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Healthcare Bill Passes. (elephant in the room)

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And more from the right: Sarah Palin, never one to resist inflammatory rhetoric, recently "tweeted" her right-wing supporters, saying "Don't Retreat, Instead - RELOAD!"

Perhaps you have missed the last couple hundred years of politics. Gun referances are common... hence "targeting" and "in my cross hairs".

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Perhaps you have missed the last couple hundred years of politics. Gun referances are common... hence "targeting" and "in my cross hairs".

True however you gotta remember in today's society, with all the terrorist scares and school shootings, people are paranoid about this, especially after all the rants and passive agressive threats of violence that sparked up about this health care bill... making a gun reference is about one of the DUMBEST things that can be done IMO, especially since the threats, by circumstantial coincidence, could look as if they're comming from fanatical republicans against the democratic effort, just my opinion on this, but it still seems kinda like common sense to avoid that.

Yet Palin just seems to know just the right thing to say, at just the right moment, never missing a beat, to make people facepalm everywhere.

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Perhaps you have missed the last couple hundred years of politics. Gun referances are common... hence "targeting" and "in my cross hairs".

And another one that's very common yet most people don't realize it's a gun reference, "just a flash in the pan".

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True however you gotta remember in today's society, with all the terrorist scares and school shootings, people are paranoid about this, especially after all the rants and passive agressive threats of violence that sparked up about this health care bill... making a gun reference is about one of the DUMBEST things that can be done IMO, especially since the threats, by circumstantial coincidence, could look as if they're comming from fanatical republicans against the democratic effort, just my opinion on this, but it still seems kinda like common sense to avoid that.

Yet Palin just seems to know just the right thing to say, at just the right moment, never missing a beat, to make people facepalm everywhere.

I think your reaching. What she said is a common saying in political speech and adds. Are you saying the DNC is making people facepalm when their current adds talk about "targeting" vulnerable Republicans? When they use referances like "lock on"?

btw: the only person in Congress who has had a crediable enough death threat that an arrest was made, is a Republican.

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I seemed to have missed the memo where "republicans" are the only people that can make threats, death threats, and threats about guns. Did we have to sign up for this somewhere? If I make a death threat and mention a gun will it be regarded as bullshit because I have not jumped on the republican bandwagon?

I don't need a gun....I can just see if the Russians have any anti-tank dogs left lying around...

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i never wanted to post here, but I reckon I can say what I want to say...

I could care less about it, to be honest.. the thing as a whole, I mean... but the fine to those that don't get it, is ridiculous, and not covering pre-existing conditions... ugh.. I have a pre-existing condition, and almost everything that's going to go wrong with me, health wise, is going to be caused by this re-existing condition.. including the heart issues I will more than likely develop.. and possibly the ovarian cancer or any other cancers down there, I may develop, because of said pre-existing condition. See where I'm going with this? so yeah... that makes me a little soar... I think its poorly written, and we shouldn't be forced to get it... nor should conditions we have be exempt, either.. (this means children will be covered, but not their diabetes... or are they going to go through and list everything that will be covered, if its pre-existing) but I'm not against it as a whole...

If anything of what I said is wrong, in any way, please let me know. I'm not here to argue, just stating how I feel...

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i never wanted to post here, but I reckon I can say what I want to say...

I could care less about it, to be honest.. the thing as a whole, I mean... but the fine to those that don't get it is ridiculous, and not covering pre-existing conditions...ugh... I have a pre-existing condition, and almost everything that's going to go wrong with me, health wise, is going to be caused by this pre-existing condition...including the heart issues I will more than likely develop...and possibly the ovarian cancer or any other cancers down there I may develop, because of said pre-existing condition. See where I'm going with this? So yeah...that makes me a little sore...I think its poorly written, and we shouldn't be forced to get it...nor should conditions we have be exempt, either...(this means children will be covered, but not their diabetes...or are they going to go through and list everything that will be covered, if its pre-existing) but I'm not against it as a whole....

If anything of what I said is wrong, in any way, please let me know. I'm not here to argue, just stating how I feel....

The fine won't be implemented for a couple years out. The overall cost of health care for consumers is supposed to have been reduced by then.

Also, you would most likely qualify, in your income bracket, for a subsidy to help you pay for your health care.

Your concern about your pre-existing health conditions is DIRECTLY DEFENDED by this bill. It means that NO health care company can REFUSE YOU CARE or CHARGE YOU MORE because of your conditions. It's a good thing.

And the children with diabetes won't have to worry about explicitly laying out which of their conditions are covered by insurance and which not because they will all be covered--it would be illegal to NOT cover it--if this works according to plan.

I think it is a great plan. My worry is whether it will work as planned, especially since so many seem disinclined to even let it have a chance.

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I just like it cause it screws with the insurance componies. I have been without healthcare for ten years. I've been stabbed cut open set on fire hit by cars bit by a small shark almost blew my hand off. I had bird flu or something, black mold in my lungs and all that. I experienced the worst racial discrimination in my life when i tried to go to the dept of health. I have been so sick i lost 60 ponds in two weeks fevers shaking vomiting halucinating heart skipping beats. I can tell you all the scripts i need I need abuteral I need the salution for the nebulizer i need nexium for my constant heartburn. i need microsurgery on my left paw. i have a broken knuckle in my right index finger. i have crazy emotional imbalance and sleep only every three days with wild nightmares. I went to the doctor once on 06 for internal parasite called gaglionemia you can only get from drinking out of the nile river. I was in a car wreck in 01 in the parking lot of a hospital and the ambulence ride was 500 bucks. screw that. I can't see much harm coming from this bill. I would even compare it to the idea of national parks. like the grand canyon of our day. so controversial in the moment but future generations would never question it. like when child labor laws came about. or women voting.

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I think your reaching. What she said is a common saying in political speech and adds. Are you saying the DNC is making people facepalm when their current adds talk about "targeting" vulnerable Republicans? When they use referances like "lock on"?

btw: the only person in Congress who has had a crediable enough death threat that an arrest was made, is a Republican.

it was the other way around, how on earth did you get what i said completely backwards??

I'll see if i can rephrase this, a bunch of zealous idiots were threatening a bunch of DEMOCRATIC polititians about Health care, and it's the usual nut jobs that wanna commit suicide over abortion and all that, who, by coincidence claim to be "republican"... most of the time...

I'm not saying burn Palin at the stake for making this reference by any means, i'm just saying with everyone seeming to be on the virge of snapping and with all the shootings already, with the current threats picking up like wildfire....

A gun refrence is about the dumbest thing she could have said, because god knows somewhere, in some trailer park, some dumb ass is gonna take it literally, maybe even more than one dumb ass.

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The fine won't be implemented for a couple years out. The overall cost of health care for consumers is supposed to have been reduced by then.

Also, you would most likely qualify, in your income bracket, for a subsidy to help you pay for your health care.

Your concern about your pre-existing health conditions is DIRECTLY DEFENDED by this bill. It means that NO health care company can REFUSE YOU CARE or CHARGE YOU MORE because of your conditions. It's a good thing.

And the children with diabetes won't have to worry about explicitly laying out which of their conditions are covered by insurance and which not because they will all be covered--it would be illegal to NOT cover it--if this works according to plan.

I think it is a great plan. My worry is whether it will work as planned, especially since so many seem disinclined to even let it have a chance.

well, its good they can't charge more or refuse to treat me, but the treatments are going to be rather expensive to begin with, as time goes on...

I'm not against it...it just worries me, ya know?

I mean what if I needed an ovary removed, in order to save my life, but because the reason it needed to be removed was related to the re-existing condition I had, and I couldn't afford the surgery, because it wasn't covered...

I may still be a little foggy on the details.. you have to excuse me... I haven't been sleeping well, so it may not be clicking all the way lol :)

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it was the other way around, how on earth did you get what i said completely backwards??

I'll see if i can rephrase this, a bunch of zealous idiots were threatening a bunch of DEMOCRATIC polititians about Health care, and it's the usual nut jobs that wanna commit suicide over abortion and all that, who, by coincidence claim to be "republican"... most of the time...

I'm not saying burn Palin at the stake for making this reference by any means, i'm just saying with everyone seeming to be on the virge of snapping and with all the shootings already, with the current threats picking up like wildfire....

A gun refrence is about the dumbest thing she could have said, because god knows somewhere, in some trailer park, some dumb ass is gonna take it literally, maybe even more than one dumb ass.

I'm not sure. See, I read the news. I watched the news. Maybe they all had it wrong.... and maybe all these news outlets have it wrong too...






Ya, I have it all bass ackwards.... Out of all the threats that sopposidly were made against Congress persons... the only one that could be proven to actually have happened was against a Democrat by Republican... the news sources were all just confused and switched Republican for Democrat and things like that. I'll start coming to you for my news from now on.

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I'm not sure. See, I read the news. I watched the news. Maybe they all had it wrong.... and maybe all these news outlets have it wrong too...






Ya, I have it all bass ackwards.... Out of all the threats that sopposidly were made against Congress persons... the only one that could be proven to actually have happened was against a Democrat by Republican... the news sources were all just confused and switched Republican for Democrat and things like that. I'll start coming to you for my news from now on.

look guy, i watch the news too and from my job, am a bit ahead of the curve as well.

But I can see the sort of attitude you display towards others who may have different opinions on the matter, or may have a conflicting source. I know where this is headed if i continue this with you, believe what you want guy.

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look guy, i watch the news too and from my job, am a bit ahead of the curve as well.

But I can see the sort of attitude you display towards others who may have different opinions on the matter, or may have a conflicting source. I know where this is headed if i continue this with you, believe what you want guy.

Did you read any of those links? Did you notice it was the #2 Republican in the Senate that was having his life threated and the person who was making the threats was arrested?

I'm sorry if my sarcasm has offended you. Perhaps you should check your facts before you tell me I am full of shit.

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Did you read any of those links? Did you notice it was the #2 Republican in the Senate that was having his life threated and the person who was making the threats was arrested?

I'm sorry if my sarcasm has offended you. Perhaps you should check your facts before you tell me I am full of shit.

I don't see that he used those words...

Please keep it civil.

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The fine won't be implemented for a couple years out. The overall cost of health care for consumers is supposed to have been reduced by then.

Also, you would most likely qualify, in your income bracket, for a subsidy to help you pay for your health care.

Your concern about your pre-existing health conditions is DIRECTLY DEFENDED by this bill. It means that NO health care company can REFUSE YOU CARE or CHARGE YOU MORE because of your conditions. It's a good thing.

And the children with diabetes won't have to worry about explicitly laying out which of their conditions are covered by insurance and which not because they will all be covered--it would be illegal to NOT cover it--if this works according to plan.

I think it is a great plan. My worry is whether it will work as planned, especially since so many seem disinclined to even let it have a chance.

That's great...but, help I to sort a bit of this out here...

So...let me get this point straight...

...I get Medicade...through SSD...so I don't get insurance...

..now, in case you think that the elderly & disabled have anything like comprehensive health care...lemme' fix that horrid misconception...it covers emergency room visits, & SOME prescriptions...this is what we do to those that HAVE worked as long as they could...

That's fucked up...

.....oh..& if I don't have enough teeth, to chew..they'll get me some dentures...

...now, how am I supposed to be happy that all you able bodies now get better coverage than the disabled & elderly...?


That is some old damned bullshite!

I think it's great that the kids get what they NEED...

..but, what for all those that have Spiritual tenants that go against modern medicine?

"Fuck YOU..."

That's what Big-O said to them...

NOW...you can PAY..to have the beliefs you prefer...

Oh shite...here they come with the microchips...

.....Didn't I read this in a book somewhere...

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I think it's great that the kids get what they NEED...

..but, what for all those that have Spiritual tenants that go against modern medicine?

"Fuck YOU..."

That's what Big-O said to them...

NOW...you can PAY..to have the beliefs you prefer...

Oh shite...here they come with the microchips...

.....Didn't I read this in a book somewhere...

The problem there is, if under the umbrella of insurance they try to cover people based on their spiritual tenants that go against modern medicine... That opens a door for anyone and everyone to declare their beliefs as a reason to be insured.

If according to my spiritual tenants I believe that I need bj's and chocolate shakes to be healthy... would you really expect the government to cover that even though it goes against modern medicine? (As awesome as that would be)

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I think it is a great plan. My worry is whether it will work as planned, especially since so many seem disinclined to even let it have a chance.

This is nothing new...I mean how many plans go into action and start off with some people going for them and some people against them? I think it includes alot of bills.

Also, are we cool to start judging Obama yet? I mean ever since the man stepped into office it seems that this brand new standard has been put in place of not judging things until, what is it 2 years before we can start making comments? I remember people going after Bush and some people didn't like it...but I don't remember anyone saying anything about a time restriction before.

Its OK if people bash the bill or if they do not give it a chance...not many of us have the ability of wishing hard enough to sway politicians so I doubt we can affect the inanimate bill with our negative thoughts.

I was taught at a very young age to accept criticism no matter how harsh because it could make me better...seems to be an idea lost of DC today...I honestly want to know if our rejection of the bill has made any Democrats cry.

Edit to add: I COMPLETELY forgot to mention this too but...if it is too early for me to say that the bill will not work then HOW can you say that it will work? What it is too early for it to not work but it is so early that it could not possibly fail? That is true, it has not failed yet so I guess it works.

Edited by candyman
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If according to my spiritual tenants I believe that I need bj's and chocolate shakes to be healthy... would you really expect the government to cover that even though it goes against modern medicine? (As awesome as that would be)

If I ever ran for office, that would be my platform

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That's great...but, help I to sort a bit of this out here...

So...let me get this point straight...

...I get Medicade...through SSD...so I don't get insurance...

..now, in case you think that the elderly & disabled have anything like comprehensive health care...lemme' fix that horrid misconception...it covers emergency room visits, & SOME prescriptions...this is what we do to those that HAVE worked as long as they could...

That's fucked up...

.....oh..& if I don't have enough teeth, to chew..they'll get me some dentures...

...now, how am I supposed to be happy that all you able bodies now get better coverage than the disabled & elderly...?


That is some old damned bullshite!

I think it's great that the kids get what they NEED...

..but, what for all those that have Spiritual tenants that go against modern medicine?

"Fuck YOU..."

That's what Big-O said to them...

NOW...you can PAY..to have the beliefs you prefer...

Oh shite...here they come with the microchips...

.....Didn't I read this in a book somewhere...

I think every citizen's right to refuse medical treatment for personal/religious/political reasons will still apply. Yes, you might have to either buy the insurance or pay a fine if you have been determined to belong to the income bracket that can afford insurance, but no one is MAKING you take antibiotics or wear dentures. You can still forswear treatment.

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I think every citizen's right to refuse medical treatment for personal/religious/political reasons will still apply. Yes, you might have to either buy the insurance or pay a fine if you have been determined to belong to the income bracket that can afford insurance, but no one is MAKING you take antibiotics or wear dentures. You can still forswear treatment.

So it is now a right to have to buy something or pay a fine if you don't even want it? Not trying to start shit because obviously if you are in the bracket where you can afford insurance you will most likely get it...but knowing real life everything won't go as planned...THEY may say you can afford it but maybe you really can't or you don't WANT what it provides.

I go to rent movies that I want to watch and that I will watch...I don't get told I have to rent so many videos each month that I probably won't watch. If you aren't going to use something why pay for it? For all the minority groups out there that are striving to preserve and maintain their ability to act or think a certain way...this seems like a step backwards to me...not specifically for those groups but for the whole idea of living your life...

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