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So, who's all in favor? I'm addicted to the series, finished watching it all in about two months, and now it's time to finish watching Angel :b

Just wondering if there were fans still out there :D

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We had a Buffy party at my house about 2 mo ago. Did the movie and 4 episodes of the show on one of our theme nights. The first Sunday of every month at my place is WTF movie night. Absurderty reigns supreme as well as the taco's. Glad to see another fan.


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I watch angel like every morning. they air two episodes between 6 and 8 am on weekdays on tnt. I realy think wesley would be a mutch better james bond then danial craig. cordilia died this morning.......... I hate that episode. I really like every charchature on that show. I would love to get drunk with lorne and make fun of angel. pick on him and call him a geriatric Fuck. damm dusty balls get over it anciant ass old bastard. I would point out all the progress of man over time and belittle him with his age. but it would all be good fun and there would be a mutual respect it would add a lightness to the gloom. get that 4000 year old prick some viagra and tell him to lighten up (push him real hard and laugh). spike would love me bro it would be funny. I don't like old buffy when she shows up rubbing riley in his face and being mean. and how at the end the slayers just leave team angel hanging in the wind thats bullshit. i like wes when he brought in faith but stealling the kid was over the line. lornes family is pretty funny. i could see kidnapping lornes brother to L.A. just to do some family mediation. I like the grusalog he's the shit. I could see a spin off with the grusalag chasing angels son connor across several different dimensions. that would be a cool series.

I didn't see much firefly but i love serenity. If i recall correct. the actress who plays jasmin in angel is also in serenity. I could see hanging out alot with the psychic chick. she needs a good karate teacher. to learn social skill and other coping skill and how to battle other psychics. like a master splinter or aahhzz. i could work with her it's ok she can read my mind i got dicipline and she would do well with decent apprenticeship. I would have to get it into her head that when her time comes she would be in my shoes having to train her own apprentice and she would have to learn to teach and be patient and a sense of humor in horrable danger.

I have an active imagination is all.

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OMG!! I have been a complete Buffy addict for years. Where do you think I got my name....Glory, the Evil Hell Goddess. I own the entire series on dvd. My ex-husband and I used to watch it religiously and I've gotten my new husband to enjoy it also. It did get more and more soap opera-ish as time went on though. I couldn't even tell you who my favorite character is though I can tell you that it's NOT Buffy. Could be Drusilla or Giles. I love the musical, "Hush" and "anne". FYI I recently found out that the entire series is available to watch instantly on Netflix as is Angel (which is also a great show) and if you didn't know, Darla is actually Dexter's wife. Dexter is one of my other most favorite shows EVER!

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The show has a very high pedigree among my TV/Movie buff nerd brethren, I seem to be a heretic. I've tried TWICE to get into it. I know there has to be something I'm missing. The same people that keep trying to get me to watch it, are the same people who, at this level of "you gotta watch this show!" recommendation, have never steered me wrong.

But try as I have, I still couldn't get into it. I have an annoyingly long attention span, which usually allows me to "acquire tastes" even if it takes awhile.

I'll have to give it another try at some point.

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I *heart* Buffy! My favorite episodes are Hush and Fear Itself. I recently started reading some of the novels, some of them are really good. I like Angel but didnt get into as much as I did Buffy. I really want to start reading the Buffy Omnibus books though, they look really good and take off after the end of the show.

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After responding to this post I started to think more about Buffy and my husband and I have been slowly re-watching it all. I just wanted to comment about how much I loved "The Trio" even though they weren't the best bad guys and it was by far not the best season they were pretty freakin' awesome!

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Guest Megalicious

The show has a very high pedigree among my TV/Movie buff nerd brethren, I seem to be a heretic. I've tried TWICE to get into it. I know there has to be something I'm missing. The same people that keep trying to get me to watch it, are the same people who, at this level of "you gotta watch this show!" recommendation, have never steered me wrong.

Ditto that. I just could never get into it. I don't know why, everyone that shares common interested in books/TV/boardgames/video games, seem to really love it. Just not my "cup of tea" I suppose.

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