this I fought it and am the fully functional person I am today.

If I can do it and I am a DEFECTIVE fuck-up, take my word, than ALMOST anyone can do it. I see what your saying and I believe the opposite: MOST PEOPLE CAN AND MAKE EXCUSES AS TO WHY THEY BELIEVE OR HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT THEY CANNOT!!!

Very few people in my opinion are COMPLETELY unsaveable. And yes, I make presumptions based on my self view...THE EXACT thing that you JUST did and do quite a bit. You know why I make presumptions based on my self-view? Because I'm not anyone else, that should be pretty common sense.

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I'm not saying it does not happen because I'm sure it does. But I can't understand why anyone would want to stay on unemployment. When my husband was receiving unemployment and I know in the past when I have been on unemployment, it is very little money. It has not ever been enough to cover the bills, house payment/rent and to be able to buy food. Coming from experience it is not an easy way to live. I have heard that a lot of people have just given up. They have stop looking for jobs cause there just aren't any. The grocery store maybe hiring, but most likely it is only for part time and at minimum wedge.

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You talk about me being racist but you paint with a pretty broad brush yourself. All the ghetto women are welfare whores and the men are useless crackheads? Do I have it right? Ever wonder why these behaviors exist so much in urban minorities? Think on it a bit.

WOW...putting words in my mouth. Where ONCE in that paragraph did I EVER mention these women being black or minorities?

Here, read this again:

"And sorry, women in the ghetto, in my PERSONAL (note: Personal) experience went around ON PURPOSE getting knocked up SPECIFICALLY to collect welfare. They then teach their hood-babies how to cheat, lie, and steal from the system and others.

And what do fathers have to do with a the successful upbringing of a child? Trust ME...you don't want most of these slimy men around your children. If you're a guy who is stupid enough to have unprotected sex with some lady knowing damn well a kid can and will most likely occur and then don't even care to stick around for the kid....WHY OH WHY would you want to ENCOURAGE this guy to be around your child? Your kid is better off being raised WITHOUT that."

I dare you to try and find where I said either "black" or "minority" in here. You're definitely digging on this one and I don't appreciate words being put in my mouth that were never there to begin with.

So I can safely guess due to your statement that whenever someone says "ghetto whore" "hood-baby" "crackhead (which I also NEVER said)" it automatically makes you think of black people, huh? And that's not raciiiiist...how?

NEWS FLASH: All of the friends I've had in the ghetto that I speak of were CAUCASIAN!!! OMFG WHITES IN THE GHETTO *FAINTS!* We're SO advantaged that would never happen, right?

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No Child Left Behind is an example of a Republican led initiative that was not properly funded. You want to continually point fingers at the dems/liberals when Republicans/conservatives do the same shit.

The Republicans were not working under Pay-Go. Thats the differenace that you seem to be missing. There was no law at the time that said they HAD to having funding for a bill to pass it... The Democrats just passed that law 2 weeks ago and it was signed into law.

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WOW...putting words in my mouth. Where ONCE in that paragraph did I EVER mention these women being black or minorities?

Here, read this again:

"And sorry, women in the ghetto, in my PERSONAL (note: Personal) experience went around ON PURPOSE getting knocked up SPECIFICALLY to collect welfare. They then teach their hood-babies how to cheat, lie, and steal from the system and others.

And what do fathers have to do with a the successful upbringing of a child? Trust ME...you don't want most of these slimy men around your children. If you're a guy who is stupid enough to have unprotected sex with some lady knowing damn well a kid can and will most likely occur and then don't even care to stick around for the kid....WHY OH WHY would you want to ENCOURAGE this guy to be around your child? Your kid is better off being raised WITHOUT that."

I dare you to try and find where I said either "black" or "minority" in here. You're definitely digging on this one and I don't appreciate words being put in my mouth that were never there to begin with.

So I can safely guess due to your statement that whenever someone says "ghetto whore" "hood-baby" "crackhead (which I also NEVER said)" it automatically makes you think of black people, huh? And that's not raciiiiist...how?

NEWS FLASH: All of the friends I've had in the ghetto that I speak of were CAUCASIAN!!! OMFG WHITES IN THE GHETTO *FAINTS!* We're SO advantaged that would never happen, right?

Hello. I didn't say they were minorities either. You called me racist for my opinion that minorities are distinctly disadvantaged in this country. You called me out (In your opinion) for including everyone "in the ghetto" but then you make your own sweeping generalizations about a similar group. My remarks were specifically about minorities because that's what this conversation was about. You broadened the ghetto terminology to to include all races, which is fine, and fair. I didn't dispute that did I? No. My point was that you were calling me to task about lumping a large group of people into one situation ,which may not be accurate, but that you did that exact same thing.

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Really? You know this to be the truth? What a presumptive pile of bullshit.

Hey, if you're going to base what you consider "fact" from your own speculations as you are not providing me with case studies and unbiased research which backs up your point then I will do the same.

So yes, I do.

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Hello. I didn't say they were minorities either. You called me racist for my opinion that minorities are distinctly disadvantaged in this country. You called me out (In your opinion) for including everyone "in the ghetto" but then you make your own sweeping generalizations about a similar group. My remarks were specifically about minorities because that's what this conversation was about. You broadened the ghetto terminology to to include all races, which is fine, and fair. I didn't dispute that did I? No. My point was that you were calling me to task about lumping a large group of people into one situation ,which may not be accurate, but that you did that exact same thing.

You did imply minorities: "But... what about the people that are stuck in the inner city ghettos and similar situations? The products of many years of neglect and racism"

Secondly, I never even said I based any of this on actual fact that is published anywhere. When I put that something is in my personal experience, that makes it an opinion, and equal to: IMO.

Through my eyes and who I've met. And if we're going on this rule? I have not met and befriended a single person who was disadvantaged, poor, in the ghetto etc who EVER broke this mold with the exception of only one. I won't say who because he is near and dear to me. He's made me realize that not everyone who is poor and disadvantaged falls into the "ghetto hood" category which I why I use words such as "most of" instead of "all" (or try my best to, I realize I get over passionate sometimes causing me to go a little overboard with the superlatives and exaggerations) but many, if not MOST, do.

Because of this...? I make sweeping generalizations based on my experience. I never said I didn't. I've seen so much shit in my 24 years of life that I can't help but to do so. It's like science to me, the more and more something is proven...it becomes a theory. After being proven over and over again a theory becomes a law. So all of this is my "theory" as it has proven itself to me over and over and over again to be proven wrong only once.

This is why I'm an equal opportunity friend: I give EVERYONE an equal chance to fuck up and make me force them out of my life. Wait...no...I give people MULTIPLE chances to the point where I've gotten my house broken into and robbed by one of these people. I used to go around and feed junkies and give the homeless a shoulder to cry on even though I knew it probably wouldn't matter because they would still go back to fucking up the same way they had been the whole time.

But yes, I'm also quitting this one. I do not wish to threadjack any further and since I do respect you as a person, Marc, even if I don't respect ALL of your ideals, I don't want to piss you off any further than I probably already seem to have :tongue: (which was NOT my intent, my intent is to discuss and get my opinions out).

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In a family of 3 kids.... I'm the only one that successfully made it out. I have found, in my experience that it's the people who were around me that were holding me back. Dropping the bad from your life is the most productive thing you can do as a first step.

Everyone has a chance, but some have more mental advantage. Cher... People have misjudged you in your past, but you posess in you a mental aptitude for change and growth. That is a major advantage. Change is a major factor in scaring people from success. Fear can motivate either way.

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I'm not saying it does not happen because I'm sure it does. But I can't understand why anyone would want to stay on unemployment. When my husband was receiving unemployment and I know in the past when I have been on unemployment, it is very little money. It has not ever been enough to cover the bills, house payment/rent and to be able to buy food. Coming from experience it is not an easy way to live. I have heard that a lot of people have just given up. They have stop looking for jobs cause there just aren't any. The grocery store maybe hiring, but most likely it is only for part time and at minimum wedge.

Ha. Hahahaha. Yeah there are some corrupt fucks out there. I know. I'd say the biggest (most popular) reason people stay on is -- FREE MONEY! w00t! My dad is collecting unemployment and he really needs it. I know for a fact he's been trying like hell to find a job after being shit-canned from his company he worked at for 36 years. So yeah, he needs it. Now my friend who collects unemployment and spends literally all of it at GameStop and on Weed, no, he does not need it. Neither do the other dozen people I know who have unemployment benefits and abuse them. There are so many ways to get away with it, too.

So, with that being said, I kinda don't blame the guy for not accepting this. I mean sure, unemployment is ridiculous right now, everybody is looking for work, but like I said, I kinda see where this guy is coming from. It seems to be the question of "Where's the money going to come from" that has so many Democrats turning their heads away. From what I see, the Democrats quick solution to EVERYTHING is "Let's throw 10 million dollars at it that should fix the problem". Well, that's fine and dandy, until it gets out of control and they start passing ludicrous spending bills that MY grandchildren will pay for with their tax money.

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