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Official DGN Manfast (DGN Camping) Registration

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.For the record: We DO have the group lot at Brighton this year! :peanutbutterjellytime: Even though it is one big group lot they still treat it like a 25-site lot area, so they have the same "four person to a lot" type thing. So we can accommodate UP TO 100 people! :peanutbutterjellytime: I so seriously hope we get that much. Realistically though, atm, we're dealing with maybe 35 folks, but that's JUST DGN members (minus family/friends) and those are the people that are pretty 100% on going. So here is the break-down:


If you do not know then I'm assuming you're either newish or that you live under a rock :tongue: . It's okay, it's never late to find out and never late to jump on this DGN Event Phenomenon known as MANFAST. In short, it's DGN Camping in honor of my birthday, but in actuality it is much more than that. MANFAST started as an inside joke the first year (this is the third annual MANFAST, btw) when Pestilence got up to make breakfast, said "fuck making eggs, we have no skillet", and then proceeded to make only meat. Another DGNer came up and poked fun at this saying "Wtf kind of breakfast is that?" to which I replied: "This is no breakfast...this is a mother fuckin' MANFAST." Drunken silliness ensued all day long and what started as a seemingly harmless camping trip escalated into being an all out MANWAR to see who was the most testosterone-laden. After that we have been continuing the tradition and at MANFAST each year all weekend there is a competition between MANTESTANTS to see who is the MANLIEST of all. Whoever wins gets to come down to my camp on Sunday morning with a bitch of their choice to be treated to a proper MANFAST. You also get to pose with the champion belt and have gloating rights for the entire year.

"But Chernobyl, I don't want to be in on all this MANTEST stuff...can I just camp?"

Of course! MEN would not feel the need to show off stupidly if there were not people to show off to. Spectators are always welcome and encouraged. Pull up a seat, crack a beer, and watch people entertain you by throwing trees, fighting bears, and wrestling (or whatever else they deem is MANLY enough to win).

Where is this going on?

This will be taking place once again at Brighton State Recreation area. For those of you who have been to MANFAST for the last two years, you will be familiar with the area. For those who have not, when you register for MANFAST I will PM you a map, an "address" to Mapquest (note: I put "address" because the address is the campground clubhouse, NOT the actual campsite. The detailed map will lead you to the actual site. You can also ask park staff when you get there.)


It's right in the subtitle for the thread but if it's something I've learned on DGN is that some people either can't read or won't. What these people are doing on a messageboard is something I'm not sure of, but 'ey, whatever. MANFAST will be held from Friday afternoon, July 9th, and will end the morning of Sunday July 11th. My birthday is July 12th so if I'm not too wasted from MANFAST still I may have a party at my place after for those who did not or could not attend MANFAST (and for the people who did, of course).


This year is a flat-rate type deal. Those people who went the past two years will remember the pricing system where, the more people you have on your lot the cheaper. I've taken the liberty of charging you all the "cheaper" price automatically with a few dollars tacked on for things such as MANTEST supplies and possible added fees from the park. Children's pricing will NOT be affected by these few extra dollars due to the fact that a family can pretty much have as many children on their lot as they want (I'm sure, you know, 20 would be overdoing it. This is within reason.), children should not have to pay MANTEST fees because they cannot participate in the MANTEST, and lastly my aunt had three kids and I know how costly it can be to want to do something fun with your kids and have to pay full-price for three or four of them. I don't want the cost to deter people with children and families so the children are charged a lesser rate, like going to a restaurant and ordering off the kids' menu.

Adults: $12 per person

Children: $8 per rascal

People looking to out-rightedly reserve a WHOLE lot, flat out (can put either four non-related adults or two adults and a shit ton of related children). This will automatically apply if you are a single person or just two people who do NOT want to lot-partner: $42 per lot

"Children" constitutes anyone under 18 of course. None of that "12 and under" kind of stuff, 18 and under is "child" and anyone 18 and under MUST go with an adult who will vouche for you. I do realize that we have some people on here under 18, this is why I say this. This person does not necessarily have to be a parent.

Parking Permit: This is required for every vehicle. It's a VERY small price but you do NOT pay me, you pay when you get to the park. I will ask how much it is specifically and list it here, but it's pretty cheap.

How to sign up

PM me right fucking now, that's how! I take payments through PayPal, USPS Mail Service (now that the fucking City of Stupid Warren delivers my mail!), or a meet up in person can be arranged if you live close enough. When you are paying tell me what screen-name you're paying for (on PayPal it shows up as your real name and I don't know everyone's real name), how many non-DGN guests you're bringing and how many children are coming along (if applicable). I will get this process underway then :) . Once you are paid, you will be on the official roster (which will be underneath this initial post and will be updated near daily) and I will PM you a liability form. Since there is a huge amount of people this year there is a lot of liability so basically I'm having everyone sign a release form so that if someone does something stupid like catches them self on fire trying to impress people, they cannot turn around and sue either myself, DGN, or Michigan State Parks.

Fun shit like Rules

1. Please don't be a loud asshole. We do have a group lot this year and, yes, that means more seclusion. Just because of this, however, does not give you the right to be Godzilla after-hours and keep everyone at camp DGN up. We are all adults here and if you're not an adult then you came with an adult, please act accordingly! Quiet hours for the park start at 9pm, we've been "loudish" in years' past up until 11 sometimes and have not been in trouble for it, but please don't push it.

2. If you can't handle your liquor - don't drink! This seems simple enough but the last two years we have had a problem with this with certain people. I will admit that the first year someone fed me rum and I was the one who got a little loud after-hours due to it. Now that I realize rum makes me hysterical, I stick to beer only. Last year there was another incident between two people who will remained unnamed (if you were there then you know what I'm talking about, if you weren't then you don't need to, it is not your business) and it was RIDICULOUSLY out of hand, many people had their weekend ruined because these people went on yelling loudly until 3-4am because they were intoxicated, and it was so bad that people almost called the police on them and said that if they were allowed back then they would not attend. They were also next to a camp that had a mother and her 9 year old daughter trying to sleep but could not due obnoxiously loud obscenities being screamed out so loud that kids in Russia could probably hear. If I have to break up fights, tell people to be quiet a lot because they are being a loud drunk, or babysit you to make sure you don't drown in your own vomit: YOU ARE NEVER EVER COMING TO MANFAST AGAIN.

3. Obey park rules. When I pass out this year's version of the MANPHLET, the park rules will be in there so there is no questioning.

4. Friendly dogs are allowed but MUST be leashed at all times. This is park rules.

5. Children must NEVER be left unattended. This is camping, if I have to babysit children I will be pissed. I enjoy children, don't get me wrong, I just don't enjoy being responsible for them. So you're not coming back if you off-load your kids with me and hit the beach.

Those are my main rules. I may add more if they occur to me. Basically I ask for common courtesy and for everyone to remember that we are ambassadors to DGN when we have public events such as this. I would like to leave a great impression on the park and other guests of the park. I am a strict believer of being able to have fun while not being an obnoxious asshole that pisses everyone off. If you don't share my philosophy, please stay home.

Carpooling and Equipment Share

Not everyone is an avid camper and if they are some people go camping with borrowed equipment. This also goes to say that there are a lot of people who would like to attend but to do not have transportation. If you fall into either of these categories and find yourself in need of either a tent or a ride, there are very friendly DGNers who would love to help you with such. Please PM me and let me know if you need something arranged. ALSO: If you want to donate a ride or let someone use extra equipment you may have lying around the house, PLEASE let me know. I will keep track of all the people who are willing to give and those who are in need and try to match them up, thus taking out work for you. If you are offering a ride, please let me know where you are coming from and how many your vehicle will sit besides your equipment and whoever else you're bringing (also, if you'd like gas money for it). If you're in need of a ride, let me know where you're coming from, extra people (if any), how much gas money you're volunteering (if any) and roughly how much baggage you're bringing.

Tent Pairing

They are still treating it as if it is individual "lots" instead of one giant lot. This is a pain in the dick, I'm not sure why they do it (maybe has to do with capacity reasons...?) but that's how it is at both Brighton and Waterloo. There is to be four people per "lot" and you can have up to two tents. Same protocol as last year. If you have a pre-determined group of four, let me know who is in your group. If you are a single, double, or triple and are looking for more people to lot with, let me know this also and if you're willing to be co-ed or if you want to be gender exclusive (this is a big deal to some people, especially ladies. Most women are uncomfortable with being put into the same sleeping arrangements with a guy they don't know, and this understandable.)


If you're looking to win this year's MANFAST:

*** You MUST be there the entire weekend. This means from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon.

*** It will go by individual this year, NOT by entire lot.

*** We will have pre-determined events. You do not have to be in EVERY event to win (but the more you're in it will probably increase your chances). This is so you do not feel as though you HAVE to be in every event...I do not want to tie down anyone's weekend with numerous events. We will be on a points system this year. You can win points OUTSIDE of the events also ensuring that people can win on creativity.


*** You MUST be registered as a MANTESTANT, not a spectator. Come Friday (about an hour or so after arrival, you can change it upon arrival also) you will be EITHER a MANTESTANT or spectator. Up until then you may change this, after that point there will be no exceptions.


Edited by Chernobyl
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Roster as of 11:01pm, July 5th.

Those who are 100% paid-up and going:

Lot 1

Chernobyl (KING of MANFAST)

Pestilence (KING of MANFAST)



Lot 2



Garbeldena (Spectator)

Girlfriend (Spectator)

Lot 3

the eternal (Reigning MANPION...step up to his MASCULINITY if you DARE)

bean (MANTESTANT! Eff yeah!)



Lot 4

LillyLu29 (Spectator)

Darkmatter (Spectator)

Slogo (Spectator)

Jessica Effin' Rockzorz (Spectator)

Lot 5


Sglgothmom (Spectator)

Brian (Spectator)

Lot 6




Lot 7

Peelingchrome (spectator)

Andy (spectator)

Matt (spectator)

Lot 8

Nightgaunt (Spectator)

Tszura (Spectator)


Taysteewonderbunny (MANTESTANT)

Lot 9

The Fairy Gothmother (MANTESTANT)


Michi (Spectator)

kat (Spectator)

Running total is: 33

People Who May be Dropping in to Visit Stay:

DJ Nocker


Troy Spiral :peanutbutterjellytime:

Xilla Toxic and her crew





Registration is closed! See you all in a few days! :peanutbutterjellytime:

Edited by Chernobyl
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ROFL. You guys took me damn literally when I said "flood my inbox". What a fucking turnout in just the first half hour! YES! Keep 'em coming people! We can take up to ONE HUNDRED of you crazies and your mildly scarred family/friends!

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Here's some pictures from last year to get everyone all excited and shit:


Black Jack the ride there


Not even uttering the name of the first girl, with Black Jack helping to set up the tent.


Pestilence, Black Jack and Prick all in the hack circle.


Last years MANPION, who shits so many bats that his face is obscured permanently by darkness, reading off the Good Gospels of Chuck Norris. Bean is also in the picture.


Lucia, unnamed girl, and Raev. This is my best photographic work of art yet, I took this while so drunk I didn't even know I took it. I call this piece "Surprise Buttsecks". In all actuality they were playing a harmless game of Twister.


Pestilence transporting ice.


Lucia, Constantin, and Prick. Prick looks REALLY fucking hungover in this picture :rofl:. Like he seriously looks like he just got done pissing in a urinal for 45 straight seconds while moaning in a disturbing manner. Everybody that's ever pissed in a urinal in a bar/club knows the type :rofl:.


Enishi and Black Jack chillin.

w00t! :peanutbutterjellytime: My 25th birthday is going to be the best yet and it's not because of lowered automobile insurance! (Although it does help :) )

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Ah, you made a new thread, got it. Well as I said, I will probably come visit saturday after I et off of work. Hopefully people who I have met before are going so I dont sit there and feel weird.

I'll be there so if all else fails you know me! I'm sure there's going to be other DGNers that you know going.

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I'm being bukkaked in PMs. I wish that "Inbox Bukkake" was a legitimate fetish because I'd be making some real mother fuckin' money right now.

That's a damn good sign though! Keep the reservations coming! :peanutbutterjellytime:

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Anyone want to share a lot?

beanternal would, but ONLY if you become a Mantestant.

You kick people's ass on a daily basis, and that's just to get an aerobic workout.

What's more manly that that?

We may need Prick and his +1 though.

Of all the people that heard our screams and S & M late at night---(Chuck Norris's name has never sounded so sweet)

Prick seemed to appreciate it the most. And I know a mere spectator could not handle it's manly power

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beanternal would, but ONLY if you become a Mantestant.

You kick people's ass on a daily basis, and that's just to get an aerobic workout.

What's more manly that that?

We may need Prick and his +1 though.

Of all the people that heard our screams and S & M late at night---(Chuck Norris's name has never sounded so sweet)

Prick seemed to appreciate it the most. And I know a mere spectator could not handle it's manly power

Yes! Atm bean is the only female besides me, and I cannot compete due to the rules, that is manly enough. If Kat beats ass as much as you say she does, as The King of MANFAST I do suggest that she become a MANTESTANT. It would be all like this: :starwars: That would be super serioul awesome.

Edited by Chernobyl
accidentally typed in green b/c I've been bombarded with sending PMs all day
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beanternal would, but ONLY if you become a Mantestant.

You kick people's ass on a daily basis, and that's just to get an aerobic workout.

What's more manly that that?

We may need Prick and his +1 though.

Of all the people that heard our screams and S & M late at night---(Chuck Norris's name has never sounded so sweet)

Prick seemed to appreciate it the most. And I know a mere spectator could not handle it's manly power

I changed my mind, I will be a Mantestant. I look forward to any event that doesn't involve binge-eating or drinking, well because I can't do either. Yay! I'm excited. Gotta go, I got training to do...lol just kidding..not really I'll be back in KM class tonight..

Edited by KatRN05
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I changed my mind, I will be a Mantestant. I look forward to any event that doesn't involve binge-eating or drinking, well because I can't do either. Yay! I'm excited. Gotta go, I got training to do...lol just kidding..not really I'll be back in KM class tonight..

No binge eating or drinking?!?!?! But MANFAST is about meat and beer! (If that's your thing, for everyone else it's about camping :wink )

Only two of the competitions are alcohol related and NO...you do NOT have to be in every event to win. We're setting it up so that it's actually expected that everyone will probably miss a few. If you do not, then you need to lighten up as you're taking MANFAST too seriously :laugh:.

Drinking in excess does have a direct correlation to manliness to a degree, but there have been manly non-alcoholic mother fuckers in history also, so it goes either way.

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beanternal would, but ONLY if you become a Mantestant.

You kick people's ass on a daily basis, and that's just to get an aerobic workout.

What's more manly that that?

We may need Prick and his +1 though.

Of all the people that heard our screams and S & M late at night---(Chuck Norris's name has never sounded so sweet)

Prick seemed to appreciate it the most. And I know a mere spectator could not handle it's manly power

It's official, she is a MANTESTANT now. Does that mean she's on your lot?

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It's official, she is a MANTESTANT now. Does that mean she's on your lot?

She's a mantestant, and a badass to boot, but I still think only Prick can handle our late-night mantestimoanials to our lord,

which of course is me, the eternal one, and Chuck Norris, our guiding light and prophet.

And we don't want to make woMEN uncomfortable.

If Prick is unavailable, I'll donate a couple manpoints to anyone who thinks they handle sharing the lot with us.

You may drink more.

But we're louder than you. We have better music than you.

And we have a penchant for running around camp naked and grunting at 5AM.

(OK that's just me)

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