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Alice In Wonderland

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I bought 4 advance tix online today and plan to arrive 30 min early at least...

thinking of dressing up but can't afford to make a new costume...besides...a mad hat or bunny ears would bother the person behind me I am sure...what else is there? The queen? Am I the only dork thinking of dressing up? I mean, in costume...the works.

Edited by Homicidalheathen
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The only version of ALice in Wonderland that I care about is "Alice" by Jan Svankmajer. That movie was awesome. Plus I am so sick of Tim Burtons repetitive (although sometimes enjoyable) style, I Doubt I will see it, unless its on DvD at someones house.

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The only version of ALice in Wonderland that I care about is "Alice" by Jan Svankmajer. That movie was awesome. Plus I am so sick of Tim Burtons repetitive (although sometimes enjoyable) style, I Doubt I will see it, unless its on DvD at someones house.

There is LARGE talk about AMC theatres banning the movie, due to Disney cutting back the time between Theatre release and DvD release to like ...8 weeks, there-by cutting back on the profit that AMC and other movie theatres would make from it.

Also, many people are blasting the movie over Tim Burton's drastic changes to the story, such as the enormous battle in the movie, and the fact that the Mad Hatter is "wonderlands chosen one" Wow, Tim Burton....we know you like working with Johnny Depp, but was the cock-sucking really ness??

Burton needs to make more films like "Big Fish" and leave the style that made "Willy Wonka" such a horrible looking movie.

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Guest Megalicious

The only version of ALice in Wonderland that I care about is "Alice" by Jan Svankmajer. That movie was awesome. Plus I am so sick of Tim Burtons repetitive (although sometimes enjoyable) style, I Doubt I will see it, unless its on DvD at someones house.


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i wanna go to midnight viewing. My ex rubbed it in my face hes going with his his quote exactly " My preppy girlfriend is taking me and her friends are going out to see it at IMAX for the midnight premiere" See hes dating a preppy girl and he thinks it will irritate me since I am goth.Said hes going to Abercrombie and hollister soon as well. I said ok be a douchebag and get ripped off for wearing a name on a shirt that you could get at kmart or walmart for $50 less but basically same thing.

But unfortunately my plans fell through so Im not going. Im broke anyways so looks like I will just sit home. Oh well Have fun everyone that goes! I hate you all. no just joking.


Edited by the_fairy_gothmother
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i wanna go to midnight viewing. My ex rubbed it in my face hes going with his his quote exactly " My preppy girlfriend is taking me and her friends are going out to see it at IMAX for the midnight premiere" See hes dating a preppy girl and he thinks it will irritate me since I am goth.Said hes going to Abercrombie and hollister soon as well. I said ok be a douchebag and get ripped off for wearing a name on a shirt that you could get at kmart or walmart for $50 less but basically same thing.

But unfortunately my plans fell through so Im not going. Im broke anyways so looks like I will just sit home. Oh well Have fun everyone that goes! I hate you all. no just joking.


You really refer to them as preppy and your ex does too?

You make me feel like I'm listening to a middleschooler/highschooler whine about how they hate the other clicks at school. :unsure:

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You really refer to them as preppy and your ex does too?

You make me feel like I'm listening to a middleschooler/highschooler whine about how they hate the other clicks at school. :unsure:

naaaa. he does. I dunno why really. I think being from England he takes stereotypes in America too seriously. really. And well i have no clue what shes like in person and how she talks about things. She might be telling him god kows what. So when I talk to him he spits this garbage out as well as other dumb stereotypes about americans.I said whatever floats your boat. Im not whining. I find it quite amusing in a way. It shows his lack of social skills. He has for as long as I known zombified himself in front of tv. Alot of what he sees on tv he translates into real life.Silly movies and shows about life in high school, Something as stupid as a south park joke about goths, vampires and stuff for him are omg you americans! He truly believes alot of the shit he sees. Only thing that bothers me was how he knew full well before we split up and all how much I wanted to see this film. So even before I had plans made which fell through due to conflicting schedules, when he thought I was not going he said all that BS to irk me. I suppose in a small way it did only because I wanna see the film. The other crap about preps well I just laugh at the stupidity of it all. I think he just tries using it as ammunition when we argue and fight to piss me off or something. He believes theres such a rivalry or deep hatred between the 2 cliques that he can bug me by throwing stereotypes in my face.Well i am really tired and probly after blasting off more hot air and sticking my foot in my mouth even more in some way or another I am ready to take a nap.

anyways who cares Alice in Wonderland looks awesome. I hope everyone who goes has alot of fun and enjoys it. I got to make a special gift for someones birthday coming up so I will be too busy anyways.

Edited by the_fairy_gothmother
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The only version of ALice in Wonderland that I care about is "Alice" by Jan Svankmajer. That movie was awesome. Plus I am so sick of Tim Burtons repetitive (although sometimes enjoyable) style, I Doubt I will see it, unless its on DvD at someones house.

FUCK YEAH love that movie. I just watched it again last week <3<3


But I have like 8 versions of Alice in Wonderland on DVD, and I love many of them in different ways. I'm sure I will love this one too. I'm planning to go tomorrow evening before City..if we can get in. I'll be showing up to City in an Alice-y outfit regardless. Almost tempted to make this whole month one of wearing nothing but Alice-inspired outfits (I could do it, I have ~3 perfect Alice outfits, a great Mad Hatter, could make a couple cool White Rabbit interpretations, March Hare, could do a Queen of Hearts, etcetc...) but with St Patty's next week and since I just got a gorgeous new Sleeping Beauty theme dress in, this won't be happening. Sadness.

I'm really excited about this movie, even if it is certain to be self-congratulatory piddle in many parts. But...it should be pretty...which is plenty enough to make me happy. :)

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Nicole and I plan to go to the midnight viewing.

Nevermind on that, haha!

I didn't get enough sleep last night and I work at 9:30 tomorrow morning...not to mention the rest of my "break" is packed and I still have an assload of homework to do (that probably wont be done till after the Halestorm concert on Sunday night) soooooo...yeah, no Alice for Eevee.


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Nevermind on that, haha!

I didn't get enough sleep last night and I work at 9:30 tomorrow morning...not to mention the rest of my "break" is packed and I still have an assload of homework to do (that probably wont be done till after the Halestorm concert on Sunday night) soooooo...yeah, no Alice for Eevee.


No Alice for f0rged either...*sadness* I'll probably end up going in a couple weeks with my mom.

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Im so happy that other people on this site like "Alice". It gives me hope in peoples taste.

On the note of the new Alice in Wonderland... My room mate went to see it with his girl friend and was very disapointed. He said that it wasnt bizarre or Psychedelic like it should have been, and he fell asleep for about 30 mins...hope you guys like it more than him :/

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Guest Megalicious

Im so happy that other people on this site like "Alice". It gives me hope in peoples taste.

Speaking of taste in cinema, did you ever pick up Tideland? :)

Oh, Thread-jack- sorry. :shock:

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Speaking of taste in cinema, did you ever pick up Tideland? :)

Oh, Thread-jack- sorry. :shock:

Heck yes I did! it was beautiful! I got the 2 disc special edition. Did you the "The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnasus?! it was incredible!

Edit, ima make a seperate thread for semit artsy movies so we stop jacking this thread.

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It was the best movie of the year!

On the way in there was a group of teenage girls outside yelling 'penis! penis!' Why do youngsters have to try to draw attention to themselves like this? Ok. Yah. Your old enough to know how to get on peoples nerves...your not shocking anyone, just being annoying.

Then inside some lady sat behind us with a totally unruly brat who decided to kick everyones chair within a 6 foot range...he had the whole row in front of him mad at him...then he starts crying...the lady said, 'what, am I suppose to just LEAVE??' Um yah. Take the brat home.

Other than that it was GREAT!

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Saw it tonight in IMAX...If you have not seen this movie yet, do so. But do yourself a favor and see it NOW while it's still playing in IMAX. Despite being produced by the Devil (Disney) this movie was brilliant. Tim Burton did this right :thumbsup:

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