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Are you an Ultra-Sensitive?

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These articles really helped me understand that I was NOT crazy, and I was not alone in how I felt.

Working at Walmart really adds to the extremity of my "gift" so its no surprise I come home every day feeling like death.


I hope this helps anyone who needs it!

I post it here because I love this board, even when I have my issues and gripes, you guys have been the most appreciative and loving people I've known online.... I really do enjoy the ability to express myself online, in a safe, secure and almost non judgmental environment.

My deepest apologies also for any of my abrasive, unpredictable or intrusive comments or posts, I have my bad days, but I'd like to voice how I feel in retrospect.

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I've found that with a great amount of control and discipline those "tuned in sensitivities" or the energy that people give off is a great and even essential part of life. The problem is your surroundings. You cannot always control whom you surround yourself with or where you are. The zen masters say that metaphorically speaking if you were to lock most men in a dark empty room with no hope of escape that they may spend all their energy trying to escape thus greatly increasing their suffering. While they; the zen masters try instead to make peace with their surroundings no matter how horrible or wonderful they may be.

Sorry if this made no sense but it's early and im not getting into my books for literal quotes and such.

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I'd never would have attributed my being tired all the time to this.. though it makes sense. I DO live in an overly stimulating household (if you know anything about me, you'd agree lol)

At times, my over sensitivities can go so far as to manifest physical pain. If I care about someone, I usually will feel their bodily pains... if they hurt there long enough... I can't be in the same room with someone I love, if they have arthritis.. :sad: it hurts too much... constant pain is almost instantaneous.. its VERY hard to function sometimes (especially with my own aches and pains... add to that, everyone else's..)

and feeling emotions.. oh forget it... I am very in tune with how people are feeling... more so if I feel anything for them.... its so bad, sometimes feel the underlying emotion.. you know the one that you try to hide, when you tell the world "i'm fine".. yeah, I can feel that.. so saying "i'm fine" does not work with me! >.< you might as well answer the question, or I'm going to bug it out of you, until you either give in, or until you say "I really don't want to talk about it"... :)

so yeah... wow... no wonder I like my cave so much.. its dark, and quiet in here.. and the fan really does help block out the head noise... :)

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It's an interesting subject, but I'm wondering the actual medical validity of this particular article. It didn't seem to be "backed-up" by anything. This is not to say it is NOT true and that a condition such as this doesn't exist, it's just not clear. It would be interesting to see more research on this.

I only say so because I fall under almost ALL of the categories listed and yet am the opposite of Ultra-Sensitive in real life. None of this exhausts me or adversely affects my health/life because I'm able to simply "think everything away".

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It's an interesting subject, but I'm wondering the actual medical validity of this particular article. It didn't seem to be "backed-up" by anything. This is not to say it is NOT true and that a condition such as this doesn't exist, it's just not clear. It would be interesting to see more research on this.

I only say so because I fall under almost ALL of the categories listed and yet am the opposite of Ultra-Sensitive in real life. None of this exhausts me or adversely affects my health/life because I'm able to simply "think everything away".

For those of us on work and on mobile devices that still want to see what Cher has to say (because she has some cool things to say).... :)

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Yikes! I would say that some of that applies to everyone and it all depends on the situation like who you are with and such. I guess I will find out for sure how sensitive I am when I get to Basic Training...but in recent encounters with DIs I have stood up very well.

Oh yeah I forgot to add the stuff about my friends that are already in the military. I hate myself for saying this but I would like to see them go under an evaluation like this to see how they come out. With my buddy Travis I am sure that they would find that he has gone from sensitive to VERY sensitive plus a combo of other things which tends to happen when you watch an RPG come slowly at your head or if you have to use your knife on an insurgent during a house clearing...when he came back from that I found that in situations like loud, bright, and noisy bars he often curled up at a table, stared really hard at everyone, and stayed quiet until we left for another place.

Edited by candyman
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For the skeptics...if you don't feel it, you don't know it.

There is evidence, just not in THAT particular article.

The movie "The men who stare at goats" is based on actual people, and government projects using Ultra-Sensitives and Remote viewers etc.

But like I said, if you don't have a clue as how it feels to be an Ultra Sensitive, you can't prove or disprove it, especially if you insist on

what I call selective bias research, where an individual will subconsciously or even consciously find only research that proves their point.

I tend to pride myself in seeing it from both sides.

It exists for some, it doesn't for others.

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It's an interesting subject, but I'm wondering the actual medical validity of this particular article. It didn't seem to be "backed-up" by anything. This is not to say it is NOT true and that a condition such as this doesn't exist, it's just not clear. It would be interesting to see more research on this.

I only say so because I fall under almost ALL of the categories listed and yet am the opposite of Ultra-Sensitive in real life. None of this exhausts me or adversely affects my health/life because I'm able to simply "think everything away".

I envy you :)

I'm working on "thinking everything away"

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Guest Megalicious

For those of us on work and on mobile devices that still want to see what Cher has to say (because she has some cool things to say).... :)

I can see her bright ass yellow font just fine on my Iphone.... *thinks*.

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For the skeptics...if you don't feel it, you don't know it.

There is evidence, just not in THAT particular article.

The movie "The men who stare at goats" is based on actual people, and government projects using Ultra-Sensitives and Remote viewers etc.

But like I said, if you don't have a clue as how it feels to be an Ultra Sensitive, you can't prove or disprove it, especially if you insist on

what I call selective bias research, where an individual will subconsciously or even consciously find only research that proves their point.

I tend to pride myself in seeing it from both sides.

It exists for some, it doesn't for others.

Whateva, I do alot of the stuff that is listed in your site, doesnt mean im a ultra sensitive.

Something either exists or it doesnt btw... there is no exists for some people...

Edited by Sluagh686
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So if only some people have cancer, it doesn't exist?

There are many, many things that only affect/afflict/exist for some members of the population.

If some people have cancer it exists... it just doesnt EFFECT/AFFLICT everyone. I guess it was just a bad choice of words, or I read it wrong. whatevs :)

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Sounds like you're arguing to read your own posts Slaugh...

To some, hyper sensitivity is a non existent affliction.

The symptoms included in the article DO NOT reflect that you ABSOLUTELY have to be hyper sensitive to have these issues, just like a lump in your throat that aches on occasion doesn't have to be cancerous.

I have a thyroid GOITER, its benign....and it doesn't indicate cancer...

just as tiredness, easily onset of irritation, and overwhelm doesn't necessarily indicate hyper sensitivity.

You either KNOW you have it or you DON'T.

Edited by asphyxian_doll
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I'd never would have attributed my being tired all the time to this.. though it makes sense. I DO live in an overly stimulating household (if you know anything about me, you'd agree lol)

At times, my over sensitivities can go so far as to manifest physical pain. If I care about someone, I usually will feel their bodily pains... if they hurt there long enough... I can't be in the same room with someone I love, if they have arthritis.. :sad: it hurts too much... constant pain is almost instantaneous.. its VERY hard to function sometimes (especially with my own aches and pains... add to that, everyone else's..)

and feeling emotions.. oh forget it... I am very in tune with how people are feeling... more so if I feel anything for them.... its so bad, sometimes feel the underlying emotion.. you know the one that you try to hide, when you tell the world "i'm fine".. yeah, I can feel that.. so saying "i'm fine" does not work with me! >.< you might as well answer the question, or I'm going to bug it out of you, until you either give in, or until you say "I really don't want to talk about it"... :)

so yeah... wow... no wonder I like my cave so much.. its dark, and quiet in here.. and the fan really does help block out the head noise... :)

My issues aren't that intense, I just have a sensitivity to someone's energy.

If they project too much, or they are too passionate, it makes me nervous....

I don't feel others pain so much, as I don't care...

I've really closed off to people because they are all intrusive to me in one way or another, no matter how much I like them.

I'm sorry you have to go through that love.

There are so many ways you can filter out the toxicity of others, and enjoy the life force.

The nice thing about Ultra-Sensitivity is that you can really take from the earth, and the positive life force vibrations around you, and it is so effective and healing.

My eye sight has gotten better, and my arm healed only 1 day after surgery when I started to meditate on allowing the positive life force to affect me just as strongly as people's toxicity and anger affect me.

I'm slowly pushing out the negative and replacing with positive :)

Edited by asphyxian_doll
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If some people have cancer it exists... it just doesnt EFFECT/AFFLICT everyone. I guess it was just a bad choice of words, or I read it wrong. whatevs :)

Just as if some people have Ultra-Sensitivity it exists, it just doesn't effect/afflict everyone.

There are studies done on Ultra-Sensitivity and it comes in many forms, one....is autism, and my brother is autistic.

I don't have autism, but I still experience the same Ultra-Sensitivity that is within that physical/psychological spectrum.

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Just as if some people have Ultra-Sensitivity it exists, it just doesn't effect/afflict everyone.

There are studies done on Ultra-Sensitivity and it comes in many forms, one....is autism, and my brother is autistic.

I don't have autism, but I still experience the same Ultra-Sensitivity that is within that physical/psychological spectrum.

Alrighty then...

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yes, but it doesn't manifest itself to any great degree in the ways specified.

Sure it does.

It manifests to many degrees based on how the individual handles it.

It manifests to a small degree on some days for me, on others...its like taking a hammer and smashing me over the head with it constantly.

My senses are always amplified, but the degrees vary depending on my diet, mood, sleep, and who's around me.

I stand by my word, this article will help those that need it, and those that don't well I do still value your opinion.

Edited by asphyxian_doll
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Sure it does.

It manifests to many degrees based on how the individual handles it.

It manifests to a small degree on some days for me, on others...its like taking a hammer and smashing me over the head with it constantly.

My senses are always amplified, but the degrees vary depending on my diet, mood, sleep, and who's around me.

I stand by my word, this article will help those that need it, and those that don't well I do still value your opinion.

i had the impression that SOTG was referring to himself with the...

yes, but it doesn't manifest itself to any great degree in the ways specified.

comment. maybe i'm wrong!?

as for me, i'm usually quite attuned/sensitive to other people's emotional state and can recognize and adapt to them rather quickly. i tend to try to balance others out by leading them the opposite way if they're *overly* emotional in any direction, but sometimes, i find people i just can't be around without it affecting me, and i have to leave. i've been told that i have a positive/balancing effect on people, but i think that may be digressing a bit...

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I am also an empath, and a medium. This is the reason you don't often see me out at large gatherings, busy places, or nightclubs. It can be very emotionally and physically draining.

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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I am also an empath, and a medium. This is the reason you don't often see me out at large gatherings, busy places, or nightclubs. It can be very emotionally and physically draining.

Okay so... how do I feel about this fact? *yes I am kidding*

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i had the impression that SOTG was referring to himself with the...

comment. maybe i'm wrong!?

as for me, i'm usually quite attuned/sensitive to other people's emotional state and can recognize and adapt to them rather quickly. i tend to try to balance others out by leading them the opposite way if they're *overly* emotional in any direction, but sometimes, i find people i just can't be around without it affecting me, and i have to leave. i've been told that i have a positive/balancing effect on people, but i think that may be digressing a bit...

Ah ok, not sure. Maybe clarification is needed.

Balancing is good! :) I think you just are grounded in yourself, and you know what you want from others.

Healthy boundaries amongst a strong attunement to other people is a really great balance, and can affect others strongly in a positive way if they are open to it.

I'm actually affected greatly by my laptop, its EMF frequencies and people.

People can walk past me, and if they are in a certain mood, I take on that mood.

I find that I lash out psychicly at people when they're body language is rigid, or intrusive in any way, even if it isn't towards me AT ALL.

A hair trigger, or what my friend likes to call the "sensitive car alarm"

I just REALLY have to work on my anger and reaction to every day vibrations and people.

Working at Walmart has amplified it GREATLY because we are expected to wipe people's asses and not rebuke them if they are rude, or borderline abusive.

Its sad....we are the only place in town that treats the employees like they are supposed to treat every fucking customer like royalty and take the brunt of it all and still have a smile and a gleam in their eye at the end of the day, in the name of unprecedented customer service.

I do however feel that my Ability is really a gift, and to ground myself in it, without getting to heady or new-ageist and out there, I just ask myself one simple question "Ok...I'm an ultra sensitive and a conduit of many vibrations, how is this helping ME and OTHERS?"

Well it isn't...and my goal is to be a conduit of love and healing.

So hey...it isn't so bad, it is just at a stage where I'm overwhlelmed and looking for other people who have the same gift.


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I am also an empath, and a medium. This is the reason you don't often see me out at large gatherings, busy places, or nightclubs. It can be very emotionally and physically draining.

I am so not surprised :)


I wish I woulda known this!

Okay so... how do I feel about this fact? *yes I am kidding*

You are feeling whimsical and light hearted!

Stop making everything so damn funny!


ok no...I like it when you post in my stone faced serious threads.

Keep on pl0x

makes me heppeh

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