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3 year old caught smoking pot

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Okay the video is not displaying, but here is the article.

POSTED: Friday, March 26, 2010

UPDATED: 9:25 am EDT March 26,2010

MIDDLETOWN, Conn. -- A man and woman were arrested after police said they found video showing the couple's 3-year-old boy smoking marijuana, Hartford TV station WFSB reported.

Middletown officers said they discovered the video on a digital camera when they were searching the couple's home for drugs. The child’s parents, Thomas Way, 22, and Kristian Augeri, 23, are suspected of selling drugs, police said.

Police said they found drugs and guns in the home during the search.

Stephanie Way, Thomas’s sister said, “(The video is) going to show it in his mouth, yes, but it doesn’t have drugs in there.”

Police said the video showed the 3-year-old holding a glass pipe and trying to light the end of it with a lighter all while his father sat next to him and his mother recorded it. Both were laughing, police said.

“It's just like if somebody takes a beer can to a 3, 4, 5-year-old, that doesn't mean the child's going to drink it," Way said.

Police said it didn’t appear that the child successfully lit the pipe, but it looked like he inhaled and then coughed. At one point, Way wiped the pipe off for his son, police said.

"He was drooling and stuff so that's why my brother said it was wiped off, so nothing would get into his mouth," Way said.

Both are being held on $150,000 bond.

The child is staying with other family members.

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Police: Video Shows Toddler Smoking Pot

Child's Parents Arrested On Drugs, Weapons Charges

POSTED: Friday, March 26, 2010

UPDATED: 9:25 am EDT March 26,2010

Edited by kat
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Thats just not right...

I always thought young parents (ages 13-30), or everyone should be enrolled in mandatory parenting classes when they find out there pregnant... but you know, some people just don't care and would do stupid stuff like this anyways.

its just sad. Poor kid.

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Thats just not right...

I always thought young parents (ages 13-30), or everyone should be enrolled in mandatory parenting classes when they find out there pregnant... but you know, some people just don't care and would do stupid stuff like this anyways.

its just sad. Poor kid.

+1, I completely agree, shit I was a young parent, and surely made some mistakes but damn, I at least had common sense.

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Stephanie Way, Thomas’s sister said, “(The video is) going to show it in his mouth, yes, but it doesn’t have drugs in there.”

Whatever, bitch. Still a dumbass move on the parents' part. It's not cute, either.

Edited by KatRN05
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jb5i5m55o3r3x2vmxec3y8q73nb6vtx3urap06kfz2amuvviyxbmupjozjmn07emndyfaak6483Spongebob_smoking_Weed(2).jpgIt's shows like this that make are 3 year old's start smoking at such an early age, I know i have to be stoned to enjoy it. But that is ridiculous I stop being friend with a couple because they where smoking massive amounts of weed not to mention drink lager amounts of booze and basically have big old parties with there 3 kids 3,1.5 and new born home in the next room the trailer not very well ventilated either.
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Parenting classes when you're pregnant is a great idea because once that baby comes there is no time! It doesn't really take parenting classes to know not to do stupid shit like this but you know, it could be worse. At least the poor kid wasn't being abused or molested....that we know of anyway. Bad shit happens to a lot of kids whether babies or toddlers or teenagers. It's sad but how can it be stopped?

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+1, I completely agree, shit I was a young parent, and surely made some mistakes but damn, I at least had common sense.

Makes me wonder why it's called common sense, since it's not so common. Frankly these "parents" should be charged with child endangerment along with abuse.

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Great,,more stupid ignorant,irresponsible parents,that have no common sense at all.

Hey... no calling out on the board and I.... oh wait.... you weren't talking about me.... never mind.


Yeah... no more of that.

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jb5i5m55o3r3x2vmxec3y8q73nb6vtx3urap06kfz2amuvviyxbmupjozjmn07emndyfaak6483Spongebob_smoking_Weed(2).jpgIt's shows like this that make are 3 year old's start smoking at such an early age, I know i have to be stoned to enjoy it. But that is ridiculous I stop being friend with a couple because they where smoking massive amounts of weed not to mention drink lager amounts of booze and basically have big old parties with there 3 kids 3,1.5 and new born home in the next room the trailer not very well ventilated either.

you're honestly blaming a show like sponge bob? Are you actually being serious or is this all just a clever ruse?

Of course you gotta be stoned to watch it, you're not a kid anymore. Hell anytime i see a cartoon i used to love as a kid i think to myself, man this would be alot more amusing to me now if i were stoned.

It is clearly the parents fault. Thats not the sort of thing you just leave laying around casually when you have kids. Maybe you don't know, but if you've been around kids enough, they absolutely MUST do EVERYTHING their MOTHER and FATHER do at that age. There's simply no distracting them, once the figure out you don't want them to have it, that's the only thing on their mind to have from then on until they come across the next thing their parents say, "no" to. I'm glad this situation is in the public eye, that's such an extreme lack of responsability and a SEVERE case of neglect. They deserve all the public humiliation they get over this.

One thing I really hope I don't see take a trend, is to blame a media source. True the media isn't any positive influence, but it always makes me shake my head and grimace when i hear of media being blamed for such tragedies, like ramstein and columbine, marylin manson for.. alot of things, ect ect.

Ultimately i feel sorry for the kid. He's been slighted in life before he's even gotten a real chance. I just hope later on in life he finds an ace up his sleeve.

*EDIT* Quoted the wrong damn post lol.. FIX'D!

Edited by Epic_Fail_Guy
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