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Walmart fires Michigan cancer patient for using medical marijuana

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Ah, sorry I missed that, doesnt matter though, I wouldn't post in it anyways. As I said earlier in this thread, its a pointless debate that will only cause people to get more angry about the discussion (or laugh in my case). The only reason I posted here was because I was happy someone got what was coming to them for using. I would have posted the same thing if it was a thread about a guy going to work drunk and getting fired.

You are seriously a twisted person. Do you even understand what a person dealing with cancer goes through? You lack the basic compassion any human should have..I don't wish bad things on you, but I really don't wish you well.

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I would have posted the same thing if it was a thread about a guy going to work drunk and getting fired.

Alright, let's say that you have a really bad cough and are super congested so you need something to help you. But you're all out of sick days and you really need the money so staying home from work is not an option. You consult with your doctor. He tells you to take some DayQuil with codeine and that will clear things right up. Well, it's available over-the-counter and perfectly legal so you take a dose and go sit at the office. Well surprise, surprise, it's random drug test day. You show positive for alcohol and opium and you're promptly fired.

Good thing that bastard got what was coming to him, damn dragon chaser.

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because I was happy someone got what was coming to them for using. I would have posted the same thing if it was a thread about a guy going to work drunk and getting fired.

yeah, this has to be one of the more ignorant things i've read in a while. you ever heard of a doctor prescribing drinking *on the job*? marijuana is recognized as a medicine now, and as such, there shouldn't be these kinds of repercussions for following a doctor's order. and anyway, if you had read the article, you'd know that this person didn't go to work stoned, they had a work accident & tested positive for pot, that's not even close to the same thing.

if this holds up, then i want to see random drug tests for percocet, vicoden, codein, wellbutrin, concerta, celexa, lexapro, etc... every one of those drugs affects your personality/abilitites just as much as pot does. hell, do you know what adderol is? it's a combination of racemic and dextro amphetamines!! i think anyone on adderol should be fired/kicked out of school, and arrested, cuz amphetamines are bad!

does that really make any sense?

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Alright, let's say that you have a really bad cough and are super congested so you need something to help you. But you're all out of sick days and you really need the money so staying home from work is not an option. You consult with your doctor. He tells you to take some DayQuil with codeine and that will clear things right up. Well, it's available over-the-counter and perfectly legal so you take a dose and go sit at the office. Well surprise, surprise, it's random drug test day. You show positive for alcohol and opium and you're promptly fired.

Good thing that bastard got what was coming to him, damn dragon chaser.

yeah, this has to be one of the more ignorant things i've read in a while. you ever heard of a doctor prescribing drinking *on the job*? marijuana is recognized as a medicine now, and as such, there shouldn't be these kinds of repercussions for following a doctor's order. and anyway, if you had read the article, you'd know that this person didn't go to work stoned, they had a work accident & tested positive for pot, that's not even close to the same thing.

if this holds up, then i want to see random drug tests for percocet, vicoden, codein, wellbutrin, concerta, celexa, lexapro, etc... every one of those drugs affects your personality/abilitites just as much as pot does. hell, do you know what adderol is? it's a combination of racemic and dextro amphetamines!! i think anyone on adderol should be fired/kicked out of school, and arrested, cuz amphetamines are bad!

does that really make any sense?

+1 :thumbup:

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You are seriously a twisted person. Do you even understand what a person dealing with cancer goes through? You lack the basic compassion any human should have..I don't wish bad things on you, but I really don't wish you well.

That is, of course, your prerogative. And yes, I do understand what people with cancer go through. As I stated earlier in the thread, people in that much pain should just be put to sleep (I cant think of a better way of saying it...have the plug pulled maybe?) and save the grief/pain/time/money ect. If someone still has the ability to work, they may be in pain, but obviously not THAT much. Sorry if a logical/less emotion based way of thinking is twisted to you.

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That is, of course, your prerogative. And yes, I do understand what people with cancer go through. As I stated earlier in the thread, people in that much pain should just be put to sleep (I cant think of a better way of saying it...have the plug pulled maybe?) and save the grief/pain/time/money ect. If someone still has the ability to work, they may be in pain, but obviously not THAT much. Sorry if a logical/less emotion based way of thinking is twisted to you.

point is, they *are* that sick (without pot) - with it, they can still function/have a life! so from what i gather, you'd rather euthanize someone than allow them to keep having a life by smoking pot (or cooking with it, or vaporizing it, etc...)!? like, "fuck em, if the only way they can live is with pot, they should be killed!"? really??

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That is, of course, your prerogative. And yes, I do understand what people with cancer go through. As I stated earlier in the thread, people in that much pain should just be put to sleep (I cant think of a better way of saying it...have the plug pulled maybe?) and save the grief/pain/time/money ect. If someone still has the ability to work, they may be in pain, but obviously not THAT much. Sorry if a logical/less emotion based way of thinking is twisted to you.

I changed my mind...I wish bad things for you. My father has brain cancer, he's doing rather well but will never work again. This is because he was a chief engineer on the great lakes freighters, and wouldn't be able to pass a coast guard physical. You have no idea what kind of pain he deals with every day. You don't have a soul and frankly no social skills what so ever if you make comments like these and think it's perfectly acceptable. My only wish is that you endure only a 1/10th of the pain a person fighting cancer does and maybe then you will learn.

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I changed my mind...I wish bad things for you. My father has brain cancer, he's doing rather well but will never work again. This is because he was a chief engineer on the great lakes freighters, and wouldn't be able to pass a coast guard physical. You have no idea what kind of pain he deals with every day. You don't have a soul and frankly no social skills what so ever if you make comments like these and think it's perfectly acceptable. My only wish is that you endure only a 1/10th of the pain a person fighting cancer does and maybe then you will learn.

I was wondering how long it would take before personal attacks would be made. Good job....Isnt that not allowed on this site? How much are we willing to bet she wont be given a warning though... Although I probably will get one for some random bs...lol

EDIT: well, at least Phee posted something.

Edited by Sluagh686
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That is, of course, your prerogative. And yes, I do understand what people with cancer go through. As I stated earlier in the thread, people in that much pain should just be put to sleep (I cant think of a better way of saying it...have the plug pulled maybe?) and save the grief/pain/time/money ect. If someone still has the ability to work, they may be in pain, but obviously not THAT much. Sorry if a logical/less emotion based way of thinking is twisted to you.

That's really fucked up, and indescribably insensitive. And not logical at all, sorry.

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That's really fucked up, and indescribably insensitive. And not logical at all, sorry.

Fucked up...I guess

Indescribably insensitive...Yea I agree

Not at all logical... I beg to differ.

But then again thats why everyone is arguing with me in the first place. sorry you feel that way.

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Your right, it doesnt, I meant for it to be offensive, as the idea that you guys are justifying the use of pot offends me. If someone is in such an amount of pain that they cant eat/sleep/ect...but can still go to work 12/14 hour shifts like the person in the article claims, thats just funny. If someone litteraly cant function, they should be in a hospital, and if they cant afford it, they should be put out of there misery, I would say that even for myself or a loved one. In fact, I have.

But of course it doesnt matter what offends me, only your guys opinion because my idea sounds less sympathetic. get real.

Well, if opinions don't matter, how about clinical research? The research and trials in marijuana and pain management is a growing body of knowledge:

Therapeutics and clinical risk management,2008-Therapeutics and clinical risk management

Current opinion in supportive and palliative care, 2007-Do cannabinoids have a role in cancer pain management?

Best practice & research. Clinical endocrinology & metabolism, 2009-Use of cannabinoid receptor agonists in cancer therapy as palliative and curative agents.

Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 2009-Non-psychotropic plant cannabinoids: new therapeutic opportunities from an ancient herb

Endocannabinoids in the Retina: From Marijuana to Neuroprotection (free article access.)

Current Status of Cannabis Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis with an Illustrative Case Presentation of a Patient with MS, Complex Vocal Tics, Paroxysmal Dystonia, and Marijuana Dependence Treated with Dronabinol (free article access.)

Plant-Derived Cannabinoids Modulate the Activity of Transient Receptor Potential Channels of Ankyrin Type-1 and Melastatin Type-8 (free article access.)

And this was me just punching in "marijuana cancer pain" into PubMed, which accesses the National Library of Medicine (NLM,) and NIH. While these are abstracts for the most part, the journals are available at any university library with medical and/or nursing schools.

Those who are prescribing MM are treating it like a Schedule II drug, which, as I have stated in opinion before, will probably be the lowest we see it dropped when (more and more likely,) or if it gets off Schedule I. On Schedule II is fentanyl, a opioid that is 100 times more potent than morphine. It is also used in cancer pain, so we will use this as an example.

Fentanyl, like opioid analgesics (morphine, codeine, dilaudid, etc.) bind to the most common receptor for pain, (mu-opioid receptors) in the nervous system. These are the same receptors that endorphins, our body's natural pain killers, work. Works great most of the time. The side effects are due to mu-opioid receptors being located outside the pain system as well, such as the basal nuclei (breathing centers, why they cause apnea,) the digestive system (reason they cause constipation, nausea.)

THC, the active ingredient in MM, hits another receptor in the nervous system's pain relays (cannabinoid receptors.) They also attenuate pain. Since the receptors are less common throughout the body, there is a better side effect profile. Used in conjunction with opioids, MM allow for better pain control and higher functionality. And it is fast, since it is inhaled, it bypasses the liver and metabolism, and goes right to the brain.

There is a saying; "All pain can be controlled. It is how much functionality you wish to have." The current trend in pain treatment, especially palliative care, is to keep the patient as high functional as long as possible. The reason? NO ONE wants to die in a hospital. Depending on where the cancer is and how much anatomy it destroys, to maintain daily activity right up until the end is NOT UNREASONABLE. And it is a VERY SERIOUS CONSIDERATION. If a patient with terminal cancer is able to do something they like up to the instant of death, whether golfing, playing with their kids/grandkids, or working a job (as this guy may have wanted to do,) and it is legally possible use it (last placed I worked it wasn't,) then more power to him. We had one patient play a round of golf the day before he died, which was something that he liked to do. He was on fentanyl patches, some oral morphine as needed, and a joint before leaving for the golf course.

So, by hitting two receptors in the pain pathway, we pain specialists are able to keep terminal patients living productive and happy lives right up until the end, rather than wasting days in a bed waiting for the inevitable.

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If I'm ever in the situation where I need pain relievers I'd rather have medical marijuana than artificially made corporate crap painkillers.

Hmmm, maybe I should go back to eating a few 300-400 milligram caffeine pills a day

instead of coffee,easy to use for a quick pick me up in the morning

but people have died from caffeine pills not coffee due to misuse

I still have not heard of anyone dying from coffee use,just caffeine pill misuse.

same as with marijuana,but there have been plenty of deaths from prescription painkillers though.

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As I stated earlier in the thread, people in that much pain should just be put to sleep (I cant think of a better way of saying it...have the plug pulled maybe?) and save the grief/pain/time/money ect. If someone still has the ability to work, they may be in pain, but obviously not THAT much.

You mean to tell me that you would rather have a person die then to allow them to have drugs that may offer them some relive from their pain? And as for someone still working while being in pain, well let me tell you something. Some people have no choice but to keep working regardless of how much pain they may be in. You can't work, you loss your health care, you die! That is the reality many people live in.

I said I wasn't going to say anymore but this just blew me away.

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I was wondering how long it would take before personal attacks would be made. Good job....Isnt that not allowed on this site? How much are we willing to bet she wont be given a warning though... Although I probably will get one for some random bs...lol

EDIT: well, at least Phee posted something.

and i'm still wondering how long it will be before you stop trolling & address one of my recent posts (with some sort of reason beyond (paraphrased) "i'm a jerk, too bad"). you just said it was your intent to be offensive. knock it off, show some respect to your fellow board members, and try actually defending your position, rather than trying to piss people off...

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At least you KNOW you are engaged in a hypocritical battle...caffeine, is a far harder thing to not-do, than grass...having consumed, & quit them both..I can say these things truthfully...anyone that thinks pot is addictive, has a very weak will.

Hey, Slaugh...guess what...we, the (not so) Great State of Michigan, have been trying to get this on a ballot for around 20 years...guess what..through proper legal channels..we did it!

We had a fuckin' vote...& WE WON!


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That is, of course, your prerogative. And yes, I do understand what people with cancer go through. As I stated earlier in the thread, people in that much pain should just be put to sleep (I cant think of a better way of saying it...have the plug pulled maybe?) and save the grief/pain/time/money ect. If someone still has the ability to work, they may be in pain, but obviously not THAT much. Sorry if a logical/less emotion based way of thinking is twisted to you.

This has to be the most ignorant thing I have ever read :X

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I was wondering how long it would take before personal attacks would be made. Good job....Isnt that not allowed on this site? How much are we willing to bet she wont be given a warning though... Although I probably will get one for some random bs...lol

EDIT: well, at least Phee posted something.

So basically, you kept up stating things you knew people would find reprehensible and stomped on those emotional triggers to get a response, all to amuse yourself.


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At least you KNOW you are engaged in a hypocritical battle...caffeine, is a far harder thing to not-do, than grass...having consumed, & quit them both..I can say these things truthfully...anyone that thinks pot is addictive, has a very weak will.

Hey, Slaugh...guess what...we, the (not so) Great State of Michigan, have been trying to get this on a ballot for around 20 years...guess what..through proper legal channels..we did it!

We had a fuckin' vote...& WE WON!



Bringing up the fact that our state is full of pot heads proves nothing. over half of the people that voted to legalize medical use of pot only did it in hope that it will bring them that much closer to get it fully legalized (which it wont but whatever. Oh...and lol and trying to say caffeine is in some way worse than grass. this thread is becoming dumber with every post, im done, enjoy your little pity party for the guy who got fired for smoking it up.

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