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:: MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT for April 1, 2010 ::

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guess today ( 4.1.2010 ) is as good as any to make this announcement.

Most of you Detroiters should be familiar with the G.A.R. Building in Detroit. The castle building that sits on Grand River behind City Club.

Many of you have probably looked at it and thought "That would make a sweet club!". Last year it was put up for sale by Illitch Holdings Inc.

Well, with the help of many investors (Trump wasn't just in town for a haircut at We B Cuttin Hair mind you) and a ton of paperwork signed....

Very happy to announce the G.A.R. Building will be turned into an industrial nightclub!!!!

The club will be called :: Dummkopftag:: . Cause as we ALL know the coolest clubs are named after something German and it just sounds/looks good on paper.

The place is HUGE.

State of the art lighting has been purchased. The Northern Lights will be jealous!!! And if you thought there was a lot of lasers in Star Wars... you aint seen nothing yet.

As for sound - got it covered. The place will rumble regardless of what floor and dance room you are in. You know those Olds Cutlasses on Belle Isle with the Trunks o Funk - awwww shit we got those beat!!! We're giving away hearing aids cause you'll be near DEAF after a night out!

Also arranged to have a stage and a live performance area included. There will be enough state of the art soundboards, monitors, speakers and what have you to satisfy any bands tech rider - except maybe De/Vision.

Expect the club to be open Mon-Saturday. Sunday we'll be running a Senior Center with shuffle board.

Haven't decided on DJ's just yet but assume some familiar names from the Detroit industrial scene to hold down residencies. Even some monthly guest sets as well. Everything from noise to industrial to idm to synthpop to 80's. Even Goblin trance! But ABSOLUTE;Y no songs about Zombies because that shit is so last year!

Expect many floors/several bars.

At least one of those floors will house the new offices of The Department of Sceneland Security. For Serious! The Strategic Beat Technicians will also occupy one or at least part of one of the floors to carry out tactical manuevers upon the scene.

The rennovations on the building will begin shortly. World reknowned designer Ole Kirk Christiansen from the Denmark firm LE GO will handle the design. Expect something very transformable, versatile and something we can continue to build upon. Plus the kids will love it.

Opening night will be the biggest night this scene has ever witnessed. FOR SERIOUS!!!

Don't ask how we pulled this off...

live performances from...


(Featuring Rozz Williams! )


(first ever live performance in the U.S.)


(We're going to have to B.A. Baracas A-Team to get him on a plane, but we will)


(Special set where they will play all 57 mixes of Forever and 1 new track!)


(Acoustic set)

Still awaiting word on more including Daniel Myer who said he's interested in performing but can't decide with which of his 80 million projects he'd like to perform under.

Also Sam Rosenthal was offered a spot but said he'd be too busy crying and making whiny goth for his litlle label that went to art school.


Hope you are all excited for Dummkopftag ;)


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Actually, it would be the first EVER live performance of Wumpscut in the US. He said he wouldn't play unless it was in a castle in Detroit. He thought it would never happen! He will also re-release his entire catalog every month up until opening night just to celebrate. The Department of Sceneland Security is excited for the new office, officers are hard at work building the scene as we speak.

I am VERY happy to add to this announcement, the opening night will be the first ever DEATHKEY at an industrial nightclub.

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ROFL :rofl:

Musashi just runs into my room yelling "Dude dude dude!" "You remember that castle across from City we swore they were never going to do anything with?"

Nice one guys. I however lucked out and had some inside info b4 reading this post..My girlfriend rocks! :rofl:

Edited by Darkmatter
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OMFG OMFG YES YES YES W00T! :peanutbutterjellytime: :peanutbutterjellytime:

They might as well board up CC now because this shit will put them under! Pestilence and I have been saying for YEARS that the GAR should be an industrial club (I've always also said the train station, but that is not feasible because of how massive it is). And I HAVE MONEY NOW :happydance:. I CAN GO TO SHIT!


(For people with Blackberrys, DGN Worksafe, or an aversion to yellows)

OMFG OMFG YES YES YES W00T! :peanutbutterjellytime: :peanutbutterjellytime:

They might as well board up CC now because this shit will put them under! Pestilence and I have been saying for YEARS that the GAR should be an industrial club (I've always also said the train station, but that is not feasible because of how massive it is). And I HAVE MONEY NOW :happydance:. I CAN GO TO SHIT!


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OMFG OMFG YES YES YES W00T! :peanutbutterjellytime::peanutbutterjellytime:

They might as well board up CC now because this shit will put them under! Pestilence and I have been saying for YEARS that the GAR should be an industrial club (I've always also said the train station, but that is not feasible because of how massive it is). And I HAVE MONEY NOW :happydance :. I CAN GO TO SHIT!


LoL...and she fell for it.

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LoL...and she fell for it.



...my weekend is ruined :cry: :tongue:. I was so seriously excited :rofl:.

I take back everything DJ Saint, even the gratuitous leg humpings... :wallbash:

The reason I bought is because I've actually, as Saint described in the original post, always thought it would be somewhat feasible, if Detroit had a bigger industrial scene.

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...my weekend is ruined :cry : :tongue: . I was so seriously excited :rofl: .

I take back everything DJ Saint, even the gratuitous leg humpings... :wallbash:

The reason I bought is because I've actually, as Saint described in the original post, always thought it would be somewhat feasible, if Detroit had a bigger industrial scene.

AWWWWW sorry you got fooled. I was hoping to catch somebody off guard but I figured it wouldn't be you. I'll have to find a way to make this up to you (disc of music or something) to get back on your good side again.

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PSSH! Not that one! The "wumpscut in America" was a dead giveaway! XD

That and the club's name.

I would think the Rozz Williams bit was more of a 'dead' giveaway LOL. At least Rudy is still alive, just refuses to play live anywhere ever, even over in Germany. And I believe Suicide Commando refuses to fly in an airplane. Luckily we were able to ressurect Rozz, convince Rudy to play here, and arrange for Johann to arrive in the US. Also Deathkey.

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I heard it was already closed down due to a customer being stabbed with a pen by the DJ booth. Saw Jon Nobles profile on America's Most wanted last night.


That's untrue, now don't go starting rumours. We are already aware of the Jon Noble pen-stabbing threat, we will be doing away with the old pen/clipboard style of requesting. We will be implementing a digital touchscreen request system at the booth. Alternately you can also request songs from your iPhone with the new iDummkopftag app available soon. Anyone caught with a pen in the club will be deemed a threat to Sceneland Security and ejected from the scene entirely.

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