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Walmart fires Michigan cancer patient for using medical marijuana

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Soooo we should have to suffer with taking pills for pain.. let see here Let say for sake of arguement I have a tumor.. the Dr. prescribes me A PAIN PILL... then cause it makes me queesy the DR will again give me A PILL for that. In which the pill makes me constapated so I get another PILL for that. and while im waiting for all this stuff to kick in I really have no appitite so either I dont eat of tell the Dr. im not really eatting so then again he will give me yet ANOTHER PILL for my appitite. So now im up to 5 pills about 3 or 4 times a day... ORRRRRRRRRR

I can just smoke a joint, eat when im hungry and keep it down, takes my pain away, and can still use the bathroom...... Hermmmmmm such a tuff choise :geek:

Edited by Lillylu29
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Anyone happen to have any legislature on medicinal marijuana and mandatory drug testing policies in Michigan?

In my personal opinion I agree that he shouldn't have been fired if he was taking it for legitimate medical reasons and it didn't impair his ability to do his job, but a policy is a policy. Companies have to do things these days that may not make sense to a lot of people to avoid being sued.

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Anyone happen to have any legislature on medicinal marijuana and mandatory drug testing policies in Michigan?

In my personal opinion I agree that he shouldn't have been fired if he was taking it for legitimate medical reasons and it didn't impair his ability to do his job, but a policy is a policy. Companies have to do things these days that may not make sense to a lot of people to avoid being sued.

Blame the lawyers? I like that. :yes

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Guest Megalicious

You apparently have done no research. And narcotics are addictive and dangerous, marijuana is not. My father just had a brain tumor removed and is a medical marijuana user and does 10x better with marijuana than he does with the narcotics he's on, he is able to function without med head.

Before you make seriously wrong assumptions, actually do the research on the subject.

I have to agree with Tits here. Last semester I had to do a paper on this subject and could only include BASED ON EVIDENCE BASED RESEARCH ONLY and only from highly accredited source- U of M SON does not allowed anything that is highly subjective or a "questionable" to be used - EVER.

As for the pill forms such as Marinol, the problem with them is that when some has fucking cancer and CANNOT EAT, CANNOT SLEEP and DOESN"T even want to move, you can only guess what happens when trying to take a pill - they throw it right up. SO not ONLY is the drug less effective then smoking, it is not even effective at all if it cannot be digested.

One thing I did find interesting is, they have no IV form of it. I tired to search and search for articles on perhaps a IV form of marinol or something similar and could find nothing.

You want hard, accredited resources of research on how well medical marijuana works for cancer paients. How effective it is in treating their sympotms, helping them cope, eat, sleep, and live a better quality of life. PM me, I send you my cites - in APA format of course. :wink

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Anyone happen to have any legislature on medicinal marijuana and mandatory drug testing policies in Michigan?

In my personal opinion I agree that he shouldn't have been fired if he was taking it for legitimate medical reasons and it didn't impair his ability to do his job, but a policy is a policy. Companies have to do things these days that may not make sense to a lot of people to avoid being sued.

It's an at will state...they can fire you for a whim.

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My friend's father in law recently died from pancreatic cancer with mets to the liver, kidney and bone. He was died within 6 months of being diagnosed. My friend and her husband decided that hospice was the best option for Dad so the docs prescribed oral morphine and Haldol. The morphine hardly touched the pain my friend's father in law was having and he was taking twice the prescribed dose and even then he was vomiting up anything he swallowed. The doc prescribed medicinal marijuana and that helped relieve the pain. A lot of cancer patients are using marijuana now for pain relief. It helps them. Cancer pain is the worst pain there is. Why should these people have to suffer and deal with it by taking a pill that isn't relieving their pain? Nine times out of ten these patients are going to die from the cancer, can they not be comfortable in their last days?

Edited by KatRN05
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Its to easy to refute all your statements, and its just as easy for you to refute mine. Its like arguing about religion, all it will do is keep going, no one is going to change the others mind. I stated my opinion, I am allowed to do that on a forum, if not, ban me...and Ill make another account and say the same thing.

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Its to easy to refute all your statements, and its just as easy for you to refute mine. Its like arguing about religion, all it will do is keep going, no one is going to change the others mind. I stated my opinion, I am allowed to do that on a forum, if not, ban me...and Ill make another account and say the same thing.

It's not necessarily what you said. It's how you said it.

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Well, thats my opinion. I have no sympathy for drug users. I am what I am and thats all that I am.


..so, I take it, you imbibe absolutely no chemical substances, for recreation, nor medical reasons...?

...that includes chocolate...and caffeine, alcohol, asprin, codine, nicoteen, Novocaine...etc..etc..


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..so, I take it, you imbibe absolutely no chemical substances, for recreation, nor medical reasons...?

...that includes chocolate...and caffeine, alcohol, asprin, codine, nicoteen, Novocaine...etc..etc..


well said Rev I cannot stand "arrogant" people either

you do have a point,alcohol,and other "legal substances" have killed people as well

just because its legal does not mean its safe.

Edited by Hellion
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I am what I am and thats all that I am.

When it comes to how you treat and communicate with others, this is the biggest cop-out statement ever. I didn't ask you to change your opinion. It doesn't take a lot of effort to make HOW you say something less overtly offensive without changing the meaning one bit.

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Well, thats my opinion. I have no sympathy for drug users. I am what I am and thats all that I am.

BIG difference between a drug user and a cancer patient.

This isnt about a recreational drug user. This is about someone with a painful illness.

And just as you have a right to say something insensitive about someone with a (probably) terminal illness, we have the right to say it was a shitty thing you said, and that we think it was said out of either ignorance, or a very, very closed mind.

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When it comes to how you treat and communicate with others, this is the biggest cop-out statement ever. I didn't ask you to change your opinion. It doesn't take a lot of effort to make HOW you say something less overtly offensive without changing the meaning one bit.

Your right, it doesnt, I meant for it to be offensive, as the idea that you guys are justifying the use of pot offends me. If someone is in such an amount of pain that they cant eat/sleep/ect...but can still go to work 12/14 hour shifts like the person in the article claims, thats just funny. If someone litteraly cant function, they should be in a hospital, and if they cant afford it, they should be put out of there misery, I would say that even for myself or a loved one. In fact, I have.

But of course it doesnt matter what offends me, only your guys opinion because my idea sounds less sympathetic. get real.

Edited by Sluagh686
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Your right, it doesnt, I meant for it to be offensive, as the idea that you guys are justifying the use of pot offends me. If someone is in such an amount of pain that they cant eat/sleep/ect...but can still go to work 12/14 hour shifts like the person in the article claims, thats just funny. If someone litteraly cant function, they should be in a hospital, and if they cant afford it, they should be put out of there misery, I would say that even for myself or a loved one. In fact, I have.

But of course it doesnt matter what offends me, only your guys opinion because my idea sounds less sympathetic. get real.


..so, I take it, you imbibe absolutely no chemical substances, for recreation, nor medical reasons...?

...that includes chocolate...and caffeine, alcohol, asprin, codine, nicoteen, Novocaine...etc..etc..

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..so, I take it, you imbibe absolutely no chemical substances, for recreation, nor medical reasons...?

...that includes chocolate...and caffeine, alcohol, asprin, codine, nicoteen, Novocaine...etc..etc..

Is that relevant? of course I eat chocolate and caffeine :p comparing those to pot is hilarious. the postiive/negative effects are no where close to the same. Im assuming you are asking this so you can call me hypocritical and try and bash me for it, go ahead, doesnt make sense.

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Just curious.... what about alcohol and pot? How to people think those compare?

In what sense? they are both stupid ideas if thats what your asking?

You should prolly make a different thread for that question though as it would threadjack this one.

Edited by Sluagh686
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the idea that you guys are justifying the use of pot offends me

Why is it you feel pot is so bad? You mentioned before why can't they just take pain pills. Why do you think those are okay? Doctors prescribe morphine, codeine, methadone, and even heroin (though under a different name) and you seem okay with all of those, because they are pain pills. Yet why are you so adamantly against marinol?

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In what sense? they are both stupid ideas if thats what your asking?

You should prolly make a different thread for that question though as it would threadjack this one.

Someone did that you missed.... it has been talked about here so I thought I would....


But I don't drink or do pot.... but I can only judge my own choices and how they effect me, personally drinking causes more damage then pot, but I will not do either. As long as those who do it cause me no harm I am okay with it.

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Sitting a side the debate on medical marijuana for just a moment. I was just wondering what is this poor guy going to do now that he has no job? I assume that he most likely had health insurance through Walmart. Now with no job I can assume that his health insurance will be canceled. So here is this guy fighting caner and a brain tumor now he has no job and most likely no insurance. This is a sad guys. Really sad.

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Someone did that you missed.... it has been talked about here so I thought I would....


But I don't drink or do pot.... but I can only judge my own choices and how they effect me, personally drinking causes more damage then pot, but I will not do either. As long as those who do it cause me no harm I am okay with it.

Ah, sorry I missed that, doesnt matter though, I wouldn't post in it anyways. As I said earlier in this thread, its a pointless debate that will only cause people to get more angry about the discussion (or laugh in my case). The only reason I posted here was because I was happy someone got what was coming to them for using. I would have posted the same thing if it was a thread about a guy going to work drunk and getting fired.

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Ah, sorry I missed that, doesnt matter though, I wouldn't post in it anyways. As I said earlier in this thread, its a pointless debate that will only cause people to get more angry about the discussion (or laugh in my case). The only reason I posted here was because I was happy someone got what was coming to them for using. I would have posted the same thing if it was a thread about a guy going to work drunk and getting fired.

Okay.... I was just checking the consistency.

What I was curious about was whether it made a difference to you if it was pot, vs anything else.... or as Spook asked, whether is was mainly pot that was what you were speaking against.

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