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Official DGN Manfast (DGN Camping) Registration

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She's a mantestant, and a badass to boot, but I still think only Prick can handle our late-night mantestimoanials to our lord,

which of course is me, the eternal one, and Chuck Norris, our guiding light and prophet.

And we don't want to make woMEN uncomfortable.

If Prick is unavailable, I'll donate a couple manpoints to anyone who thinks they handle sharing the lot with us.

You may drink more.

But we're louder than you. We have better music than you.

And we have a penchant for running around camp naked and grunting at 5AM.

(OK that's just me)

I wouldn't be uncomfortable. I'd most likely laugh my ass off. Just hope you two has your own tent.

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She's a mantestant, and a badass to boot, but I still think only Prick can handle our late-night mantestimoanials to our lord,

which of course is me, the eternal one, and Chuck Norris, our guiding light and prophet.

And we don't want to make woMEN uncomfortable.

If Prick is unavailable, I'll donate a couple manpoints to anyone who thinks they handle sharing the lot with us.

You may drink more.

But we're louder than you. We have better music than you.

And we have a penchant for running around camp naked and grunting at 5AM.

(OK that's just me)

So....prick is on your lot...?

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I changed my mind, I will be a Mantestant. I look forward to any event that doesn't involve binge-eating or drinking, well because I can't do either. Yay! I'm excited. Gotta go, I got training to do...lol just kidding..not really I'll be back in KM class tonight..

We'll be sure not to sign you up for Caligulafast

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NO please dont :no

Just kidding. :p

No but I watch an instructional KM vid earlier and that was the first defensive move that was shown

I think that was the first defensive move I was shown..

Back to MANFAST....

Edited by KatRN05
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Payments sent , date circled , however i think i may just go spectator this year being as it is my 1st time out and i don't know alot of you just yet. I refuse to have the "Alpha Male" in me be the 1st impression that many of you get of me. He is very Alpha-Male-y. :p But next year it's on!


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No binge eating or drinking?!?!?! But MANFAST is about meat and beer! (If that's your thing, for everyone else it's about camping :wink )

Only two of the competitions are alcohol related and NO...you do NOT have to be in every event to win. We're setting it up so that it's actually expected that everyone will probably miss a few. If you do not, then you need to lighten up as you're taking MANFAST too seriously :laugh: .

Drinking in excess does have a direct correlation to manliness to a degree, but there have been manly non-alcoholic mother fuckers in history also, so it goes either way.

I will have to skip out on the drinking events, only because I turn into a total fuckwad when I'm drunk, which I am 100% aware of, thus, I avoid getting drunk. I do not want to get banned from MANFAST for something that can be totally avoided.

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I will have to skip out on the drinking events, only because I turn into a total fuckwad when I'm drunk, which I am 100% aware of, thus, I avoid getting drunk. I do not want to get banned from MANFAST for something that can be totally avoided.

Awesome idea :peanutbutterjellytime:

Wow, we've already got a pretty decent fucking roster going for being within the first 24 hours of putting up the post. That's MANTASTIC, people, you KNOW you want to go!

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so i am curious ..i went to the site.. which campground will we all be at?

The Brighton Recreation Area group use area. You can't make reservations online for it, you have to call the park (if you're me, obviously DGNers make reservations through me, but I have to call the park personally to reserve it), but if you click on the "Unit Map" it is marked off with a picture of a little tent. In the legend it should say "Organization Camp" and is on the main lake (Bishop Lake). In the vicinity (but not too close, we drove out Sunday to make sure) are cabins and those are displayed on the map also.

Tell me you're goinnnng! If you went that would be a mother fuckin' riot. :jamin

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I challenge all and accept all challenges.

Btw, Siren and I haz room on our lot if anyone needs. Just PM one of us.

I think what I'm going to do with people who are willing to lot is that on the roster I will put such next to their lot number. This is so people who are looking to BE on someone's pre-existing lot will know who is willing to accept lot buddies or not. I will also put "Looking to tent" next to specific individuals who want to tent up.

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Though it IS my first manfast, consider me a MANTESTANT.... I'm up for just about anything.... Nicholas will, more than likely, be a spectator, but don't quote me on that... He may change his mind when we get there. The baby WILL NOT be with us, for grandparents have graciously volunteered to babysit the entire weekend... This gives up ample opportunities to be complete MANSTROSITIES.

On a side note ~ We can fit an extra 3 people in the vehicle, one more in the trunk if there's room, and any excess items {tents, fold up chairs} that do not fit in the trunk can easily be tied to the roof. Let our fabulous leader know first, in case there may be other arrangements, and then PM me if you DO need a ride and are planning on staying the ENTIRE weekend.

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Speaking of alcoholz...are there any rules about the minors?

I should rather HOPE so... I, for one, do not want any trouble from random passersby as far as dilinquency to minors. I'm not a snitch, don't get me wrong, but NO minor will be given ANYTHING alcoholic by me. Just so you're forwarned. :kiss

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I have already discussed that topic with Cher, so there's no need for any other opinions or comments on it.

I are Chernobyl, Herself, and I vouche for this message.

(For blackberry users, worksafe users, and people who don't like yellow)

"I are Chernobyl, Herself, and I vouche for this message."

Edited by Chernobyl
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Interesting... >D

Well then you should go!

In other MANFAST news...I called yesterday and registered: IT WAS SUCCESSFUL! :peanutbutterjellytime:

This year's MANFAST will officially be in Brighton!

I'm also going to update the roster a little later today because there have been so many lot changes and such it was hard to keep straight for a minute. I have everything more in order now, so I'll be posting that soon enough.

(For those using Blackberrys, DGN Worksafe, or have an aversion to yellow)

Well then you should go!

In other MANFAST news...I called yesterday and registered: IT WAS SUCCESSFUL! :peanutbutterjellytime:

This year's MANFAST will officially be in Brighton!

I'm also going to update the roster a little later today because there have been so many lot changes and such it was hard to keep straight for a minute. I have everything more in order now, so I'll be posting that soon enough.

Edited by Chernobyl
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