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Unpleasant results


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The blood test results came in today from the clinic I had been to and I found out that I have type 2 diabetes. I have always known that I was borderline diabetic for my entire life but somewhere at some point that changed and now I know for sure. I thought I was taking better care of my condition so as to prevent this from happening but that didn't work. The doctor said I will need insulin shots and to monitor my blood and with no health insurance I'm not sure I'll be able to do this. So I am looking for some kind of low cost health insurance to prolong my life. I fear diabetic shock will happen and that'll be it for me. So if anyone knows of any indipendant insurance companies that do not charge an arm and a leg please let me know.

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*Hugs* That sucks.. I'm sooo sorry...

The problem with independant health insurance is they usually don't cover whatthey term "pre-existing conditions". You may be able to get Medicaid though. They turned me down because I didn't have any dependants though. It's worth a try. I wish I could give you better news, but I've researched the hell out of this myself... and have a HUGE amount of medical debt to prove it. Good luck. and if you hear anything, let me know!

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Thanks Nienna and Brenda. I will keep researching this myself of course and if I find anything I'll be sure to post it here. I also wanted people here to know of my condition so if you see me at the club and I collapse you'll know what's going on and not think I'm pulling a prank.

I heard a story about Redd Fox and how he suffered a heart attack on the set of his last show and everyone thought he was playing around like he did on Sanford and son. I don't want that to happen to me.

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Sorry to hear that Sooth. I wish you the best of luck with your search on insurance and all.

I often wonder if I am some degree of being diabetic. If i do not eat for awhile I get shaky and have hot flashes and can't think straight. My food intake effects my mood alot too.

It runs in my family and in my uncle's case it would only show in his bloodtest...not his urnine sample. I prolly should go under the needle one of these days.

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ok, wow... I have no help on the insurance but...

There are other ways dude. Holistic medicine for example. Control your sugar with your diet. It works for many people. It works better than shots or pills of insilin. Heal Thy Self, my friend.

Holistic Diabetes Treatment


I strongly suggest you look into this.

Get a blood sugar tester. Monitor your self. Read everything you can about your condition. Change your diet to stablize your sugar levels and then stick with it. If you need help sticking with it, let me know. I'll yell at you and point out all the bad things that are going to happen to you.

Edited by The_Dark
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Thanks Dark, I am gonna get a blood tester a.s.a.p. I will also check out the links you posted and see what I can come up with and do for myself. And thanks also for the boot camp approach to keeping my diet healthy. I thought I was doing real good by not eating any sweets and cutting out candy and what not. Then I remebered that I have been drinking a lot of coffee over the last few years and not without sugar in it. I think that's what did me in.

Aralis, not to be the bringer of bad news but, the symptons you have are exactly what I have always suffered with, you really should get some blood testing done just to make sure everything is ok with you.

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Don't forget Sooth, sugar is also found is flour and corn! Start reading ingredient lables at the store, you wont believe the places where sugar, or corn syrups are hiding. It angering when cutting the junk out. But you learn. The best advice given to me is to shop the perimeter of the grocery store! Thats just junk in the middle.

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When a former doctor misdiagnosed my shooting head pains as type 2 diabetes (turned out I needed glasses) I started reading up on it.

There are tons of books out there on how to control Type2. Check out your local Borders, Barnes & Noble, etc. and you'll see there are lots of ways to control it - even, in some cases, reverse it - without insulin, etc.

Best of luck with that.

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gotta cut down on drinking the beer to .. both my mom and dad have diabeties dad ( 2) mom (type 1)

you will not go into like diabetic shock or have super low blood sugars like type 1 's do

there are 2 types now to take insulent do u take a pill or the shots?

Ill look some stuff up and get back to you on this

also this is gonna sound bad but start taking care of your feet! diabetics are knows to have lose cerculation in the feet and legs over time due to the veins wearing down. get proper shoes and so foth

take care


Edited by Nerdcore
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Find the Michigan Patient's Bill of Rights here: http://www.mdch.state.mi.us/hlpd/pbr/index2.htm

Basically, if you get a job or enroll in a group policy that is either an HMO or Blue Cross Blue Shield there will be no waiting period for Pre-Existing Conditions. Otherwise the maximum waiting period will be 6 months. Unless your group policy has less than 50 participants in which case, it may be 12 months.

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I have a glucometer you can have.. I was using when I was prego but don't need it any more.

All I can say is, get educated. Look after yourself. Watch what you eat... Having diabetes is not a death sentence! It's all about lifestyle change.

You don't want me showing up on your doorstep having to take your ass to the hospital... take care of yourself cuz no one else will!

Good luck Sooth :grin

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  Nerdcore said:
gotta cut down on drinking the beer to

do u take a pill or  the shots?


No more beer!?!?!??! :tear

Actually I can't stand the taste of beer to begin with so that isn't a problem. Right now I'm not taking any medication.

  ManicQueen said:
I have a glucometer you can have.. I was using when I was prego but don't need it any more.

You don't want me showing up on your doorstep having to take your ass to the hospital... take care of yourself cuz no one else will!

Good luck Sooth  :grin


Thanks MQ will contact you about that glucometer. I'm trying to picture you in your medic clothes strapping me down.............Hmmmmmmm....... :whistling

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If your still needed indpendent insrance (meaning not group via an employer lets say) , at least in my familys experence, doesnt matter where you go, it will be >expensive

We've been looking for cheaper non-group insurance for my mom for years, no luck yet.

Im borderline diabetic myself.

Just have to take one things day at a time and as i say often "try keep your chin up"

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Thanks Troy. This may sound selfish or people might shoot the idea down but I think this country needs a health plan like they have in Canada for those here that can't afford it. It might not be the best insurance plan but something is certainly better than nothing. Medicare is not for everyone as Nienna pointed out you need dependents to qualify.

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  soothsayer said:
Thanks Sybil and crank. Let me know of course if you find anything Sybil.


i am asking around.. did the whole "word of mouth" lookin for info for ya... there is a place in Mt Clemens by the jail that one of my co-workers told me about that has cheap insurance... i am going to look into a few more things, and i will let ya know what i find.. hang in there.. i hope you're feelin okay..

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Guest MsMaldoror

I have been a Type I diabetic since I was 8 years old. Please let me know if you have any questions. I feel for you.

Diabetes is a pretty manageable disease though. Poeple can live long lives if they take care of themselves.

  soothsayer said:
The blood test results came in today from the clinic I had been to and I found out that I have type 2 diabetes. I have always known that I was borderline diabetic for my entire life but somewhere at some point that changed and now I know for sure. I thought I was taking better care of my condition so as to prevent this from happening but that didn't work. The doctor said I will need insulin shots and to monitor my blood and with no health insurance I'm not sure I'll be able to do this.  So I am looking for some kind of low cost health insurance to prolong my life. I fear diabetic shock will happen and that'll be it for me.  So if anyone knows of any indipendant insurance companies that do not charge an arm and a leg please let me know.

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i don't have any insurance advice either but my husband's dad found out a few years back he has it (as does my husband's uncles, grandma and grandpa... chances are he will have it too.)

that same day he changed his lifestyle/eating habits etc and has been fine ever since. though he had some pain issues at first (his hands and feet from what i recall)

i'm sorry to hear you found out you have this though. :( i have some good information on it as well (searching around like i did when i found out my father in law had it) so let me know if you have any questions. (obviously you can look it all up online or in a book but sometimes it is better to talk to someone you know about it. ;))

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  soothsayer said:
No more beer!?!?!??!  :tear

Actually I can't stand the taste of beer to begin with so that isn't a problem. Right now I'm not taking any medication.

Thanks MQ will contact you about that glucometer. I'm trying to picture you in your medic clothes strapping me down.............Hmmmmmmm....... :whistling


wash your mind out :tongue:

hope youi find something that works for you

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