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Walmart fires Michigan cancer patient for using medical marijuana

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I'm sensing something way deeper here, your hatred for the herb, is disturbing...no one, should hate anything so deeply...you may need a therapist...did a smoker hurt you in some way in the past?

Do you wanna' talk about it?

LoL? is this an attempt at sarcasm or are you being genuine? Either way. No, dont believe in counceling/therapy, and if I did want to "talk" to someone, it wouldnt be anyone on DGN.

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Bringing up the fact that our state is full of pot heads proves nothing. over half of the people that voted to legalize medical use of pot only did it in hope that it will bring them that much closer to get it fully legalized (which it wont but whatever. Oh...and lol and trying to say caffeine is in some way worse than grass. this thread is becoming dumber with every post, im done, enjoy your little pity party for the guy who got fired for smoking it up.

So you are saying the research that is being done in the use of marijuana as a LEGALLY PRESCRIBED therapeutic pain management agent is bogus, despite the EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE hard data to the contrary?

I noticed you haven't made comment on my previous post, listing a very small fraction of a large body of evidence that it does work for pain management when used with other pain meds.

This was prescribed as a legal pain adjunct, and it kept him functional enough to keep being productive.

So unless one is a practicing pain specialist or palliative care specialist who has peer-reviewed PUBLISHED data to prove the mounting data is wrong, I suggest that one would hold opinion until one can back it up with hard, published data.

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So you are saying the research that is being done in the use of marijuana as a LEGALLY PRESCRIBED therapeutic pain management agent is bogus, despite the EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE hard data to the contrary?

I noticed you haven't made comment on my previous post, listing a very small fraction of a large body of evidence that it does work for pain management when used with other pain meds.

This was prescribed as a legal pain adjunct, and it kept him functional enough to keep being productive.

So unless one is a practicing pain specialist or palliative care specialist who has peer-reviewed PUBLISHED data to prove the mounting data is wrong, I suggest that one would hold opinion until one can back it up with hard, published data.

The reason I have not replied to your posts is in the same catagory to another post I have already made. You could find a hundred bits of medical "proof" saying how bad it is for you. Thats why its such a heated debate and only legal in certain states. Posting all your medical stuff doesnt mean much to me, although you are a doctor from what I remember so it doesnt surprise me that you would do that. No one else is a doctor on here, including myself, and I dont care enough to go find a bunch of articles to continue this silly argument. 2 sides to every coin.

@ fryda...Im not a troll, Im a Sluagh...actually, I am more of a Nocker than a sluagh (hence my DJ name) although the only person that would get that reference on this site is probably spook.

EDIT: damnit...I said I was done with this thread, unless we want to talk about Changelings (nockers, trolls, sluagh ect.) then forget it.

Edited by Sluagh686
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LoL? is this an attempt at sarcasm or are you being genuine? Either way. No, dont believe in counceling/therapy, and if I did want to "talk" to someone, it wouldnt be anyone on DGN.

...I am not one to joke about the human psyche...thank you...you have answered me quite sufficiently...

..WAIT...why be on here...?...just to make inflammatory posts?

So you are saying the research that is being done in the use of marijuana as a LEGALLY PRESCRIBED therapeutic pain management agent is bogus, despite the EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE hard data to the contrary?

I noticed you haven't made comment on my previous post, listing a very small fraction of a large body of evidence that it does work for pain management when used with other pain meds.

This was prescribed as a legal pain adjunct, and it kept him functional enough to keep being productive.

So unless one is a practicing pain specialist or palliative care specialist who has peer-reviewed PUBLISHED data to prove the mounting data is wrong, I suggest that one would hold opinion until one can back it up with hard, published data.


...that would make perpetual denial, impossible!

@ Freydis :rofl:

Edited by Rev.Reverence
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...I am not one to joke about the human psyche...thank you...you have answered me quite sufficiently...

..WAIT...why be on here...?...just to make inflammatory posts?


...that would make perpetual denial, impossible!

@ Freydis :rofl:

To answer one last question, im on here to discuss random stuff, not talk to people like I would a therapist. have a nice day. Again...Nocker...not a Troll.. -_- (teehee)

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The reason I have not replied to your posts is in the same catagory to another post I have already made. You could find a hundred bits of medical "proof" saying how bad it is for you. Thats why its such a heated debate and only legal in certain states. Posting all your medical stuff doesnt mean much to me, although you are a doctor from what I remember so it doesnt surprise me that you would do that. No one else is a doctor on here, including myself, and I dont care enough to go find a bunch of articles to continue this silly argument. 2 sides to every coin.

Well, post them. If you care enough to post, you should care enough to back what you post with evidence.

The 71 hits from PubMed based on the search using the keywords in my original post were researched and reviewed and done in the last decade, debunking most of the evidence brought up in the 50's and 60's that it has no medical use (the definition of a substance on Schedule I.)

Granted, I don't think it will be over-the-counter for a long time, if at all.

Everything used in medicine is a two-sided coin. Everything. The question becomes is the other side worth the benefits of the side that is facing you. Current studies, in the case of pain and medical marijuana, the current research is pointing to the fact the other side is not as bad as was previously believed.

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@ fryda...Im not a troll, Im a Sluagh...actually, I am more of a Nocker than a sluagh (hence my DJ name) although the only person that would get that reference on this site is probably spook.

EDIT: damnit...I said I was done with this thread, unless we want to talk about Changelings (nockers, trolls, sluagh ect.) then forget it.

I am quite well aware of what a Sluagh is. In both senses of the word.

I've got the Changeling sourcebooks, but I also know the old celtic lore behind the name, too. I'd say at the moment, you're acting more like the Celtic Sluagh. And no, that's not a compliment. I like the Changeling Sluagh.

You seem like you could be a very interesting, smart individual if you could get over your impulse to willfully cause trouble. Let people get to know you for who you are, and get out of your own way, perhaps? You may not like or respect a lot of people here, but if you payed attention, you may find people who are a real pleasure to know.

And to keep the post On Topic....

I seriously think people with pain medication in their system while on the job are far more dangerous than someone who has medical pot in their pee from a time they werent at work. And if the dude was a recreational user, I'd have less sympathy. However, I know quite a bit about folks in pain. My husband has a non-fatal problem that puts him in enormous pain. He's been on a LOT of pain drugs. He doesnt like it, and only has taken them when the pain is so extreme he cannot function. But, being a rather tough guy with a hardy constitution, he can probably put up with a lot more than most. He doesnt like pot, and never, ever would have taken it. But I bet it would have done a lot less damage to his liver and kidneys than what the Vicodin, Percocet, and Hydromorphone have probably already done. Lucky for us, we finally found someone who could operate, and do something for his condition. He's recovering from that right now. I cannot imagine if it had been something fatal, as this guy has. This guy was just being responsible, keeping his job and insurance as he could, and not taking meds at work. This was really crappy of Wal Mart, and Id be willing to bet someone in that organization saw an opportunity to reduce their bottom line (his insurance), and took it. Regardless of how you feel about medical pot, firing a terminally ill patient who had no performance issues in their job is inhumane.

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Well, post them. If you care enough to post, you should care enough to back what you post with evidence.

The 71 hits from PubMed based on the search using the keywords in my original post were researched and reviewed and done in the last decade, debunking most of the evidence brought up in the 50's and 60's that it has no medical use (the definition of a substance on Schedule I.)

Granted, I don't think it will be over-the-counter for a long time, if at all.

Everything used in medicine is a two-sided coin. Everything. The question becomes is the other side worth the benefits of the side that is facing you. Current studies, in the case of pain and medical marijuana, the current research is pointing to the fact the other side is not as bad as was previously believed.

We will have to see if the Californians fuck it up or not..or the Alaskans..Colorado, they're a rowdy bunch, we better watch them!..same goes for the mosta' New England....

Look what Brother gave me..it's a bad assed article, about how, a whole buncha' places are blatantly decriminalizing the herb...


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I am quite well aware of what a Sluagh is. In both senses of the word.

I've got the Changeling sourcebooks, but I also know the old celtic lore behind the name, too. I'd say at the moment, you're acting more like the Celtic Sluagh. And no, that's not a compliment. I like the Changeling Sluagh.

You seem like you could be a very interesting, smart individual if you could get over your impulse to willfully cause trouble. Let people get to know you for who you are, and get out of your own way, perhaps? You may not like or respect a lot of people here, but if you payed attention, you may find people who are a real pleasure to know.

And to keep the post On Topic....

I seriously think people with pain medication in their system while on the job are far more dangerous than someone who has medical pot in their pee from a time they werent at work. And if the dude was a recreational user, I'd have less sympathy. However, I know quite a bit about folks in pain. My husband has a non-fatal problem that puts him in enormous pain. He's been on a LOT of pain drugs. He doesnt like it, and only has taken them when the pain is so extreme he cannot function. But, being a rather tough guy with a hardy constitution, he can probably put up with a lot more than most. He doesnt like pot, and never, ever would have taken it. But I bet it would have done a lot less damage to his liver and kidneys than what the Vicodin, Percocet, and Hydromorphone have probably already done. Lucky for us, we finally found someone who could operate, and do something for his condition. He's recovering from that right now. I cannot imagine if it had been something fatal, as this guy has. This guy was just being responsible, keeping his job and insurance as he could, and not taking meds at work. This was really crappy of Wal Mart, and Id be willing to bet someone in that organization saw an opportunity to reduce their bottom line (his insurance), and took it. Regardless of how you feel about medical pot, firing a terminally ill patient who had no performance issues in their job is inhumane.

I like you more now for knowing about changelings and the fae.

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ok, we need to either get back on topic here, or close the thread.

i know this has devolved into a discussion with sluagh, but as we know his stance, and his intention to be disruptive, please take any further conversations regarding that to PMs.

let's get back to the point, gang, ok? :thanks:

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The reason I have not replied to your posts is in the same catagory to another post I have already made. You could find a hundred bits of medical "proof" saying how bad it is for you. Thats why its such a heated debate and only legal in certain states. Posting all your medical stuff doesnt mean much to me, although you are a doctor from what I remember so it doesnt surprise me that you would do that. No one else is a doctor on here, including myself, and I dont care enough to go find a bunch of articles to continue this silly argument. 2 sides to every coin.

Actual question...

If the links that have been provided are not evidence enough; the fact that Stormkight is a doctor doesn't mean much to you, the fact that it was voted for by a majority in this state does not merit your consideration.... What exactly would have an effect on your opinion? I honestly am curious now

(I know you think the argument is silly, but it has kept you interested enough to continue the post over the last few days)

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Actual question...

If the links that have been provided are not evidence enough; the fact that Stormkight is a doctor doesn't mean much to you, the fact that it was voted for by a majority in this state does not merit your consideration.... What exactly would have an effect on your opinion? I honestly am curious now

(I know you think the argument is silly, but it has kept you interested enough to continue the post over the last few days)

As per Torn Asunder's request, I pm'd you with a response, phee. and anyone else who really want to continue this is free to pm I guess.

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Alcohol medicinally?? :huh:

Marijuana is a Depressant?

Yep... Most cough medicines have alcohol in them (NyQuil for example).

And perhaps that is too simplistic... Marijuana has depressant qualities as well as hallucinogenic and a few other minor things....

Also both effect vision at times...

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Yep... Most cough medicines have alcohol in them (NyQuil for example).

And perhaps that is too simplistic... Marijuana has depressant qualities as well as hallucinogenic and a few other minor things....

Also both effect vision at times...

Where are you getting that from? I, in all my years of research, have no recollection of such an absurdity...

Dude, COFFEE, affects your vision, if you drink enough...& it's easier to get that way with coffee than pot...

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This reminds me of a documentary I watched on netflix called, "Grass"

It was pretty interesting, it covered weed from the beginning, how it was introduced to America, what gave it such a bad name in the public eye, and why certain polititians would use it as a tool to carry out their agendas of self image.

The documentary really showed just how far the government is willing to spin truths and flood propaganda on something so harmless and possibly beneficial, just to uphold an image or exercise their power of authority.

With that said, back to topic. Even if weed was legalized, it is still up to corporation policy for the rules they enforce on their employees. Drinking is quite legal, but I'm sure there are some jobs that require you cannot drink if you don't want to get fired. In my own opinion, Walmart took this way too far by firing her in the first place, and simply not rehiring her negates anything they could say about being sympathetic to her cause. Their actions have spoken that they just don't give a rats ass other than their own policy. But, if this story were to gain enough publicity, it might be a help to the cause to legalize weed completely if public opinion shows that Walmart big wigs are being complete dicks about something so trivial.

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Where are you getting that from? I, in all my years of research, have no recollection of such an absurdity...

Dude, COFFEE, affects your vision, if you drink enough...& it's easier to get that way with coffee than pot...


Marijuana, or the plant Cannabis sativa, has been used as a medicine, as a part of religious ceremonies, and even as a fiber for making clothing, rope, and paper for many thousands of years. It has also been used recreationallyUsing a drug solely to achieve a high, not to treat a medical condition. in many cultures, both ancient and modern. Still, its effects on the brain and body are not yet completely understood. Scientists differ on how to classify the drug: Is it a hallucinogen like LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), a narcotic like opium, or does it belong in a class by itself? (Entries on LSD and opium are included in this encyclopedia.) To further confuse matters, some scientists call marijuana a stimulant, or a substance that makes the brain and body more active, and some call it a depressant, or a substance that slows down brain and body processes. Whatever its properties, organic—or plant-derived—marijuana is illegal to possess or sell as a recreational substance.

It kind of denies categorization, but it displays qualities of both.

I agree about the coffee.... And I am not saying one is bad and not another.... most things when taken to excess are bad for you... the reason I brought up alcohol vs pot.... is that they both effect judgement, but because of history and whatnot pot is illegal and alcohol is not....

Both effect memory

Both effect motor skills

Both have been known to reduce pain.

Both can be abused (or not)

And also both are very commonly used.

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This reminds me of a documentary I watched on netflix called, "Grass"

It was pretty interesting, it covered weed from the beginning, how it was introduced to America, what gave it such a bad name in the public eye, and why certain polititians would use it as a tool to carry out their agendas of self image.

The documentary really showed just how far the government is willing to spin truths and flood propaganda on something so harmless and possibly beneficial, just to uphold an image or exercise their power of authority.

With that said, back to topic. Even if weed was legalized, it is still up to corporation policy for the rules they enforce on their employees. Drinking is quite legal, but I'm sure there are some jobs that require you cannot drink if you don't want to get fired. In my own opinion, Walmart took this way too far by firing her in the first place, and simply not rehiring her negates anything they could say about being sympathetic to her cause. Their actions have spoken that they just don't give a rats ass other than their own policy. But, if this story were to gain enough publicity, it might be a help to the cause to legalize weed completely if public opinion shows that Walmart big wigs are being complete dicks about something so trivial.

you mean him..

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