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Aftermath - DGN Night, Mar.20th

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Really? You looked alright the couple of times I saw you walking by just after last call, unlike whomever it was who left the noodles on the stairs.

I had a really good time. I arrived much later than usual, but that's because I much needed to get a dose of Tone & Niche who played at Small's that same evening. bean was kind enough to grace me with her presence at Small's and City, and Spook awaited our arrival at the club. I was able (hooray, employment!) to buy the always lovely Pomba Gira a birthday drink, pass on hugs or greetings to Tanuki, DarkChylde, Crank, TheOsakaKoneko, Gothkytten, Storm Knight, Fin, Skye, Eevee, Lord of Sins, Slogo, Lillylu, SaechaLyn, Cat, Riku Namako, Gimp, Msterbeau, Tyger, and Xillatoxic, and I saw girlwithtail and littlemissluckycunt only in passing--my apologies to anyone whom I may have omitted.

I enjoyed conversation and cuddles with Aequorea--I am so glad to see you again...for the first time since the last DGN Appreciation Night! You don't get out often enough, or I don't.

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I had a pretty damn decent night.

I arrived with Nicole much later then we normally get there, as well. I got my normal greeting from Gimp at the door :p and was immediately met by LoS :kiss , Pomba Gira, and bean. Throughout the night I shared words and/or hugs with Slogo, Eleven, Spook, Taysteewonderbunny, Mstrbeau, Tyger, Lillylu :grouphug , Darkmatter, Stormknight, Fin, GirlwithTail, Gothkytten, Twitch, and LittleMissLuckyCunt. I also saw TheOsakaKoneko and Riku but whenever I saw them, they seemed to be preoccupied so I decided to leave them be. :wink:yes

I actually met LMLC for the first time last night. And I saw CaT many times, but never officially met her.

Pomba, I am terribly sorry about your history with Chinese dresses, dear. Bean, you are one of my most favorite DGNers and it always cheers me up when I see you about the club. :kiss Fin, your head is so fuzzy... And, Taystee...it was very inappropriate for you, my sister, to be touching my bum...very inappropriate indeed! :p

And as for all of you others who also chose to touch my butt last night...how dare you! :rolleyes:

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LOL at Eevee

yes I was there :) Danced the night away... I dont think the night could of gotten any better!

I arrived with Darkmatter :wub: and his sexy friend(whom were trying to get to join LOL)

Met up with Slogo, LOS

Seen Prick and his lovely lady :kiss, Stormknight, Pomba :grouphug , Eevee :grouphug , Bean :grouphug , Gothkytten :kiss , TWBunny and Spook :grouphug and gimp!

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LOL at Eevee

yes I was there :) Danced the night away... I dont think the night could of gotten any better!

I arrived with Darkmatter :wub: and his sexy friend(whom were trying to get to join LOL)

Met up with Slogo, LOS

Seen Prick and his lovely lady :kiss , Stormknight, Pomba :grouphug , Eevee :grouphug , Bean :grouphug , Gothkytten :kiss , TWBunny and Spook :grouphug and gimp!

Prick was there...!?!? How did I miss this?

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I would just like to say...the douchefag factor was GREAT that night. Like...shoot myself in the head.

And what was with the skanks waltzing around in bikini's, heels, and baseball caps?


The whole night Nicole and me were like "What...what is this? This isn't City Club." Even the music by the bar caught us off-guard.

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LOL at Eevee

yes I was there :) Danced the night away... I dont think the night could of gotten any better!

I arrived with Darkmatter :wub: and his sexy friend(whom were trying to get to join LOL)

Met up with Slogo, LOS

Seen Prick and his lovely lady :kiss , Stormknight, Pomba :grouphug , Eevee :grouphug , Bean :grouphug , Gothkytten :kiss , TWBunny and Spook :grouphug and gimp!

awww she loves me! :wub::wub:

it was a great night. i danced my ass off, and a great night with my friends hugs to all.

lmlc...lol that poor guy you told him right off.

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It was nice to be back!


Calix: Lovely as ever. *mwah*

Spook: I don't know--such a cool dude the night just gets better w his presence

Pomba Gira: Happy b'day! Even though you didn't remember me. *sniff* ;)

Tanuki & DarkChyld: Only in pasing

DarqueMetallion: From a distance @ the bar

TheOsakaKoneko: Looking beautiful & a bit plastered if I had to guess :)

Gothkytten: Dancin' Queen w her man.

Storm Knight: Good talkin' about the situation

Eevee: Kind of ashamed to admit it but I don't think I've ever wanted to make out with a blonde white girl in a red Chinese dress so badly in my life. LOL

Lord of Sins: Good to see you again!

Slogo: Always a pleasure my film-making friend

Lillylu: Waved!

SaechaLyn: Waved again!

Cat: Caught a glimpse,

Riku Namako: Getting taller my man. Or I'm shriking. Maybe it's the missing Mohican. LOL

Gimp: Night always starts right when I see him first

Msterbeau: Elusive--saw on dancefloor with (his) lady (??)

Xillatoxic: Girl is hot, smart, a good dancer, & cool as hell. What more could you want?

Aequorea: Got the grant & the research continues! Plus good to see you out & about. :)

LMLC: Tried to beat me up before she realized I was a friend. LOL Have at you, you saucy pirate!

BeautifulDisaster: Cutie in a bikini & a vintage sport-coat. How can you beat that?

Who'd I miss? More to come as my brain is full--I shall supplement.

Have a great week everybody!




Edited by Fin
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Decent night... Drank, talked with DGNers, danced a bit. I was having an off day but still very happy to be out!

Spook n Taystee - so happy to see you both! :grouphug I definitely do not get out often enough.

Stormknight - love the glove LOL

Mstrbeau - small fucking world indeed!

Tyger - so happy to meet you! fun times!

Pomba Gira - happy birthday!

Gimp - nice pic... can hardly wait to see the finished product! :innocent:

Cat - however do you get your hat to stay at such a jaunty angle?

OsakaKoneko - I hope that you are doing well!

Said hello to Fin, Bean, Eevee, Crank and Xilla. Saw Darkchylde and Tanuki but did not get the chance to say hi. So bummed to hear that I missed Prick!

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I was just showing my appreciation. :innocent:

Your whole outfit that night was full of win! :thumbsup:

Silly Spook...

And I can't believe you used that line on me in person! :rofl:

Thank you very much.


Eevee: Kind of ashamed to admit it but I don't think I've ever wanted to make out with a blonde white girl in a red Chinese dress so badly in my life. LOL

For serious? :shock:

I honestly couldn't tell at all. :X But you looked extremely handsome, as always. :happy:

Decent night... Drank, talked with DGNers, danced a bit. I was having an off day but still very happy to be out!

Spook n Taystee - so happy to see you both! :grouphug I definitely do not get out often enough.

Stormknight - love the glove LOL

Mstrbeau - small fucking world indeed!

Tyger - so happy to meet you! fun times!

Pomba Gira - happy birthday!

Gimp - nice pic... can hardly wait to see the finished product! :innocent:

Cat - however do you get your hat to stay at such a jaunty angle?

OsakaKoneko - I hope that you are doing well!

Said hello to Fin, Bean, Eevee, Crank and Xilla. Saw Darkchylde and Tanuki but did not get the chance to say hi. So bummed to hear that I missed Prick!

Ahh! I don't know how I missed adding your name on my list! It was nice to see you again. :kiss

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