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I am a power hungry attention whore.


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Konsider it done, Herr Komrade.

Thats better... now then where shall I try to get attention next? Shall I go and state my liberal opinion about the healthcare bill and spread my power hungry attention whorishness there? Or maybe I should start a thread that displays scantily clad women and try to take credit for it?

Or maybe I should go and moderate people with an iron fist... and continue to shoot them for making the trains late.

(Mean Sally only hungers for your dinner... I hunger for your POWER)

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That's better... now then where shall I try to get attention next? Shall I go and state my liberal opinion about the healthcare bill and spread my power hungry attention whorishness there? Or maybe I should start a thread that displays scantily clad women and try to take credit for it?

Or maybe I should go and moderate people with an iron fist... and continue to shoot them for making the trains late.

(Mean Salley only hungers for your dinner... I hunger for your POWER)

Herr Komrade, I have some ideas. They are all stupid petty ideas and probably none of them really worth your effort to even read them, let alone reflect upon them, but I humbly offer them anyway:

1) Coin a phrase or word and use it until it becomes ubiquitous. The simplest example of this is to employ a word already in common parlance only ad nauseum, e.g. Paris Hilton's "hot." More insidious is the misappropriation of a word, typically an adjective, to widely varying contexts, even those antithetical to the word's original meaning, e.g. "awesome," as in, "Dude, if you could pass the guacamole, that would be awesome." What about sharing food instills fear in those attending that feast? NOTHING. It isn't "awesome." It's just nice. (Yes, "hot" applies in this context, but the misappropriation was already common; Paris just made it nauseating. And, yes, I borrowed the guacamole example from Pinkerton.)

2) Show some skin in your avatar and profile pic. (I've already changed my profile pic for your benefit, but if you decide it's too splashy and may actually deflect attention from you, I will alter it.)

3) Make a new post everyday declaring some state of emergency/urgent situation/utter catastrophe regarding something in your life, but refuse to say exactly what it is and make everyone feel inadequate in alleviating your torment because he or she just doesn't understand. Then turn the topic of the thread into an attack on others' insensitivity to your predicament.

4) Design some sort of costume that is distinctive and commanding. Encourage people to emulate the style, but declare them poseurs until they've abased themselves enough that you can be certain of their fealty.

5) Verbally abuse people wherever you can get away with it. In particular, find someone people feel neutral to poorly about and concentrate on decimating what remains of his or her dignity and/or reputation.

6) Reinvent the concept of beauty by inundating popular culture by defacing the old standards and replacing them with new classics emulating your body type/visage, etc. (it worked for Amon Ra).

7) Make frequent reference to the impressive size of your, you know, intellect.

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As eternal, I am your lord,

and as such will abide as your guide to moral rectitude,

but as you are the communist dictator, Komrade Phee I will also serve under you as your merchant of death,

and minister of communications.

ALL Hail to thee Phee.

Those who refuse suffer the wrath of the eternal Bear Jew


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Well if we insist that I am a fascist... then call me Herr Phee.

But if I am a socialist (as has been suggested) Komrad Phee

I say Herr Phee. It has a better ring to it and best describes what it is you do.

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Main Entry: fas·cism

Pronunciation: \ˈfa-ˌshi-zə m also ˈfa-ˌsi-\

Function: noun

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

Fascism (as defined by the dictionary of course, noun)

"a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism. "


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