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MANFAST: July 9th - July 11th

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Guest Megalicious

I will be there, as I was last year - JUST EARLIER!! Not quiet sure I will stay the night, but I WILL STAY FOR THE END OF TWISTER!!! THEHHHEEH!

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As an update: The assholes in payroll withheld my check for two weeks. I did not get to go out and look at the campsites...BUT


I called them and group reservations are simple to make, less expensive, exactly what we're looking for, and completely Chuck Norris all around. Due to this I was able to wittle all of the choices down to two campgrounds:

Brighton (again, but in their group area this year): http://www.michigandnr.com/parksandtrails/Details.aspx?id=438&type=SPRK

Waterloo Recreation Area, Chelsea, MI: http://www.michigandnr.com/parksandtrails/Details.aspx?id=506&type=SPRK

Pros of Brighton: Is familiar for returning MANFAST enthusiasts. May be closer to you depending on where you live. We already know what we're expecting.

Pros of Waterloo: At 20,000 acres, it is the biggest most rugged bear-laden park in the lower peninsula. Is pretty much just as far west as Brighton (give like 10-20 measly miles) but is located lower south for more convenience to those DGNers who live downriver, and I know there's a lot of you. Will be a fresh new experience. Campsite also seems more secluded and off on its own lake, but I'm not going to assume this until I see it myself.

This Saturday I'm going out to both locations and physically seeing for myself how everything is set out to get a general feel for the camp. This may seem a tad bit extreme because, well, it is. If you're in my boots though it is not out of the question because for those of you who remember the first annual MANFAST you'll know there was a catastrophe where I called out but did not go out to Brighton and the man on the phone told me that all lots were "secluded, rustic, and what we're looking for" only to get out there to find I had been wrongly informed and made reservation for lots at a glorified trailer park (i.e. no trees, giant grass field, your non-DGN neighbors are literally "Hamtramck" close to you, modern not rustic, etc). I flipped out on them telling the DNR that they ruined by trip so they actually cut some of my cost and moved us all out to Murray Lake (within Brighton Recreation Area) which WAS what we were looking for as you all know since we had MANFAST at that spot last year again.

Now you all see why I go out and do an inspection myself now when choosing a new location. I got lucky that first year, but I sure as hell don't want anything like that to happen again. It made me A) Blow a giant gasket and B) Look bad and C) waste the entire afternoon sorting that shit out.

So this Saturday, since I got a loan from Boshy due to the fact that I finally got my taxes done and it's money in the bank for her, I'm going out there personally. Probably with beer and fishing rods to be able to fully take in the experience.

After this Saturday I will PM EVERYONE AND THEIR FUCKING BROTHER to let them know what the hell is going down. This means anyone who has responded in this thread with even a smidgen of interest, anyone who has gone in the past, and people who I am forcing to go against their will but are not yet aware (this means you, Phee and Troy). Look forward to it.

Edited by Chernobyl
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I will be there, as I was last year - JUST EARLIER!! Not quiet sure I will stay the night, but I WILL STAY FOR THE END OF TWISTER!!! THEHHHEEH!

Ten MANPTS if you can drag Troy again.

Ten MANPOINTS for anyone able to hunt down and drag in the elusive Troy Spiral.

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Wow....I haven't even taken an official reservation yet and so far the guest list has around 33 "Pretty 100-fucking-percent going to attend" people. This doesn't even include guests.

Hey! Well! The park DID say that it would be able to accommodate ONE HUNDRED OF US FUCKERS!

Also, reservations are more "fluid" this year, but I'll explain that after I actually reserve the lot, hopefully this weekend. As in they do it "per person" as opposed to "per lot". It will be standard lots like the last two years (one plat, four people on it, up to two tents) just off in our own section on our own lake and when I get to the park they will adjust one way or another the price (either up or down, accordingly).

This means you'll still have to pre-pay me of course, but I don't think we're going to have to do the whole "the more people you have on your lot, the cheaper" type system as we had the last two years. It payments will all be independent of each other.

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So the section we get may be just a big patch of space with different little lots for groups of us to stay on?

Probably not a GIANT grass field or anything, probably lots that are disbursed along a road throughout the woods. Like, basically there is usually a dirt road in some loop-type fashion. Along said loop will be cleared areas, probably like you know 400-700 sq ft of space, with a table and fire ring. Your lot will usually have trees between your neighbor's lot. That sort of thing. I'm not sure though, I'll have to go and scope out this weekend, I may take pictures if they allow it.

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Probably not a GIANT grass field or anything, probably lots that are disbursed along a road throughout the woods. Like, basically there is usually a dirt road in some loop-type fashion. Along said loop will be cleared areas, probably like you know 400-700 sq ft of space, with a table and fire ring. Your lot will usually have trees between your neighbor's lot. That sort of thing. I'm not sure though, I'll have to go and scope out this weekend, I may take pictures if they allow it.

Alright, sounds good.

Because if we split off into little groups within the DGN group...I am currently going alone, and so I'd need to figure all that shiznit out, haha!

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I believe that game was beginning as I left LOL :p

There was a CRAZY pic resulting from such that I took while so drunk I looked at it the following day like "WTF...?".

Raev was underneath Punky AND Lucia with the biggest shit eating grin I ever saw. I didn't see anything under them and thought: "WTF! If he's gonna get with two girls, whatever, but why the fuck would he take a picture of it with MY phone?"

Then I realized it was a shot of them playing Twister :rofl: .

Found it: Image019.jpg

I think it was the combo of Raev's grin and the fact that Lucia looks kinda like she's gettin' boned in that pic that made me come to the conclusion that they were bangin' boots :rofl:.

Edited by Chernobyl
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Yeah it was definately the most intense game of Twister I've ever played. Only problem is that I only lasted like maybe three rounds before I decided I was drunk and didn't want to play anymore.

At that time Pestilence fed me an entire slab of ribs to myself and I finished every mother fuckin' bite of that shit. I don't care how drunk you are, you never forget perfect ribs.

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There was a CRAZY pic resulting from such that I took while so drunk I looked at it the following day like "WTF...?".

Raev was underneath Punky AND Lucia with the biggest shit eating grin I ever saw. I didn't see anything under them and thought: "WTF! If he's gonna get with two girls, whatever, but why the fuck would he take a picture of it with MY phone?"

Then I realized it was a shot of them playing Twister :rofl: .

I think it was the combo of Raev's grin and the fact that Lucia looks kinda like she's gettin' boned in that pic that made me come to the conclusion that they were bangin' boots :rofl: .

Haha, that game got raunchy! Before it was done, we were intentionally placing bodies in opportune places...

Drunken DGN twister for teh win!

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